Chapter [*] The Alexandrite

The day before, Uncle Tianping said that mutton and live sheep could not be bought in the market. Jiang Lin did not expect that the largest teahouse in Gantian Town could not even eat mutton.

Now the King Pandan Tiger is changing the way of cultivation and needs mutton and sheep blood as blood food, but at this time, such a strange thing has happened in the town.

Fortunately, mutton and sheep blood are not indispensable. It is no problem to add more meat to Panlan Tiger King so that he can cultivate.

Because Lei Gang was alone, people who liked mutton in Gantian Town and surrounding areas were forced to change their tastes, and so did Mao Xiaofang, who liked mutton the most.

Lei Gang needed the blood of live sheep to practice Moruojiang, but he had no money and could not afford so many live sheep.

Even if he had money, he wouldn't buy a sheep directly. A sheep weighs a lot, but it doesn't have much blood. If he really buys it, Fuxitang will eat mutton every day.

That's not all, as long as Lei Gang's hobby is too weird, Mao Xiaofang will definitely be suspicious.

Lei Gang's flying head landing is already in perfect condition, and every time he goes to suck sheep's blood, it is in the middle of the night, so he has never been discovered by others.

But last night, Uncle Mo of Mojiazhuang Shepherd happened to come out to urinate at night and saw Lei Gang.

So Lei Gang used the evil stone to turn their Mo family into stone, but this matter has not been discovered yet.

"The mutton is replaced with roast goose, let's get six first."

Although it felt a little pity, Jiang Lin didn't have to eat sheep, so he changed his taste first.

After Jiang Lin finished eating, he brought some food for Uncle Ping. On the way, he saw Axiu, who was frowning. After seeing Jianglin, Axiu greeted him and said, "Jianglin, Xiaobai is gone."

"Gone? Wasn't it always with you?"

"I don't know what's wrong with it. I always don't listen to me. I ran outside the town to drill a hole. After that, it ran farther and farther. I haven't come back yet."

Drill a hole? ?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He had seen the snake monster drill a hole to draw dragon energy. Could it be that it ran around the town to find the place where the dragon energy was strong?

Jiang Lin guessed it well. After Lei Gang improved the five senses of the snake demon, it also indirectly improved its induction of dragon energy. Now it is heading for a place where dragon energy gathers dozens of miles away.

Although there is a strong dragon energy in the tomb of Cixi, there are already colorful tiger kings and Jianglin. If it wants to find a place to practice, it can only find other places.

"Okay, let me go out and find out."

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. Axiu was in front of him and shed tears at every turn, and it wasn't because of him.

But on the street, people can see it again, it's not funny!

As soon as he turned around, Jiang Lin saw Ah Chu panicking, sweating profusely and running towards the Hexing Building, almost bumping into someone.

"With a sack in his hand, what the hell is this kid doing, it is estimated that he is in trouble again."

Shaking his head slightly, Jiang Lin took Axiu back to Li Yangju.

This is over, why does this happen again?

Ah Chu's face turned pale. Before, because he wanted to pay for Shu Ning's French camera, he couldn't borrow money everywhere. He suddenly heard that there was a fortune stone in the western suburbs, so he was going to touch it. Try your luck in the workshop.

Unexpectedly, the Fortune Stone is very effective, and he won fifty oceans that day.

But what surprised him was that since he touched the Fortune Stone, whenever his fingers touched something, it would turn it into a stone.

The French camera he paid to Shu Ning turned into a heavy stone in the end, for which Shu Ning completely pulled him into the blacklist.

He touched the fortune stone and went to the casino. Ah Chu didn't dare to tell Mao Xiaofang about his situation. Later, he and Xiaohai found Lei Gang, and Lei Gang helped him do the trick and "removed" him. Head down.

But today, he found that there was another problem with his hand.

First he took the cup and turned it into stone, then Zhou You's roasted goose leg was turned into stone, and later even half of his own sleeve became stone skin.

"Hey, Ah Chu, why are you here? Your master and brother both went to the police station. The six members of Uncle Mo's family in Mojiazhuang disappeared overnight, and now there are only six stone men left. Listen. Your master said that it is very likely that someone has practiced sorcery, and he is simply an alexandrite."

After seeing Ah Chu, Zhou Yuan said something that made Ah Chu feel numb in his scalp.

Uncle Mo's family of six all turned into stones?

How does it look like his hands?

"Let's go, go to Hexing Building for tea."

"Don't go, go by yourself."

Ah Chu waved his hands again and again, now where is he still in the mood to drink tea, it is important to find the uncle quickly!

After searching for a long time, Ah Chu finally asked that Lei Gang had gone to Hexing Building.

"Master, my hand."

He rushed into the Hexing Building in a panic, and Ah Chu sat next to Lei Gang, but now that there are so many people, how can he dare to say that there is a problem with his hand again.

"What? A big man, speak so quietly, speak louder!"

Lei Gang sneered in his heart, I used your hand very well. Now that Jiang Lin and Axiu have gone to find the snake demon, I see who can ruin my plan this time.

"Master, my hand is here again."

A Chu faltered and said only this sentence.

