Axiu's mind was dizzy, and it was only at this time that she remembered that she was going to ask Mao Xiaofang.

"If there is something you don't understand, just ask. Even if I can't answer it, fellow Daoist will answer it."

"Master, what is love?"


Mao Xiaofang was choked by Axiu's question and almost sprayed rice.

"As a teacher, I have been concentrating on studying Taoism all the time. I don't have time to pay attention to my children's personal affairs. Let's eat and stop talking."

Chapter [*] The Three Sisters of the Moth Demon

Mao Xiaofang looked embarrassed. He never expected Axiu to ask a question that almost choked him to death.

And the most embarrassing thing right now is that Jiang Lin looked at him in a weird way.

In fact, Jiang Lin was really speechless to Mao Xiaofang. He asked Axiu to come over because he felt the affection of his family and the warmth of his family.

And Axiu is also willing to learn Taoism.

But now, what did you learn?

Learn to ask what love is, Nima, do I need you, Mao Xiaofang, to teach her about love?

I already knew that Axiu would stay in Li Yangju.

"Master, no, it's not a relationship between children, it's love."

Axiu pushed Mao Xiaofang and refused to give up.

Mao Xiaofang could only say: "Let's talk after we eat."

He couldn't answer this question, and he couldn't let Jiang Lin answer it. Jiang Lin made him embarrassed enough here.

"Master Mao, when did you integrate love into Taoism?"

"Cough, fellow Daoist, let's eat, let's eat."

Ah Chu, you bastard!

Mao Xiaofang's old face was flushed, he glared at A Chu and asked, "A Chu, I asked you to teach A Xiu, what book did you show him?"

"Could it be a good book?"

A Hai teased, A Xiu was in a daze every day, and he felt uncomfortable looking at it.

"Good book!" Ah Chu immediately retorted and explained, "It is a classic book by foreigners, it is equivalent to our Chinese "Golden Plum"."

"You kid, are you courting death or courting death?"

Jiang Lin's eyes froze, and Ah Chu was so frightened that he shuddered.

Axiu, can she read books like Jin Ping Mei?After so many versions of additions and changes, how much of the content can be seen?

Mao Xiaofang's face also changed, although he is an old man) (Male, but he still knows what kind of book Jin Pingmei is.

"No, no, it's not "Jin Ping Mei", it's "A Dream of Red Mansions", written by Shakespeare, a foreign classic."

Ah Chu waved his hands again and again, he just made a wrong analogy, Jiang Lin's eyes could kill people, if it was true, this uncle would never forgive him.

Romeo and Juliet?

When Ah Chu mentioned "Shakespeare," Jiang Lin thought of what Shu Ning had told him two days ago.

This book doesn't look like much.

Jiang Lin looked back, Mao Xiaofang nodded and put down the bowl.

"Master, you're done eating, what is love?"

"I'm not full yet."

Mao Xiaofang was so frightened that he poured another bowl of rice soup.

Axiu was reluctant, and then asked, "Master, have you ever loved anyone? Does anyone love you?"

"I don't know if your master has ever loved anyone, but what Huang Furong, what Bai Rose, etc. probably loved your master."

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's embarrassment, Jiang Lin made a subtle joke.

Master Mao, Black Rose is interested in you.

"Wow! Master, you are so romantic!"

"Who is Huang Furong? Who is Bai Rose?"


Mao Xiaofang's hand shook suddenly, knocking over a pot of rice soup and pouring it on Jiang Lin's sleeve.

I go!

Aren't you just kidding?As for such a big reaction?

Jiang Lin's face was covered with black lines.

When Axiu saw the hot soup splashed on Jiang Lin's hands, her heart tightened, and she hurried to get a wet towel to wipe his hands and clothes.

Jiang Lin took the towel and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

Back in her seat, Axiu clutched her heart. She always felt that Jiang Lin was hot and hurt.

Master couldn't answer her own question, so Axiu dipped her finger in some water and wrote the word "love" on the table. After that, she glanced at Jiang Lin and wrote Jiang Lin's name on it.

