Shu Ning blushed and lowered his head.

But after Jiang Lin found out that she was sneaking a glance, she couldn't help but take a second glance.

If you look again, you will be eaten.

Jiang Lin stopped his chopsticks and looked at Shu Ning. He regarded this girl as a friend. Now it seems that Shu Ning intends to develop further.

Shu Ning was embarrassed by Jiang Lin's gaze, his face was like a nectarine, and he looked elsewhere.

"I'm stuffed."

Uncle Ping consciously did not go to be a fat bulb, and went out with two duck legs.

"Well, can I come and eat when I have time?"

Shu Ning said a little embarrassedly, Jiang Lin's craftsmanship is almost the same as that of the chef at Hexing Building. Now there is no place to eat in town. After tasting this kind of food, she doesn't want to eat bread at all.

"You seem to have slept here. It is estimated that the Hexing Building will not open in the past few days. Come here if you want."

Shu Ning found some information about Zuo Ci in such a short time, but Jiang Lin didn't know it. As a friend, he had no place to eat, so Jiang Lin had no reason to refuse.


Shu Ning almost choked, saying this is easy to misunderstand, okay?

But she really slept here.

With a blushing face, Shu Ning could only give Jiang Lin a big white eye.

After Jiang Lin had eaten, he went back to his room to sleep, and told Uncle Ping not to disturb his rest if he had nothing to do.

"Axiu, where have you been?"

"Father, Jiang Lin is back. In fact, only Mao Xiaofang is sorry for you. It has nothing to do with the townspeople of Gantian Town."

Axiu thought about it and persuaded Lei Gang to stop.

"Daughter, you are too naive. If Dad didn't use holy water to control them, they would be bad for our father and daughter sooner or later. When did you become so soft-hearted, don't forget that when you first came to Gantian Town, What do they think of you, you are not a savage, and that dead boy still scolds your mother monkey at the beginning."

"By the way, Jiang Lin is back, have you seen him? When did he come back? Did you ask him how this oil lamp is channeled?"

Lei Gang held an oil lamp in his hand. This lamp was the one Jiang Lin brought out from Cixi's tomb. Lei Gang heard Axiu talk about this lamp. After Jiang Lin left, he asked Axiu to borrow it.

Uncle Ping also knew that Jiang Lin borrowed the black snake from Axiu, so he gave her the oil lamp, and it has been in Lei Gang's hands since then.

However, after studying for a long time, Lei Gang was unable to contact the spiritual body inside.

"I met him at noon. I didn't ask, I forgot."

In fact, what Ah Xiu was thinking was that she forgot to tell Jiang Lin that he had borrowed his oil lamp.

"Jiang Lin came back at noon, but it seems that he is really too lazy to ask about Gantian Town, otherwise he will not come to me now. As long as the light is restored, even if he wants to take care of my affairs, I am not afraid. He is."

Chapter [*] Even with a gun, shameless!

Lei Gang still doesn't know that Mao Xiaofang has got the key to open the ghost box. He is very swollen now. Mao Xiaofang has become a rat crossing the street. .

Even if Ah Hai's eyes don't work, he can restore his vision by sucking sheep's blood.

"Mao Xiaofang, all your power has already belonged to me. One of the two disciples was captured by me. He will do whatever I want him to do. There is another A Chu, Mao Xiaofang, I want you to have nothing."

With a loud laugh, Lei Gang went to the police station.

Axiu looked at Lei Gang's back and felt very helpless. Although she decided not to help Lei Gang harm others, she couldn't stop Lei Gang from continuing to go crazy.

When Lei Gang arrived at the police station, he found Ah Chu. He wanted Ah Chu to worship him under his door, so that Mao Xiaofang didn't even have a disciple.

Ah Chu is very slick, in his opinion, as long as the current situation is explained, Ah Chu will definitely follow him.

However, Lei Gang still underestimated Ah Chu's backbone. Although he was incompetent, it was impossible for him to betray his master.

Ah Chu pretended to be Lei Gang as his teacher, and while Lei Gang was complacent, he touched Lei Gang with his hand that had his head lowered.

But the evil stone descended from Lei Gang, and even if Ah Chu turned his hand into a stone, he couldn't help him.

If you don't know how to lift up, you're courting death!

Lei Gang was very angry, he found Captain Song and his father, and asked them to execute Ah Chu.

Although Captain Song was reluctant, the entire town was now under Lei Gang's control. They took into account the safety of the townspeople, so they could only obey Lei Gang and shoot Ah Chu tomorrow.

This is also the judgment to be given above.

After Lei Gang went back, it was already late, so he used his flying head to descend outside to suck the blood of the sheep.

After Lei Gang's head flew away, Mao Xiaofang and Hei Rose entered Fuxi Hall. Jiang Lin had already helped Mao Xiaofang get the key. Mao Xiaofang felt that he owed Jiang Lin too much, and he didn't want to trouble Jiang Lin any more, so he found Hei Rose. , ask her for help.

After seeing the two of them, Axiu didn't stop her.

There was a little ghost on the iron box. Although Mao Xiaofang had no mana, he used a willow branch to kill the little ghost.

The broken ship still has three pounds of iron.

"The kid has been destroyed, my father already knows, and will be back soon. My father wants Ah Hai's eyes, and I will try my best to delay the time."

"You are a good boy."

Mao Xiaofang smiled at Axiu and dismissed the idea of ​​saving Ahai. Now only if he recovers his cultivation, he can fight against Lei Gang.

After Mao Xiaofang and the others left, Axiu whistled. After Lei Gang came back, she lied that the key was taken by Black Rose with the fetching charm given by Mao Xiaofang.

Lei Gang knew that Mao Xiaofang needed to restore his cultivation, so he set up a head-down formation and fought with Mao Xiaofang in the air. After the fight failed, he sent two more ghosts.

