It's true!

I wonder if Master Mao knew that his apprentice was kidnapped.

Captain Song didn't know why, but he started to gossip.

"Captain Song, go by yourself."

You guy, like being a light bulb?

No eyesight to see.

"Didn't you go to the post office? Didn't we go all the way?"

Jiang Lin gave Captain Song a look and let him experience it for himself.

"I don't actually have the habit of shopping with a big man, especially a bachelor."


I was actually superior to the show, and I, Song Zilong, are also a grass in Gantian Town!I don't know how many girls are interested in me!

I go!

Captain Song twitched the corner of his mouth and left the team automatically.

With the gossip in his heart, Captain Song still thinks the latter is more important than his own face.

"Come in and get you something."

Jiang Lin went into a foreign goods store, picked a hairpin that Axiu liked, and put it on her hair.

Axiu took off the hairpin, held it in her hand, and put it in her pocket at last. She was reluctant to wear it.

No one ever gave her anything, and she liked it.

Jiang Lin smiled and shook his head, then took another hairpin that he looked good on and put it on Axiu.

"Axiu, where is your master?"

There may be a moth demon in the town now. Jiang Lin is going to tell Mao Xiaofang that he will not be in Liyangju for nearly ten days in the next ten days. If the moth demon appears in Gantian Town, let Mao Xiaofang be careful.

The three moth demons are not weak. If Mao Xiaofang overturned, it would be funny.

He still has [*] oceans in the pipeline.

"I just came back yesterday. I took some instruments and went out again. It is estimated that I will be back in two days. Master keeps saying that he is poor these days, and I don't know why."

"He's not only poor, he's also in debt."

Jiang Lin felt that for the [*] oceans, Mao Xiaofang would be able to work for a long time.

"It's getting late, I still have something to do, you go back first, and let your master be careful during this time."

Looking at the blood-red sunset in the sky, Jiang Lin shoved Axiu's bright forehead again and let her go back.

After picking up the materials, Jiang Lin went to the highest mountain around Gantian Town.

The figure gradually suspended, getting higher and higher, and finally Jiang Lin reached the clouds, sitting cross-legged in the void, absorbing the rays of the sun.

It seems that I will have the habit of watching the stars and the moon every day in the future.

In the future, sunrise and sunset will become his daily routine, so Jiang Lin wanted to make some preparations in advance, so he didn't have to be in such a hurry today.

The next day, Jiang Lin went to Cixi's tomb with a lot of things.

He needs to use his own samadhi true fire and blue heart flame to refine the zombie blood in the medicine bottle.

As Jiang Lin is now approaching the golden core level, his dantian has produced his own true samadhi fire, that is, dan fire.

To refine the blood of the generals, you need to use Pill Fire, and other materials need to be processed with the blue heart flame with the cold attribute.

"Tom, go outside and don't alarm me unless it's a big deal."

After everything was arranged, Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to protect the Dharma outside, where Li Yang also ordered Uncle Ping.

For the first three days, Jiang Lin had been simulating experiments. After all, it was difficult to find the descendants of generals. He didn't want to spend so much time and fail in the end.

After that, there is a difficult refining process, which is an extremely labor-intensive and spiritual-energy-consuming thing.

During this period, a lot of things happened in Gantian Town. The three moth demons really came to the town, and people disappeared almost every day in the town.

In just half a month, the disappearance rate has hit a record high, and everyone in the National Police Agency is devastated by this incident.

Director Song was also under a lot of pressure. He was scolded by his boss for a meeting in the provincial capital, and he was given a month to deal with the matter.

Because Jiang Lin wasn't there, the police officers looked for Mao Xiaofang, but these three moth demons were very shrewd. As long as they weren't caught, it would be really hard to find them.

Moreover, the three moth demon sisters determined that Mao Xiaofang was the last expert, so they were ready to wait for Mao Xiaofang to be exhausted, and finally suck him dry.

"Is this the blood of a general?"

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in Cixi's tomb, Jiang Lin, with a tired face, was a little surprised when he saw a drop of bright red blood floating in front of him.

What a powerful corpse!

Moreover, a pair of flesh-wing phantoms appeared from time to time in the blood.

Before extracting this small drop of blood, Jiang Lin did not have a relatively accurate positioning of the strength of the generals and officials. Now he clearly knows that he is still a little far behind the generals and officials, regardless of his body or the way he behaves.

Chapter [*] Your daughter-in-law is not a person

Jiang Lin put this drop of the general's blood into the jade bottle. Originally, he planned to use the extracted general's blood as the material for the advancement of his corpse, but now he dismissed this idea.

