Axiu knew that it was useless to talk too much, so she went out of the temple to look for food.

After searching for a long time, Axiu still found nothing. She happened to be in Uncle Niu's yard near Zhenkou and saw a scene that made her sad.

Mao Xiaofang's potion lasted for less than a day. Uncle Niu, his wife and their baby could not bear the torture of head bowing. Aunt Niu wanted to take the child to suicide.

In the end, Uncle Niu finally took the scissors off, and the family hugged and cried hoarsely.

"Uncle, Miss Xiu is here to find you."

Jiang Lin slept until now, but was woken up by Uncle Ping.


"Jiang Lin, this string of beads can save the townspeople's head. Dad took it with me and I stole it. I saw that Aunt Niu wanted to kill herself with her child because she couldn't bear the suffering. I think I should be right to do so. ."

Axiu handed the rosary in her hand to Jiang Lin, and told him about Mao Xiaofang's recovery of mana and their father and daughter running away.

"Take this string of beads to Fuxi Hall and give it to your uncle."

Jiang Lin did not accept the rosary, but even if he accepted it, he would hand it over to Mao Xiaofang. He was too lazy to do the work of grinding powder and soaking water.

And since Axiu has the heart to save the townspeople, let Mao Xiaofang know.

Otherwise, Mao Xiaofang might not be merciful when he cleans up the door.

Mao Xiaofang was in the room looking for other ways to surrender. After hearing the movement outside, he went out to check. A string of rosary beads flew towards him, and then he saw the figure disappear in a flash.


Mao Xiaofang looked at the rosary in his hand and guessed what Axiu meant.But just to be cautious, he first went to the black rose reagent.

Early the next morning, Mao Xiaofang asked Ah Hai and Ah Chu to call all the townspeople over.

The townspeople lined up in a long queue at the entrance of Fuxi Hall, waiting for the antidote.

"I tell you, it was I who tested the medicine with my own body, and then I was sure that the medicine for the mustache is useful. You can see that I am relieved now that I have lowered my head, and my skin is smooth and smooth. I have a life-saving grace for you, To buy rice in the future, I have to go to my Guiji Rice Shop."

The black rose was blowing loudly at the entrance of Fuxi Hall, making all the townspeople contempt, trying a medicine to become a savior?

A woman in her thirties, she's still smooth and smooth, I'm not ashamed!

"Sanyuan, you see I'm a rich man too. I don't know when the line will last. See if you can make it easier."

The third uncle pulled Zhou Yuan, who was maintaining order, aside and took out a few oceans.

"Of course it is..."

"Of course not!"

Seeing that the third uncle and Zhou Yuan were making small moves, Black Rose immediately shouted, "Everyone else is queuing up, waiting for the antidote, everyone must obey the rules, it's shameful to jump in line!"

Mao Xiaofang asked Hei Rose for help several times, and Hei Rose was very excited. Now she regarded herself as the prospective hostess of Fuxi Hall and played tricks in front of Fuxi Hall. Can she agree?

"Miss Shu, you came out just in time. Now someone wants to spend money to go through the back door to jump in the queue and take two pictures."

Seeing Shu Ning coming out of Fuxi Hall, Black Rose quickly waved to him.

Hold the day!Still want to take pictures?

Even if Zhou Yuan wanted to collect money again, he didn't dare.

"Yeah, I am so selfless, Zhou Yuan, how can I, how can I break the rules for this little money."

What a long life!

With a bitter face, Zhou Yuan said insincere words, returned the five oceans to the third uncle, and asked him to line up at the back.

"Thank goodness our baby finally stopped crying."

"Yeah, how fierce the child cried before, and how good it is now."

Uncle Niu and his wife drank the antidote and wept with joy.

Axiu squatted on a street corner not far away, looking at the baby in Uncle Niu's arms and smiling.

"Witch! I'll kill you!"

Uncle Niu saw Axiu with a glance, and a nameless fire broke out in his heart, so he picked up a stone and threw it at it.

The other townspeople also picked up stones and threw them at Axiu.

How are you?

Axiu covered her eyes with her arms, but found that no stones fell on her.

"stand up."

Jiang Lin helped Axiu up, looked at the angry townspeople, and threw the stone in his hand in front of them.

"The antidote you drank was given by her. Without her, you would have to suffer. Moreover, Master Mao's recovery of mana also has Axiu's credit. She was just used as a pawn by Lei Gang. If anyone bullies her in the future, I will not agree. !"

Jiang Lin protected Axiu behind him and glanced at everyone.

This girl trusts him so much, and stealing the antidote of Jin Qianjiang also has his influence, and now he can't let Axiu be hurt by it.

"Master Jiang is really handsome. If there is such a man standing in front of me to protect me, I would be so happy."

"Yes, yes. If Captain Song or Master Jiang can protect me like this, I'd be willing to die."

Alan, Sixi and a few other girls on the side were whispering.

Shu Ning watched Jiang Lin protect Axiu, and heard the jokes of Sixi and the others, his face was full of taste.

Chapter [*] Fellow Daoist, please!

"Friend Daoist is right, Axiu is actually a good boy."

Mao Xiaofang heard the movement at the door, walked out, and also apologised for Axiu.

