"Here, here, I'm safe!"

  Lan Yan's face was ecstatic, Hongxi Village was where the general's lair was, as long as he ran there, he would be safe.

  Although it may anger that person, it is much better than being beheaded.

  Then Lan Yan was about to kill the young man in his arms.

  "Are you safe?"


  Jiang Lin's figure suddenly appeared, and he stabbed the bone sword in his hand, piercing Lan Yan's head.

  In addition to teleporting, he can also be invisible. Does this Lanyan think it is safe to see him?

  How naive!

Chapter [-]: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White, Black

This time Lan Yan will never have the chance to become a bat again. The head and heart are the key points of zombies. Unless the zombies are abnormally abnormal, as long as these two key points are severely damaged, there is no hope of living.


Lan Yan's two blue pupils began to expand gradually, and gradually lost his spirits. He didn't know how Jiang Lin appeared until he died.

He had clearly watched Jiang Lin leave before, and he had escaped all the way. He also had some understanding of Jiang Lin's teleportation, and it was impossible for him to suddenly appear beside him from such a long distance.

After Jiang Lin withdrew the bone sword, the strange zombie fell on its back.

"Pop! Kill the descendants of generals and officials, and gain [-] anger points."

Sure enough, he was a descendant of a general.

After hearing the system's judgment, Jiang Lin finally determined that Lan Yan was the descendant of a general.

After that, Jiang Lin heard the sound of "ding" again, which meant that he had a task to complete.

"The system reminds that the blood of the generals can be extracted from the blood of the descendants of the generals and used for the advancement of the corpse."

Refine the blood of the generals...

What the hell!Can you do this?

Jiang Lin suspected that he had heard it wrong. The general was one of the ancestors of zombies, and his blood was not uncommon.

Is there such a benefit in finding the descendants of the generals?

In that case, give it a shot while it's hot, cough, no, while the blood hasn't returned to your heart, give it a shot.

Jiang Lin cut Lan Yan's artery with a bone sword, took a medicine bottle, and put his blood in it.

Unlike humans, zombies have almost no blood on their bodies.

So much blood was sucked, and it was all digested.

The next step is to find a place to hand over the zombie corpse to the system.

Jiang Lin mentioned the corpse and saw the young man beside him. At this time, he thought that there was another young man beside him.

After a long time without sleep, Jiang Lin's mind was a little dizzy.

"Dao... Dao Master, are you an immortal?"

The young man was still in shock to this day. Jiang Lin flashed in front of him and killed the zombie who was holding him hostage.

Are all priests so powerful?

"Little brother, are you alright?"

"Master, I'm fine, I just got caught, will I turn into a zombie?"

The young man rubbed his shoulder. When Lan Yan was pierced through his brain just now, his nails dig into his shoulder.

"No big deal."

Jiang Lin checked it out, then took out a handful of glutinous rice, turned it into powder, and applied it to the young man, and then put a poison suppressor on it.

The young man was also very tough, gritted his teeth and didn't call out.

"Daoist, can I learn Taoism with you. My name is He Weilun."

With a plop, the young man knelt down directly to Jiang Lin and wanted to learn from his teacher.

"I don't have the habit of accepting apprentices, and you don't have the talent to learn Taoism."

Jiang Lin wasn't afraid to hit He Weilun and block him with one sentence.


Do you want to be so direct?

He Weilun felt that it was not right for him to continue kneeling, nor would it be wrong for him to get up.

"I won't accept you as an apprentice, and in your life, if you learn Taoism, your father and son will inevitably kill each other, and you will not end up in a good life."

Yawning, Jiang Lin continued, "I'm sleepy and hungry. I heard that your home is fifteen miles away in Hongxi Village. Take me there in a while."

After chasing a zombie for eight days and seven nights, Jiang Lin was tired and hungry now, so he wanted to find an inn or a bed for a good night's sleep.

"Master, although our Hongxi Village is only fifteen miles away, we have to climb two mountains."

He Weilun originally wanted to insist on apprenticeship, but after listening to Jiang Lin's words, he dared to mention the matter of learning Taoism.

If I go, I have to climb the mountain.

"Then don't go back. You have corpse poison in your body now, you can't exercise vigorously, and you can't climb mountains. Go around and find some wild fruits to quench your thirst, and then I will give you a talisman."

Although he was unable to worship the guru, He Weilun still worshipped Jiang Lin very much, and went to find fruit trees and the like without saying a word.

After He Weilun left, Jiang Lin took the corpse and jumped onto a big tree with lush foliage.

There is no coffin fungus? ?

Anyway, Lan Yan's body was going to be taken away by the system, Jiang Lin wanted to leave the useful things behind, but what surprised him was that there was no coffin fungus in Lan Yan's throat.

Or ask the system to answer your doubts.

After exhaling the system, the corpse beside him was taken away by the system, and then Jiang Lin inquired about some information about the descendants of the generals.

"Red, green, yellow, blue, white, and black, it really is the setting in the contract."

According to the system's answer, Jiang Lin combined with what Mao Xiaofang said, and compared it, it was the same as his previous guess.

The strength of the yellow-eyed zombie corresponds to Mao's stiffness, while the comprehensive ability of the green-eyed zombie is comparable to that of flying stiff.

The descendants of generals are different from ordinary zombies, they are difficult to cultivate, and even if they are cultivated, there is almost no effect.

Once a corpse, the strength and ability are finalized, and it is almost impossible to climb up.

If you are miserable enough to be bitten by a white-eyed zombie, then in addition to death, you will always be a black-eyed zombie without any thoughts, and you are especially afraid of the sun.

Jiang Lin thought it was funny, and it seemed like a man to shout about the prince and general Xiangning.

If you are a descendant of a general, where should these words go?

But what is interesting is that although it is difficult for the descendants of the generals to climb up, it is still possible to fall down.

If this type of zombies do not suck the blood of living people for a long time, their strength will be greatly reduced, and if they do not suck blood for a long time, they will be relegated.

"It turns out that the curse mark that enhances the strength is not a secret method, but the unique battle pattern form of the descendants of the generals."

Thinking of the strength of the descendants of the generals, Jiang Lin thought of the kind of curse mark he had seen.

It is a pity that the abilities possessed by the descendants of the generals, such as hydration, bat transformation, metalization, etc., are mainly related to the blood of the generals in their bodies, and have little to do with the meridians of the dead body.

This war pattern form will only appear when the descendants of the generals are extremely angry or squeeze their own potential.

You won't be able to get this ability in a short time.

Jiang Lin felt a little melancholy in his heart, even if the system could generate it, it would probably take a long time.

And the amount of anger required for the exchange will definitely not be less.

It's useless to think too much, let's focus on the present.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin took out the small medicine bottle. Refining the blood of a general is not complicated and requires a lot of materials.

Fortunately, he already has a lot of main materials in his inventory, and he needs to ask Daoist Qianhe for help.

However, his uncle Qianhe didn't know where to go, and he hadn't heard from him for a long time.

Chapter [-] Generals!

"Master, see if these are enough."

When there was no movement, He Weilun held a large bag of wild fruits, and also carried a hare and a pheasant in his hand.

"Although I don't accept you as an apprentice, I really like your young man's character. You wear this amulet close to your body. When you are in your thirties, there will be a bloody disaster, a catastrophe of life and death. At that time, you only need the amulet. It's here to save your life."

Jiang Lin sat under the tree, nibbled on a roasted pheasant, and threw out a talisman.

Now his ability to look at faces is almost the same as that of a master of physiognomy. Unfortunately, this young man is about to die when he is in his thirties.

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