Although Jiang Lin was telling the truth, in Mao Xiaofang's ears, it was just showing off.

"Cough, fellow Daoist, I have nothing to do. I'll go look for the century-old willow tree first."

Mao Xiaofang really didn't want to talk to Jiang Lin anymore, the blow was too big, and it made him doubt his life.

Originally, Jiang Lin said that he wanted to help when he met the descendants of the generals, but now it seems that he can avoid it.

"Please. Oh, by the way, Master Mao, don't you think that the evil stone descending in Ah Chu's boy's house is a little strange? It's the authentic Nanyang head descending technique. And there was something about the evil spirits coming out of the cage before."

Jiang Lin bit the word Nanyang more seriously, he believed that Mao Xiaofang could hear the sound in the words.

Since Lei Gang appeared in Gantian Town, there have been a series of problems in the town. Is it really such a coincidence?

"Friend Daoist, some things are not something I can't think of, but I don't want to think about them."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, he just didn't want to believe it.

Yes, with your character, you are also a loser.

For the sake of a friend, as I have already said, if something happens, solve it yourself.

Jiang Lin left Fuxi Hall and went straight to that remote village fifty miles away.

In fact, just as Jiang Lin thought, Mao Xiaofang was miserable for a period of time after he left to hunt down zombies, so miserable that he almost lost his life.

A few hours later, Jiang Lin returned to the village where the zombies had previously been plagued. The zombie did not appear here last night.

"Master, it is estimated that Tom is guarding here, and the zombies dare not appear."

The King Pan Lan stood beside Jiang Lin with his hands on his hips, with a proud expression on his face.

"It seems that you have cultivated well during this time, very floating?"

Jiang Lin flicked the cat's forehead. As long as it has the intelligence of a human being, even if it is a zombie, its terrifying and intractable level may increase exponentially.

From ancient times to the present, it is not the patent of human beings to defeat the strong by the weak. Although strength and strength are useful, it would be foolish to underestimate the role of wisdom.

The simplest example is that although human beings are very small, the crystallization of wisdom can destroy the entire planet.

Although Jiang Lin didn't think that Lan Yan, who had not yet met, was strong, he did not relax because of this.

Be careful.

"Going separately, looking for traces of zombies, zombies have corpse and evil spirits, even if they look like ordinary people, you can detect them. I think it hits with one blow. If you encounter it, if you are not sure that you will be captured, don't do it. Beat the grass and startle the snake."

Jiang Lin instructed King Panlan, then took out a compass and went in another direction.

Chapter [-] Peak Zombie King

Twenty miles to the east of the village, there is a continuous mountain, with a terrain like a funnel.At this time, at the bottom of the "funnel", a huge black snake was battling a zombie, and the surrounding gravel splashed and dust was flying.

This huge black snake is Axiu's little white. Since it sensed the strong dragon energy here, it has been running all the way.But I didn't expect that a zombie also took a fancy to here, and a snake and a corpse were pinched.

This zombie is Lan Yan who killed the village chief's daughter a few days ago. He has gray hair, two dark blue eyes, and two corpse teeth stuck out of his mouth. He is roaring at the beast in front of him.

Because Xiaobai's five senses were improved by Lei Gang's secret technique, his spiritual wisdom opened up a lot again, and now he has advanced to become a big demon, but in the face of Lan Yan, it did not take any advantage.

Although Lan Yan's body is the same as ordinary people, his speed is extremely fast, and his body is very strong. Even though Xiao Bai's body has become more than ten meters long, he has not caused any substantial damage to Lan Yan after the battle.

"Beast, you dare to snatch territory from me, you are courting death!"

Lan Yan's face is hideous, this is a training place he finally found, the strong dragon energy is of great benefit to him, but this blind snake demon actually occupied this place during the time he was away. .

The figure flickered, Lan Yan moved to Xiaobai's abdomen, and punched out.

Xiaobai let out a whimper, and the huge snake body flew back and hit the mountain wall. The place where Lan Yan bombarded was its vital point.

"Hey, is there movement ahead?"

The direction the King Panlan was looking for was the east. It followed the faint smell all the way to the mountains. As soon as it got here, it heard vibrations and loud noises in the mountains.

Isn't that a snake demon?

After climbing a low mountain, the colorful tiger king saw Xiao Bai who was attacked and Lan Yan who was aggressive. "Ow~ I finally found it!"

But it's just a weak chicken zombie at the level of a zombie king, hate him!

After a violent roar, the colorful tiger king sprinted towards the bottom of the mountain. With the help of the mountain, the giant tiger rushed to the bottom of the mountain within a few breaths.

Lan Yan's attention was always on the snake demon, but he didn't expect another tiger demon to come behind him. When he turned around, a huge tiger claw covered his head.


In a hurry, Lan Yan could only raise his arm to block, but the Tiger King Panlan has improved a lot now, with enough strength, plus his own momentum, one blow is like overwhelming a mountain, sending him flying. .boom!

Lan Yan's body was shot out, knocking a big hole out of the mountain wall.


