Chapter [*] Rich, of course, please have the ability

"Master, are you still yang?"

"Master Mao, I didn't expect you to really survive."

The two brothers, Ahai and Achu, as well as Shu Ning, were surprised to see Mao Xiaofang standing here alive.

Mao Xiaofang smiled and nodded at Shu Ning, and then made a big gift to Jiang Lin, thanking him, "Thank you for your help this time."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "Master Mao doesn't need to thank me, I just really don't want to answer questions for these two incompetent brats in the future. You two apprentices, it's better for you to teach yourself, Master Mao."

A Hai and A Chu: "..."

Are we so incompetent?

When he thought of his two apprentices, Mao Xiaofang was also annoyed. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin this time, he would have gone to the Palace of Hell to report completely.

"You two brats, if it wasn't for your uncle, this time, I would have been killed by you two! I clearly wrote on the letter that I asked you to arrange the funeral for me. Those are all for me to return to the sun. things, you are good!"

The more Mao Xiaofang spoke, the more angry he became, and he slapped the two incompetent apprentices each.

No matter how you explain it, it's useless, you won't stop until you kill Master.

A Hai and A Chu looked embarrassed, and only now did they know why Mao Xiaofang didn't let them watch the battle.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Ah Hai knew that Jiang Lin had rescued Mao Xiaofang, so he knelt down.

He was adopted by Mao Xiaofang since he was a child, and he has long regarded this master as his father. Now Jiang Lin's status in his heart has completely become a master.

When Ah Chu saw his senior brother kneeling down, he also looked embarrassed and knelt down to Jiang Lin.

"Get up. Master Mao, this time to seek improvement from the dead, it is estimated that the cultivation base is also a step forward. You can handle the townspeople over there. Lei Gang's skill has been broken, and they will wake up sooner or later, but let Gan Tianzhen Get back to your old state as soon as possible. I'll go over there and see."

Axiu went after Lei Gang, and Jiang Lin wanted to go there to see, lest she be accidentally injured by Lei Gang.

Now that Lei Gang has gone insane, and there is no normality, Jiang Lin is still not very worried about Axiu.

During these days of getting along, he found that he really liked this innocent little girl.

Shu Ning guessed that Jiang Lin was going to find Axiu, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Okay, Ahai Achu, let's get rid of the curse on the villagers together with the teacher. Miss Shu, there are a lot of townspeople, this is the charm to break the curse, please do me a favor and stick it on their foreheads. already."

Now the townspeople are like statues, stunned in place, it doesn't take too long to release the curse, but there are a lot of people, and one more person is faster.

"Shu Ning, you seem to be wearing Uncle Shi's clothes, are you two..."

Ah Chu only noticed Shu Ning's clothes at this time, he had seen Jiang Lin wear them before.

Could it be that his goddess is already the same as his uncle?

Shu Ning blushed, and then said angrily: "You are too embarrassed to say, if it wasn't to save your master, I wouldn't have picked lotus roots and made my whole body dirty. Jiang Lin is right, you guys Really..."

After all, Mao Xiaofang was here, and Shu Ning also kept his mouth shut, not to say that Ah Chu and the others were incompetent.

It wasn't like that with my uncle.

Although Shu Ning scolded her, Ah Chu didn't care at all, the goddess was still the goddess.

"Father, I'm Ah Xiu, let's go back to Nanyang."

"Axiu? It's not you, it's not Axiu, you are Mao Xiaofang, you are going to kill me!"

At the edge of the cliff, Asura held Lei Gang, but Lei Gang was completely mad and didn't recognize her at all.

"You are Mao Xiaofang, you are going to kill me!"

Lei Gang grabbed Axiu's arm with both hands, so much hatred that he pinched his fingers into Axiu's arm.

Then he threw Axiu out with a grim smile on his face: "Mao Xiaofang, don't be complacent, I won't let you catch me."

After speaking, he jumped off the cliff, and the river below disappeared without a trace.


Axiu rushed to the edge of the cliff, and was grabbed by Jiang Lin who came over.

"Let go of me, I'm going to find my father!"

With her fists beating Jiang Lin's chest, Axiu struggled for a while, and then fainted because of excessive sadness.

The next day, all the people in Gantian Town returned to their original state, because the town was messed up by Lei Gang before, and everyone was tidying up their homes and streets.

There are no shops in the town for three or five days, and they cannot open their doors. In the past, in order to build Lei Gang, they needed altars, and some people even demolished the pillars of their homes.

Although the town has become a mess, the townspeople are still very happy. Lei Gang has been abolished and jumped off the cliff by himself.

"Master Jin, what's the matter with me here early in the morning?"

As soon as it was dawn, Mr. Jin from the jade shop came to Liyangju. He was so excited that Jiang Lin's plan to sleep in was gone.

"Master Jiang, it's like this. My son was taken back to his parents' house by my wife half a month ago. It seems that he was possessed by a ghost. I also know that Master Jiang likes to sleep in, so there is no way I can come to you. I have money. , of course, you need to find someone who is capable. As long as my son is saved, money is not a problem!"

