On the stone steps, she suddenly found that Lei Gang and Axiu were doing things by a clear pool in the distance, and Axiu got into the pool and took a bronze medal.

Shu Ning also took a photo of this scene.

Since Master Lei has no time to spare here, he went to the police station to see how Master Mao unraveled.

Where did this Jiang Lin go? Ask me to help search for information about a dead person. Now I want to make a column, but I can't find anyone.

Jiang Lin didn't know that there were still girls who missed him after he left.

"Master Mao, our police department has given a grace period. If you can really remove the head of A Chu and find out who lowered his head, you can indeed prove that A Chu is innocent, otherwise we must go through the judicial process. "

In the police department, Captain Song and Mao Xiaofang clarified their interests. Now all the evidence points to Ah Chu's murder. Unless Mao Xiaofang can find the real murderer, they must follow the procedures.

"I know, don't worry."

During this time, Mao Xiaofang not only searched for century-old willow trees, but also inquired about the classics. Without any accident, he was able to find out who gave Ah Chu the bow.

Ah Chu sat shirtless in front of Mao Xiaofang, Mao Xiaofang condensed his spiritual power to his fingertips and pointed to the eight acupuncture points on Ah Chu's body.

Just as his fingertips pointed to the Baihui Point on the top of Ah Chu's head, Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt the spiritual power in his body rushing around, walking into a fork in the road, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"How could I have lost all my mana?"

Mao Xiaofang covered his chest with a look of astonishment.

In fact, Jiang Lin had reminded him a long time ago that he wanted him to guard against Lei Gang, but he was unwilling to believe it, otherwise he would not have been reduced to the fate of sending the stone and hiding the soul card and losing his mana.

Without mana, even if Mao Xiaofang had the means, he would not have the ability to find out who had lowered his head on Ah Chu.

Captain Song saw that Mao Xiaofang had already vomited blood, so he could only have Ah Chu be held in custody. After the trial, he would most likely be shot on another day.

After Mao Xiaofang returned to Fuxi Hall, he explained the situation to Lei Gang, and that his card for sending stones and hiding souls might have been touched.

"Impossible. When you buried the soul card, only you, me and my father knew. How could others know where your hidden soul card is?"

Lei Gang pretended to be shocked, and his acting skills were also very good.

Mao Xiaofang really didn't see that Lei Gang was acting, and still didn't think about his "good senior brother".

Chapter six hundred and twentieth show the true colors

On the second day, a few people went to the Qingtan where Lei Gang and Axiu had visited before. After Ahai went into the water, they only found the copper coin line that protected the stone to hide the soul.

"Sure enough, there is a problem with sending the stone to hide the soul card."

Mao Xiaofang frowned, now that his mana has been lost, the only way is to retrieve the hidden soul card, otherwise it will always be like this.

"Junior brother, is there a demon master outside, who covets the blessed land of Gantian Town and wants to do something?"

"Master, what the uncle said makes sense. Just like the evil cultivator before, he came to our Gantian Town to make wind and rain, and he wanted to get the dragon vein stone."

Not only is the master Mao Xiaofang being played round and round, but the apprentice Ah Hai is more powerful than Mao Xiaofang, and he can't think of obvious things.

Who would harm Ah Chu, obviously he knew how to lower his head, and Lei Gang had been to Nanyang.

Who would send the stone hidden soul card, only three people knew, one was already dead, Mao Xiaofang himself would not make his own hidden soul card, obviously, the only people left were Lei Gang.

But it is unexpected, this brain circuit is also convincing.

"For today's plan, the only thing I can do is to find the Shishi Hidden Soul Card as soon as possible. As long as I'm still alive, I should be able to find it using the method of the five elements."

"Junior Brother, Axiu and I will use Nanyang's method to see if we can help you get it back."

As soon as Lei Gang heard that Mao Xiaofang knew how to find the hidden soul card, he wanted to go back immediately to isolate the hidden soul card.

Even he didn't know that sending the stone to hide the soul card could be found using the method of the five elements. If Mao Xiaofang hadn't been on guard against him, it would have been a slack.

After Lei Gang returned, he put the hidden soul card in an iron box and guarded it with the little ghost he raised.

Originally, as long as he smashed the hidden soul card, Mao Xiaofang had nothing to do, but he didn't do it. He wanted Mao Xiaofang to change from hope to despair, from high morality and respect, to betrayal.

"Axiu, this is the key."

Lei Gang slapped Axiu's belly with his palm, and the key was sent directly into her belly.


Axiu squatted on the ground, and a piece of pig iron entered her body, causing her abdominal pain to twist.

Lei Gang ignored Axiu. Recently, he found that his adopted daughter always had a tendency to turn her elbows out.

In fact, Axiu got along with Mao Xiaofang and the others, and found that Mao Xiaofang was not as hypocritical as Lei Gang said, so sometimes Lei Gang asked her to deal with Mao Xiaofang, and she always had some doubts or even resistance in her heart.

Lei Gang's defense was that he couldn't see it, and Axiu handed over the hidden soul card.

"Axiu, I raised you so much, and I don't want you to give anything in return, but now I can't let you betray me. Follow me to the farmland. The second step is to make Mao Xiaofang lose his mana, and now it has been completed. Next, I will let you go to the farmland. He was accused by thousands of people."

