"Junior brother, why don't you take a look at Mr. Zhou and see if it helps Ah Chu's hand. I'll go to the Western Suburbs Beach to look at the stone fortune fortune and find out the situation."

"For now, this is the only way, the two of us will act separately."

Mao Xiaofang had no doubts about Lei Gang at all, but he didn't know that Lei Gang was waiting for him to treat Zhou You.

Evil stone descending belongs to metal, and Mao Xiaofang has the Qi of Yimu Qinglong. If he wants to crack Zhou You's evil stone descending, unless there is a way to crack the descending head, or Mao Xiaofang's own cultivation base crushes Lei Gang and forcibly removes the evil stone descending. .

Obviously, Mao Xiaofang didn't know much about Evil Stone Fall, and his cultivation level was comparable to that of Lei Gang. This time, when he went to help Zhou Youjie fall, the backlash was no joke.

Mao Xiaofang was a little apprehensive. He went to Mojiazhuang today to see Uncle Mo's family, but he couldn't see much clues. If Zhou You's situation was the same as Uncle Mo and the others, he probably couldn't do anything.

If Daoist is here, that's fine.

When he came back from outside the town, Mao Xiaofang happened to meet Jiang Lin and Axiu and knew that the two of them had gone out.

When discussing Taoism with Jiang Lin, Mao Xiaofang heard Jiang Lin say that he has a Miao female wife, and he has some understanding of Gu and head bowing.

Compared with Mao Xiaofang's two eyes, Jiang Lin's knowledge of this aspect is much more than he did.

At this moment, Jiang Lin was in a remote village fifty miles away. Because the snake demon had a restriction on him, he and Axiu found it by following the induction and traces.

But the snake demon was not found, but Jiang Lin heard rumors of zombies here.

"Uncle, you said that zombies bite people in the village during the day?"

"Yeah, it's really terrifying. In an alley in the village, the village chief's daughter was bitten to death. I thought the two of them were doing such indecent things in broad daylight."

Uncle Bald Scout recalled the scene he had seen, with a look of fear on his face.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked Uncle Baldy and the villagers about zombies, which was a bit unexpected.

The so-called zombies in this village were very different from what he knew.

Not only can it appear during the day, but even the appearance is no different from ordinary people.

Whether it is a zombie or not is still up for debate.

"Uncle, to tell you the truth, I am a Taoist priest. I can help you solve the problem of zombies in the village. Take me to the village chief. I want to know more about the situation."

If what Uncle Bald and the villagers say is true, this zombie is probably a type he has never seen before.

Could it be a descendant of a general?

Jiang Lin decided to look at the victim's body first. No matter what kind of zombie it was, after biting someone, the victim would definitely have corpse poison on him.

"Oh, so you're the Taoist priest? That's great. We've been working out where to find someone who can save our village these past two days."

As if he had met the life-saving Bodhisattva, Uncle Tupao took Jiang Lin and Axiu to the village chief's house.

"Master Jiang, this is the corpse of the little girl."

The village elder burst into tears, unable to bear to see the body of his beloved daughter.

It is indeed corpse poison.

Jiang Lin uncovered the white cloth on the corpse, and checked the tooth hole in her neck. There was indeed corpse poison in it.

But the corpse poison left in the tooth cavity was something he had never seen before.

Chapter [*] Splash on me?go away!

"Tom, smell it."

Jiang Lin asked the house cat beside him to sniff the corpse's neck a few times.

Although the tiger king's nose is not as good as a dog's nose, his sense of smell is not too bad.

"Village Chief, although Pindao can understand your feelings of losing your beloved daughter, but your daughter's body needs to be burned with lychee firewood, otherwise it will easily turn into a corpse."

Jiang Lin couldn't help feeling fortunate for the village chief and the others. If they hadn't come here, if they had buried the corpse, [*]% of them would have become zombies.

By then, more than one or two people will die.

Now burn the corpse before the corpse changes, this girl still has the hope of reincarnation, otherwise it will only end in ashes.


The village chief's eyes were darkened, and he almost fainted. His daughter was suffering from this disaster at the time of Fangling, and now even her bones will be burned to ashes.

"My poor girl, I said earlier that the kid didn't look like a good person, but it turned out to be a zombie."

"Master, don't burn it, that's our daughter, she's pathetic enough."

Just when the village chief asked the servants to collect lychee firewood, a woman ran into the mourning hall and stopped the servants.

"I don't want to either, but if the Taoist priest says she doesn't burn, she will become a zombie."

"Nonsense! Nonsense! My daughter must have been killed by a beast. How could Lan Yan be a zombie? He is such a good child. Don't listen to the nonsense of outsiders."

The woman splashed around in the mourning hall, pushing all the servants who were about to move her daughter's body back.

