What an irony, he could not wait to find out the monster to kill, the moth monster he promised to find and kill the people, almost became his bedside.

"Moth demon!"

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the moth demon would automatically frighten back to its original shape when he saw him. He originally planned to force her away and solve it outside.

"Zilong, our fate has run out, I'm sorry."

Yu Yingying pushed Captain Song flying, and quickly flew out the door.

"Want to go? Dong Dongbo!"

Jiang Lin pointed it out, and the yang finger qi shot towards Yu Yingying in mid-air, and then he threw out the bone sword. As long as the moth demon showed its body like last time, he would split it in half with one sword. .


Yu Yingying screamed, her body fell, and she almost fell to the ground.


Captain Song heard Yu Yingying's voice and recalled the time they spent together. He didn't think of anything else at all, so he went up and hugged Jiang Lin.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yu Yingying flew out of the window.

Jiang Lin flicked his waist and threw Captain Song in front of him. He went down with a knife and knocked him unconscious.

This kid, knowing that his fiancee is a moth demon, is still so crazy that none of Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice stopped him.

"Fellow Daoist, leave it to me, don't let the moth demon run away."

"She can't run."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, there was a roar of a tiger from outside, and then Jiang Lin walked out of the hall with a bone sword.

If the colorful tiger king can't stop a moth demon at the peak of the big demon, then it can be laid off smoothly.

When Jiang Lin arrived, Yu Yingying was already lying on the ground, with several scary bloodstains on her back.

Originally, she had been hit by a slap in the face, and she really couldn't turn a little bit of waves over the colorful tiger king who had been prepared earlier.

"Master, Tom has done a good job. This big moth seems to be delicious."

The King Banlan Tiger looked like a Tigger, jumping in front of Jiang Lin in two steps, asking him for credit.

Xiaobai also jumped over and climbed onto Jiang Lin's shoulder.

"Didn't kill it?"

"No, the master didn't tell me, how dare you do more."

Jiang Lin nodded and walked towards Yu Yingying.


Just then, there was a gunshot behind him.

Why is this Captain Song slapped with blood?ran over again.

Jiang Lin turned his head and saw that Captain Song pointed a pistol at the sky.

Because he was afraid of seriously hurting Captain Song, the knife in his previous hand was much lighter.

"Master Jiang, please let her go! I don't care whether she is a human or a demon, I will stay with her. The big deal is that we leave Gantian Town and never come back here."

Captain Song knelt down to Jiang Lin, kneeling and crawling in front of Jiang Lin.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Captain Song."

"I'm not a person who kills when she sees a demon. If she hasn't hurt anyone before, I don't have so much time to deal with her. You let me let her go. Those who have been killed by her will die innocently? Go away. !"

Jiang Lin slapped Captain Song's arm with his bone sword and slapped him aside.

"Master Mao, pull him down."

Mao Xiaofang, Ahai, Axiu, and Shu Ning were all here.

"Let go of me!" Captain Song broke away from A Hai and A Chu, pounced on a long sword that was holding Jiang Lin upside down, and begged, "Master Jiang, I beg you, I don't care, I don't care Has she hurt anyone before, and I know she won't hurt anyone again when she's with me. I really love her very much."

Jiang Lin looked down and looked at Captain Song lying beside Yu Yingying, and asked, "She won't kill anyone in the future? She doesn't absorb people's yang energy and essence, just like this, can you, Song Zilong, accept her for the rest of your life? You? Don't grab my sword, touch your conscience, your father is old and old, can he stand the toss? Maybe the next day he will die because of sadness. You know that he wants me to save you, a hair The gray old man, kneel down for me, you know?"

"Captain Song, do you know why your father wasn't surprised when he saw the moth demon? Because he had heard from fellow Daoists for a long time, and he almost fainted at that time. You can really make someone who loves you for the sake of love. Will my father be alone in the future? There is no one to send him to his death. Although I don't know what love is, it is obvious that you are in the wrong place. You guys have different paths, you two will be together, and you will die in a short time."

"Aaron, Director Song, he can't lose you."

"Yeah, if you love someone, the old man can accept it, but what you love is a demon who kills without blinking an eye."

Master Mao Xiaofang spoke out to persuade Captain Song. If it wasn't for Captain Song being very responsible to the townspeople, they wouldn't have said that much.

Captain Song, a big man, burst into tears. Suddenly, his hand went numb and he let go of the bone sword. After that, his consciousness began to blur.