There is a strong power in the blood of the general, which is good, but there is another possibility, that is, he swallowed this drop of blood, and his corpse is very likely to be assimilated by it.

When he becomes a descendant of a general, it will be a big joke.

Jiang Lin thought that his current corpse level did not have the ability to digest this drop of the blood of the generals, and he would not do risky things.

After the advanced level becomes Mao Zong, he will fight the idea of ​​this drop of blood.

Only when the corpse pill is formed can zombies be qualified to be called demon corpses. Jiang Lin has not yet reached that stage.

Once the advanced level became Mao Zong, Jiang Lin felt that he could use this drop of blood to greatly shorten the time it took for him to advance to Fei Zong.

"Master, I feel like I'm about to break through."

After Jiang Lin came out of the tomb, the King Panlan Tiger told Jiang Lin with excitement that his cultivation was about to improve.

"That's right, but don't be impatient. The most important thing for breakthroughs is accumulation. I don't know if the three moth demons are far away from here. If they are still there, I will give you some more rations. Go back with me first and reward you with a solid foundation. The treasure. When you break through, I will be by your side."

"Thank you master, Tom will go through fire and water for the master in the future, and he will never give up!"

The Tiger King Panlan lay at Jiang Lin's feet without any discipline, and kissed his shoes.

Go aside!

Jiang Lin kicked angrily and kicked the cat into the tree. Of course, he didn't exert any force at all.

"Uncle, during your absence, a lot of things happened in the town..."

When Uncle Ping saw Jiang Lin coming back, he told him about the town.

It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just cast yourself.

Jiang Lin did not expect that the three moth demons would be so rampant during his absence, and nearly forty people disappeared.

Mao Xiaofang was unable to take them down.

"Uncle, this is the wedding invitation from the Song family."

"A wedding invitation from the Song family? Song Zilong?"

Jiang Lin opened the invitation and saw that Song Zilong was engaged to someone, and the day after tomorrow would be an engagement banquet.

I'll go, this guy won't be the one I said he's a bachelor, he's hit, right?

From falling in love to getting engaged, is this Nima a flash marriage?

If Jiang Lin knew that the target of Captain Song's engagement was Yu Yingying, the moth demon eldest sister, he could spit out a salt soda.

Since Yu Yingying separated from Captain Song in the warehouse, she has always been thinking about him, and even went to his house to remove the moth powder on him, but was interrupted by Jiang Lin.

Later, after Yu Yingying met Captain Song on the street, Captain Song knew that she was a moth demon, and she leaked her mouth. She used some methods to seal up a small part of her memory, and it was the same with Zhou Yuan and the others.

That small part of the memory is what Jiang Lin told them that the three girls were moth demons.

Since then, Captain Song has been with Yu Yingying.

When she saw her parents, Yu Yingying didn't dare to go in because the Song family had a demon formation. She lied that she was dizzy, and seeing the bright red cinnabar was like seeing blood.

People who fall in love are blind, so Captain Song went up to destroy the talisman formation formed by the talismans above the lintel.

There is no doubt that his girlfriend is a demon at all.

Six thousand oceans were torn apart.

Now that this kind of thing is happening in the town, Song Zilong is still in the mood to get engaged?Forget it, that's people's business.

Since the Song family was overjoyed, Jiang Lin also asked Uncle Ping to prepare some generous gifts. Whether the Song family was an official or had business dealings with Li Yangju, it was always good to have a good relationship with them.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't even go to Hexing Building, he ate some fruit and fell asleep.

This time, refining zombie blood cost him a bit.

On the day of the engagement, Jiang Lin changed into a Chinese tunic suit. After all, it was a formal occasion, so he wore it more formally.

Compared with suits, he still prefers Chinese tunic suits.

"Master Jiang!"

Jiang Lin came to the door of Song's house, and the servants rushed to greet him. Now Jiang Lin's reputation in Gantian Town is not lost to Mao Xiaofang at all.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, why is there a demonic aura pervading the Song family?Or the breath of the moth demon.

When he walked to the door, Jiang Lin glanced at the lintel, and the Demon Demon Spirit Formation was actually torn apart.

The octagon surrounded by the eight talismans on the lintel is the core of this magic circle. Now it has been torn apart. Who did it?

Jiang Lin followed the others into the hall. The hall was filled with wine, fruit juice, and fruit plates, which were almost the same as those of the advanced class.

Many of the people who came were people with heads and faces.

Glancing upstairs, Jiang Lin happened to see Captain Song holding a beautiful woman's hand before disappearing from his sight.

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