"Fellow Daoist, please!"


For Mao Xiaofang's sake, Jiang Lin did not refuse.

Let him give A Hai and A Chu some doubts, and there is still some distance to pass on the arts.

Only paying such a price can get a complete inheritance of a sect, and this time Mao Xiaofang can also be regarded as repaying the previous favor.

"I don't mind being a teacher if the two of them don't become successful in the future."

"Mao Xiaofang is honored to have this friend as Daoist."

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang began to write down his birth date and tomorrow's stems, good and bad luck and paste them on the wall.

"Master, this is the Seven Star Treasure Clothes you asked me to make."

"Okay, take out the teacup."

Mao Xiaofang took the Seven Star Treasures, and after Ah Hai went out, he picked up the pen and wrote down his last words.

Taking the peach wood sword, Mao Xiaofang went to Chengxi Street alone, which is the street at the entrance of the town.

Early in the morning, all the townspeople came to the town entrance and found Mao Xiaofang sitting there cross-legged, leaning on a peach wood sword.

Jiang Lin also came here, Mao Xiaofang had a good relationship with him, and he also wanted to see this battle.

In this battle, Mao Xiaofang wanted to make progress by dying. Taking this as an opportunity to break through, Jiang Lin was not ready to intervene.

Chapter [*] Master Mao is dead!

"Zilong, please go on, don't let people harass Master Mao."

"Okay, Dad, it seems that Master Mao is very confident that he can win."

Mao Xiaofang seemed very calm, so Captain Song didn't see that he was dying, but thought he was full of confidence.

"Of course I have confidence. My dad and I made a big bet to buy Master Mao to win."

"Yeah, I made a big bet."

Zhou Yuan's father and son are still thinking of gambling at this time. They are really talented father and son.

Seeing Captain Song's ugly face, Zhou Yuan quickly waved his hand at his father, motioning to stop talking.

"Son, are you still going five oceans?"

Zhou had the wrong intention and made Wednesday so angry that he shut up.

"Jiang Lin, what do you think Master Mao will do with Lei Gang this time?"

Shu Ning came to Jiang Lin with a camera. How could such a big event happen in the town without her being a "war reporter".

"To be optimistic, it is estimated that there will be nine deaths and one life. If you are not optimistic, there will be no life after ten deaths."


Did you say so?Why don't you say it's all dead?

Shu Ning rolled his eyes and said, "I think the reason why Lei Gang framed Master Mao before must have been jealous of him. I feel that the strength of the two of them should be divided into five and five."

"You win, forcibly open five or five, and be convinced."

"When you talk, why do I keep wanting to beat you?"

Shu Ning pursed his lips, angrily, and then asked: "You have a good relationship with Master Mao. If he is in danger, won't you take action?"

"It's his own choice not to make a move, and he also has his own plans. It will be of great benefit to him if he fights over it. If he hasn't crossed the threshold, he can only go to Huangquan."

"I really don't understand your Taoist priests."

Looking at Shu Ning next to him, Jiang Lin explained: "Do you know that the eagle threw his child from a height in order to allow his child to fight the sky? We Taoist priests, going back, are monks. The one who grows against the sky reaches a certain level, and when he breaks through, there will be thunder tribulation, and he will die if he can't get through. Unless he doesn't want to further his strength, otherwise I won't interfere."

"What are you doing with the camera and not taking notes, this is for the test."

In the end, Jiang Lin made a joke with Shu Ning, but he didn't expect that since Shu Ning obediently took out the pen and paper, he really wrote it down.

"Hey, is the mustache so confident? Going to the meeting alone, where are his two left and right guardians?"

When Mao Xiaofang was about to fight Lei Gang, Hei Rose closed all the rice shops and came to watch the battle. Seeing Mao Xiaofang's calm appearance, Hei Rose's heart moved again.

The left and right guardians that Black Rose said were A Hai and A Chu. At this time, the two people with big hearts were still just getting up in Fuxi Hall.


Ah Hai knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. He pushed open the door and entered. There was no sign of Mao Xiaofang in the room, only a suicide note on the table.

"Brother, what about Master?"

"It's over, the master said that this time he will definitely die, and he also asked us to prepare for the funeral, and we were not allowed to watch the battle."

After A Hai finished reading the contents of the suicide note, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning and his feet were unstable.

"Impossible! I'm going to find Master!"

"Achu, Master won't let us go."

Ah Chu shook off his senior brother's hand and said, "Master is in trouble, we don't go as disciples, are we still human?"

When Ah Hai saw Ah Chu running out, he followed.

Mao Xiaofang's suicide note clearly stated that the two of them would not be allowed to pass, but the two apprentices would not listen.