The rocks collapsed and Lan Yan walked out of the pile of stones. He felt that he had committed a beast during this time.A snake is fine, and now there's a stupid tiger.

Xiaobai climbed to the side of the colorful tiger king. Since this giant tiger is here, its owner should be nearby.

Because he was rescued by Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin gave him Qilin Qi again, so in Xiaobai's view, Jiang Lin is his second owner.

Dare to call me a beast?

I just don't know how to write dead words!

The Tiger King Panlan was so angry that the tiger hairs all over his body stood up like needles. Before, it was called a stupid tiger by the Demon King Di Chan. Now, after absorbing a lot of dragon energy, his strength has grown greatly, and he was even called a beast.

Can't stand it!

"Give you a chance to kneel down and confess your guilt to Grandpa Tiger! Otherwise, this weak chicken of you will be turned into a jerk in an instant."


Lan Yan laughed in anger, he has lived for almost a thousand years, this beast is only a little old, and he dares to call himself Grandpa Tiger.

"court death!"

Lan Yan picked up a [-]-pound boulder beside him and smashed it towards the Banlan Tiger King.


Panlan Tiger King's tiger claws turned into rubble when he slapped the boulder, but what he didn't realize was that this boulder was just a cover, and Lan Yan followed the boulder and was already in front of it.

So fast!

The attack came too suddenly and quickly, and the colorful tiger king could only open his mouth and spit out a rainbow light. With a "whoosh" sound, the rainbow light hit the empty space, Lan Yan's body has reached its flank, and the five fingers are stretched out, wanting to dig out its internal organs.

If it was before, the Tiger King Panlan would suffer a big loss this time, but since he was played by the Demon King Emperor Chan, his experience has increased a lot.

In the face of danger, there is no chaos, and the swing of a tiger tail brush of the colorful tiger king blocked Lan Yan's surprise attack.

Lan Yan couldn't make a single blow, and Xiao Bai on the side also sent a snake tail swinging. With the combined force of the two demons, Lan Yan's chest had several terrifying scratches.

Even though Lan Yan's body is very strong, similar to that of the Zombie King, and can't be shot through by a gun, the Panlan Tiger King is an authentic Demon King, and its tiger claws can pick out a few marks from a steel plate.

Lan Yan's face was gloomy, and he faced off against the colorful tiger king. He would have no big problem in dealing with a snake demon, but this tiger demon was a real demon king. With the help of the snake demon on the side, he had no problem at all. Not getting the upper hand.

This place is definitely not to give up!

Lan Yan is very unwilling. He is different from ordinary zombies. Ordinary zombies can still have a way of cultivation, but from the moment he became a zombie, his strength has basically been set. Disaster.

Only by improving his strength, and only by advancing, can he live more safely. Lan Yan has had enough of being chased and killed in recent years.


Lan Yan roared loudly, strange lines appeared on his face, all his hair turned white, and it fell to his heels, his aura suddenly increased a lot.


Jiang Lin, who was looking for the corpse in the west, stopped, the compass in his hand responded, and the pointer pointed to the east.It was there.

After putting away the compass, Jiang Lin turned and ran away in the direction pointed by the compass.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to come to the low mountain, and he looked around to see the colorful tiger king and Xiaobai below, battling zombies.

What kind of zombie is this?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He could feel that the zombie below was Lan Yan, because the corpse aura emanating from his body was the same as the corpse poison in the village chief's daughter.

However, the appearance of this Lan Yan was very different from what the village chief's daughter described.

The hair is not gray at all, and there are lines on the face that look like curse marks.

Peak Zombie King, Millennium Zombie King!

Feeling the momentum on Lan Yan's body, Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. This zombie might be the strongest zombie king he has ever met.

Even the combination of the colorful tiger king and the snake demon is now suppressed.

"Ow!"? "Ow!"

A black light beam suddenly appeared, shooting a big hole in Lan Yan's chest, causing him to let out a scream.

"Master, I don't know why this guy has become like this. He was weak before, but when his hair grows and the magic lines appear on his face, he looks like he has changed into a zombie."

When King Panlan saw Jiang Lin's arrival, an anthropomorphic surprise expression appeared on the tiger's face.

If the battle continued like this, it and the snake demon would probably be seriously injured.


Jiang Lin turned his face to look at Xiao Bai, and said, "So you really came to look for dragon energy."

Xiaobai nodded the snake's head, lowered his head and spat out a letter and licked it on Jiang Lin's face.

Lan Yan let out a low growl, and Jiang Lin gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Jiang Lin looked at Lan Yan and pondered a question. If the blue-eyed zombie belongs to the zombie king level, are there yellow eyes and green eyes on it, which are equivalent to Mao Zong and Fei Zong respectively?

Chapter [-] Not only does not take root, but also does not grow eyes

I seem to have forgotten that I don't need to think about these things at all, but also need to verify.

Just ask the system directly.

Because Jiang Lin has never regarded the system as Baidu, so sometimes when he has doubts, he always checks it himself.

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