Jiang Lin continued to remind: "You may not be provoking people. Have you done anything excessive? Especially for some unlucky things."

Mrs. Jin stammered, and finally, after being scolded by Master Jin, she talked about the unfortunate things she encountered.

"I took the carriage back to my parents' house, but there was a dead beggar on the side of the road, and the carriage turned upside down and my head was swollen, so I just scolded me a few times."

"I just scolded you for so long? Mrs. Jin, if it wasn't for the amulet on your body and the constant hugging of children, he might have been killed."

Master Jin slapped the coffee table and scolded: "Tell me quickly! Otherwise, I will leave you and let you go beg for dinner!"

"I just scolded it as an unlucky ghost, it deserves it, and then... After that, I cursed it to be a unlucky ghost when it was reincarnated. His wife ran away with others and gave birth to a son without shy eyes or anything."

I went, and this is just a couple of scoldings?

It's pitiful enough for people to die on the side of the road and no one can collect their bodies, but it's unfortunate again. You still curse people like this, and your grievances don't spread on you.

"You stinky mother-in-law, your heart is so poisonous, you almost killed your son with a broken mouth."

Master Jin was so angry that he yelled at his wife.

Jiang Lin shook his head. Apart from being a little pretty, this Madam Jin was really uneducated.If it wasn't for a pretty face, how could there be such a good fate to be favored by Master Jin.

"Illness comes from the mouth, and misfortune comes from the mouth! I hope Mrs. Jin's mouth will not be so poisonous in the future. You can't scold some things."

Jiang Lin got up and tapped twice on the forehead of the child in the cradle, and took out a paper crane to take away the unlucky ghost in his body.

"Okay, your son is fine. After that, let him bask in the morning sun, eat porridge and eggs, and he will recover in two days."

"Thank you Master Jiang, thank you Master Jiang, this is the reward."

Master Jin hurriedly went to the corner to get a silver note and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] Do you think I'm pretty?

After leaving the Jin family mansion, on the Jianglin road, he met a muddy Mao Xiaofang master and apprentice.

"Master Mao, have you changed your career from beggar gang elders to farming?"

Beggar gang elder?

Mao Xiaofang and his two apprentices almost slipped.

"Fellow Daoist, don't mention it, Lei Gang cast a spell on the farmland in Gantian Town, and the soil was destroyed. I have to clean up the mess for the townspeople."

Mao Xiaofang sighed straightly, cleaning up the mess, it was not ordinary tired.

"By the way, fellow Daoist, this time against Lei Gang, I found that it is very inconvenient to not have a weapon in hand. If the peach wood sword hadn't been broken, it wouldn't be enough to kill Lei Gang once."

After that, Mao Xiaofang paused and continued: "The Taoist friend said last time that the copper sword was given to me at half price. I had saved [*] oceans here before. Can the rest be paid in installments? I will use it first."


I joked with you before, but you actually took it seriously.

Jiang Lin's face was speechless, and Mao Xiaofang's face turned red, he couldn't afford to buy him at the original price.

Forget it, it's not difficult for you.

"Okay, Master Mao can just come and pick it up when he's done."

Since Mao Xiaofang was still alive, Jiang Lin was going to make a copy of the inheritance of the Tiandao School, and when he took the sword, he would return the original.

After leaving Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin went to several pharmacies in the town, grabbed some medicine, and spent a lot of money to find the materials needed to refine the blood of the generals.

"I'm going to find my father."

Li Yang Curie, Axiu's arms were bandaged, and she didn't care about her injuries, she just wanted to find Lei Gang.

Uncle Ping couldn't stop her.

"Sit down for me! After the injury is healed, I don't care where you go, just stay here for me now."

Jiang Lin pushed Axiu's shoulder and let her sit back on the bed.

Looking at the medicinal porridge on the table, Jiang Lin picked it up and said, "Open your mouth and eat."

Axiu's arm was seriously injured, and now she doesn't even have the strength to hold chopsticks.

Blinking her eyes, Axiu finally opened her mouth obediently.

Uncle Ping stopped her and she didn't want to, but as soon as Jiang Lin came here, her thorns seemed to disappear.

After that, Axiu stayed in Li Yangju. After her injuries were not serious, she went to the edge of the cliff where Lei Gang jumped off, but when she looked down, there was nothing left.

The feeling of being helpless made her grow a lot in a short period of time, at least in Jiang Lin's eyes, she was not as stupid as before.

Three days later, Mao Xiaofang took care of the soil of the farmland and went to Liyangju with a silver note.

"This copper sword is mixed with a little extraterrestrial meteorite and the bone of a thousand-year-old red scorpion. Master Mao will not be disappointed with the effect."

"Also, this inheritance of the Heavenly Dao School should also be returned. I have already made a copy."

Jiang Lin took out the copper sword and handed it to Mao Xiaofang along with the yellowed book.

After Mao Xiaofang took it, he stroked the ridge of the red copper sword with his palm and couldn't put it down.

It happened that Axiu entered the shop from the yard, and frowned when she saw Mao Xiaofang.

