In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice, so he took some herbs and prepared them. These herbs were relatively expensive, but the effect was very good. Jiang Lin didn't do things like sitting on the ground and raising prices.

Captain Song's headache was solved, and he would still call Dad.

It's just the memory he lost, Jiang Lin has nothing to do. He now has profound Taoism, but he can't deal with the damage caused by some magic arts.

Some of the more terrifying memories are nothing to forget.

"Director Song, now you can rest assured and listen to what I have to say next."

"Master Jiang, say it."

A bowl of soup and medicine completely cured his son. Director Song is now very respectful to Jiang Lin.

He also knew that Jiang Lin had not finished speaking, and that Jiang Lin had not yet explained the matter of breaking into the door, but he interrupted Jiang Lin's words because he cared too much about his son.

"Your son must have been targeted by a powerful monster. He has an amulet on his body, which can protect him from three evil attacks. Since he has already had an accident, it means that he has been attacked by the monster more than three times. , I sensed that there was a monster in the room, the house-holding talisman and the evil-proof talisman in your house were all destroyed by its brute force before it came in."

Jiang Lin felt that unless there was another possibility, the moth demon that arrived probably wanted Song Zilong's life.

"Master Jiang, do you have any way to protect Zilong? Money is not an issue. My son's safety is the most important thing!"

My mother, how did my son provoke the monster, the amulet was broken, and he came to the house.

If Jiang Lin hadn't prepared him mentally, Director Song would have almost fainted.

What he didn't know was that the monster came to the house not to harm his son, but to take a fancy to his son.

Chapter [*] Do monsters care about your heart?

"Director Song, during this time, you let Captain Song rest and recuperate. I can set up a demon-fighting spirit formation at the entrance of your house, even if the demon king is weak, he won't be able to enter. The price is more expensive and requires five or six thousand oceans. But just now I have already taken the action to scare the moth demon away, and it is estimated that it will not come again."

Jiang Lin also clearly said that if the moth demon senses that he is unusual, he should not deal with Captain Song again.

"Master Jiang, don't talk about it, I believe in your strength. But don't be afraid of [*], just in case, you can set up that demon-fighting spirit formation, thousands of oceans can't compare with Zilong's life at all."

Director Song was worried about an accident, so he asked Jiang Lin to help set up the demon-fighting spirit formation.

God knows if his son has angered some monsters, but he has heard about the matter of Master Jin, and he is desperate, and the unfortunate ghost will also mess with the son of Master Jin. With such a precedent, how can Director Song dare to rest assured.

Since Captain Song insisted, Jiang Lin nodded and agreed.

Whoa!Five or six thousand oceans!

When Zhou Yuan heard this number, he felt that his mind was completely blank. Can a Taoist make so much money in one business?

Do you want to change your career to become a Taoist priest?

It's a pity that Zhou Yuan can only think about it. He is not a material for learning Taoism at all. Even if he changes his career, Jiang Lin can earn [*] oceans at a time, and it is estimated that it would be difficult for him to earn [*] coins.

In three days, Jiang Lin arranged a spiritual formation for the Song family's inner house. The power of the spiritual formation is not comparable to that of the Town House Talisman. Even if the moth demon has the strength close to the demon king, don't even think about breaking this formation. , as long as it is close, it is absolutely impossible to get good fruit to eat.

After Captain Song recovered, he returned to his post. Director Song was worried about what danger his son would encounter in investigating the case, and spent money to invite Jiang Lin and Captain Song to investigate the disappearance of the prisoner.

Jiang Lin came to the warehouse where Captain Song and the others stayed before, and after checking it, he said, "You guys are really good enough. There are girls outside asking for help in the middle of the night, and you dare to let them stay by your side. Yes, even men don't show up at night, let alone women. The three women you rescued are all monsters and moth monsters."

On the way, he heard Captain Song and the others talk about the situation that day, Jiang Lin felt strange, and after coming here to investigate, it really confirmed his guess.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters, and [*]% of the people in the wilderness, including the elderly, women, and children calling for help, have problems.

"The King of Silver Horn, the White Bone Spirit and the Red Boy in Journey to the West, aren't they all transformed into such people to take advantage of the kindness of others? Although it is a mythical novel, not all the content is groundless. Fortunately, you have They all have amulets, otherwise they would have died a long time ago."

No way?

Are those three girls monsters?

Captain Song looked incredulous, but Jiang Lin's words left him unable to find any arguments to refute.

Zhou Yuan and the others looked at Captain Song with fearful expressions on their faces. Nima stayed with the three monsters. If there was no amulet, wouldn't he be eaten alive?

Captain Song coughed twice. He was quite embarrassed. He was the one who brought the people, but who would have thought that the people who were saved were not people at all. Everything was a trick of monsters.

"It's just a kindness that doesn't pay off."

Captain Song was very speechless. After all, it took a lot of effort to rescue people, but everyone wanted to take him as a snack.

"Good-hearted? Do monsters care about your heart? Since they are monsters, many of them are inhuman. If something goes wrong, there must be monsters. Let's have more treats in the future, especially those of you who are errands. There is no reason to be killed. go."

