"Thank you sir."

He Weilun carefully put the amulet close to him.

After more than ten years, this amulet really saved his life.

At that time, an anti-Japanese guerrilla captain was secretly hidden in their village. Later, the Japanese soldiers found out that He Weilun was slashed by the Japanese major.

Because of this amulet, he was saved from death.

Why do I always have an uncomfortable feeling?

Jiang Lin felt that something was wrong with him, and he always throbbed inadvertently.

I guess it's been too long.

After eating the barbecued meat and wild fruits, Jiang Lin leaned against the big tree and fell asleep. Now it was impossible for him to find the inn, and he didn't want to move.

On the second day, He Weilun's body was completely cleared of poison. In order to thank Jiang Lin for his rescue, he invited Jiang Lin to their village.

Jiang Lin was worried that he had nowhere to stay, so he could rest for a few days, so he agreed to He Weilun.

The two walked together and climbed over a mountain, Jiang Lin felt his inner throbbing intensify.

Are you saying there is still no rest?

Jiang Lin didn't take this feeling to heart either. In the past, he really didn't run wild without closing his eyes for such a long time.

After climbing another mountain, He Weilun pointed to a remote village in the distance and introduced Jiang Lin: "Master Dao, there is our village, Hongxi Village. Although there are not many people, the neighbors are very harmonious."

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to arrive at Hongxi Village. He Weilun's family knew that after their child was rescued by Jiang Lin, they were slaughtering chickens and ducks and entertained Jiang Lin kindly.

After resting in Hongxi Village for three days, Jiang Lin finally relieved his fatigue, but instead of disappearing, the fear in his heart became stronger.

At night, Jiang Lin had a dream. In the dream, he met a zombie with a tattered body and a cloth wrapped around his face.

He exhausted all means, but did not shake it in the slightest.

Compared with the one in his dream, the one he had met in Shu was like an ant and an elephant.

"Have I fallen?"

After waking up, Jiang Lin was panting heavily, recalling everything in the dream, and his eyebrows were twisted into the word "Chuan".

Eyelids keep jumping, is it a bad omen?

Jiang Lin always felt that if he continued to stay here, disaster would be imminent.

Weird intuition.

Walking to the door, Jiang Lin looked south, where there was a low mountain.

Now that his body has recovered, Jiang Lin has determined that his discomfort is not because he is too tired to rest, but because of the mountain to the south.

"Old man, where is the south of your Hongxi Village?"

It happened that He Weilun's grandfather came out, and Jiang Lin asked. He was going to go to the south to see what was there, which made him feel so strange.

"South, it's nothing, there is only one Yuewang Bridge... Oh, yes, I heard my grandfather say before, it is said that not far south of our village, there is a thousand-year-old zombie. When there is a famine, it will wake up, and the stream in the mountain behind our village will turn red because of this."

"But most of this is just a legend. There has never been a zombie in our village..."

The old man looked at the south and spoke leisurely, but did not find that Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard his words.

"Old man, is the legendary thousand-year-old zombie called a general?"

After a long while, Jiang Lin asked.

"Hey, have you heard the legend of our village? I was still thinking of this name just now."


No wonder the closer he got to Hongxi Village, the more intense his trepidation became. It turned out to be the case.

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin felt that the name Hongxi Village was familiar. In the TV series, the General's Cave is located in Hongxi Village.

This legend is true!

Jiang Lin thought of what Lan Yan had asked about He Weilun before, and combined with his own memory, he determined that the zombie king was here.

The zombie in the dream is not a general, right?

Now Jiang Lin is a little uncertain. He doesn't know whether it was a dream he had or the future he saw in the dream.

Originally, Jiang Lin planned to go to the mountains in the south to check, but now he directly dismissed the idea.

With his current strength, if he alerted his generals, he would probably not be able to leave, and it would really be a nightmare.

Maybe after the generals wake up, they will come after thousands of miles to kill them.

Jiang Lin has the aura of a corpse emperor, and he may become a corpse similar to a general in the future.

Whoever likes to provoke, provoke to go.


At the very least, Jiang Lin wouldn't take the initiative to alert this terrifying guy until his own strength had taken a leap.

Moreover, Hongxi Village has thrived here for so many years, and has never been harassed by the generals. To provoke the generals and officials, isn't that purely a matter of courting death?

"Old man, Pindao has been in Hongxi Village for a few days. It's time to leave. By the way, let the villagers not go to the mountain to the south. The legends in your village are not necessarily false."

After saying hello to the old man, Jiang Lin left Hongxi Village.

"Grandpa, why is the water in our back mountain stream turning red?"

He Weilun came back with a pile of firewood and told his grandfather about the strange things he encountered.

"The stream has turned red? Quick, let the villagers go home and don't come out!"

With Jiang Lin's reminder, the old man knew that the legend circulating in the village was most likely true.

More than ten miles away, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a warning sign and turned to look into the distance.