Although Jiang Lin also told her that her father was to blame, she still felt a little repulsive after seeing Mao Xiaofang.

Even though she knew in her heart that Mao Xiaofang was a good person.


"She was accidentally injured by Lei Gang before, and she has been recuperating here, and now her injuries are almost the same."

Mao Xiaofang nodded, and then said: "Friend, Lei Gang's death is not what I want to see. He is also Master's only son, and Axiu is Master's granddaughter. Now that Lei Gang is gone, I want to She stayed in Fuxitang to take care of her and didn't want her to be helpless."

"Axiu, I believe that I don't need to say what your uncle is. He is your uncle and your only relative."

Now that Mao Xiaofang, Axiu's elder, has spoken, Jiang Lin also wants Lei Xiu to be with her relatives. Now that Lei Gang is dead, Axiu has no relatives, and there is family affection, which can make her feel the warmth of her family.

Jiang Lin couldn't give him this. All he could give was the love of a man and a woman, but now Axiu doesn't seem to be pregnant yet.

"You want me to go to Fuxi Hall?"

Axiu was reluctant to leave Li Yangju in her heart. Now that her father is dead, she felt very at ease with Jiang Lin.

But she didn't want to refuse Jiang Lin's words.

Mao Xiaofang took Axiu back to Fuxi Hall, and Ahai was happy to clean up the room and send a kettle and mosquito repellent incense, but Axiu pushed them out.

Because she had gotten along with Mao Xiaofang and the others, after a few days, the estrangement between her and Mao Xiaofang had narrowed.

"Axiu, Master said that your clothes are a bit special. It's new. Do you think it fits? You go to the living room in a while. Master has something to do with you."

Ahai held a suit and handed it to Axiu. Axiu thought about it and asked, "Is it the kind that will make you beautiful when you wear it?"

In the past few days, Ah Chu said every day that Shu Ning wears clothes with taste. She looks good when she wears it. She also wants to change her clothes.

"Yeah, it's beautiful to wear."

Ah Xiu took the clothes and went back to the room to put them on, and when she came out, Ah Hai's eyes were straight.

He didn't know that Axiu was wearing this dress to show Jiang Lin whether she was pretty or not.

When Axiu arrived in the living room, Mao Xiaofang first asked her if Lei Gang had taught her Taoism, and then said that she was very talented and talented, and liked to read books and was quite diligent, so she wanted to ask her if she thought The idea of ​​a teacher.

Because Shu Ning was ridiculed that she could only read, so after coming to Fuxi Hall, Axiu often read the books in the Taoist hall.

"You mean to ask me to worship you as a teacher? No, if my father finds out, he will be unhappy."

"When you stole the Dharma beads and gave me the golden silkworm, you knew that your father would be unhappy. You are a smart girl, you know what's right and what's wrong. If you think it's wrong, I will force you to do it. You are useless."

Axiu is very talented. Usually, he learns one-finger fire control very quickly, faster than Ahai and Achu and the others, so Mao Xiaofang really wants to accept her as his apprentice.

"let me consider it."

Axiu couldn't make up her mind and wanted to ask Jiang Lin.


When Axiu arrived at Li Yangju, she sat at the door and waited. As soon as Jiang Lin came out, she greeted her.

"Jiang Lin, do you think I'm pretty?"

"Don't say you're waiting for me here, just want to ask me if you're pretty? Very pretty."

Jiang Lin looked at Axiu up and down, this little girl dressed up, even without makeup, she was very eye-catching.

"By the way, do you think I should take Master Mao as my teacher? He is actually very kind to me, and I also want to learn Taoism."

"Your father and your grandfather are both from Fuxitang. It's not bad for you to worship Mao Xiaofang as your teacher."

Axiu has good roots. It is estimated that when Mao Xiaofang asked her to go to Fuxi Hall, he also had plans in this regard. After all, she was almost killed by two incompetent disciples. It is reasonable to want to accept another disciple.

"Do you really think I can worship him as a teacher? Great, I have a master."

Axiu hugged Jiang Lin excitedly, and after a while, she let go of her hand, looking puzzled, and asked, "Jiang Lin, why does it feel strange when I hold you, my heart is beating fast? So fast. It was the same when I saw you just now."

Jiang Lin smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Does this make the heart beat faster?"

"Yes, yes, so fast, your saliva touched my forehead."

Axiu raised her arm and wiped her forehead, saying, "I'm going back to apprentice."

Chapter [*]: Who is not good to offend, I have to offend Tai Sui


Jiang Lin gently scratched Axiu's nose, and pinched her pretty face.

Watching Axiu leave, Jiang Lin walked to the newspaper office.

The materials for refining the blood of the generals are still a little short. He plans to ask the commander to help with the rest, and find them and send them to him as soon as possible.

I don't know if it's because the blue-eyed zombie is too weak, and the zombie's blood is showing signs of drying up. Jiang Lin plans to finish the blood extraction as soon as possible.

Jiang Lin came to Shu Ning's newspaper office, greeted her, and asked, "Shu Ning, can you send a telegram here?"

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