"Not only Axiu, fellow Daoist also helped me a lot. Without him, I couldn't restore my mana."

Since Jiang Lin came and the townspeople were there, Mao Xiaofang also said a few more words. Although Jiang Lin did not do anything when he came back this time, Mao Xiaofang knew that it must have something to do with him.

Axiu has a good relationship with Jiang Lin. Mao Xiaofang knew it. Axiu didn't hurt his apprentice by delaying the time, and even sent the antidote over. I'm afraid Jiang Lin's influence was involved.

"Since Master Mao and Master Jiang said so, this girl may really just be used by Lei Gang."

"Yeah, Master Jiang helped Master Mao, and he saved me before, so I didn't turn me into a stone. We shouldn't be hostile to Miss Xiu in the future."

Mao Xiaofang looked at Axiu, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Axiu, where is your father?"

"I won't say, he's my father."

Axiu shook her head and left.

"Master, should we follow Axiu to find Lei Gang?"

"Don't, Lei Gang used her, isn't we also using her when we do this?"

Mao Xiaofang rejected Ah Chu's proposal. Since Ah Xiu was nearby, he would go find it himself after he had dealt with the townspeople's affairs.

What Mao Xiaofang didn't expect was that he hadn't looked for Lei Gang yet, but Lei Gang was looking for him first.

Lei Gang performed all the bowing he had learned in the Demon Temple, but to no avail. He grabbed the oil lamp and wanted to throw it away, but he didn't want to. After several repetitions, he even summoned the lamp god. .

"Axiu, Axiu, I can finally see it!"

As soon as Ah Xiu returned to the Devil's Temple, he saw Lei Gang's ecstasy. His eyelids turned red, and the strands of hair on his forehead turned gray.

Lei Gang was enchanted.

"This oil lamp can really restore my light. Now I'm going to seek revenge on Mao Xiaofang, and the whole Gantian Town. I'll let them be my slaves for generations!"

Lei Gang is like holding a treasure, and he cherishes the oil lamp in his hand very much.

Axiu looked at the oil lamp and felt remorse in her heart. If she hadn't heard Lei Gang's words and borrowed it, he wouldn't have become so crazy.

Lei Gang screamed, and a few flashes disappeared.

When he arrived at the Gantian Township Police Department, he massacred five or six police officers and left a blood letter on the wall.

Mao Xiaofang, on the West Street of Tomorrow City, will fight to the death.The murderer, Lei Gang.

In addition to Mao Xiaofang, there is Jiang Lin in Gantian Town, but Lei Gang doesn't want to mess with Jiang Lin now.

Captain Song and Zhou Yuan and the others maintained order and returned to the police station when they found the gauntlet on the wall, and immediately called Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin over.

"Master Mao, it seems that Lei Gang is looking for you by name this time."

Jiang Lin looked at the gauntlet on the wall, guessing that Lei Gang's gauntlet was fake, and he was afraid that it would be true if he shot himself.

Only Mao Xiaofang's name was hung on it, and Mao Xiaofang would definitely take on the challenge.

"Don't worry about him, Master, if he says we'll go, don't we lose face?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Ah Chu, shook his head slightly, and said, "This is the rule in the industry. You have learned from your master for so long, and you don't know anything about it?"

If you are given a gauntlet, if you shouldn't fight, you can, you basically can't raise your head in the circle.


Ah Chu had an angry face and could only shut up.

He really didn't know about this, even if Mao Xiaofang had taught him.

"Go back first."

Mao Xiaofang looked at the bloody handwriting on the wall, his eyelids twitched violently, this time may be a doom for him.

After returning to Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang asked A Hai and A Chu to go out, and he wanted to talk to Jiang Lin alone.

"Fellow Daoist, Lei Gang is an unworthy disciple of our Tiandao faction. As long as I live for one day, I have the responsibility to deal with him, and this time he also gave me a gauntlet. If I unfortunately die this time, the safety of Gantian Town will be at stake. I leave it to you. The two apprentices also hope that fellow Daoists can take care of them one or two times, and if there is an afterlife, they will definitely reward them.”

"Master Mao is explaining the funeral to Jiang? Since I have settled in Gantian Town, I will not let Lei Gang continue to mess around. As for taking care of the disciples, forget it. Jiang has no habit of taking care of outsiders."

Jiang Lin guessed that Mao Xiaofang might have also discovered the magic energy from Lei Gang's handwriting. Lei Gang didn't know what kind of sorcery he had practiced, and he practiced himself to become a demon and a demon.

With a wry smile, Mao Xiaofang fell silent. He had just made some calculations in his heart, this catastrophe, ten deaths and no life.

"My cultivation base has been stagnant for many years, and this time may also be an opportunity. Ever since I joined the Heavenly Dao School, I have sworn that I would no longer regard my life as my own if I was unfortunate. If I die in battle, please ask fellow Daoists to help my two apprentices to clear their doubts.

Mao Xiaofang took out an iron box from the bottom of the bed, took out a yellowed book and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was unwilling to take care of his incompetent disciples, and he couldn't force it. In that case, he gave Jiang Lin a big gift and asked Jiang Lin to spend more time.

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