After arriving at the farmland, Lei Gang asked Axiu to take out a straw man, and then cast a spell to sink it into the ground, and the soil of the farmland didn't take long for smoke to rise.

These rice grains will be harvested in two days, and he will be of use to him at that time.

Because of Lei Gang's precautions, Mao Xiaofang's use of the Five Elements method to find the hidden soul card did not work.

The ghost needle grass that was used to find cards fell on Lei Gang's door, but was swept away and burned.

Two days later, all the newly harvested grains in Gantian Town smelled, and the townspeople surrounded the Fuxi Hall.

The rice was all stinky, and they didn't dare to eat it at all, so they only came to ask Mao Xiaofang if there was anything he could do.

Shu Ning also came over with a camera. Although she also reported a lot of new things, she had never heard of a town where rice stinks overnight.

"Everyone, I don't know what happened at the moment."

After checking the rice brought by the townspeople, Mao Xiaofang shook his head. He had never seen such a strange situation.

"Even you can't do it? What should I do? These stinky rice has killed all the rice bugs. People will definitely die if they eat it!"

Black Rose shouted loudly because she opened a rice shop. If this situation can't be solved, he will drink the northwest wind.

At that time, she couldn't even afford the tuition for Xiao Xiami, who went to school in the county town.

"I think so, I suggest everyone not to eat rice first. I will contact the church and ask them to send some dry food and biscuits."

"Ms. Shu Ning, even if the church distributes dry food, how many people can be fed?"

"Yes, where can you get enough of biscuits."

A group of people chattered as if there was a famine.

"Everyone, let me see it this way. I will ask Ah Hai to draw some salt and rice exorcism charms to keep the food fresh, and everyone will take it back and stick it on the food."

Mao Xiaofang could only think of this method for the time being, and let Ahai take over.

Axiu, who was on the side, helped distribute it. Before sending it out, she smeared a little blood on the talisman paper.

Now Lei Gang was afraid that she would go against the water, so he didn't tell her anything, only told her to do things.

Ah Xiu's mind was quite simple, and she never imagined that Lei Gang would harm the entire Gantian Town.

After sending off the townspeople, Mao Xiaofang went back to his room to rest, and Lei Gang suggested that he go to the Guantian Pavilion on the mountain to absorb some of the Heavenly Dragon Qi.

The townspeople put the talisman paper on the food, which would definitely cause problems. Lei Gang didn't want Mao Xiaofang to find out that the talisman paper had been tampered with, so he had to be temporarily removed.

"Master, look, these are the uncle's shoes. They were burned under the pot, and there are ghost needles on them."

After Lei Gang left, Xiao Hai took a pair of half-burned shoes into Mao Xiaofang's room.

These ghost needle grasses are used by them to find soul cards, why did they appear on Lei Gang's shoes.

Mao Xiaofang took the shoes and fell into contemplation.

"Master, do you think that sending the stone to hide the soul card has something to do with the master?"

Seeing that Mao Xiaofang was silent, Ah Hai said again: "Master, why don't we do this, let's pretend to go up the mountain, and I'll sneak back to see."


Jiang Lin had politely reminded Mao Xiaofang before, but now that something suspicious appeared in Lei Gang, Mao Xiaofang had no choice but to doubt it.

After Mao Xiaofang went to the Tiantian Pavilion, Ah Hai returned to Fuxi Hall, and outside the window of Lei Gang's room, he saw a body with a missing head, which belonged to Lei Gang.

"Senior nephew, since your eyes are so powerful, why don't you just give them to your uncle."

A head of Lei Gang appeared behind Ah Hai. Now that he has been discovered, he will no longer pretend.

The next day, Mao Xiaofang waited at the Guantian Pavilion for a long time and saw no sign of A Hai. He became suspicious and returned to Fuxi Hall.

"Mao Xiaofang, it's all your good deeds."

"It's all the exorcism talisman you put on us. We went back and ate everything and got a stomachache."

"Yeah, only Captain Song and Miss Shu Ning didn't take your talisman, they'll be fine."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang entered the door, a group of people surrounded him.

"Junior brother, I think if you don't clarify this matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult to quell the anger of the public."

"Fu will not be a problem."

Mao Xiaofang squeezed through the crowd, wanting to see what was wrong with the exorcism talisman on the table, but was caught by Lei Gang first.

"I made some holy water, so I can check if there are any problems with these talismans."

Lei Gang did not allow Mao Xiaofang to speak, and poured the "holy water" in the medicine bottle onto the talisman. The talisman paper was shaken in Lei Gang's hand, and it caught fire.

Lei Gang threw the burning talisman paper on the table, and immediately a bunch of Gu insects appeared.

"Junior brother, my father has taught you everything that he has learned in his life. Why are you still not satisfied and want to learn some sorcery to harm others?"

It was only at this moment that Lei Gang really revealed his true colors and revealed his true form.

Chapter [*] Why did you come back now!

Lei Gang looked like he hated iron, he shook his head and sighed again.

"Wow! The talisman paper has really turned into a worm."

"I said it all, it must be sorcery."

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