Chapter six hundred and forty-ninth chapter letter

  Xiaobai jumped on Jiang Lin's shoulder happily, stretched out the snake letter and licked his face twice, and then went to enjoy the big meal.

  It turned into a giant snake of seven or eight meters, and it opened its mouth and swallowed a small section of the moth corpse.

  "Master Jiang, how is it?"

  Director Song led people to wait at the entrance of the town. When he saw Jiang Lin sitting on the back of a tiger, he hurried forward to ask. He already knew that the moth demon that was entangling his son was beheaded, and Jiang Lin was going to deal with the other two. .

  "It's completely cleared. There shouldn't be so many people missing in the town in the future. Director Song, you should go back and comfort Captain Song. He has a real love for the moth demon, and he was hit a lot."

  "Okay, I'll go right now, Master Jiang, is it enough to give you eight thousand oceans this time?"

  The son completely got rid of the moth demon's entanglement, and Director Song didn't care that killing the moth demon was a public business, and voluntarily paid for it.

  In addition to being an official, the Song family is also engaged in business, so the family has a lot of money. Eight thousand oceans are not big money for Director Song.


  Director Song repeatedly said yes, and said that when he turned back, he would send his servants to Li Yangju.

  Jiang Lin sent Axiu back to Fuxi Hall. After returning home, he asked Panlan Tiger King and Xiaobai to go to Cixi's tomb to digest the demon power in their bodies.

  Although Xiaobai is not strong, but now he is on the head of the colorful tiger king.

  Although King Panlan was unhappy, he didn't dare to give him any good looks. This little snake is the pet of his future mistress. If he goes to report it, he won't be able to eat and walk around.

  The next day, Guangming Daily published the story of Jiang Lin's extermination of the demon. In addition, there was Captain Song's love affair with the moth demon.

  For a while, in the hearts of most girls in Gantian Town, the image of Captain Song has grown a lot.

  An infatuated man, a diamond king who is obsessed with love, some girls don't like it.

  In the same way, Captain Song has also become the object of envy and jealousy among many young people, but Captain Song doesn't know about all this. He is on vacation, and he either smokes or drinks at home every day.

  "Jiang Lin, the meal I owe you has finally been paid. I want to do an exclusive interview with Maoshan Taoism. Can I invite you as a guest?"

  On this day, in the Hexing Building, Shu Ning invited Jiang Lin to have a meal. She had always wanted to do this interview, but everything was delayed. First, Lei Gang, and then the moth demon. Neither Jiang Lin nor Mao Xiaofang did not. Time, either out or busy.

  Another reason why she looked for Jiang Lin was that she was touched by the love between Captain Song and Moth Demon, and she wanted to fall in love.

  "I'm very busy, why don't you go to Master Mao?"

  Not only was Shu Ning's affairs delayed, Jiang Lin was also the same. After a trip to Guangxi, it took ten days to refine the blood of the generals. Now, it will take a few days for the finishing work of the magic circle in his house.


  Shu Ning's originally full of anticipation collapsed in an instant.

  Master Mao is in his thirties, and he looks old. You really don't understand the mind of a girl's family.

  Shu Ning cursed Jiang Lin that he deserved to be single.

  "A little more in common with you."

  "Okay, I'll make some time in the morning, you can go to Liyangju to find me."

  Now Mao Xiaofang is often not in Gantian Town. Shu Ning estimated that it was not easy to find Mao Xiaofang, so Jiang Lin agreed to her request.

  "By the way, Captain Song doesn't know what's going on. He finally fell in love with a girl, but it turned out not to be a human being."

  "I don't know about others, but Captain Song will come out. One will not only fall in love with one person in one's life, but when a love ends, it is not impossible to meet again. When he encounters another love, he will come out. You don't have to worry about him, he is a grass in Gantian Town."

  Jiang Lin also found out that he hadn't seen Captain Song for several days, but he wasn't worried that Captain Song would die in love or something. This police captain was quite responsible for himself and others, and would be measured.

  Shu Ning rolled his eyes, who cares about Captain Song, you incomprehensible person.

  After eating, Jiang Lin went to the paint shop to buy a few buckets of paint. He could paint the two cars in his house to change their appearance. After the array was laid out, he could use them and the colorful tiger king to transport his hometown. furniture and the like.

  If you use a horse-drawn carriage, I don't know how much time it will take to go back and forth.

  In the inner courtyard, Jiang Lin just opened the oil drum when Ah Hai's voice came from outside.

  "what happened?"

  "Uncle, my master used a paper crane to pass the book, saying that he was injured and there was a zombie, and it was fifteen miles away. Master invited Uncle to come over, and we would give the reward."

  Ah Hai looked anxious, and could not wait to take Jiang Lin's hand and leave.

  No, there are zombies around here that Mao Xiaofang can't handle?

  Jiang Lin is a bit strange. Now Mao Xiaofang has improved a lot in his cultivation because he dealt with Lei Gang before. He has reached the peak level of alchemists. In addition, he still has a copper sword in his hand. Even if he encounters a zombie king, he can chase after him. Millennium Zombie King?

  "Okay, I'll go right now."

  Jiang Lin went to the shop to pick up some things, and he and Ah Hai followed the lark on the road.

  Fifteen miles away, Jiang Lin and Ah Hai found Mao Xiaofang who was sitting cross-legged in a cave.

  Mao Xiaofang looked a little miserable, and there were many scratches all over his body, but they were all covered with glutinous rice.

  Behind him, there are a dozen corpses.

  "Fellow Daoist, what's your situation? Could it be that you have met the Thousand Year Zombie King?"

  Being able to hurt Mao Xiaofang like this, Jiang Lin felt that the zombies Mao Xiaofang encountered were definitely not simple.

  Mao Xiaofang took a deep breath and stood up. He waved his hand and said, "It's not the Millennium Zombie King."

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