In this way, it seems that there is no silver here.

Chapter [-]: Those who want to die are not saved, those who want to die are not saved

"I changed back, I changed back!"

Zhou You couldn't wait to climb out of the wooden barrel, then went up and grabbed A Chu's collar, scolding: "Dead boy Chu, how can I offend you, you want to hurt me like this! Sanyuan, bring a gun, I will Kill him!"

"Yes, shoot him!"

"Return the lives of my daughter and son-in-law, and lose my life!"

Captain Song quickly grabbed the pistol in Zhou You's hand and comforted: "Uncle Zhou, don't be impulsive, our police department will handle this matter."

Then he said loudly to the surrounding townspeople: "Folks, please believe that our police department will handle it fairly. If it is really what Ah Chu did, we will definitely not show favoritism."

"Everyone, regardless of whether Ah Chu did it or not, let's heal his hands first, otherwise there may be dangers to others."

Mao Xiaofang felt a headache for the emotions of the townspeople. Now only Ah Chu can turn people into stone, and in the eyes of the public, people's grievances are fiercer than tigers.

If Ah Chu was not from Fuxitang, he would have been beaten to death by random sticks long ago.

"Senior brother, did you find any clues when you went to the western suburbs? Can you see if Ah Chu can solve it?"

Because Jiang Lin treated Zhou You before, it was a big help to Fuxitang, Mao Xiaofang already owed a big favor, and now he is too embarrassed to ask Jiang Lin to help.

Lei Gang said just now that he had a soil method that could target evil stones, and Mao Xiaofang wanted him to try it.

"I try my best."

Lei Gang asked Chou Chou Yuan and the others to untie Ah Chu, and he also put him into a wooden barrel.

With one hand swung, Lei Gang began to cast spells on Ah Chu in the wooden barrel, and it didn't take long for Ah Chu's face to have a blue-gray cold light.

Suddenly, a strong wind spurted out of the bucket, and Lei Gang spat out blood with a wow, and took a few steps back while clutching his chest.

Jiang Lin watched quietly. He really didn't know what Lei Gang was doing. He couldn't quite remember the original plot. The evil stone on Ah Chu's body should be the ghost of Lei Gang, but there is nothing substantial right now. Evidence only.



"Senior brother, it's all I who have troubled you."

Mao Xiaofang disregarded the injury and went up to support Lei Gang.

"Junior brother, the demon poison in Ah Chu's body is too deep, and I can't do anything about it. If it continues like this, Ah Chu may be enchanted."

When Zhou You and Mojiazhuang heard what Lei Gang said, they shouted and shot Ah Chu to death.

So far, Mao Xiaofang can only look at Jiang Lin, he said: "Daoist friend, I don't know if you can solve Achu's problem. Just treat me Mao Xiaofang and Fuxitang owe Daoist friend a favor."

Jiang Lin nodded, and pointed at A Chu a few times to check the situation in his body.

"I have no way to remove the evil poison in his body with brute force, because the source of the head is still there, there is another way, but [-]% of him will die on the spot. Now to solve his problem, we can only find the head of the head. people."

Then Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu and said, "Tell me about the circumstances of your situation."

"Uncle Shi, I just went to the western suburbs a few days ago and touched a fortune stone, and it became like this."

"Master Jiang, he didn't tell the truth at the beginning of this dead boy, and there are no fortune stones in the western suburbs."

As soon as Ah Chu mentioned the fortune stone, Zhou You and Zhou Yuan pointed at Ah Chu and scolded him. There are no stones on the beach in the western suburbs. Can a big stone disappear out of thin air?

Jiang Lin waved his hand and continued to ask, "What are you doing in the western suburbs to look for fortune stones? Who did you hear that there are fortune stones in the western suburbs?"

"I...I...I just heard from others that there is a fortune stone, and I want to touch it..."

Ah Chu faltered, he was almost expelled from his teacher because of his indiscriminate use of Taoism, and now Mao Xiaofang is here, how dare he say that he went to the casino, and the Fortune Stone was heard from the people in the casino.


I really don't want to live, I just want to die.

Ah Chu didn't tell the truth at all, Jiang Lin decided to let go, whoever likes to do this troublesome thing will do it.

There is no substantive evidence to prove that the head-turning came from Lei Gang. Jiang Lin could use the head-turning technique to find the culprit, but that method is not easy to perform.

Besides, it took so much effort to make Fuxitang a great favor?The stinky boy who asked himself to die for this incompetence?

"Master Mao, there are two kinds of people I won't save, one is the one who kills himself, and the other is the one who doesn't want to live. Don't say I don't give you face, my principle is this. If you If you want to save him, find eight hundred-year-old willow trees, use their hearts to make willow nails to ward off evil spirits, and put them into the eight acupuncture points I just pointed. Whether he can survive or not depends on his fortune.”

"I'm still busy, let's go first."


Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't want to stop at all, Mao Xiaofang felt that his lungs were about to explode. Last time Jiang Lin wanted to send an explosive flame talisman, this kid A Chu offended him. , As a result, this kid didn't tell the truth.