"Master, this..."

The village chief couldn't help his wife, so he turned to look at Jiang Lin.

Your wife is splashing there, what do you see me doing?

I am your father?

Jiang Lin was amused. A big man can't make up his mind in this kind of thing, and he's still the village chief, isn't he ashamed?

"The daughter is yours. I've made the consequences very clear. It's your business whether to burn or not."

For this kind of thing, Jiang Lin was too lazy to help these people make up their minds. It is their business to burn it, and it is their business not to burn it if something goes wrong.

At that time, their daughter really turned into a corpse, and it was none of his business at that time. He could still capture it as a sample to study.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you must be talking nonsense, you must be saying that Lan Yan is a zombie. We don't welcome you in our family, so get out of here! How could Lan Yan be a zombie?"

Hehe, spit on me?Go away!

Jiang Lin sneered at the woman and said with a sneer, "What does it have to do with me if your future son-in-law is a zombie? I heard that the zombie has only arrived in your village for less than a month, right? How do you know that he is good or bad? Is he close to you? Did he know you well, or did you know him well?"

Then Jiang Lin added: "How about you talk about him? Compared with your husband, who is better?"

This woman, her own daughter died, since entering the mourning hall, the number of times she mentioned her daughter was less than that of a zombie son-in-law.

One mouthful of Lanyan, it's really happy.

Whether it is a son-in-law or not is still unknown, maybe he is both a son-in-law and a man.

Lan Yan in the women's mouth, since she is the boyfriend of the village chief's daughter, must have been with her daughter for a long time. In less than a month, as a mother-in-law, you know your "prospective son-in-law" so well?

Did they already know each other deeply, so they were so protective?

Jiang Lin felt that his guess might be inseparable. This woman from the village chief had a saucy face, and it was not impossible to find a "so good child" to satisfy her.

Obedient to the sound, although the village chief is afraid of his wife, he is not an idiot. He immediately looked at the woman. The woman's face was already wrong, and her eyes were dodging.

"You...you are talking nonsense!"

"Shut up, you bitch!"

The village chief was so angry that he slapped his wife in the face.

The village chief's family is really a scorpion.

Jiang Lin didn't mean to watch the fun here, and said, "Burn your daughter early, she still has hope of reincarnation, otherwise, just wait and never be born again. And if the corpse changes, you can't make it right. Every village will be buried."

Jiang Lin didn't know much about the zombie named Lan Yan, but if the village chief's daughter changed her corpse, she might not be able to maintain her sanity.

Zombies are the most vicious after a long time without blood sucking or when they have just turned into a corpse.

No matter what type of zombie, there's nothing wrong with that.

Moreover, the corpse poison remaining in the corpse is also extraordinary. After the corpse is transformed, it is unfortunate that ordinary Taoist priests are not easy to deal with.

"Also, I'll help you clean up the zombies. It's not an easy job. The reward is five hundred oceans. You can make it up yourself."

To catch this relatively rare zombie is much more difficult than catching ordinary zombies. Jiang Lin needs to do a lot of work, and the reward is essential.

Ordinary zombies, unless they are chased and killed by Taoist priests, will not be too far from their lair, but the zombies in this village are different, they are similar to people, and they cannot be handled with common sense.

Jiang Lin wanted to kill him, but he didn't know how far he would run.

"Wait for me when you burn the bodies."

Leaving this sentence, Jiang Lin took Axiu and Panlan Tiger King away from the village chief's house, and went around the village to look for traces of zombies.

But the general method of finding a dead body didn't work, and even his homemade compass didn't respond much.

Jiang Lin came out this time mainly to find snake monsters, and he was not very prepared. If the zombie appeared in front of him, even if he had no preparations, he would not be afraid.

The trouble now is that he has to take the initiative to find it.

The colorful tiger king didn't gain much either.

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he had to go back.

At night, a fire broke out in the open space in front of the village chief's house. A lot of lychee firewood had been collected, and it was enough to burn the corpse.

Jiang Lin took the village chief's daughter's soul into the paper crane without a trace.

"Tom, you stay in the village and protect the villagers here. If the zombies appear, don't lose their tracks."

After instructing the Tiger King Panlan, Jiang Lin and Axiu returned to Gantian Town first.

Not far from Gantian Town, Axiu stepped on a sharp stone and scratched the sole of her foot. Jiang Lin stopped to rest.

After Jiang Lin released the spirit of the village chief's daughter, she looked around, as if she didn't know that she had passed away.

"Don't look at it, you're already dead."

"who are you?"

Showing his Yin Commander, Jiang Lin said, "Ghost. I won't answer your question again, now you have to answer mine. What was Lan Yan like when he turned into a zombie?"

Chapter [*] People are not as good as God

"He's not a man, he's a devil!"

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