Rubbing his hands together, Captain Song continued: "Because I was afraid that they would have another problem on the road, I wanted to ask Master Jiang to come with us, so that it would be safer."

Even if he followed him personally this time, Captain Song was still a little worried.

Ask me to shoot, or escort, do you know that my shooting fee is very expensive?

"Captain Song invited me to drink tea because he wanted me to make it cheaper for you, right? It's just three people who know sorcery. Wouldn't it be better for you to find Master Mao?"

Jiang Lin guessed Captain Song's intention, so he wanted to drink tea and haggle over the price.

After a dry laugh, Captain Song explained: "Master Mao is going to pay homage to the Patriarch, and he has to go to Guantian Pavilion. He can't get away, and A Hai and A Chu are both very unreliable, so... …”

Why don't I want to invite Master Mao?People can't make room.

Otherwise, there are people who don't spend money, who is willing to send money, and money doesn't fall from the sky!

If it wasn't for the urgency from above, Captain Song would have waited for two days.

"It's impossible for me to escort me. I won't go if you give me money. I have something to do next. You are afraid that they will cause trouble on the way, so I will help you to abolish them, one hundred oceans."

As Captain Song and the others went to the provincial capital, they came and went, and they didn't have more than half a month. Jiang Lin didn't have that time.

When the commander of Tai County sends the materials, he will start to refine the blood of the generals and officials, and because he went to Guangxi before, he wasted a lot of time, it has been almost three months, and he has not completed the magic circle of Li Yangju. Woolen cloth.

When it's done, he can let his wives move in, and he doesn't have to keep the empty room alone.


"Master Jiang, we are only responsible for the escort, and we need to be judged above. We cannot use lynching."

"Have you heard of abolishing martial arts?"

Captain Song suddenly realized, nodded and said, "That will trouble Master Jiang."

Although it was somewhat different from what he expected, Jiang Lin's method seemed to be very good.

The most important thing is that it only cost a hundred oceans, which is much less than the budget.

"Tell you, no matter how mighty you were in the past, under the eyes of me, Zhou Yuan, even the dragons have to be coiled."

Captain Song took Jiang Lin to the police station. Zhou Yuan was showing his might to the three prisoners with bruised faces. In fact, they didn't dare to ask him to open a door.

The king with a strong mouth only dares to bark outside.


Captain Song covered his face, feeling ashamed, and the three prisoners inside looked at Zhou Yuan like an idiot.

They recognize this stupid b, who is scared like a mouse on the street.

The three prisoners turned their eyes and saw Jiang Lin, and immediately hugged in fright.

They have always been the only ones who have killed others. Today, they have tasted what it feels like to be beaten to the point of crying and crying. Now, the shadow Jiang Lin has cast on their hearts is very large.

"Haha...I didn't expect that my three yuan would be so majestic...Alas, fuck me!"

Before B was finished, Zhou Yuan was slapped on the neck by Captain Song from behind and slapped aside.

Jiang Lin glanced at the funny Zhou Yuan, and then looked at the three prisoners.

"If you have a little skill, you are a traitor and criminal, and the reputation of the Taoist priest is all stinked by you guys!"

He also pointed at the three prisoners' dantian and shot three black rays of light. After the black light entered their bodies, it shattered the foundation of their dantian, and then rushed towards the meridians of the whole body.

Accompanied by the screams of the three prisoners, they will be completely useless in the future, and they will still be the kind of weak hands and feet that a teenage child can ride on their heads.

Chapter [*] What is love?

"Now you can open the door and yell at them."

Jiang Lin patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder, don't be afraid, this time you don't have to be the king of mouths.

I don't know why, when Jiang Lin saw Zhou Yuan's appearance just now, he thought of a moving picture he had seen before.

The two dogs barked at each other inside and outside the door, and then when someone opened the door, they stopped barking, and when the door was closed again, they barked at each other again.


Zhou Yuan is so embarrassed, am I so embarrassed?

After taking the reward, Jiang Lin went back. Before he got home, there was actually hail in the sky.

Jiang Lin pinched his fingers and calculated that there would be a rare phantom sun phenomenon in the morning two days later.

Some preparation is required to absorb the phantom glow.

When he returned to Li Yangju, Jiang Lin went to prepare the Bagua mirror and other equipment. Now, besides the strange fire, he also needed these strange lights.

After Axiu worshipped her master, Mao Xiaofang let her down first and told her to ask Achu to teach her basic Taoism.

However, Ah Chu, this kid, slipped away when he got a chance, and let Ah Xiu read and learn by herself, and also let Ah Xiu read the book of Romeo and Juliet that Shu Ning gave him, and told him what it was about.

This famous book, Axiu was incredible when she saw it, she was stunned in place.

