Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt shameless, and nodded.

Facing Jiang Lin, he didn't know what to say for a while.

He felt that not only his strength, but also his eyesight couldn't compare with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin may have seen through Lei Gang long ago, but he couldn't.

Jiang Lin also hinted that he should beware of Lei Gang, but he didn't listen.

"Tell me what happened. Before I even entered the door, Shu Ning pulled me over."

Jiang Lin sat on the chair and looked at Mao Xiaofang. If even his uncle Ping had a problem, then Lei Gang would be dead.

"Fellow Daoist, it is estimated that Lei Gang is very jealous of you. Li Yangju and your butler are fine."

With a sigh, Mao Xiaofang continued: "It's all my fault for not listening to fellow Daoist's words, not long after you left..."

His skill was abolished, he was publicly "tested" by the most painful disciple, and he became the target of thousands of people.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect Mao Xiaofang to become so miserable. Now he has become a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats him, and he can only hide in the newspaper office.

Bring a hat when you go out.

You have long hinted that you are guarding your senior brother, but you don't listen.

If you know today, why should you be in the beginning.

What a bloody lesson.

Jiang Lin picked up a newspaper on the ground and read it, then raised it at Shu Ning, saying, "I said you, Miss Shu, the townspeople are controlled by Lei Gang, how dare you write this, you are not Looking for trouble? It's dangerous."

"Why do you even say I'm looking for trouble, every truth is worth the risk."

Shu Ning pouted and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Jiang Lin raised his brows and looked at Shu Ning again. It seemed that this girl was quite courageous.

"Your spirit is commendable, but you are not thoughtful enough. The lifeblood of the townspeople is in Lei Gang's hands. If you do this, what will you do if he forces the townspeople to kill you? The so-called holy water, the townspeople estimate that there is nothing they can't do."

To tell the truth, Jiang Lin was quite embarrassed that Mao Xiaofang was being accused by thousands of people.

In the past, Mao Xiaofang did so many things for Gantian Town, without credit, there is always hard work.

Now because of being framed, let the townspeople wipe out all his past hard work.

Yes, in this day and age, people are still relatively ignorant.

But ignorance doesn't mean it's a white-eyed wolf, right?

Not a single townsman stood up to defend Mao Xiaofang, not a single one.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin felt that it was a good decision to live in the last row of the town.

"Also, even if you write like this, the townspeople know the truth, so what? They still have to ask for holy water. As a reporter, seeking the truth is worthy of praise, but it doesn't mean that you don't know what to do and do nothing."


Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Shu Ning was speechless for a moment. It could be said that what she did was really meaningless.

In other cases, the truth still has a role to play, but now that a group of people's lives are being pinched, will they care whether Lei Gang is good or bad?Surely life matters.

"Fellow Daoist, I didn't listen to your advice and caused such a situation, Lei Gang, I will find a way to deal with it, Ah Hai was forced to testify against me, because Lei Gang holds my hidden soul card, and now he almost knows me. Where is the hidden soul card. Now the townspeople are in chaos, and if this continues, they will go crazy sooner or later."

Mao Xiaofang didn't want to trouble Jiang Lin to deal with Lei Gang. On the one hand, it was because he didn't listen to his own advice. On the other hand, in the final analysis, it was the matter of their Heavenly Dao faction, and he wanted to do it himself.

But Gantian Town was his place of residence and his home. Even if the townspeople misunderstood him, he didn't want them to suffer inhuman torture.

This is Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang is still worried about the safety of the townspeople.

Although Jiang Lin's values ​​are different from Mao Xiaofang's, but Mao Xiaofang's heart is devoted to the people, and he still treats him differently.

Otherwise, it would not be his Mao Xiaofang.

Even if you become an elder of the beggar gang, you must have the world in mind.

Chapter six hundred and twenty third two women scolding the street

"Success, I'll see if there is any way to temporarily relieve their situation."

Jiang Lin wasn't going to do nothing, but he wasn't going to get rid of the poison from the townspeople all at once.

Ignorance is not an excuse to become a white-eyed wolf. If Mao Xiaofang's situation happened to him, it is estimated that he would also be spurned by this group of people.

I really remember your goodness, will you turn your face so fast?

It is necessary to let these people suffer, otherwise, they will not have a long memory, and they will continue to be ignorant or be wolves.

As for Lei Gang, Mao Xiaofang is going to solve it. He has nothing to say. After all, it is an internal matter of other people's sects. There is no need for Mao Xiaofang to stop him when he wants to clear the door.

If Mao Xiaofang really can't deal with Lei Gang, he will take another shot.

After making Gantian Town like this, he doesn't even have a place to eat, and it is estimated that if Mao Xiaofang can't deal with Lei Gang, the townspeople know that he is back and will come to deliver business.


At this moment, the street below the newspaper office heard the screams of the townspeople.

"It's noon, and there is a toxin attack in the townspeople's body. Fellow Daoist, please take action and go down with me to prevent them from madness."

