"Arrest him, it turns out that the god is also him, and the ghost is also him."

When everyone saw the talisman paper turned into a table of worms, their emotions were like a powder keg being ignited.

The townspeople, who usually respect Mao Xiaofang, now want Captain Song to put him in jail.

Does Mao Xiaofang practice sorcery?

Shu Ning's eyes were wide open. He remembered that Mao Xiaofang was still Jiang Lin's friend, and Jiang Lin's evaluation of him was quite good.

Because there is no poisoning, Shu Ning's emotions are not as extreme as the townspeople.

She has also been in Gantian Town for a while. She heard about the past. Mao Xiaofang often did things for the townspeople, and he almost didn't get paid. Do you need to practice sorcery to harm others?

After all, Shu Ning has read books and has the ability to think independently. She is skeptical about this matter.

Besides, Captain Song didn't quite believe that Mao Xiaofang would do this.

Once he was seriously injured, and it was Mao Xiaofang who rescued him.

"I've never practiced sorcery."

Mao Xiaofang's face was dazed, how could a good talisman paper become a Gu worm?

"This talisman..."

"This talisman is poisonous and needs to be burned with real fire."

With a wave of Lei Gang's palm, the talisman papers on the table suddenly turned into ashes.

He wanted Mao Xiaofang to find no evidence of turning over.

"Junior brother, I also really want to believe you, but the talisman was indeed made by you, Ahai. Who else can do it on paper except you. Ahai, come out and explain to everyone what's going on?"

Lei Gang called out, and Ah Hai came out of the inner hall, pointed at Mao Xiaofang, and said, "Everyone, listen to me, I'm here to testify against Mao Xiaofang, who is practicing sorcery. Ah Chu's hand turned into stone. , all your rice stinks are caused by him."

? ? ! !

Mao Xiaofang never imagined that the apprentice he hurts the most would actually say such a thing.

"Ah Hai, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Master, I persuaded you not to do this early in the morning. If you insist on doing things your own way and want to harm the villagers, I will definitely come out and testify against you."


Mao Xiaofang was so angry that his face turned red, he slapped Ah Hai Fan to the ground.


Lei Gang made a look at Axiu, Axiu thought she was going to help Ahai, and just squatted down, Lei Gang shot a silver needle out of her hand and plunged into her lower back.

Just a sliver, it entered the spine.

"Mao Xiaofang, you actually want to kill someone!"

Lei Gang went up and pulled out the silver needle on Axiu's back. With an angry look on his face, he said to Mao Xiaofang, "My father gave you Fuxi Hall in vain. You really disappointed the old man! Fuxi Hall has three precepts, and now you After breaking the three precepts, you are no longer qualified to be the head of Fuxitang, and we in Fuxitang do not have such a disrespectful disciple as you. Mao Xiaofang, your life and death in the future will never have anything to do with Fuxitang."

It turned out that the meaning of the Taoist friend was true.

In Mao Xiaofang's mind, Jiang Lin reminded him before he left, but unfortunately, he didn't listen to it.

If I had taken what my fellow Daoists said at the time, would this situation still occur today?

Looking at Lei Gang quietly, Mao Xiaofang's heart did not fluctuate.

It was only today that he fully recognized this senior brother.

"Drag him to jail!"

"Yes, it turned out to be such a person, practicing sorcery."

"Fortunately, Master Lei discovered his true colors in time."

Hearing the words of the townspeople around him, Mao Xiaofang sighed in his heart. After so many years in Gantian Town, he never imagined that he would have a day that thousands of people point to.

"Everyone, Mao Xiaofang has been expelled from my teacher's door by me, and now he has lost all his mana and can't hurt anyone anymore. Mao Xiaofang, let's go. I don't want to kill you in front of my grandfather, the heavens circulate, you should have retribution. "

Lei Gang was not going to let Captain Song and the others capture Mao Xiaofang, leaving him a useless body and being scolded by everyone, Lei Gang felt even more relieved.

Heavenly cycle?

Mao Xiaofang nodded, walked in front of Lei Gang, and said, "The cycle of heaven, well said, this is what you said today."

After speaking, Mao Xiaofang walked out of the crowd.

Lei Gang let Mao Xiaofang go, and a group of townspeople shouted that no one could cure the poisoning. Lei Gang pressed his hands down, saying that he could cure them from the poison.

Shu Ning watched the townspeople surrounded Lei Gang and left Fuxi Hall.

"Master Mao, if you don't have a place to go, go to my newspaper office first. I also want to know the truth. I don't think you will practice sorcery to harm others, Master Mao. Although all the evidence now points to you, I think the real The culprit must be someone else. Besides, Jiang Lin has a high opinion of you, I don't think an expert like him will be wrong."

Now that Mao Xiaofang has aroused public anger and has nowhere to go, Shu Ning asked him to go to his newspaper office.

"Miss Shu, thank you very much. I didn't expect that I have been in Gantian Town for decades, and the people who know and believe in me are now only fellow Daoists and Miss Shu."

