Jiang Lin pulled the two girls away and asked Shu Ning to go back first. He had a question to ask Axiu.

"Rude, barbaric!"

Shu Ning was so angry that his chest heaved, he snorted, and went straight back to the newspaper office.

Chapter [-] Your father is a bad guy

"Jiang Lin, did Xiaobai find it?"

Axiu wandered around Jiang Lin, wanting to see if her little white was being carried by Jiang Lin.

"follow me."

Although there were not many people on the street, when Axiu and Shu Ning made a fuss just now, many people were watching, and Jiang Lin took Axiu away.

"Xiao Bai found it."

After replying to Axiu, Jiang Lin raised his face and said, "Tell me everything you know, what kind of head bow is placed in the holy water your father drinks for the villagers."

Axiu was frightened by Jiang Lin's serious appearance and took two steps back. Since she knew Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin had never treated her like this.

"I don't know either. Dad just told me to do this and that, and put some worm eggs into the water. Later, I found out that the holy water was enchanted by him."

In Axiu's heart, she still trusts Jiang Lin. Although Lei Gang told her that no one else could be trusted except her father, Axiu felt that Jiang Lin also treated her well, which was different from others.

Jiang Lin asked her to tell what Lei Gang had done during this time, and she told the truth.

This Lei Gang really has deep scheming.

Jiang Lin wondered if Lei Gang would go to Axiu when he came, so Axiu didn't know much.

In fact, Axiu really knew very little about Lei Gang's plan. Even the so-called refining holy water, Axiu thought it was something to save the townspeople at first, but unexpectedly, it was Lei Gang who had cast his head down.

Also, when Xiaobai was "lost" before, it was Lei Gang who asked her to find Jianglin and wanted to open Jianglin.

Axiu didn't even know that the snake demon was let go by Lei Gang on purpose.

Lei Gang didn't trust her anymore.

Otherwise, she would not have put the key of the box containing the gift of the stone and the hidden soul card in her body, and shot a silver needle in her back in order to frame Mao Xiaofang.

If there is a slight error, Axiu will be injured in the nerves in the spine.

"Your father has made a Gan Tian town like this. What he asks you to do are things that endanger others. Do you also do it?"

"However, he is my father, my father is good to me, and I should listen to him. Just like I had a dog before, I was good to him, and he listened to me. Jiang Lin, I don't know how to tell the difference. There are things I should not do, and there are things I don't want to do, but when I think that my dad is very good to me, I do it."

Axiu frowned, looking very confused.

"You asked me to ask my uncle what is right and wrong, and I went to ask. He said that the biggest difference between humans and beasts is that people know how to love others and how to protect their own kind. At the beginning, uncle left Fuxi Hall, the townspeople They are all very good to me. I buy one cabbage and they give two, and they don’t charge for fish. Now I see them drinking the holy water with their heads down every day, and I feel very uncomfortable.”

Because he has been with Lei Gang since childhood and grew up in the mountains, Axiu's concept of consciousness has not formed a firm yardstick.

Now that she is sixteen or seventeen, she has come into contact with people, and her cognition has gradually formed. Because of her pure nature, some of the values ​​that Lei Gang instilled in her made her very contradictory and confused.

"If you listen to your father's words, that's called filial piety, but if your father is doing something wrong, doing things that endanger others, and you listen to your father's words again, that's called filial piety. Your father is a bad person."

When Ah Xiu heard Jiang Lin's words, she burst into tears.

A Hai said her father was a bad person, A Chu said her father was a bad person, and Shu Ning said her father was a bad person, she didn't want to believe it.

But Jiang Lin also said the same, she can't believe it.

Ah Hai said that Lei Gang was bad and was kicked a few times by A Xiu, A Chu was punched by her, and Shu Ning was scolded and beaten by her, but Jiang Lin said that, nothing happened.

"You said that your father is good to you. He now puts the key in your stomach for his own purposes. If your uncle wants to take the key, he may kill you. And he shot you in the back. A silver needle will make you crippled by accident. He may have been good to you in the past, but now he can do anything that hurts you for his own purposes. Again, treat yourself as a person , don't treat it like an emotionless beast. If you think your father's words are wrong, and you think it may hurt innocent people, you can ignore it. "


Axiu nodded. No one had told her so much before, which made her unable to distinguish right from wrong. Now she already knew what to do and what not to do.


Suddenly, Axiu clutched her stomach and squatted down, her pretty face turning white in pain.

"The key is in my stomach, it hurts."

"Lie down."

Jiang Lin took a piece of yellow paper, drew a flying star talisman on it, stuck one hand into Axiu's belly, and took out the key.

After getting up, Ah Xiu said, "My father asked me to take Ah Hai's eyes, but in this case, Ah Hai will be blind, so I can't do as my father said."

"Yes, go back."

Gently scratching the bridge of Axiu's nose, Jiang Lin smiled, now it's rare to see a girl with such a simple mind.

"Jiang Lin took out the key. It's also good for me. He doesn't do bad things. I'll listen to what he has to say in the future."

On the way back, Axiu talked to herself, Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of her nose, and she no longer felt that Jiang Lin was a bad person.

Jiang Lin threw the key in his hand. If he hadn't met Axiu by chance, he would have guessed that Mao Xiaofang wanted to deal with Lei Gang, just like talking in his sleep.

