"Wojiao, the captain is the captain. As soon as you go out, you can carry a big beauty over."

"One captain, the rest is ours."

When the three sisters arrived at the warehouse, Captain Song's subordinates all looked straight.

Although the three sisters were dressed in a rustic style and did not wear makeup, they were much stronger than ordinary women, especially Yu Yingying, who could count as a flower even in the provincial capital.

Two or three more irritable police officers began to tease in a low voice.

After telling his subordinates about the situation, Captain Song specially asked Zhou Yuan to make room for the three sisters to rest.

In the middle of the night, when the three sisters saw that everyone was asleep, they showed their true colors, a terrifying one.

The kind that can scare people to death in broad daylight.

"Big sister and second sister, by taking in the yang energy of these people, our skills can be improved a little bit."

"That officer is a good man, let's find someone else."

Yu Yingying had a good impression of Captain Song and didn't want the two sisters to hurt him.

"Oh, how could this be!"

As soon as Yu Qingqing's hand touched A Zhong, the amulet on his body lit up, shaking Yu Qingqing away.

"There is also here! How can this be!"

The three sisters of the moth demon shook silk from their hands, but when they touched the police officer, they were all ejected back, and golden light lit up on their bodies.

The three sisters were so angry that they managed to find a lot of food, but they couldn't move.

Aren't these the police?Why does everyone have a magic talisman, the power should not be underestimated.

A lot of food can only be seen but not eaten, making the three moth demons want to curse.

"I don't know which stinky Taoist is meddling with his own business, but he actually gave them a protective amulet. It's abominable! After finding him, he must have sucked up his yang energy!"

"Two sisters, these three unlucky bastards don't have any amulet on them."

Yu Qingqing was surprised to find that there was no golden light on the body of the three prisoners.

"It seems that the officer said that these three prisoners can do sorcery. With them, we have some gains. Hey, they were actually abolished."

As soon as the words were finished, Yu Yingying found that the foundation of the three prisoners had been abolished, and now they are not as good as ordinary people.

"Maybe it was done by the same Taoist priest. These people are all from Gantian Town. It is estimated that the last expert we are looking for is there. Sisters, take the three of them away, and after they are drained, we will go to Gantian Town. "

Yu Susu held a sigh of relief in her heart. They needed the yang energy and essence of a living person to improve their skills and maintain their human form.

The next day, when Captain Song woke up, he found that the three sisters and the three prisoners were gone, so he and his subordinates went to find them.

It was also a coincidence that Captain Song didn't go far to find a cave where three moth demons were absorbing the prisoner's yang energy.

After Yu Susu discovered Captain Song, she waved her sleeves and put out a group of poisonous moths to bite at Captain Song, but Yu Yingying recalled her sister's poisonous moths at the last minute, just to erase everything that Captain Song saw.

"Master Jiang, our captain is dying, please save him!"

Jiang Lin slept soundly when he was woken up by a loudspeaker that entered the front yard of Li Yang Residence.

"Aren't you going to escort the prisoners? Those three guys have already been abolished by me, why did something happen?"

In the front yard, Jiang Lin rubbed his eyes and asked.

"We don't know what happened. The prisoner disappeared inexplicably. Then the captain and we split up to look for it. As a result, we found the captain passed out outside a cave. No matter how we called it, he wouldn't wake up. We were afraid that he would go out. If there's a problem, come back quickly. Director Song asked me to invite you to save my son!"

Zhou Yuan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Captain Song was his boss, but it was only a small reason. The big reason was that he always wanted to push his sister Sixi to Captain Song to be the eldest brother of the Song family, Zhan Song. home light.

If Captain Song burps, all his years of flattery will be in vain.

"wait for me a bit."

After Jiang Lin went back to wash up, he followed Zhou Yuan to Director Song's mansion.

"Oh, Master Jiang, you are here. Zilong doesn't know what's wrong. He went to a few doctors to see him, and they all said he was fine, but he just couldn't wake up. Please save my son and pay you. You can rest assured."

Director Song's wife, Lao Cengshengzhu, is also an old man. He is the only son, and his son is very good, so Director Song is like a baby. Now that Captain Song has become like this, he is so scared that he has a heart attack. coming out soon.

As long as he can save his son, Jiang Lin is willing to give it no matter how high the shot fee is.

After saying that, Director Song took Jiang Lin's hand and hurried upstairs.

Jiang Lin was not surprised when Director Song invited himself. The Song family was also a wealthy family in Gantian Town, and even rich people had the ability to hire them even if they spent money.

In addition, Mao Xiaofang went out to pick up business, and Director Song had to look for it if he didn't.

Arriving in front of Captain Song's room, Jiang Lin frowned, raised his hand, and said, "Don't open the door yet."

He also pointed to a virtual point in front of him, and a jet-black beam of light broke through the door. Yu Yingying, who was sitting beside Captain Song's bed, was taken aback and turned into a moth before he escaped Jiang Lin's arrogance.

After entering Captain Song's room, Jiang Lin rushed to the window, and a moth flew away in surprise.

Moth demon?