Don't talk about demons, aren't people the same?Taking advantage of the kindness of others, kidnapping children, and even kidnapping college students.

Demons use people's kindness to harm others, and Taoist priests kill them. However, some people are ruined their whole lives because of their kindness, and those villains who take advantage of others' kindness don't pay much.

It doesn't take [*] years, maybe a few years later, I will come out of the prison window and be a villain (woman) again, and what's more, I don't know how moisturizing my life is.

The reality is that shit.

"It's really unreasonable!"

Hearing Jiang Lin say this, Captain Song felt very aggrieved.

Jiang Lin also smiled and didn't speak, there were too many unreasonable things.

"If my expectations are right, the three unfortunate prisoners should have been kidnapped by the three moth demons. They are probably dead now. Big Sanyuan, where is the place where Captain Song fainted?"

Because what Captain Song lacked was the memory before he fainted, he didn't even know where he was.

"Master Jiang, this is where the captain fainted. There is a cave over there."

Not long after, Jiang Lin and Zhou Yuan came to an open space, and there were still fragments of the amulet that had been blown up.

Jiang Lin picked it up and looked at it, and said, "Go in, it is estimated that you will gain something. Although there is a bit of demon in it, there are no monsters anymore."

"Master Jiang, why don't you go in and take a look?"

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "You won't know until you go in."

Captain Song, the others, and Zhou Yuan heard Jiang Lin say that there were no more monsters, so they brought people in to search.

As soon as they entered the cave, the group of people all screamed, and then ran out together.

"Master Jiang, you're not being kind. You know how stinky it is. It's so stinky."

Zhou Yuan shouted loudly, his nose hurt from the stench.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I know stinky, you are in charge of investigating the case, so stinky won't go in? It's useless for me to say it, there's no need to say it."


We can cover our mouths and noses before going in!

Captain Song let all his men take a few deep breaths and entered the cave. There were either bones or mummified corpses, some of which were relatively "fresh", such as the three corpses in prisoners' clothes.


"So disgusting, vomit!"

Jiang Lin, who was outside, heard the sound of vomiting inside, and laughed unkindly.

It's not as simple as stinking, the scene is comparable to an American blockbuster.

He didn't want to eat without an appetite.

In the end, the bodies of the three prisoners were found, along with many bones, all in a large pit in the cave.

Captain Song and the others were finally able to explain it to the top, but it was a pain for his subordinates.

Both Zhou Yuan and A Zhong almost vomited out their stomachs. It was impossible for Captain Song to retrieve the corpse. Zhou Yuan and the others did all the work.

A few hard-working guys are going to learn Mao Xiaofang and the others.

After the task was completed, Jiang Lin went to Captain Song's house to collect the payment, and then went to the post office.

The materials he needs to refine have already been sent by the commander.

Chapter [*] The blood of the generals!

"Master Jiang, do you think the moth demons will come to our Gantian Town? They suck people's yang energy. I'm afraid the townspeople will be poisoned by them."

Captain Song also happened to drop by the post office to send a letter, and went along the same road with Jiang Lin.

"They are likely to come. Recently, you should pay attention to whether anyone is missing in the town. These moth demons need to absorb yang energy. Generally, men like you, Captain Song, they like them the most. Women, old people and children should not have them. interested."

The moth demons appeared at the tomb of Cixi and at Captain Song's house, so Jiang Lin guessed that they should come from Gantian Town.

But even if it comes, it shouldn't hurt anyone casually.

He had used Yang Zhiqi before, although he was evaded by the moth demon, but the deterrent force must be there.

There are such Taoist priests in Gantian Town that they will only mess around unless they die.

Jiang Lin didn't underestimate his deterrent power, but he underestimated the courage of the three moth demon sisters.

These three moth demons thought that even if they were Celestial Masters, if the three sisters joined forces, they would not be afraid, so not only did they not have much fear, but they also wanted to find the experts in Gantian Town as soon as possible.


Can you stop being scary?

Captain Song had also seen those mummified corpses, and when he thought of what he had become, he also got goosebumps all over.


Jiang Lin happened to meet Axiu on the road and was stopped by her.

"Miss Xiu, I heard that you worshipped Master Mao as your teacher."

When Captain Song saw Axiu, he said hello to her, but Axiu nodded without looking at him, and her beautiful eyes never left Jianglin.

After Axiu knew that she liked Jiang Lin, she always felt scared at first and didn't dare to see Jiang Lin, but after a while, she always wanted to see the person she missed.

But she went to Hexing Building several times, but she didn't see Jiang Lin.

Now that Axiu saw Jiang Lin, he was the only one in his eyes, and he didn't take Captain Song beside him seriously at all.

I go!This beautiful girl looked at Master Jiang in the wrong way.

Captain Song was all too familiar with this look, it was the way Si Xi often looked at him.

"Jiang Lin, I am very happy to be with you."

Axiu doesn't think of Captain Song as a person at all, and thinks he doesn't exist at all, and speaks to Jiang Lin.

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