No matter how good the cards are, they can be smashed by his two apprentices.

At Zhenkou, Lei Gang jumped off the roof, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Mao Xiaofang in a few breaths.

"Mao Xiaofang, after so many years, I finally see you clearly again."

"You are enchanted, you can see others, but you can't see yourself. It's useless to let you see the light again."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head, but did not look up at Lei Gang.

"From childhood to adulthood, I have only one thing that can't compare to you, and that is my mouth. The myna on the tree can be coaxed by you. Since you say that it's useless for me to open my eyes, you should defend your way and die!"

Although Lei Gang's eyes fell on Mao Xiaofang, his attention was on Jiang Lin. Seeing Jiang Lin watching the play with his arms folded, he felt relieved and launched an offensive directly against Mao Xiaofang.

Since Mao Xiaofang started, he has been practicing in the yard every morning with few interruptions, so he is not weak at all in terms of skills.

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Xiaofang's kung fu, and made a comparison in his mind. He walked steadily, and his fists and feet were both rigid and soft, even more powerful than Zhang Han, almost the same as Jiu Shu.

But Lei Gang is not a mortal body now.

Although Jiang Lin didn't fight against him, he also discovered that Lei Gang's current physical strength was close to becoming a zombie.

After Moruo Jiang broke through to the tenth floor, Lei Gang's current physical strength and speed were not a problem for him to catch bullets with his bare hands.

This is the power of the evil powers. Mao Xiaofang's practice is Huang Tingjing, and his body training formula is Baguazhang. Combined, these two can't compare to Lei Gang's Moruojiang.

At the beginning, Mao Xiaofang could still have the upper hand, but gradually his movements began to slow down. Although the magnitude was small, it was not enough to deal with Lei Gang.


Mao Xiaofang was caught in the ribs by Lei Gang, he turned around and kicked Lei Gang with a spin, knocking a wooden cart loaded with firewood apart, but Lei Gang was like nothing.

He kicked the hatchet on Fei Chai, and Lei Gang pounced on it again. The hatchet immediately approached Mao Xiaofang's chest. Mao Xiaofang blocked it with a peach wood sword and was directly broken.

"It's over."

Zhou You and Zhou You saw Mao Xiaofang being kicked away by Lei Gang, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, like two gamblers who had lost all their money.

Lei Gang took advantage of the situation and attacked wildly. Ji Zhang's hands were like iron claws. In the end, his hands were evenly spread, and both of them turned silver. The silver light just flashed into Mao Xiaofang's eyes.

Just closing his eyes, Mao Xiaofang did not guard against Lei Gang, and was pressed against his abdomen by his hand knife.

With a "swipe" sound, Lei Gang's injured silver light all entered Mao Xiaofang's body.

"Ha ha……"

Lei Gang laughed wildly, lifted Mao Xiaofang and threw it out. After Mao Xiaofang fell, he died on the spot.

"Master Mao, Master Mao is dead!"

"Master Mao is dead..."

All the townspeople were stunned in place. Lei Gang didn't even have a sharp blade in his hand, so he actually killed Mao Xiaofang.

Chapter [*] Experts speak, can't understand a word



Ah Hai and Ah Chu rushed to the town entrance, just to see Mao Xiaofang's breathless scene, the two of them were like wild beasts, rushing towards Lei Gang.

"Lei Gang dog thief! Return my master's order!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Jiang Lin frowned. He had only seen Mao Xiaofang alone before, so he guessed that Mao Xiaofang might have left behind.

Breathing out doesn't mean you're dead, it's very likely to be a suspended animation.

But now Ahai Achu is out of his own power to find Lei Gang to die. Could it be that Mao Xiaofang has to rely on himself?

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, a piece of paper floated over. When Ah Hai rushed towards Lei Gang just now, Mao Xiaofang's suicide note fell from him.

Jiang Lin took the page and looked at it, his eyes lit up, it turned out that Mao Xiaofang was not a turtle or suspended animation, he was really dead.

It's just that he did stay behind and survived.

After Jiang Lin went back yesterday, he read the inheritance of the Tiandao School, so when he saw what Mao Xiaofang explained in the suicide note, he probably guessed what was going on.

The Heavenly Dao faction is indeed extraordinary.

Jiang Lin didn't underestimate any sect because of his high strength, but today he really understood the extraordinaryness of Mao Xiaofang's lineage.

Mao Xiaofang belonged to the Heavenly Dao sect, who looked up at the sun, moon, and stars, looked down at the topography of mountains and rivers, and was able to explore the heavens.

Even so, the inheritance of this vein is no trivial matter.

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