Director Song's daughter-in-law turned out to be a moth demon?

"Master Jiang, you're back! I'm sorry, excuse me for now."

When Director Song saw Jiang Lin coming, he pleaded guilty to the couple in front of him, and then came to Jiang Lin's side.

"Director Song, is it convenient to take a step to speak?"

"Master Jiang, please over there."

Director Song brought two glasses of red wine and handed a glass to Jiang Lin. The two came to the corner of the hall. Jiang Lin asked, "Director Song, who tore off the talismans on your lintel?"

Jiang Lin both asked and reminded.

The moth demon entered the Song family, and it had nothing to do with his spiritual formation. It failed, and of course it couldn't prevent the demon.

Director Song was surprised when he heard this, and went to the door to take a look.

"I... I don't know who tore it up. I'm really pissed off! Alas, Master Jiang, I've been so worried these days."

With a sigh, Director Song did not allow Jianglin to intervene, and continued: "I originally disagreed with Zilong's marriage, that girl has no family, and her background is unclear. But Zilong is unwilling, because this I've quarreled with me a few times over this matter. In addition, there are moth monsters in the town, which makes my heart break."

Director Song then poured bitter water on Jiang Lin, saying that he had no regard for his prospective daughter-in-law at all, and that it was not right for him to be a householder. I can't help my father, he has nothing to do.

The most important thing is that this prospective daughter-in-law's family background is not clear.

Of course it's not innocent, they're not human, how could they be innocent.

Jiang Lin took a sip of red wine, looked at Director Song who was talking nonstop, and quietly became a listener for a while, mainly because Director Song kept saying that he didn't have a chance to talk to the Director.

It seems that Director Song is that kind of traditional parent, but Captain Song is not that kind of traditional son, he can't marry someone else like that.

Although he has not been in contact with Captain Song for a long time, Jiang Lin can also see that this police captain is not the kind of person who is willing to be arranged by others, especially his own lifelong events.

"Director Song, what I'm going to say next may scare you, and I guess it's not too scary. You'd better prepare yourself mentally."

After Director Song finished speaking, Jiang Lin opened his mouth and took a precaution. He didn't want to frighten Director Song to death with a single sentence.

At that time, where can I pay a father in the past.

"Master Jiang, say it."

Although the baby son is disobedient now, he is still fine, so Director Song doesn't think anything can scare him.

But since Jiang Lin said it, he also had a precaution in his heart.

"Your daughter-in-law is not human."

Although this fact is cruel, Jiang Lin has to say it.


Director Song's red wine was sprayed all over the wall, and Jiang Lin's words really frightened him.

Chapter [*] Scared back to its original shape

"My daughter-in-law is not human?"

Director Song's old eyes were wide open, and his face was as white as paper.

"Yes. She is a demon, a moth demon. When I rescued your son before, the demon in the house was the same as her, and it was one of the three demons in the cave where the prisoner was killed. The lintel outside your house I guess it is very likely that she bewitched your son to tear the magic talisman on it. And your son should have known that she was a demon before, but now it seems that he is [*]% bewitched."

If Captain Song knew that Yu Yingying was a demon, he would not have sent him an invitation at all.

Ask a Taoist priest to collect your daughter-in-law?

Impossible to think about.

Yu Yingying's demonic aura was the same as what Jiang Lin felt outside Captain Song's room that day, so Jiang Lin already knew that this moth demon was not trying to harm Captain Song, but was interested in him.

Now she is going to marry him.

Humans and monsters have different paths. If one side is an ordinary person, neither side will end well in this kind of thing, unless the monster is very strong, at least stronger than the colorful tiger king, and it has to be able to transform into a human form, physically the same as a human being. Demon Qi is completely restrained and does not affect ordinary people.

Obviously surplus surplus has not reached that stage.

If Captain Song and this moth demon combine, in the end, Captain Song can only be squeezed out of yang energy and die suddenly, even if Yu Yingying doesn't want it at all, the tragedy cannot be avoided.

Although they are now engaged, Jiang Lin should not be able to save this matter now.

Otherwise, not only Captain Song, but even his father might be killed by the demonic energy.

"A sin!"

Director Song's eyes went black, and he almost fell over, but was supported by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin tapped on him a few more times to straighten his anger.

Now Director Song is completely lost, and there is only a blank in his mind.

Now that it was the engagement banquet, he realized that his daughter-in-law was a demon, and that his son was so committed to this moth demon that he did not hesitate to quarrel with him.

This time, his Song family was greatly embarrassed, and his son's life was the most important thing!

The moth demon attracts yang and essence, and Director Song also knows that the moth demon is terrifying.

After regaining his senses, Director Song was about to kneel down to Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin supported him.

