Because Yu Yingying was going to marry Captain Song, Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing made trouble with her and didn't even attend the wedding, otherwise Jiang Lin would be wiped out.

"Who is coming!"

After King Pan Lan carried Jiang Lin and Axiu to the barren house, two women flew out from inside. They were not even as good as Yu Yingying, and they couldn't tell what their faces looked like.

"It's all set now."

The two moth demons are there, so there is no need to find them.

No, this person has the bloody smell of my sister!

And the tiger under him... turned out to be a demon king!

Jiang Lin didn't exude the momentum of his body, but because Yu Yingying's blood was stained on the bone sword, the two moth monsters sensed it immediately.

As for the Colorful Tiger King, it is now in the midst of a surging demonic energy, and it is difficult for the same kind to not recognize its strength.

The first reaction of the two moth demons was to flee, but because they had a deep relationship with Yu Yingying and they wanted revenge, they did not retreat immediately.

Even if they wanted to retreat, Jiang Lin could beat them down.

The strength of these two moth demons is much worse than their elder sister.

Mao Xiaofang can deal with them, even if they join forces.

"Don't even think about escaping, there's no chance at all. Even if you put a pair of wings on it, you won't be able to fly out of my palm. I came here specifically to find you, and I heard that you have inquired about me and wanted to suck me dry. ? Two ugly people!"

He looks so ugly, and the idea of ​​attacking his yang energy makes Jiang Lin feel sick to his stomach just thinking about it.

Master Jiang?

Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing looked at each other with anthropomorphic shocked expressions on their faces.

They knew that there were two Maoshan Taoist priests in Gantian Town, the middle-aged one was Mao Xiaofang, and the young one was Jiang Lin.

But according to the information they got, the latter was even more powerful. Fortunately, they went out and they dared to walk Mao Xiaofang boldly.

"Hiccup~ Master, these two big moths are a bit weak, they don't even count as appetizers, they are not as good as the previous dinner. But stuffing the gap between the teeth should be barely okay, really weak chickens, no, weak moths! I still think about it. Suck the master dry, what a fool!"

The Pan Lan Tiger King burped and spit out a piece of moth powder from his mouth, discussing Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing.

"Honestly suppress the demon power for me and protect Axiu."

Jiang Lin patted the tiger's back and jumped down.

Originally, the two moth demons were scolded as ugly, and they were about to go crazy. The words of the colorful tiger king and a hiccup made them both go crazy.

Their sister was actually eaten, and they said that the two of them could stick between their teeth!

"Stinky Taoist priest, accept your life!"

The two moth demons were suspended in the air, the demonic energy on their bodies was bulging, and the moth powder was scattered, which looked very eerie and terrifying.

The two of them didn't attack, they just flew up, down, left and right, flying in midair, trying to use the highly poisonous moth powder on their bodies to fight Jiang Lin's war of attrition.

"Damn, you don't show your wings, and you are still floating in front of me, showing me that you have invisible wings? Two appetizers don't count!"

These two moth demons are really similar to the lantern moths that are always fighting fires at night. They always fly around and are annoying.

Jiang Lin was irritated by these two crooked things.

Chapter [*] Are you laughing in the ocean?

Layer after layer of yellow-brown powder poured down from the air, and the two moth demons thought they were doing well, but they were actually living in a dream.

These highly toxic powders could not even get close to Jiang Lin's body three feet, and they turned into smoke.

Jiang Lin's Yang Yan, he is not even afraid of the corpse qi, let alone this method.

The Blue Tiger King's body is full of blue light, like moth powder has no effect. The girl on his back just talked to his master about getting married. If there is a little problem, he knows that he will suffer a big disaster. .

The zhengbone sword in Jiang Lin's hand flickered, the sword's head was entangled by the Yang Yan whip, and the wheel of cold light turned, slashing towards Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing in midair.

The strength of these two moth demons is not very strong. If they use the yang finger qi, they will reduce the demon qi in their bodies a lot.

Therefore, Jiang Lin simply did not use spells, lest the colorful tiger king would not even be able to plug his teeth.

"Two evil beasts, looking at them makes people nauseated!"

Although these moth powders can't hurt Jianglin, but when there are too many, it's like dandruff in the sky, and it's disgusting.

With a tug on her arm, the bone sword made a cut on Yu Qingqing's body. She screamed and fell from the air.

"Stinky Taoist priest, I want your life! Hahaha~~"

Yu Qingqing let out a very magical laugh, and Yu Susu above also cooperated in time to spread the magical sound waves with Yu Qingqing.

Moreover, their hands were not idle either, the two moth demons and four palms were facing Jiang Lin or turning or choking.

