Now that there are not many clues in the classics, I will take the time to ask the system.

In addition, he also wanted to know what the curse mark on Lan Yan's face was. It seemed to be a secret method to enhance his strength.

He never knew that zombies could still use secret techniques.

Jiang Lin asked the colorful tiger king on the side, "What abilities does this zombie have?"

He didn't want to be like the last time in Coffin Mountain, the thousand-year-old zombie king was able to gather the underground mercury into a silver spear, which almost made him suffer a big loss.

"The speed is very fast, and it is estimated that there is still a little gap with the unicorn corpse in other aspects."

Through the battle just now, the colorful tiger king discovered that this zombie might not be as good as the unicorn corpse if it were compared to its hard power.

But this guy Lingzhi can dump the unicorn corpse eighteen streets.

It and the snake demon dealt with this fellow just now, but he was able to take advantage of the two shortcomings of their incompatibility to counter them.

Is it just very fast?

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. No matter how fast he was, could he teleport quickly over a short distance?

This is a big question mark.

"Not much to say, just die."

Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword and stared at Lan Yan.

"I've only seen such a young Celestial Master in my life, but if you want to kill me, it's not hot enough."

Although Jiang Lin felt very dangerous to Lan Yan, it was impossible for him to be able to survive until now under the pursuit and killing again and again without any capital to rely on.

Facing Jiang Lin, Lan Yan felt that he might be injured, but there was still a long way to go before he died.

Now that this place has dragon energy, it has been known by these damn people, and they will be wiped out here even if they are seriously injured!

Lan Yan made up his mind that he must take this practice into his own hands.

"You talk too much!"

Jianglin people didn't talk much, and what he was worried about before was that Lan Yan ran away.If a zombie with a brain really wants to run away, if he wants to destroy it, it is really not easy.

I don't know how long it will take.

Now that I have encountered it, I will kill it in one go.

The system doesn't have to live anyway.

Jiang Lin felt that the blue-eyed zombie in front of him was undoubtedly the descendant of a general.

Lan Yan displayed his speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, and quickly approached Jiang Lin in a zigzag shape. There was no formation restriction, and his speed was the reminder of many Taoist priests.

Jiang Lin swung his sword out, Lan Yan came behind him, and his five fingers grabbed his back.

"It's really fast, but it's useless."

As soon as his arm moved, Jiang Lin's bone sword slashed behind him.

Lan Yan's movement speed is fast, but Jiang Lin's attack speed is faster.

"Really? What you see is not my full speed at all!"

Only Lan Yan's voice was clearly audible around, and his body became an afterimage.

From Lan Yan's point of view, Jiang Lin can only defend passively now, but no matter how fast his swordsmanship is, there are times when he is negligent. At that time, he can seriously injure or even kill Jiang Lin with a single blow.

If Jiang Lin knew what Lan Yan was thinking, he would probably want to ask who gave him confidence.

With Jiang Lin's current physical strength, even if he doesn't need to defend with the bone sword, he can still fight with Lan Yan with his physical body.

Hehe, show me your speed?

Jiang Lin did not choose to use teleportation. He used the corpse attribute to consume corpse energy. This Lan Yan could use high-speed displacement without restriction. He was too lazy to teleport to cure this arrogant guy unless Lan Yan escaped.

"You run so fast, you're going to fall over."

Jiang Lin opened his mouth while attacking.

"Haha, you seem to be joking with me... Damn me!"

Lan Yan avoided Jiang Lin's attack, responded, and then slammed into the mud.

It's simply a sellout!

A dazzling light made him unable to open his eyes, and suddenly there was a large stone under his feet.

This light is the mysterious light of Yang Yang emitted by Jiang Lin, because Lan Yan is not afraid of sunlight, so Jiang Lin did not use much spiritual power, but the flash was so bright that Lan Yan couldn't open his eyes, that was no problem.

It turns out that I'm not afraid of the sun, but it doesn't mean I'm not afraid of my harsh and mysterious light.

Jiang Lin felt a little surprised when he saw wisps of smoke rising from Lan Yan's body.

He actually underestimated his own cruelty and profound light.

The left hand swept forward, the Yang Finger Sword was slashed out, and Lan Yan's back was cut with a big cut.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, his neck would have been slit.


Lan Yan touched the wound on his back and screamed frantically.

It hurts!


Before he could dodge over, another sword was struck in the chest.

The surroundings were white, and Lan Yan couldn't see Jiang Lin at all.

And the intense light made his skin start to burn.

Lan Yan wanted to run, but he couldn't open his eyes because of the pain, like a headless fly, he fell to the ground again before he took two steps.

He has not fallen as many times in the past thousand years as this time.

"Aren't you taking root? Aren't you running fast?"

Jiang Lin's voice suddenly sounded in Lan Yan's ears, and then Lan Yan screamed and his arm was almost chopped off.


Lan Yan made a decision immediately and could no longer entangle with this Taoist priest, otherwise he would be killed.

He no longer thinks about taking up this place with serious injuries, and his life is almost gone. If he doesn't escape, I'm afraid he will stay here forever.

In less than a few minutes, Lan Yan completely abandoned his original opinion. He thought that with his speed and his own wisdom, there should be no problem in killing the Celestial Master.

But reality hit him hard.

Isn't it fast?Always stumbling, where can you go?

Zombies that fall as soon as they run, it is estimated that among all the zombies, this Lanyan is the only one.

Unless he turned his back to Jiang Lin, he would have no way of resisting the ruthless Yang Xuanguang released by Jiang Lin.

Without his eyes, his speed could not be used at all.


After Lan Yan's eyes got better, he turned his back to Jiang Lin decisively, and jumped out dozens of meters all at once.

Then run!

"Not only do you not take root, but you also don't have eyes."

The bone sword in Jiang Lin's hand plunged into Lan Yan's shoulder blade, looking at him like a child.

Just now when Lan Yan was about to flee, Jiang Lin had already seen it. No matter how fast he ran, he was not as fast as he used short-range teleportation.

After a few short-distance teleportation, he arrived in front of Lan Yan, handed over the bone sword, and Lan Yan bumped into it himself.

The speed is fast, and the eyes are not long, which is too miserable.

Lan Yan's pupils suddenly widened, he didn't even know how Jiang Lin appeared in front of him.

"Impossible, except for zombies who are stronger than me, no one can beat my speed!"

"Are you fast? If you don't take root and don't grow eyes, what's the use of being so fast?"

Jiang Lin took out his bone sword and slashed at Lan Yan's neck.

But the sword that was supposed to be hit was cut in the air.

Chapter [-] Hongxi Village!


  Jiang Lin turned back abruptly, avoiding Lan Yan's counterattack.

  After he landed, a growing tornado column appeared where he was standing.

  Not pure wind, but made up of numerous bats.

  The bat tornado rolled towards Jiang Lin at a rapid speed. Now that Lan Yan was injured, if Jiang Lin was injured by his own means, he would have a better chance of escaping.

  In his many escape careers, Lan Yan has also gained a lot of experience. At this time, if he only cares about escaping, there is a high chance that he will be caught up.

  The Taoist priest who chased him was intact, but he himself was seriously injured and could not run very far.

  Jiang Lin held the bone sword and blocked the bats from attacking each other.

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