"Sixi, here's a pot of Houkui. Hey, Master Lei, are you free to come here for tea?"

After seeing Lei Gang, Zhou Yuan went up to say hello, and after seeing Ah Chu lying on the table, he slapped the stinky boy and said, "You bastard, if you don't come for tea, pretend to be The honored guest? It's so disrespectful. By the way, Master Lei, why are you still here? Your younger brother, Master Mao, went to Mojiazhuang. Wow, it's so sad. Uncle Mo's family was destroyed and turned into stone people. Now I don't have to be lazy anymore, even the captain has passed, I am the captain's right hand."

"Then you should catch this vicious murderer earlier. By the way, Ah Chu, what did you say to me just now? Did your hand attack again?"

Lei Gang smiled at Zhou Yuan, changed the subject and brought the topic to Ah Chu again.

"Look, you're sweating profusely, eat a barbecued pork bun."

Zhou Yuan put a bun on Ah Chu's arm, and it turned into a stone bun.

"Oh! How did it turn into stone?"

Before Zhou Yuan could react, Ah Chu ran out and bumped into Si Xi, turning the kettle she was carrying into a stone kettle.

Sixi looked at the stone kettle on the ground and shouted, "How did it turn into a stone? Ah Chu, are you the alexandrite?"

"Okay, Chu, you replaced my roast goose legs with stones for no reason."

At this moment, Zhou You entered Hexing Building and pushed Ah Chu back. His hand just touched Ah Chu's arm, and it immediately turned into a gray-blue stone arm.

"My hand, how did my hand turn to stone?"

Zhou You screamed, attracting the guests in the Hexing Building and the pedestrians on the street.

"Dad, what's wrong with your hand? Ah Chu! It turns out that you are an alexandrite!"

Zhou Yuan's eyes were like bull's eyes, staring at A Chu, A Chu wanted to run away in a hurry, but he was hooked by Lei Gang's legs and fell to the ground.

Chapter [*] Zombies Never Seen Before

"It turns out that the Alexandrite is you, and you still want to run!"

Zhou Zhou Yuan pulled Ah Chu up and stabbed him in the stomach with a punch. This time Ah Chu was speechless even if he tried to defend himself.

Lei Gang watched from the side without saying anything, just waiting for Zhou Yuan to escort Ah Chu to the police station.

It didn't take long for the police department to be surrounded by a lot of people, and the rumor that Ah Chu was an alexandrite soon spread throughout Gantian Town, and even Mojiazhuang had heard the rumors.

"Master, how could Ah Chu be an alexandrite?"

Ah Hai and Mao Xiaofang, who had just arrived in Gantian Town from Mojiazhuang, were shocked when they heard the news, especially Ah Hai, whose eyes were red with anxiety.

"Go and see what's going on first."

Mao Xiaofang frowned, it happened so suddenly, he didn't know what happened.

"Master, you have to save me."

After Mao Xiaofang entered the prison, Ah Chu, who was tied to a post, asked him for help.

"Achu, how did you become like this?"

"Master, you said it."

Lei Gang blamed himself and said, "Actually, it's all my fault. If I hadn't concealed what happened to Ah Chu, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today."

"Why did Master Lei tell me, tell me the truth!"

Zhou Yuan was about to turn into a stone man because his father was made by Ah Chu, and now he was like a raging bull, with one knee hitting Ah Chu's abdomen.

"Sanyuan, stop fighting."

The captain sent Zhou Yuan away, turned to Mao Xiaofang and said, "Master Mao, the people from the Mo family know that we have captured Ah Chu, and demand that he be shot immediately, with his life for his life."

When Ah Chu heard that he was about to be shot, he did not let Lei Gang speak, and shouted, "Master is none of my business, I have never been to Mojiazhuang."

"It's none of your business, my father fell into your sorcery! Dead boy, how did my father feel sorry for you!"

If there is anyone in Gantian Town who can handle this oily rat-like Ah Chu, it is estimated that it will be three yuan.

The wicked have their own grind.

none of your business?

What the heck!

"Achu, when did the change in your hand start?"

Mao Xiaofang pulled Zhou Yuan away. If he didn't know what was going on now, even if he killed Ah Chu, it would be of no avail.

"The other day I went to the beach in the western suburbs and touched the fortune stone, and after I touched it..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ah Chu ate another three yuan and hit his knees again: "What is the fortune stone? There is no fortune stone at all on the beach in the western suburbs. There is one in Yantian Town, let's be honest!"

The so-called fortune stone in the western suburbs was created by Lei Gang and used to collect Ah Chu's blood. After Ah Chu informed Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan went to the western suburbs, but there was nothing, so now Wednesday Yuan is serious. Suspected that Ah Chu simply did not shed tears without seeing the coffin.

After Fatty beat Ah Chu, Zhou Yuan knelt down in front of Lei Gang and asked for help.

After catching Ah Chu at the police station, he went to Li Yangju to find Jiang Lin, but was told that Jiang Lin had left the town.

Now Jiang Lin is not in Gantian Town, and Ah Chu is Mao Xiaofang's apprentice. Zhou Yuan doesn't want to ask Mao Xiaofang, so he can only put his hope on Lei Gang.

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