"Let's go then."

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang went out of the newspaper office. Although Jiang Lin didn't know what the townspeople had done, he could still temporarily stop their pain with spiritual power.

Shu Ning, as a reporter's occupational disease, wanted to follow up and shoot, and Jiang Lin also let her.

Anyway, with him there, even if the townspeople went mad, it wouldn't hurt her.

The three came all the way to the police station, and there was a loudspeaker from Zhou Yuan: "I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

I'm going, the Police Department is terrorized) (The elements broke in?

Entering the door, Jiang Lin found that the hall was a mess.

Even the prison door was removed.

Captain Song was being strangled by the mad Zhou Yuan.

Jiang Lin also pointed out a beam of light, and nodded on Zhou Yuan's forehead, restraining his madness and causing him to faint.

On the other hand, Mao Xiaofang sealed the acupoints of Azhong and the others, temporarily suppressing their pain.

"Captain Song, until now, if you still think it was my poison, I have nothing to say."

Mao Xiaofang staggered to Captain Song and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Now that he has lost all of his mana, forcing his power to run can only aggravate the injury.

"Master Mao, I know it was my fault, the townspeople were ignorant, everything was done by Lei Gang, he wanted us to know the importance of holy water, and closed the door of Fuxi Hall today. Save the townspeople. ."

Last night, the townspeople built an altar, but because it did not meet Lei Gang's wishes, it was destroyed by Lei Gang's two palms.

Therefore, Captain Song contradicted Lei Gang, and the Fuxi Hall closed early this morning. No matter how the townspeople knocked, no one responded.

"The poison in them can't be solved for the time being. We can only suppress the poison first. After the time passes, I'm afraid it will continue to do so."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand, there are more than [*] kinds of head-dropping that the head-turning master will drop, and he doesn't know what the head-turning is, and he has no way to cure it.

"Then...isn't Gantian Town only to be slaughtered by Lei Gang?"

Captain Song felt exhausted, saw Jiang Lin at a glance, and immediately went up to ask: "Master Jiang, you are back! Please save the people in Gantian Town. I know that you are profound in Taoism, and there must be a way."

"Captain Song, I'm a Taoist priest, not an immortal. So many townspeople have bowed their heads, and I don't know which one it is. I have nothing to do unless I figure out what it is."

Jiang Lin gave Captain Song a roll of eyes. There is not much outward expression in the bowing of the townspeople. Even if he is now a peak Celestial Master, he is not omnipotent.

Mao Xiaofang also knew that Jiang Lin was telling the truth. Jiang Lin's moral behavior may not be shallow, but detoxification is not a fight.

He said to Captain Song: "Captain, now we can only let the townspeople obey Lei Gang first, so as not to cause the poisonous disorder and innocent injuries."

Do you want to obey Lei Gang? ?

Captain Song's face was very ugly. This time, almost all the people from Gantian Town fell into Lei Gang's hands.

Now that his life is being pinched by others, he has no other choice but to obey temporarily, waiting for Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin to find a way.

"Ah, I remembered, Jiang Lin, you said that the people in the town are head-turning? I remember that a colleague of mine used to collect news about head-turning. In the newspaper, why don't you check it out to see if you can know about this? What about the category of descending heads?"

Shu Ning and Mao Xiaofang had always thought that the townspeople were poisoned, but Jiang Lin knew that Lei Gang was a head-turner, and it was better to use poison than head-turning. In addition, he observed a few townspeople, and he was sure that it was head-turning.

"Then let's go back first, Master Mao, you are relatively weak, so rest here first."

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning met Axiu not long after they walked out of the police station.

"It's you? Your father is blind. You must have told him what was in the newspaper. Your father is so bad, do you still want to play a role for the tiger?"

After Shu Ning saw Axiu, he poured out the anger that Lei Gang had on her.

"I hate you, you are the bad guy! You are the blind man!"

When Axiu saw Jiang Lin, she was still a little happy, but when she found Shu Ning beside him, and scolded her father, her temper came up.

"I'm a bad guy? It's funny, please read more books, don't just know how to read. Village girl!"

In normal times, Shu Ning is still very cultivated, but today she was pissed off by Lei Gang.

People who have read books will also scold people.

"You are blind, you are a mother monkey!"

Axiu is not to be outdone, because she has been scolded by Achu, so she knows that the term "mother monkey" does not refer to monkeys, but to curse words.

"You are the mother monkey, and your whole family is a mother monkey!"

In front of Jiang Lin, the two beautiful girls were scolding each other on the street. Fortunately, there were almost no people on the street, otherwise it would definitely be big news.

Tear) (Forcing a battle, imminent.

Jiang Lin was speechless. Axiu couldn't scold Shu Ning, so he started to fight. The two fought on the street.

Two beauties were beating and scolding in the street, and he was a man beside him, just like the scene in Qiong Yao's drama.

"Shu Ning, please report back to the agency first. I have something to ask her."

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