The hidden soul card is protected by a little ghost, and the key is still in the stomach of a living person. If Mao Xiaofang wants to get the key, he can only use the fetching talisman, but he has no mana now, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Now that the key has been taken out, Jiang Lin doesn't mind helping Mao Xiaofang.

"Master Mao, the hidden soul card is in the iron box in Lei Gang's room, but there is a kid guarding it. This is the key. It was originally placed in Axiu's stomach by Lei Gang, and I took it out."

After arriving at the newspaper office, Jiang Lin threw the key to Mao Xiaofang. Whether he could get the hidden soul card or not depends on Mao Xiaofang's own ability.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist. Axiu is actually a good child, she just follows Lei Gang all the time and no one teaches her."

Although Mao Xiaofang hated Lei Gang, he actually didn't have much malice towards Axiu. If he could really eliminate Lei Gang, he hoped that Axiu would stay in Fuxi Hall.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, you asked Axiu a question, did she say what is the head down among the townspeople?"

Shu Ning was relieved now, and did not make any judgments on Mao Xiaofang's evaluation. She was concerned about the problems of the townspeople.

"Lei Gang is very scheming. He only asks Axiu to do things. Axiu doesn't know about many things, and she doesn't know either. You check the information, do you gain anything?"

"Master Mao said that the situation of the townspeople is very similar to this kind of head down, the golden silkworm is down, but it needs to be further confirmed."

Shu Ning pointed to an area on the newspaper, which was about the story of the head-turning division using golden silkworms to harm people.

Chapter [-] Are there grains of rice on my face?

Jiang Lin read the contents of the newspaper and frowned. If it was really a golden silkworm, it would still be a hassle.

The golden silkworms used in the golden silkworm surrender are not owned by the mainland, and it is estimated that only Lei Gang has the method of liberation.

After Mao Xiaofang got the key, he went to set up the altar outside the town. It was estimated that it would be completed at night. Now Lei Gang uses the flying head to suck the blood of the sheep every night. He already has the key in his hand. It can be restored.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, you haven't eaten since you came back, have you? Do you want bread?"

Shu Ning was hungry, only to think that Jiang Lin was pulled over by her as soon as he arrived at the door, and he didn't eat lunch.

"You eat dry bread every day? You can endure hardship."

Jiang Lin knew that the rice in the town was polluted. Usually, the townspeople could only eat vegetables, but Shu Ning didn't even have vegetables here.

"No way, who told me not to cook. Also, do you have any misunderstandings about me, my family is good, and I don't worry about losing money by running a newspaper, but I'm not that kind of eldest lady, okay, why not? I can't bear the pain anymore."

Shu Ning put her hands on her hips, she always felt that Jiang Lin looked down on her.

"I'm not used to bread. Since my housekeeper is fine, I guess there are ingredients at home. I'll go back to treat myself and have a light meal together?"

On this trip to Guangxi, Jiang Lin didn't get enough food even after taking a rest in Hongxi Village. On the way, because the food was not suitable for his taste, he went straight to the road and was going to have a meal at Hexing Louhai here.

As a result, Hexing Building is now closed.

It's been a long time since I've weighed a spoon, and Jiang Lin is ready to eat something good.

After going back and forth, I wasted so much energy, and I took five hundred oceans. Thinking about it, I lost my life. I must eat a good meal to satisfy myself.

"You can cook, I really can't tell. Since you invited me, I'll give you a face."

Shu Ning smiled playfully and put down the bread in his hand.

Although she can endure hardship, she is really tired of bread.

"Wow, Uncle Ping, are you fat?"

After Jiang Lin returned home, he found that Uncle Ping had gained a lot of weight.

"Cough cough, isn't this a problem with the grains, I dare not eat meat, and eat all three meals a day."

Uncle Ping looked embarrassed. When Jiang Lin was not there, he became fat, making it the same as Jiang Lin, the master, who was reluctant to give his subordinates good food.

After the rice problem in the town, Uncle Ping bought a lot of chickens, ducks and geese to raise in the front yard. Anyway, there is a kitchen at home. Although he can't cook, he can add some seasonings and make a soup.

I have to say that after being with Jiang Lin, he had a very good life. Jiang Lin has always been very good to the servants, and the income of the servants is also very considerable.

"Yo, chickens and ducks are still raised in the yard, and there are just ingredients. Uncle Ping, kill eight chickens, nine ducks, and ten geese."



Uncle, are you hungry?

Uncle Ping was a little ashamed. Jiang Lin knew that his appetite had increased greatly, but there was no need to be so cruel, right?

Shu Ning was also startled, and almost thought he heard it wrong.

"Jiang Lin, your previous occupation was really a teacher instead of a chef? This simple meal is restaurant-level."

Shu Ning moved his index finger and looked at the dishes on the table, wondering if Jiang Lin had been a chef before.

He is really a good man at home, with skills, culture and cooking skills!

Shu Ning glanced at Jiang Lin and found that Jiang Lin really made a woman's heart move.

When she distributed newspapers in Hexinglou, she often listened to Sixi and Alan discussing Jianglin.

"Look, do I have rice grains on my face? There are only vegetables today, no staple food."


Even if you don't even lift your face, you know that someone is watching, and you even say it. People don't know how to be shy!

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