After Mao Xiaofang recovered his mana, he kept the two ghosts in the ghost box. Lei Gang ordered them to self-destruct. Unexpectedly, he helped Mao Xiaofang and blew the Shishi Hidden Soul Card to the sky.

"Mao Xiaofang, now the lives of the entire Gantian Town are in my hands, I'll see how you fight with me! Axiu, give me a change of eyes tomorrow, as long as I see the light again, I can break through the tenth floor of Moro's descent. , then ten Mao Xiaofang will not be my opponent!"

The next day, Mao Xiaofang recovered as before, and when he learned that Ah Chu was going to be executed, he hurried to the police station.

With the mana and Jiang Lin's guidance, this time Mao Xiaofang completely degraded the evil stone from A Junior High School.

"Captain Song, Ah Chu's hand was descended by the evil stone under Lei Gang, and the townspeople may be the golden silkworm descended by Lei Gang. Now Lei Gang wants to dig Ah Hai's eyes, and my mana has recovered. Deal with him, but I need your testimony to prove that Lei Gang wants to kill Ah Hai."

Mao Xiaofang not only wanted to clear the door this time, but he also planned to use the power of the police department. Lei Gang was so sinister that he made a play of the lives of the townspeople. Even if he ran away, he would still have a warrant to arrest him.

"Captain, if we follow Master Mao, we may offend Lei Gang."

"What are you afraid of, Ah Chu has no evidence to prove his innocence, but Ah Hai has no crime, how can he allow such an upright and honest life as Lei Gang!"

Captain Song personally led the team, ready to go with Mao Xiaofang.

At this moment, a pigeon flew over. After Mao Xiaofang checked the letter it brought, he immediately took Captain Song and the others to Fuxi Hall.

Axiu sent a letter, Ahai was going to have an accident.

"Senior brother, come back to the shore! I have brought the police) (the police are here, if you break the law, you can still be shot."

There was still some time before Fuxi Hall, and Mao Xiaofang used sound transmission to remind Lei Gang that he had arrived.

"Father, I don't think it's too late, Shishu, Mao Xiaofang has already rushed over."

Axiu breathed a sigh of relief, she had procrastinated long enough.

Mao Xiaofang actually had someone bring a gun here, how shameless!

Lei Gang's face was pale and pale. He didn't think that his current strength could resist the musket. He made Mao Xiaofang so miserable. If Mao Xiaofang disregarded that he was a Taoist priest and shot him with a gun, he would have to burp.

In fact, Lei Gang really used the heart of a villain to take care of a gentleman's belly. As for Tiandao's own affairs, Mao Xiaofang would only use Taoism to deal with him.

When the police came over, Mao Xiaofang just wanted Lei Gang to leave a criminal record at the police station.

In the end, Lei Gang let Axiu set the Fuxi Hall on fire, Axiu only lit the fire in the kitchen, and then followed Lei Gang to the Demon Temple on the mountain.

"Master, Fuxi Hall is on fire!"

"Go and save your senior brother, Captain Song, you all go to find holy water, Lei Gang and the others are in a hurry, they probably didn't take it away."

Mao Xiaofang and Ah Chu rushed into Fuxi Hall to find Ah Hai, while Captain Song and the others were looking for holy water.

Although there is a bow in the holy water, it can buy them time to surrender, otherwise the townspeople will go crazy and die before the bow is lifted.

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang and A Chu to rescue A Hai, but Captain Song and the others found that all the holy water in the Taoist temple had been smashed by Lei Gang and spilled on the ground.

Without holy water, the townspeople couldn't stand the pain at all.

Mao Xiaofang took the holy water from the broken bucket, tested the poison, and finally determined that it was the golden silkworm.

He asked Ah Hai and Ah Chu to go to the mountain overnight to get poplar bark, grind it into powder and add water to the townspeople to temporarily anesthetize the golden silkworms in their bodies.

Chapter [*] If anyone bullies her, I won't agree!

"Shun Ning, let me help you."

Now apart from Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice, there are only Shu Ning and Captain Song and their father and son who did not get the golden silkworm. Captain Song and the others couldn't leave, so Shu Ning went to Fuxi Hall to help, which made Ah Chule bad and gave Shu Ning everywhere Courtesy.

"Why do you have to help me, you have a bucket there too."

Shu Ning frowned, because Mao Xiaofang had a broad mind, so her impression of A Chu and A Hai was not so bad, otherwise she would not take the initiative to come to Fuxi Tang, but she really didn't like A Chu always going to her gather around.

Oily, like an oil rat.

It didn't take long for the townspeople who had been drowning to drink a potion mixed with poplar bark powder.

"Hey, this potion can only last for a day or two at most. The golden silkworm is highly toxic and has an extraordinary resistance. I'm afraid it won't have such a good effect next time. Now Lei Gang doesn't know where to go. already."

Although the problem of the townspeople has been temporarily solved, this method can cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Mao Xiaofang frowns and does not find Lei Gang.

"Why, why don't you help me!"

In the Devil's Temple, Lei Gang was so mad, now that Ah Hai didn't have his eyes, he could no longer go to the town to suck the blood of the sheep, so he could only find a way to get the spirit body out of the oil lamp and help him heal his eyes.

But after all the methods were exhausted, Lei Gang still had nothing to do.

"Father, why don't we go back to Nanyang."

"Damn! Gantian Town is my place, and Fuxitang is also mine. Why should I go back to Nanyang?"

Lei Gang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Mao Xiaofang is shameless, he actually has a gun, as long as I restore the light and break through to the tenth floor of Moro, I'm not afraid of bullets, I will definitely not lose! I will definitely won't lose..."

"Dad, I'll go out and get you something to eat."

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