Jiang Lin waved his palm and said solemnly, "Talk about the point!"

  "Yes, my lord."

  "He hugged me, and then I heard a low roar of a beast, and suddenly a pair of fangs appeared in his mouth, his eyes turned blue, and his hair was no longer black, it was almost gray and white, and then he Just bite my neck."

  Nodding his head, Jiang Lin continued to ask, "Did you pay attention to his nails at the time? What about his skin color?"

  "The skin color is the same as ours, and the others are the same as people..."

  The more Jiang Lin listened, the more strange it became. The zombie that the village chief's daughter encountered, after revealing the original form of the zombie, had many similarities with him after he was corpse.

  There is only one pair of fangs, the pupils will change color, and the rest of the appearance is the same as ordinary people.

  But in the information he knew, there was almost no description of this kind of zombie, and he didn't know why.

  Now Jiang Lin is not sure whether this zombie is the descendant of the general.

  "Okay, I'll take you down when you go back."

  Putting the girl's soul into the paper crane, Jiang Lin bandaged Axiu's wound again. Seeing that she couldn't leave, Jiang Lin simply carried her on his back.

  "Master Jiang, you're back. Oops, there's an alexandrite monster in our Gantian town, A Chu from Fuxitang. It turns out that the massacre of Uncle Mo's family in Mojiazhuang was done by him."

  Not long after Jiang Lin entered the town, Zhang Bo met him and talked about what happened today.

  Ah Chu is an alexandrite?Who else has a family turned into stone?

  Jiang Lin felt a little inexplicable. Why did he leave for most of the day, so many strange things happened in the town.

  "How about Master Mao and the others?"

  "It's all at the police station. Zhou You was also subjected to sorcery by Ah Chu, and now the whole person is about to become a stone statue. Master Jiang, go take a look, I just came back from there, Master Mao's skill It doesn't seem to work. Even if you want to get paid, I think three yuan will be paid."

  Jiang Lin nodded. He and Mao Xiaofang were a little friendly. Now that something happened to Fuxitang, he had to check it out, and Axiu was also a member of Fuxitang. Since they were all there, he didn't need to go there. Fuxi Hall.

  "Jiang Lin, go and help Ah Chu."

  Axiu was on Jiang Lin's back, her expression was a little unnatural. She always felt that the occurrence of such a thing in Achu had something to do with her father.

  At that time, Lei Gang asked Axiu to use the evil stone to set up a fortune stone in the western suburbs. Axiu didn't know what her father was going to do.

  Now that she suddenly heard that Ah Chu would turn people into stones, she vaguely guessed that something was wrong.

  Maybe her dad did it.

  "I'm going over here."

  At the execution office of the Police Department, Ah Chu was tied to a wooden post, and Mao Xiaofang was trying to give Zhou Youjie his head.

  Since he was touched by Ah Chu's fingers, Zhou You's body began to gradually become petrified. If he was not dealt with in time and effectively, his final end would be the same as that of Uncle Mo in Mojiazhuang, completely turning into a stone statue.

  "Sanyuan, remember, to marry a wife, you must marry a rich one. It doesn't matter if she is not beautiful. You like beautiful ones. After she dies, you can marry another beautiful one."

  "Sixi, you must marry someone who is capable, preferably someone like Captain Song. Food and clothing will not be a problem for the rest of your life."

  Zhou You now has his head still not turned into stone, open his mouth and explain the funeral to his children.

  Although the people around wanted to laugh when they heard these words, they held back.

  People are dying, don't people want to be beautiful?


  Mao Xiaofang was using his own spiritual power to suppress the evil poison in Zhou You's body. The progress was very slow at first, but now, for some reason, the evil poison in Zhou You's body suddenly turned back like a flood and beast, and broke him. The cultivated Ottomu Qinglong Qi caused the spiritual power in his body to walk into a fork in the road, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

  "Master, what's wrong with you?"

  Seeing this, Ah Hai quickly went up to support Mao Xiaofang.

  Mao Xiaofang quickly sat down and asked Ah Hai to seal his Yongquan Point, otherwise he would not be able to resist the evil poison entering his body.

  "Hahaha, Mao Xiaofang! I have already destroyed your Ottomu Qinglong Qi, and the protective array of the Shishi Hidden Soul Card has become invalid. When I get it, you will be the fish and I will be the sword!"

  In a forest outside the town, Lei Gang laughed loudly. Now as long as he goes to the police station and helps Zhou Youjie the evil stone, the townspeople of Gantian Town will know who he and Mao Xiaofang are.

  However, Lei Gang had a thousand calculations, but he was still inferior to the gods. He helped the snake demon improve his five senses, and gave it an order to stay away from Gantian Town, and let Jiang Lin find it.

  But who would have thought that he encountered a difficult zombie on the way, Jiang Lin was not prepared enough, and needed to come back to get some magic weapons.

  Moreover, Lei Gang is one step ahead, and now he has reached the police station.

  "Oh, even Master Mao can't do it this time, what should I do now?"

  "This week is over."

  "It's all that stinky boy Ah Chu, following such a good master, if he doesn't learn well, he learns some sorcery. He also harms people everywhere."

  Most of the surrounding townspeople were talking about whether Zhou was saved or not, which made Zhou Yuan almost lose his mind and almost shot and killed Ah Chu.

  "Master Jiang is back!"

  At this time, Zhang Bo shouted loudly as soon as he entered the inner hall of the police station.

  "Master Jiang, Master Jiang!"

  Zhou Yuan ran to Jiang Lin in a few steps and knelt down for him: "Master Jiang, please save my father, I will pay you if you want!"

  "Get up first, I'll take a look and then talk."

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