Jiang Lin heard King Panlan Tiger say that when he was cultivating, he sensed that there were three moth monsters outside Cixi's tomb.

"Master Jiang, what happened?"

Although Director Song had gray hair, but his heart was still like a mirror, Jiang Lin broke into the door, there must be a problem.

"I'll take a look at Captain Song's situation first."

Jiang Lin didn't explain the situation to Director Song for the time being, otherwise he would have known and would have fainted on the spot.

Chapter [*] Money is not a problem, son's safety is the most important

For some unknown reason, Director Song's precious son was targeted by a moth demon who was close to the demon king's strength. If he came later, I'm afraid it would be a big deal.

Jiang Lin went to check the situation of Captain Song who was still asleep, frowned slightly, and then relaxed.

"Director Song, your son is not sick, but inhaled some demonic energy and powder with demonic poison. It is estimated that he saw something and was subjected to demonic magic."

Was enchanted?

Director Song couldn't hear it, and his heels almost lost his footing. If it wasn't for Zhou Yuan's support, he would probably have fallen.

"Master Jiang, I beg you to save Zilong, even if I don't want the Song family property, I want Zilong to be well."

Director Song went up and grabbed Jiang Lin's hand tightly, as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw.

He is just this precious son. If there is a problem, no one will take care of him and he will die. His Song family will also be broken up, and he will be scolded by his ancestors when he reaches the bottom.

No matter what the price is, as long as he saves his son, he is willing to pay.

"Director Song, don't get excited. His condition is not very bad. I can handle it, but he will be weak for a while."

"Good good."

Director Song nodded again and again and let go of Jiang Lin's hand.

Jiang Lin squeezed Sanqing's fingerprints, pressed it on Captain Song's chest, and then moved his hand up. Finally, in the sound of Captain Song's pain, a ball of multicolored powder was sprayed out of his nose and mouth, which was collected by Jiang Lin with a handkerchief. up.

After that, Captain Song woke up from a coma, but because of his passive memory, it was as if his head had been hit by a blunt weapon.

After holding his head and shouting for a while, Captain Song looked at Director Song and Jiang Lin with open eyes, but it was obviously like looking at strangers.

The optic nerve does not transmit information to the brain for a while.

"Don't give him any supplements for the past two days, just white porridge and boy's eggs. He can't take supplements now."

"I know, you have a good rest, Zilong, I'll let the servants prepare white porridge."

Jiang Lin was sitting on the sofa downstairs. He told Director Song that he still had something to say, and he still hadn't received the payment.

"Master Jiang, thanks to you, I hope you don't think it's too small."

Director Song did not spare his money and took five large yellow croakers and placed them in front of Jiang Lin, fearing that Jiang Lin would think too little.

Although Jiang Lin didn't do anything, for him, it was to save his precious son's life.

What is the money worth.

On one side, Zhou Yuan looked at the golden gold bars, his eyes were straight, and he was envious of Jiang Lin.

Compared to his salary as a police officer in the Police Department, [*] oceans is simply a huge sum of money.

"Director Song, what I say next may scare you, so be prepared and rest assured, your son will be fine with me."

Jiang Lin hadn't even started to speak, but Director Song felt a sudden shock in his heart after hearing the first half of the words, and then slowed down a little after he heard it all.

"Master Jiang, please speak."

Director Song took a deep breath and prepared himself.

"Director, let the servants see the place where the town house talisman to ward off evil spirits is pasted in your house, and whether those talisman papers have been blown up."

"Come on, follow what Master Jiang said, go and have a look."

Director Song immediately ordered to go on, and it didn't take long before the servants came to report, the situation was the same as Jiang Lin said.

Jiang Lin nodded, handed the handkerchief to Director Song, and said, "Your son probably met the moth demon. These powders are the scales on the moth demon's body, which are highly poisonous, but they have been cleaned up by me now. In the future, he may be stunned occasionally, with some unresponsive sequelae, and he will forget some things about his attack this time."

Captain Song was lucky this time. He just got some moth powder. After cleaning up, he would recover like an ordinary person after a while.

To put it bluntly, there may be slight sequelae in the next period of time, which will not last long.

Jiang Lin thought it was nothing, but Director Song didn't think so.

"Master Jiang, won't my Zilong become a fool? I beg Master Jiang for your help. Can you also cure the sequelae? It doesn't matter how much money you spend."

I go!As for that?

Jiang Lin was a little ashamed. He had said good things ahead. With him, his son was fine, but Director Song was still quite frightened.

"Master Jiang, you can say whatever medicinal materials or magic talismans you need. It doesn't matter how much money you need. I beg you to save Zilong quickly."

When he thought that he had spoken to his son just now and his son had no response, Director Song was really scared the more he thought about it.

Jiang Lin explained that the sequelae would get better, but Director Song was unwilling. He wanted to see his son recognize him as an old man and begged Jiang Lin bitterly.

Rich people like capable people, rich people like medicine to cure the disease, and the Song family is also rich, so Director Song can't even wait for a few days.

Rich people really burn bags.

Jiang Lin touched his nose and couldn't understand Director Song's thoughts.Although Jiang Lin is also rich, his mentality is very peaceful.

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