In the line of Taoist priests, helping people do things, the most annoying thing is that others don't tell the truth.

"I really don't know what it means. Master Jiang wants to surrender him. You don't say anything when you ask him."

"I don't know what's wrong."


Seeing the people around him pointing at Ah Chu, Mao Xiaofang really hated that iron could not be made of steel, and slapped this incompetent apprentice stunned.

Afterwards, he said something and used his reputation to secure the ten-day deadline for him to thoroughly investigate the matter and catch the real culprit.

After Jiang Lin returned to Liyangju, he went to prepare the instruments and materials to find the corpse. Anyway, it happened in Fuxitang, and he had already informed Mao Xiaofang of the treatment method, and he won the favor.

He didn't have much interest in whether the mastermind behind the scenes was Lei Gang, and there was a strange zombie fifty miles away. He was too busy to take care of Fuxitang's affairs.

After searching for many classics in the training room, Jiang Lin did not find much information about the descendants of the generals.

In fact, although the Zombie King is one of the ancestors of zombies, he generally does not take the initiative to bite people.

Therefore, so far, there are not many descendants of generals in the world.

Moreover, the descendants of generals are different from ordinary zombies. They are not stupid, but very smart, and they will not easily expose their existence.

Therefore, there is not much information about the generals and their descendants.

Chapter [-] This character is also a loser

After checking in the middle of the night, Jiang Lin didn't get much useful information.

By the way, because of the fall of the evil stone, I forgot to ask Mao Xiaofang if he knew the information of the general.

Jiang Lin searched the classics and got a piece of information. The last time the general appeared in the south, and according to the geographical description in the classics, it seemed to be in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

Maybe Mao Xiaofang knew some information.

After that, Jiang Lin took some time to make a special corpse compass. Since the zombie has a lot of similarities with him after it has become its original form, Jiang Lin is going to use his own zombie blood as a material to see if it can work. Resonate with it and follow it.

On the second day, before Jiang Lin set off, he went to Fuxi Hall.

"Axiu, your foot injury is not healed, so you just walked around, be careful you're lame."

Seeing Axiu holding a basin of water, Jiang Lin made a joke with her.

"I want to take care of my father. He was injured yesterday. By the way, Jiang Lin, I can't go to Xiaobai with you."

"It's okay, I'll find it myself, I need it anyway."

Jiang Lin just took two steps, then turned around again, looked at Axiu, and asked, "Do you know anything about Achu's head down?"

"I...I don't know, I don't know anything."

Axiu lowered her face and whispered after a while: "My father is very good to me, I want to listen to him."

Because she grew up in the mountains since she was a child, Axiu's idea was very simple. Lei Gang raised her and she had to listen to Lei Gang's words.

"Then I saved you and bandaged your wounds. Am I good to you? I asked you to kill people. Would you go? You are a human, not a beast. If you have time, ask your uncle for advice. Let’s talk about what is right and wrong.”

Jiang Lin didn't say much. Axiu couldn't figure this out in a while.

Farewell to Axiu, Jiang Lin went to the inner courtyard of Fuxi Hall, where Mao Xiaofang often practiced in the morning.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin came early, otherwise Mao Xiaofang would have traveled far to find the century-old willow tree.

"Master Mao, I wonder if you know the zombie king generals?"

"The ancestor of zombies? I don't know much, but my master said when he was alive that if a person bitten by a general turns into a zombie, it seems to be different from ordinary zombies. They don't seem to be afraid of sunlight, and their intelligence is relatively high. By the way, if it is a human corpse that was directly bitten by a general, it is very likely that the strength will reach the level of flying stiff."

Stiff level? ?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but widen his eyes. If it was a zombie at the flying level, he probably wouldn't be able to deal with it.

The flying zombie Jianglin in Shu is not afraid anymore, but that guy can be said to be the weakest flying zombie. Compared with the same level, it is a lot worse.

"Why, fellow Daoist encountered something difficult?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's brows furrowed, Mao Xiaofang asked.

"A strange zombie appeared fifty miles away. I think it may be the descendant of a general, but it should not have reached the level of Feizong. The corpse poison is not as domineering as Feizong."

"The corpse poison is not as domineering as Feizong? Daoist friend, don't say you have seen Feizong?"

Mao Xiaofang was frightened by Jiang Lin's words. Now it is the end of the law. If there is flying stiffness, I don't know how many people will die.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said lightly, "I have seen it before, and even fought a battle with it, and in the end it... er, escaped."


If Mao Xiaofang knew the internet terminology of later generations, what he would most like to say at this moment is: please accept my knee!

Not only Shu Ning this time, but Mao Xiaofang also felt that after knowing Jiang Lin, he was like a frog in a well, and Jiang Lin was completely different from the same world.

I have seen Fei Zong, and I also beat Fei Zong away.

Is this still human? ?

"Hehe, it's just with the help of a foreign object and the help of a fellow Taoist, and it didn't beat that weak chicken."

Jiang Lin explained it aloud, otherwise anyone who listened to it would feel dizzy.

To shut up!To shut up!

You can say things like weak chickens flying stiff, what the hell!

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