"Shu Ning said that after falling in love with a person, he was hurt, and my heart would hurt and I would care about him."

Whispering in a low voice, Axiu joined the three words on the table at once, and then she stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes.

"I finally know what love is!"

Axiu pointed at Jiang Lin and called out, then covered her pretty face with both hands and ran out.

Mao Xiaofang glanced at the words that A Xiu left on the table, and A Hai and A Chu also saw it.

Love Jianglin.




Being stared at by six eyes, Jiang Lin coughed twice and said, "I'm full, I'm leaving."

Mao Xiaofang's mood at this time was quite complicated. He had just accepted a good apprentice and fell in love with his fellow Taoist.

This made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

But Ah Xiu did know Jiang Lin first, and Jiang Lin had rescued her many times.

You can't kill your apprentice's love.

Mao Xiaofang was still struggling, but Ah Hai seemed to have lost his soul. Before Ah Xiu asked him what love was, he was glad that the person he liked didn't know what love was, which meant he still had a chance. There is no chance at all.

Damn, this is the junior sister who has just started, and she wants to become my aunt and uncle? ?

Only Ah Chu was not hit, and others were just accidents.

After Jiang Lin left Fuxi Hall, he went to the blacksmith shop in the town. With the help of the commander, the materials will arrive in a few days. Now he needs to prepare other equipment for extracting blood.

A small cauldron is necessary, and the refining work must be completed in the tomb of Cixi, where the yin and dragon qi have an auxiliary role in the refining.

"What is this?"

Jiang Lin found some powder in the open space outside Cixi's tomb, and it also had a demonic aura.

It looks like scales on a moth.

Today, the three moth demons were attracted by the dragon energy here and came here, but they hovered outside for a while before flying away.

These three moth demons can be transformed into people, and they are usually called sisters to each other, and they have given themselves human names: Yu Yingying, Yu Susu, and Yu Qingqing.

"Sister, why didn't we go into the tomb just now? There is a strong dragon energy there, and the effect is much better than our cultivation of yang energy."

"Yes, big sister, I don't understand either."

Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing flew in the air and asked the elder sister Yu Yingying in front.

"There is a very powerful existence in that tomb. The realm may be above us. It should sense us. If we continue to stay there, it is likely that something will happen."

"The realm is above us, so it's not the demon king, but even if it is the demon king, the three sisters of us are not necessarily afraid of it."

Yu Yingying shook her head and explained: "Susu, have you ever thought that even if we can beat it, the three of us sisters are likely to fold one or two in. Now we just need to find the last expert, By absorbing his yang energy, we will be able to take a step closer to our strength, and after using the Cocoon Transformation and Ascension to Immortal Dafa, the three of us can go to the next level, so why take the risk."

"I know my sister, hey, there seems to be someone ahead, we have food again."

Yu Susu looked forward, and there happened to be a group of people resting in the open space.

This group of people was Captain Song and Zhou Yuan who were escorting the three prisoners.

Chapter [*] The escort had an accident, and Captain Song was in a coma

"Get up. I remember that there should be a dilapidated warehouse in front of us. We are going to spend the night there. It is easy to be wild in the middle of the mountains."

Captain Song called up the police officers and prisoners on the ground and could rest at the destination.

They weren't too far from Gantian Town, because the three prisoners were abolished, and they couldn't walk fast. After two days, they only walked fifty or sixty miles.

There are relatively many wild beasts around Gantian Town. Unless you think your life is too long, you should not spend the night in the mountains. It is better to have a cave.

The group led the three prisoners forward, and it didn't take long before they saw a dilapidated warehouse.

When Captain Song and the others were about to rest, they suddenly heard the voice of a woman calling for help. Captain Song went out of the warehouse and found three beautiful sisters not far away, one of whom was still lying on a steep hillside.

Captain Song didn't think much about it at all, and rescued Yu Yingying who pretended to slide down the hillside.

The three sisters said that they went back to the countryside to visit relatives, but they missed the place.

The three moth demons have deceived many people. They are very shrewd in their deception and acting skills. Captain Song has no doubts, and let the three girls come to the warehouse to spend one night with them.

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