Mao Xiaofang felt that the world was really unpredictable. Jiang Lin and Shu Ning had not been here for a long time. The former settled here for less than three months, and the latter for less than a month.

Now it's the two of them who believe in who they are.

Now Mao Xiaofang really had nowhere to go, and he was worried that Lei Gang would harm Gantian Town, so he accepted Shu Ning's invitation.

When he arrived at Shu Ning's newspaper office, Shu Ning went to wash the negatives, and Mao Xiaofang also went over to help. Shu Ning kindly took him in, and he didn't want to become an idler completely.

"this picture……"

In the film room, a photo hanging on a rope caught Mao Xiaofang's attention.

"This one was taken by me following Master Lei that day."

Shu Ning told Mao Xiaofang that the filming date was the day he surrendered for Ah Chu.

The photo is of Lei Gang and Axiu picking up his stone-sending soul card in Qingtan.

Everything, everything, is Lei Gang doing a ghost!

"Jiang Lin, you are back."

Seven days later, when Jiang Lin arrived at the door of Li Yangju, he happened to meet Shu Ning who was anxious.

"Shu Ning, do you have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Lin didn't go into the town, but went directly to his residence, so he didn't know what happened in the town during this time.

"I'm so mad at me! I'm so mad at me! Why did you only come back now!"

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't know Jiang Lin too well, Shu Ning would probably have punched Jiang Lin's chest with a pair of pink fists.


Do you miss me that much?

Jiang Lin is ashamed, a good beauty reporter, it seems that she has become a waiter.

"Lei Gang led someone to loot my newspaper office and confiscated all my newspapers!"

Shu Ning recalled how angry he was today, and he almost went crazy.

During this time, Lei Gang has been controlling the townspeople with poisonous holy water. She just exposed the facts, and as a result, Lei Gang brought the police to seal up the newspaper office.

"Say something slowly, Lei Gang ransacked your newspaper office? Does he lack pork in newspapers?"

Because Shu Ning's newspaper was often used by the townspeople to wrap pork, Jiang Lin made a casual joke.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore! Follow me to the newspaper office, Master Mao has no choice now."

Chapter [*] The Beggar Gang Elder Mao Xiaofang

Master Mao?

After listening to Shu Ning's words, Jiang Lin had a hunch that Mao Xiaofang might suffer a big loss when he was away.

Let the colorful tiger king go to the house to have a look, and Jiang Lin followed Shu Ning to the newspaper office.

After entering the town, Jiang Lin realized that Gantian Town is now in a mess.

On the way, Shu Ning focused on what happened during this time and told him the details. Mao Xiaofang prepared to explain the details to the newspaper office.

"You said that Lei Gang took Master Mao's gift card for sending stones and hiding souls, making him lose his mana, and kicking him out of Fuxi Hall?"

Knowing this news, Jiang Lin's expression was a bit exciting. It seems that this time Mao Xiaofang really suffered a blood loss.

Moreover, he felt that the cultivation method of Mao Xiaofang's lineage was really a bit scary. Once his hidden soul card was passive, decades of ascetic cultivation might be ruined.

Fortunately, I am not from this lineage, otherwise I would have to be on guard against my fellow brothers and sisters.

"Yeah, that man Lei Gang is full of bad water. Not only did he frame Master Mao, he also used poisonous holy water to control the townspeople and helped him build a triangular altar. Now the townspeople don't do farm work or business anymore. They are busy building an altar for Lei Gang every day, without holy water, they will go crazy with abdominal pain."

Shu Ning is now disgusted with Lei Gang to the extreme. It is now the Republic of China, and there are also the police department and the newspaper office. She was actually investigated by the local emperor Lei Gang, and she was almost banned.

When he arrived at the newspaper office, Jiang Lin saw Mao Xiaofang who was cleaning up tables, chairs and sundries. It had only been more than ten days since he had not seen him, and Mao Xiaofang's face had become full of vicissitudes.

It's like he's aged ten years all of a sudden.

"Master Mao, have you changed your profession? Joined the Beggar Gang? Beggar Gang elder Mao Xiaofang?"

Now Mao Xiaofang has a shaggy beard and his clothes are quite dirty, almost like a beggar.

If the peach wood sword in his hand is replaced by a wooden stick, coupled with his distinctive temperament, he will be a proper beggar gang elder.


Shu Ning was speechless, Mao Xiaofang was like this, Jiang Lin still had the heart to joke.

"I said that you are a person, people still treat you as a friend, and you have fallen into trouble like this?"

"Actually, I reminded Master Mao to be careful about his senior brother."

Jiang Lin looked at Shu Ning and shrugged. He didn't mean to laugh at anything.

I really wanted to be sarcastic, but he wouldn't be able to suggest it in words at first.

"Master Mao, so Jiang Lin reminded you."

Shu Ning's eyes fell on Mao Xiaofang this time, someone reminded him, and he made himself like this, but no one else.

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