"Master Jiang, I beg you to save my Zilong, even if my Song family is embarrassed, I am willing to be laughed at by thousands of people. I can't let Zilong be harmed by monsters. Master Jiang, you are a reincarnated immortal, you save me My son, I can give you anything."

Director Song's body was softened, and he burst into tears, but he didn't cry out because of the scene.

"Director Song, you don't need to make this big gift. I'm a businessman. If you are willing to pay, I'll help you get rid of this harmful moth demon. As for your son, he's fine now, he's just infected with a demonic energy, and he's relatively weak now. It's not a big problem. But he's going to be sad for a while, and there's nothing he can do about it. He doesn't love people, and he can't afford it."

He was deeply in love with him, and Jiang Lin was quite touched by Director Song's fatherly love, who could do anything to save his son.

"Fellow Daoist, what's wrong?"

After Mao Xiaofang came in, he found Jiang Lin in the corner. He had good hearing. Even if the two of them were quiet, he could still hear something.

"Master Mao, the problem is a bit big. Director Song's daughter-in-law is a moth demon."

"No wonder I see a faint demonic aura here, so that's what happened."

Mao Xiaofang glanced at Director Song who wiped his tears with a handkerchief, and felt a burst of sigh in his heart.

Originally, it was a good thing for his son to get engaged, but now it is a major blow to him.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you going to do?"

"Jiang Lin, I brought you some bread. I have something on my mind that I want to tell you."

At this time, Axiu came over with a plate of cream cake.

"Axiu, let's talk about it later. You go to Liyangju, call the cat over, and let it run as fast as it can. Xiaobai also brings it here."

Jiang Lin took the plate and smiled at Axiu, whose cheeks were flushed.

Originally, I wanted Ah Chu or Ah Hai to take a trip, but when they saw that their mouths were full of fruit, they gave up the idea.

Axiu is much stronger than them.

With a sigh, Axiu went out.

What the hell is this...

Mao Xiaofang felt that Axiu was much more well-behaved in front of Jiang Lin than in front of him.

"Master Mao, if the moth demon comes down in a while, I will trouble you to protect the guests and stop Captain Song. Director Song, I will try my best to solve her around the Song family."

After all, Director Song had many friends in official and business circles here, and Jiang Lin didn't want Director Song to lose face.

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said, "No problem."

"Thank you Master Jiang and Master Mao."

Director Song's kung fu seems to have aged a lot.

"Hey, you... are you Jiang Lin?"

Shu Ning came over with the camera, and when he saw Jiang Lin who had changed his outfit, he was a little stunned for a while.

When Jiang Lin wore a robe, he felt very stable and reminiscent of the past. Now he is wearing a well-fitting Zhongshan suit. He looks like a Taoist priest. He is completely young Junyan in the new era.

"You went to the wedding banquet and brought a camera?"

"No, it was Captain Song who asked us to take a picture of them. Come on, here's one for you."

Shu Ning couldn't help pressing the shutter and took a picture of Jiang Lin.

It didn't take long for Axiu to come back. Jiang Lin went out and ordered King Panlan, and waited for Captain Song and Yu Yingying to come down.

"Wow! Captain, the groom's official, is so handsome today. Everyone applauds."

Seeing Captain Song and Yu Yingying coming down from the second floor, Zhou Yuan took the lead in applauding.

Yu Yingying squeezed out a smile. Because of Captain Song following her for the past two days, she has stopped breathing yang energy. Now her face is very bad, and she is almost unable to maintain her human form.

"Master Jiang, Yingying seems to be a little uncomfortable, come and have a look." Captain Song waved to Jiang Lin, and then said to Yu Yingying, who was beside him, "Master Jiang's medical skills are also good, last time I fell into a coma, he was the one who saved me. got me."

Is that the tall man that night?

Yu Yingying was taken aback, her eyes fell on Jiang Lin, and she suddenly felt extremely dangerous. Out of instinct, the demonic energy surged out of her body and gradually returned to its original shape.

Her transformation is not complete at all. She can maintain her human appearance by absorbing yang energy. After degeneration, her hair is fluffy and dyed in five colors, and a face can only vaguely see the appearance of a human shape.

The horror factor is no less than the beauty of Chu Renmei in the old corpse of the mountain village.


On the spot, many people screamed and ran away.

Chapter [*] Love is right, but you are wrong

Captain Song on the side was like a sculpture, petrified in place.

All the forgotten memories in his mind came out. He saw Yu Yingying absorb the prisoner's yang energy in the cave that day, and when he saw her again, he knew that she was a moth demon.

I actually fell in love with a moth demon, and I am still looking for it every day, a moth demon that kills like numbness.

Captain Song's mind went blank.

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