Mr. Jin smiled and rubbed his hands. Jiang Lin likes to sleep. Many people in the town know that the last time there was a zombie outbreak in Cixi's tomb, Jiang Lin was sleeping and caught while sleeping.

So Master Jin was worried that Jiang Lin would be angry with him, so he quickly explained it.

If you have money, of course you can find someone with skills.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this reason.

Jiang Lin originally wanted to ask him why he didn't go to Mao Xiaofang in such a hurry.

"Master Jin, I remember you bought a lot of amulets from me, right? There are amulets, but your son is still possessed by a ghost?"

Taking a sip of tea, Jiang Lin remembered that Master Jin was a big buyer of talismans here, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Hey, Master Jiang, if you don't tell me, I'm not going to be angry. My mother-in-law will dress up, eat and drink, and let her take care of her son, which is far from being a nanny. The amulet is there, but the rope is broken and she runs into his clothes. , and finally got on the child's feces. My mother-in-law, threw it away."

Such a good mom.

After listening to Master Jin's words, Jiang Lin also admired such a mother, whose amulet could be stained with children's feces.

"Then go take a look and pay five hundred oceans."

"No problem, as long as Master Jiang is willing to go out."

Master Jin didn't mean to think it was expensive. No matter how much money, it couldn't compare to one of his only seedlings.

Chapter [*] Diseases come in from the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth!

Master Jin breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, as long as Jiang Lin took action, he would definitely be able to solve his son's problems.

After the townspeople woke up last night, they were very surprised to see Mao Xiaofang. Not knowing what was going on, Shu Ning explained to them that it was Jiang Lin who rescued Mao Xiaofang.

The dead can be rescued, and the townspeople really realized how terrifying Jiang Lin's Taoism was.

Because of this, Master Jin stopped looking for Mao Xiaofang when he had a problem, and went straight to Li Yangju to invite Jiang Lin.

Five hundred oceans, worth it!

In fact, Jiang Lin's asking price is not expensive. Master Jin bought so many amulets, but they still have charms. His wife and son must be equipped with them. Even if the amulets on the children are thrown away, Mrs. Jin must still have them. Coupled with the frequent holding of children, under normal circumstances, children will not be approached sneakily.

What's more, there are his house talismans and warding off evil talismans in the golden house. Even if the ghosts are possessed, they will take the initiative to leave.

Otherwise, in the golden house, it is almost like being roasted by fire.

Now there are ghosts who have been relying on Master Jin's son and refused to leave. There must be other reasons.

Either the possessed ghost is too powerful, or it is the kind that has to deal with Master Jin's family even if the ghost qi dissipates.

"Master, you are back."

Master Jin's wife is very young, only in her twenties. In addition to looking for capable people to do things, rich people like to eat tender grass.

Seeing Jiang Lin following behind Master Jin, Madam Jin straightened her clothes and hair, and smiled sweetly at Jiang Lin.

It's okay to smile when we meet, but how about laughing like this?

Jiang Lin was speechless, then nodded and put his eyes on the baby in the cradle.

He has no interest in other people's wives.

"Master Jiang, the child doesn't know what's going on right now. He's either choking or choking when he eats, and even laughing twice can change his anger. I don't know what's wrong."

Mrs. Jin diligently brewed a pot of tea for Jiang Lin and handed it over.

After Jiang Lin took it, he put it aside and said, "I already know the situation of your son. He was possessed by an unlucky ghost."

"Unlucky devil?"

When Mrs. Jin heard Jiang Lin's words, her face was a little unnatural.

It seems that this woman is still in trouble.

Jiang Lin checked the child's situation just now, and the power of the ghost attached is similar to that of the evil ghost, but his obsession is very heavy, and he won't leave if it disappears.

"Master Jin, even if the most unfortunate ghost is attached to your son and enters your golden house, it will be tortured every moment, because you bought my Li Yangju's town house charm for nothing. If you didn't buy it, your son would have been killed by the unlucky ghost long ago. The reason why it keeps lingering on your son is that it hates you to the extreme. Do you understand what I mean?"

It's not a deep hatred, as for not making others feel better if you don't feel good about yourself?

"Alas, Master Jiang, although our Jin family is rich, it is not ill-gotten wealth. We have always been doing our duty business, and we have never had any enemies."

Master Jin was in a panic, not knowing when he had become enmity with others.

But what Jiang Lin said was right. Since the house-keeping talisman and the evil-proof talisman have been pasted in his house, even when there are zombies, the zombies will all detour. It is reasonable to say that when the child goes home, the possessed ghost should also be scared away. That's right.

It's such a big hatred to keep relying on it all the time.

"Then Master Jiang, what should I do?"

"I think you can ask your wife if she's provoked something that shouldn't be provoked, or there may be more such things in the future."

Jiang Lin could see clearly the change in the expression on Mrs. Jin's face just now. I'm afraid this woman is the one who caused this unlucky bastard.

The house talisman has the function of warding off evil spirits, but it does not have the ability to kill sneaky people. If some dirty things are going to kill people, the house talisman does not have much effect.

"Master, I didn't offend anyone?"

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