In the end, she really couldn't figure it out, so she found Ah Hai and asked.

"Brother, let me ask you, this book says that Romeo pretended to be dead, why did Juliet die when she saw him dead? Then, when Romeo woke up and saw that Juliet was dead, he died with him. Yes. He obviously pretended to be dead before he died, why should he really die?"

Axiu's expression is slightly exaggerated, like a little white.

"Because this couple loves each other so much, they died when they saw each other dead."

"Sacrificing love, loving each other too much, what is this?"

Can't understand.

Axiu is still a fan of Ah Hai's explanation.

"This is love."

"Love? What is love?"

Being forced to ask questions by Axiu, Ahai was a little embarrassed and said, "Love is to love someone very much. I always think about him, and I am happy to see him."

"Ah! I know that I have loved someone too, my father. I think about him all day long. If I see him, I will be very happy."

"That's family love, which is different from the love in the book. I think you should ask your younger brother or master."

Ah Hai quickly slipped away, leaving this mess to Ah Chu and Mao Xiaofang.

"My father's family? Apart from my father, all I want to see is Jiang Lin. I am happy when I see him."

Afterwards, Axiu went to find Achu with the book, and the boy went to Shu Ning's newspaper again.

"Second senior brother, what is love? Why did Romeo see Juliet die, and he also died? I don't understand it, so I can't tell you what's inside."

It's okay for Ah Xiu to ask questions, but when Shu Ning saw the "Romeo and Juliet" she gave to Ah Chu, the problem became bigger.

"Yu Dachu! You keep saying that you will take a good look at it. It turns out that you are so perfunctory when you promise others. I don't want to see you again, so let me go!"

It's not a big problem for a boy to be thick-skinned, but if he promises other people's affairs, he will only shoot guns, that's a big problem!

Shu Ning was so angry that he let Ah Chu go.

"He doesn't even know what shamelessness is. You ask him for nothing. Maybe he will teach you shamelessness."

"Then do you know what love is?"

Shu Ning threw A Chu away, and A Xiu could only ask Shu Ning. Although she had quarreled with Shu Ning, she really wanted to know what love was.

"Love, it's hard to explain, you have to feel it with your heart. When you like someone, you will think about him in your heart. When he is happy, you will also be happy. If he is unhappy, you are not in a good mood. If he is hurt, you will care about him very much and will feel distressed."

Seeing that Axiu didn't know what love was, Shu Ning explained it to her and became a teacher for a time.

Now Shu Ning feels the feeling of love, so the explanation is very easy to understand.

She and Axiu actually have nothing against them. Now that Lei Gang is dead, and Axiu has also joined Fuxi Hall, Shu Ning doesn't have much malice towards this girl.

"Isn't that being controlled by him?"

"If you are willing to be controlled by someone who is not a relative but not a relative, it means that you are likely to encounter love."

Axiu still didn't understand, and decided to wait for Mao Xiaofang to come back and ask him.

Master must know what love is.

Two days later, early in the morning, Jiang Lin went to the top of the mountain around the town.

Four suns appeared in the sky, one real and three virtual. He used the Bagua mirror to form a magic circle, condensing the light of the virtual sun, and bathing in it.

"Fellow Daoist, you got up so early, have you eaten yet?

When Jiang Lin came down, he met Mao Xiaofang, and when someone invited a guest to breakfast, he was not polite.

"Jiang Lin, you are here."

Axiu was still thinking about the question in a daze, but when she saw Jiang Lin, she was overjoyed, but when she thought of her doubts, she turned into a confused look again.

"Achu, I asked you to teach Axiu basic Taoism for the past two days. How is your teaching? Why is she so confused?"

"Master, I think the teaching is very good. At the beginning of learning, there will always be confusion."

Believe in you.

Jiang Lin glanced at Ah Chu, then said, "Master Mao, Ah Xiu's qualifications are good. You asked this kid to teach her Taoism, are you not afraid of teaching her to fail?"

Axiu had never been like this before she became a teacher. If it continued like this, she would really become a demented girl.



Ah Hai and Ah Chu ate with their heads down, and they both knew that they couldn't get into the eyes of this uncle at all.

"Ahem, fellow Daoist, this... I'm not here for the past two days, so I'll let Ah Chu teach some basic things."

Being asked by Jiang Lin, Mao Xiaofang was particularly embarrassed. In Jiang Lin's eyes, his two apprentices were extremely incompetent.

Wouldn't it be funny to let unskilled disciples teach people?

"Axiu, if you have any questions you don't understand, you must ask them. The most important thing in learning is not to be ashamed to ask."

After drinking a mouthful of rice soup, Mao Xiaofang saw Axiu with a confused face and didn't eat, so he taught her to ask if she didn't understand.

"Master, I really don't understand something."

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