Mao Xiaofang even considered that he would die today, what he was going to do was to survive and deceive the destiny.

After seeing Mao Xiaofang's suicide note, Jiang Lin began to pay attention to the inheritance of the Heavenly Dao School that he sent. It was indeed a generous gift.

Mao Xiaofang, ah Mao Xiaofang, if you put your life in the hands of two incompetent disciples, you are also a beer!

Jiang Lin didn't know whether to admire Mao Xiaofang's boldness, or to laugh at him for being as careless as a pillar.

Now that A Hai and A Chu appear, they will definitely be restrained, and all the back-hands that Mao Xiaofang left behind will be completely useless.

Originally, Jiang Lin also planned to abolish Lei Gang, but since all this basically did not deviate from Mao Xiaofang's fortune-telling, Mao Xiaofang sent the inheritance of Tiandao School, Jiang Lin also wanted to send Mao Xiaofang a good fortune, just to find some materials. , it's not too much trouble.

In fact, Jiang Lin chose to do this, the main reason is that Mao Xiaofang's two apprentices are still so incompetent, Jiang Lin really doesn't bother to explain or even teach Taoism in the future.

He personally ruined the hope of his teacher's resurrection, and he is a peerless good apprentice.

Let Mao Xiaofang teach it himself.


Before even half a minute had passed, Ah Hai and Ah Chu were beaten by Lei Gang and vomited blood.

"Jiang Lin, you really didn't help Master Mao? And Ah Hai and Ah Chu."

Shu Ning saw that Jiang Lin had never made a move, and felt that he was too impersonal.

"Ahai and Achu, these two boys, if they don't get a lesson, they will still be as ineffective as before. As for Mao Xiaofang, how do you know that I won't save him?"

"But Master Mao is dead."

"It's easier to do things when he's dead, but he can't be dead."


God, what the hell is this guy talking about?

Shu Ning thoroughly understood what it means to speak from an expert, which was extraordinary.

Lei Gang kicked A Hai and A Chu away. What he didn't expect was that Jiang Lin was really desperate for Mao Xiaofang.

He likes lazy people like that.

"Haha, Gantian Town, I want you all to become my slaves!"


Captain Song took A Zhong's gun beside him and opened fire at Lei Gang.

Mao Xiaofang still holds a very high status in his heart. Even if Mao Xiaofang was framed before, he didn't fully believe it, but the evidence was conclusive and he didn't speak for Mao Xiaofang.

Now that Mao Xiaofang is dead, he is also burning with anger.


More than ten bullets were fired in salvo, but all were taken by Lei Gang empty-handed.

No bullet could penetrate his palm.


Captain Song, where have they seen someone who can resist bullets with just their hands, and Mao Xiaofang is dead again, they don't think Jiang Lin can deal with Lei Gang at all, and all of a sudden they are scattered like birds and beasts.

"Bring them all back to me!"

Lei Gang grasped the palm of his hand, the demonic energy on his body scattered, and an inexplicable suction appeared on the street, sucking all the townspeople who fled, and they were all captured.

Jiang Lin grabbed Shu Ning's hand. Lei Gang's method was not bad for these townspeople, but he was far from taking the people around him.

Lei Gang glanced at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, and said, "What are you looking at? If you look at you again, destroying you is like playing. Don't look at you as a demon."

Lei Gang's face was ashen, but he finally turned his head. He felt that what Jiang Lin said was not a lie.

Now that Jiang Lin is a spectator, there is no need for him to be unhappy.

After that, red light shot out from Lei Gang's eyes, covering Captain Song and the others.

"From today, I am your master, and your lives are in my hands. The only thing you have to do is to obey. I want you to build a triangular altar for me, and put Mao Xiaofang's body and those two boys. Carry them back, tonight I will burn their altar and put their ashes on the bottom of the altar!"

"Yes, Master!"

A group of people should carry people, carry corpses, and the rest will follow the craftsman Zhang to move bricks.

"Jiang Lin, why didn't you save the townspeople? I believe you can deal with Lei Gang."

When Shu Ning saw that all the townspeople were following the demon, she looked at Jiang Lin eagerly. She could tell that Lei Gang was very jealous of Jiang Lin.

And what Jiang Lin said just now didn't sound like a lie.

"Who said I couldn't save them? They are not tortured now, nor are they missing arms or legs."

"I really don't understand what you're saying."

Shu Ning was about to faint, and she couldn't understand a single word of the expert.

Why are you still here if you save me?

"It's nothing if you don't understand, just follow me and you'll understand."

Jiang Lin said something that made Shu Ning go crazy.

He pointed at Shu Ning's forehead, Jiang Lin said, "I'll open your eyes now. Go to the lotus root pond in the west of the town to find two lotus flowers with purple air, and take the four lotus roots below them. It's still busy here, you found it, go to Li Yangju to find me."