On the top of the low mountain, a tattered general was standing on a boulder, with red eyes under the cloth strips looking around.

The faint breath escaping below made him feel very uncomfortable.

I don't know how many years have passed, and he rarely has malice towards a certain breath.

If Jiang Lin walked half an hour late, he would have to face the true ancestor of zombies.

Really big head.

For some reason, Jiang Lin always felt that he and his generals were mortal enemies, not because of his vocation as a Taoist priest, but because of his other identity.

Chapter [*]: Lei Gang secretly moves the hidden soul card, and Mao Xiaofa loses all his power

The general stayed on the top of the mountain for a long time, but in the end he didn't find the source of the breath, so he went back to the cave and fell asleep.

The stream in Hongxi Village has gradually recovered to its original clarity.

As for Jiang Lin, after a warning sign appeared in his heart, he put a breath-holding talisman on his body, and after finding the carriage, he took the carriage back to Gantian Town.

"Haha, Mao Xiaofang, now the people in Gantian Town only know that I have Lei Gang in Fuxi Hall."

In the Fuxi Hall, Lei Gang laughed in the yard after sending the townspeople away. During this time, because Mao Xiaofang's Otaki Qinglong was broken, he took the opportunity to take the position, either by chance, or by directing and acting by himself. Around the time of the day, he was flexing his muscles.

Ah Chu's side was postponed for a few days by his new reputation.

It is still useful for him to keep Ah Chu. When Mao Xiaofang gave Ah Chu his head, he wouldn't be so abrupt when he got in the way.

"Father, Uncle Shi has already gone to the police station. Father, I'm sorry you are Mao Xiaofang. In fact, Ah Chu didn't participate in the grievances that year."

Axiu came over to report Mao Xiaofang's situation to Lei Gang, and at the same time hoped that Lei Gang would not kill A Chu.

She now knows that Ah Chu's hand is the ghost of Lei Gang. Although she really hates Ah Chu, she doesn't want him to die.

"What's the matter, you want to rebel? You mean Ah Chu is innocent, what about me? I was forced to go away by Mao Xiaofang, and I even lost my eyes. Did you forget that when you first came to Gantian Town, Ah Chu? What did you do to you at the beginning? Dad is now seeking justice for you!"

Lei Gang has now lost his humanity for revenge. As long as he can achieve his goal, let alone kill a Chu, even if he kills a few more, he won't blink an eye.

Tossing down his sleeves, Lei Gang continued, "Let's go and find Mao Xiaofang's gift card for sending stones and hiding souls."

Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang have different ways of cultivating in this lineage. When the disciples of this lineage started to practice, the master would connect their foundation with a copper hidden soul card, and then put the hidden soul card according to their own. The birthday is born, and it is hidden somewhere, so as to absorb the rare breath or fortune such as the Qi of the dragon or the Qilin to assist the cultivation.

Therefore, as long as they choose a location with good feng shui, they will get twice the result with half the effort when they practice.

This is also an important reason why Mao Xiaofang is much younger than Ninth Uncle, yet he has also entered the level of alchemist.

However, there is a big flaw in this way of cultivation, that is, once the stone hidden soul card is destroyed, the cultivator's mana will disappear, unless he finds the hidden soul card to restore his spirituality.

What Lei Gang has to do now is to make Mao Xiaofang a cripple.

Because Lei Gang had brought up Axiu, although Axiu was reluctant, she did not dare to disobey Lei Gang's wishes.

"Father, there seems to be someone behind you."

The two went up the hills around Gantian Town, and Axiu found Shu Ning who was following behind.

Originally, Shu Ning wanted to do a column to explore Taoism. Her original candidate was Jiang Lin, but since Jiang Lin went out, he has not come back, and Mao Xiaofang is often not in Fuxitang, and now Lei Gang is showing The ability is also very strong, she decided to come to Lei Gang.

However, because Shu Ning once wrote about Fuxitang pretending to be a ghost, and now he is too embarrassed to explain his intentions, he can only follow along.

"I see."

Lei Gang took out a handful of fodder from the cloth bag and quietly sprinkled it on the road.


As soon as Shu Ning walked to the place where the feed was, a crow jumped at her and made her fall to the ground.

"Girl, are you alright? What are you doing here as a girl?"

Lei Gang pretended to have just found Shu Ning, and Axiu helped Shu Ning up in the past.

"That's it, Master Lei, I want to give you an interview, but because I had a conflict with Ah Chu before, I was embarrassed to speak."

"Interview? I'm sorry, I have something to do today. You can find me in two days."

If it wasn't for the fact that Mao Xiaofang had to find Mao Xiaofang's stone and hidden soul card, Lei Gang would still be willing to promise Shu Ning.

Once in the newspaper, his fame will completely overwhelm Mao Xiaofang, and Mao Xiaofang will not be able to turn over.

Shu Ning went down the mountain in disappointment, but she didn't go far before she found that her camera was missing, so she went back to look for it.

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