"Zilong, I have a heavy crime. I have lived for more than a thousand years. I am very satisfied to get your love."

Yu Yingying pushed Captain Song away, stuck her chest up against the tip of the sword, and her heart was pierced.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [*] points of anger."

"Love is right, but you are wrong."

Jiang Lin drew out his long sword, and Yu Yingying turned into a huge moth.

"Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death."

Shu Ning sighed, took out the camera, and captured the scene.

Ah Hai and Ah Chu stepped forward to carry Captain Song down, and they were equally embarrassed.

"Master, this big moth belongs to me?"

The colorful tiger king licked his lips, wanting to eat.

The body of this big demon has a great effect on its breakthrough.

Anyway, there are not many useful things on the moth, and the owner should not want it, and he has promised it as a ration before.

"Wait a minute, Xiaobai, look for an aura similar to it."

Jiang Lin instructed the black snake on his shoulder. After Xiaobai jumped off, he sniffed on the moth for a while, then snaked its body and climbed to the distance.

Chapter [*]: Not even an appetizer

"Swallow it, find it with Xiaobai."

"Don't worry, master, I won't forget the taste of the food."

The tiger king was not polite at all, and opened his mouth to inhale the moth into the tiger's belly.

The moth corpse entered the belly, and the colorful tiger king manifested his body and turned into a colorful giant tiger with a body length of nearly ten meters. The breath of the demon king was undoubtedly revealed.

"Oh my God!"

A Hai and A Chu were so frightened that their feet went weak, they fell together, and they became Arhats together with Captain Song.

Shu Ning was also very frightened, and screamed, now the size of the colorful tiger king is indeed scary enough.

However, when she thought of this demon king listening to Jiang Lin's words, her fear dissipated a lot, and she took out the camera and started shooting.

Seeing someone was taking pictures, the colorful tiger king actually posed with his legs upright, showing off the muscles of his two front legs like a bodybuilding coach.


After being rewarded with a brain by Jiang Lin, the Pan Lan Tiger King screamed.

"If you don't want to suppress the demon power, convert the spiritual power, don't even think about having another one if you waste it!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The tiger king began to work hard to compress his body, and finally resorted to eating) (the strength of the milk became the size of a Siberian tiger.

"Master, can you also accept one of Jiang Lin's house cats? It's so majestic."

Because Axiu has seen the size of the snake demon skyrocket, she is not afraid of the current appearance of the colorful tiger king, and she is curious to ask Mao Xiaofang.


I have to run when I meet, how do you let me collect!

Why do you have so many questions?

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but slandered that although Axiu was very talented, sometimes the questions he asked made him very speechless.

Not asking what love is, but asking if I can accept a house cat, no, it's the Tiger King!

Not knowing how to answer, Mao Xiaofang simply pretended not to hear.

The colorful tiger king glanced at Axiu, then barked his teeth and smirked.The second person dares to call it a domestic cat, and it will let people know the anger of the tiger king.

When it was carrying Axiu before, Axiu said to herself, saying that she liked Jiang Lin, and it knew that this one needed it to please him.

"Master, I haven't played with Xiaobai for a long time, so I'll go too."

Axiu left her master and brother to chase after Jiang Lin. She still has something on her mind to tell Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lin, I like you, do you like me?"

After Axiu caught up with Jiang Lin, she came up to confess.

Jiang Lin hugged her horizontally, jumped onto the back of the colorful tiger king, and made him sit in front of him.

"Like it."

Jiang Lin wrapped his arms around Axiu's slender waist, inhaling the scent of her hair.

Axiu's body tensed up, and she felt a little dry mouth when she felt the warm breath blowing from her ears.

Even if she has never had that kind of experience, Axiu has reached the age where she can be picked, and certain stressful reactions will appear automatically without her control.

Axiu lowered her face and asked in a low voice, "Then when will we get engaged like Captain Song and the others?"

While Jiang Lin was away, Axiu also borrowed a lot of books to read, knowing that if the two liked each other, they could get engaged like Captain Song.

"That... in order not to anger your master into a heart attack, wait for you to leave the school."

Jiang Lin felt that if Mao Xiaofang knew that his apprentice got married before he left his apprenticeship, he would probably be so angry that his internal organs bleed.

Half an hour later, Xiaobai and the colorful tiger king came to the mountainside where there were trees. There was a deserted house on the mountainside. This was the residence of the three sisters of the moth demon.

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