Mao Xiaofang had asked Ah Hai and Ah Chu to do these tasks, but these two scumbags didn't do anything.

Originally, if they didn't waste time, they would get up a little earlier and find everything in the evening.

But now there is simply not enough time.

This was also the reason why Jiang Lin didn't deal with Lei Gang. There were so many people here that Lei Gang could find anyone he wanted to use as a shield. If time wasted, Mao Xiaofang was completely stunned.

Chapter [-] Just watch the play

"I really don't know what medicine you sell in your gourd."

Although Shu Ning didn't know what Jiang Lin wanted to do, she still chose to believe Jiang Lin's calm look.

Jiang Lin went to several pork shops in the town, and took nine pig-killing knives. The suffocating energy on them was relatively heavy, and they were linked into a knife array, which could prevent the intrusion of yin qi.

Later, Jiang Lin found nine willow trees on the sunny side of the river around the town, took them to the south, and after returning to the Taoist Church, he made willow nails from these willow branches.

"Jiang Lin, I have found the lotus root for you, should you tell me what you are going to do?"

Shu Ning was soaked wet and carried four lotus roots to Li Yangju. After seeing Jiang Lin in the living room of the front yard, she resisted her anger and did not rush at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at Shu Ning who was wet and still covered in mud, and was stunned for a moment. This girl didn't mention the lotus root that she dipped into the water.

"What's wrong with you? There should be a long-handled iron hook over the lotus root pond, right?"

Jiang Lin subconsciously covered his nose, the smell of the silt was sour and refreshing.

"I've never done farm work, so how do I know that I need a long-handled iron hook to get lotus roots! I still think I stink, send me one of your clothes, and I want to change!"

Shu Ning almost roared at Hedong. God knows how much she has suffered for getting four lotus roots, and now she will be rejected by Jiang Lin.

After digging out his ears, Jiang Lin said, "If you don't mind, I have a bathtub in my room. If you want to take a bath, ask the cat to bring you water. There are also my clothes in the room."

Who's going to use your tub!

Shu Ning wanted to roar, but when she saw the mud on her body, she held back.

She usually likes to be clean, and the mud on her body is a little smelly, and she can't do it without washing.

Glancing at Jiang Lin, Shu Ning threw the lotus root on the table and went to take a bath.

An hour later, Shu Ning returned to the front yard wearing Jiang Lin's robe.

"Cough, that... don't tie the belt so tightly."

Because Shu Ning's upper circumference is relatively well developed, if there is no lining inside, the clothes are tight and some features are too obvious.

Although Jiang Lin didn't mean to watch it, he kindly reminded him.

Shu Ning let out an "ah" and crossed his arms across his chest.

Because she always wanted to ask Jiang Lin for advice, she didn't even notice the details of dressing.

After adjusting the looseness of his clothes, Shu Ning blushed, sat at the table, and said, "Tell me what medicine is hidden in your gourd."

"Do you believe that people can be resurrected after death?"

"If you die, you will die, and you can be resurrected there." Shu Ning responded subconsciously, and then she raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't say you can make Master Mao come back to life."

"That's right, you'll find out at night, but don't think about taking pictures with a camera. This kind of thing is a secret in the Maoshan lineage, and it's impossible to publish it in the newspaper."

"I didn't deal with Lei Gang before, nor did I save the townspeople, because I couldn't miss the time when Mao Xiaofang returned to the sun. Originally, Mao Xiaofang wrote in his suicide note to explain the two boys A Hai and A Chu, but the two of them A master who is so powerful, so do you know why I said they were incompetent?"

Handing Mao Xiaofang's suicide note to Shu Ning, Jiang Lin continued his work.

After reading Mao Xiaofang's handwriting on the suicide note, Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin, who was drawing talismans.

It turns out that he is not impersonal, I have always misunderstood him.

The setting sun projected from the window and fell on Jiang Lin's side face. Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin quietly, and gradually felt that his heartbeat was a little faster.

I don't like him, do I?

As soon as this idea appeared, Shu Ning felt his heart beat faster.

"Come on, I still need your help."

After preparing all the materials, Jiang Lin took Shu Ning out of Liyang Residence and went to the place where Lei Gang built the altar outside the town.

Many townspeople worshipped Lei Gang on the altar in the open space. Lei Gang was very satisfied. Now not only has his opponent Mao Xiaofang died, but even the townspeople of Gantian Town worship him like a god.

After laughing wildly, Lei Gang closed his eyes and absorbed the dragon energy.

When the moon was full of Tianxin, he burned Mao Xiaofang's body and Ahai Achu, and put their ashes on the bottom.

Jiang Lin, as if there was no one around, went straight to the place where Mao Xiaofang's body was.

Lei Gang actually entrusted such an important task to Axiu.


There was some sadness on Axiu's face, and she kept guarding Mao Xiaofang's body. After seeing Jiang Lin, her face became a little happy.

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