This is actually the illusion they know. Every time Captain Song comes here, Yu Yingying will use illusion to "arrange" this place into an elegant house.

"Grandma is a bear, it's really ugly! If the master didn't let me take action, the two of you would have killed the two of you!"

The most acute sense of tigers is hearing, and the magic sound waves of these two moth demons make it very uncomfortable.

Tiger ears drooped, the colorful tiger king closed his hearing, and then looked at Jiang Lin and the two moth demons in the field with little interest.

Do you still want to confuse the master with this illusion?How naive.

Not to mention the two big demons, even the demon king and the ghost king level illusion, can't help Jiang Lin, these two moth demons are simply clowns.

"House cat, Jiang Lin will be fine, right?"

Although King Panlan wasn't worried, Axiu on his back was a little worried, because he was afraid that Jiang Lin would be injured.

"Don't be afraid, the master is very capable. These two weak chickens and moths don't need to actively use any spells."

The colorful tiger king let Axiu watch Jiang Lin clean up the two big moths with peace of mind.

"Just this little skill, and I'm not professional at all. I'm so weak that I don't even have much desire to do it, and I'm still laughing out of the sea."

Since it is an illusion, the most effective method is usually chosen to disturb the nerves of the subject.

For example, eerie screams, or uh u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u uh)

But these two moth demons are hahaha, in fact, they don't have much effect at all, even if Mao Xiaofang is here, he will not be affected much.

Even if they are unprofessional, Yu Qingqing and Yu Susu are very serious, very focused, very absorbed, and they don't seem to know that their illusions, Jiang Lin, have no effect at all.

Especially Yu Qingqing, the action of casting spells is like pulling the erhu, and she is shaking her head.

Jiang Lin didn't care how devoted the two moth monsters were, he waved his sword and threw it out.

Waiting for him to kill, can he still not kill?

Cang Hai laughed, and before he could finish laughing, Jiang Lin let them go to sleep, the kind that would never wake up.


The cold light suddenly appeared, and a sword stabbed into Yu Qingqing's heart.

Yu Qingqing laughed until now, and finally hiccupped. Her eyes looked at the blood hole in her chest, and her throat could no longer make a sound. She could only feel her life gradually passing by.

Her heart was crushed by Jiang Lin.

"Crack! Kill the big demon and get [*] points of suffocation."

It was so weak that it couldn't be weaker.

Jiang Lin spat.

"younger sister!"

Yu Susu above did not think that Jiang Lin was not only unaffected, but also killed Yu Qingqing in an instant, and suddenly screamed.

She called out to Yu Qingqing, but there was no response. The latter was twisted in the body by Jiang Lin's bone sword, and he was already dead and could no longer die.

With a scream, Yu Susu flew towards Jiang Lin.

"What's the hurry, after you've finished laughing, you have to go down and report to me."

As soon as the Yang Yan whip was retracted, the Zhengbone Sword was held in Jiang Lin's hand, and the blazing Yang Yan spread to the entire sword body, causing the light to be violently distorted.


Yu Susu's heart suddenly jumped, and it was only at this time that she realized that she had never seen any means of Jiang Lin.

She thought that Jiang Lin only relied on a sharp magic weapon to kill her sister. After her rage, she thought of Jin Jianglin's body.

After seeing the flame on the bone sword, she immediately felt the danger of death.

This is really a moth to the fire.

Still want to go back?

Jiang Lin didn't give Yu Susu a chance to retreat at all, and slashed out with a sword.

After the Sword Mastery has been upgraded to the fourth stage, Jiang Lin has been able to use the Zhengbone Sword and Yang Yan to slash with sword energy.

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

With a "swipe", a half-moon-shaped arc of light rushed out from the tip of the sword and slashed Yu Susu's body.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [*] points of anger."

These moth demons kept talking about how to practice the method of transforming cocoons into immortals. Even if they really joined forces, in front of Jiang Lin, they still couldn't turn out any waves.

"Master, Tom has gone to plug his teeth, and the mistress will leave it to you."

The colorful tiger king came to Jiang Lin with a flattering face. Even though it said nothing to the two big moths, it was actually drooling.

"Come on, jump down."

Jiang Lin opened his arms and let Axiu jump down.

"Jiang Lin, it seems that Xiaobai wants to eat it too, can you leave some for Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai is wrapped around Axiu's arm. Because Axiu grew up in the mountains, she is animalistic and knows what Xiaobai wants.

"Find me where the dragon energy is in the future, and I will reward you a little."

Although Xiaobai was not Jiang Lin's pet, he really needed it to search for dragon energy, so he cut off a quarter of a moth corpse under the resentful gaze of the colorful tiger king.

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