After that, Mao Xiaofang recounted what he had encountered. Because he owed foreign debts, he took over some corpse removal businesses and rushed to a neighboring province.

  On the first night of the trip, he lingered in a dilapidated house, and as a result, there was a strange zombie hiding in the house, which could exhale white gas.

  Mao Xiaofang immediately covered his mouth and performed surgery to make the corpse he chased out of the room. Because of the delay, he accidentally inhaled some gas himself, and his movements suddenly became slower.

  If it wasn't for his advanced cultivation, and also possessing the red copper sword and the explosive flame talisman, this time would be dangerous.

Chapter [*] Slow Zombies

"Spraying white gas can also make people move slowly..."

"Fellow Daoist, I think that zombie may be a dull zombie."

This time, Mao Xiaofang is going to deal with this weird zombie with Jiang Lin. This place is not far from Gantian Town. I don't know when this zombie appeared. If it is not eliminated, it will cause harm to Gantian Town sooner or later. It is hard to escape.

As for the reward for letting Jiang Lin take action, he could take a portion of the reward for chasing the corpse this time.

"Master, what is a dull zombie?"

Mao Xiaofang explained to Ah Hai: "I heard your master say that after a person dies, if the corpse qi in the body accumulates for thousands of years, it may mutate and gather together to become dull qi. This kind of zombie is a dull zombie. It’s just that the probability of zombies becoming dull zombies is very, very small. Fellow Daoist, have you ever heard about dull zombies?”

After the conversation changed, Mao Xiaofang asked about Jiang Lin. He had only heard of it, and roughly recognized the types of zombies in the broken house. He didn't know any more information.

"I've seen some clips in the books, and I don't know much about this zombie. However, as long as it kills it before it blows, no, or kill it before the gas spreads, it's fine."

However, it will only spray dull gas, and it will be o78k if you stand farther away.

Although this sluggish zombie is indeed rather strange, and it will emit sluggish gas, but these are not important to Jiang Lin.

He also didn't bother to investigate what was odd about the sluggishness.

For Mao Xiaofang, sluggishness might be more troublesome than the ability to shoot objects or levitate in midair, but for Jiang Lin, it was nothing too troublesome.

The output of the pile is enough, and even the auxiliary is not needed.

And even if the sluggish aura fills up, he still has a whole body of yang flame that can be used as a barrier.



Jiang Lin's words were light, but Mao Xiaofang's teacher and apprentice made two ellipses.

That is a zombie with a thousand years of age. Even if it is not a zombie king, with a dull energy, it is not easier to deal with than a zombie king.

Mao Xiaofang felt that he had the right to suspect that Jiang Lin was bragging.

"Uncle Shi, are you writing a draft?"

Ah Hai asked weakly, he did not dare to directly say Jiang Lin was bragging.

"I never draft when I speak. By the way, this is a talisman for you."

You dare to suspect that I am bragging, you are a guinea pig.

Mao Xiaofang said that the slow zombies are not suitable for long-range attacks in the broken house, Jiang Lin did not want to waste his energy.

It's best to elicit.

Jiang Lin took out an amulet from the cloth bag, the kind sold by Li Yangju.

"Many...Thank you, uncle!"

A Hai was flattered and quickly took the amulet.

The amulets sold by Jiang Lin are not expensive. This kind of amulets with charms started in the thirty oceans, and most people don’t even want them.

The corner of Mao Xiaofang's mouth twitched slightly, how could Jiang Lin give away some amulet for no reason at this time.

But his apprentice picked it up faster than anyone else.

"The body is not bad, and it is estimated that the lung capacity is also good. The task of attracting the dull zombies at night will be handed over to you."

Jiang Lin patted Ah Hai on the chest. He was in good physical condition. He estimated that holding his breath for three or four minutes would be no problem. Even if he exercised vigorously, he should be able to last for two minutes.


"Ah? I'm going to attract zombies?"

Ah Hai's small eyes are like glass marbles, what a joke, Master was injured like this, let me attract zombies, isn't that asking me to find shit?

"Otherwise, what are you doing with the amulet? I think it's too much money? With your master and me here, there's no big problem."


Ah Hai looked at Mao Xiaofang, who could only nod his head to let him go.

Being soft-handed and receiving things so quickly, is it useful to regret it now?

Since Jiang Lin asked A Hai to go over, he must have some plans. Although Mao Xiaofang didn't know what Jiang Lin's means were, he felt that he would not joke about A Hai's life.

Just see if you blow it.

Mao Xiaofang really wanted to see how Jiang Lin dealt with the slow zombies.

In the evening, the three went to the broken house where Mao Xiaofang encountered danger before.

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang waited outside the house and let Ah Hai in.

Ah Hai entered tremblingly, and not long after, a chubby zombie jumped off the beam, and ten two-foot-long nails stabbed at Ah Hai.

Damn, it turned out to be a fat boy.

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he saw the sluggish zombie. This was the fattest zombie he had ever seen.

"Master Mao, this zombie looks very smart. There is a coffin in it. It doesn't sleep. It sleeps on the beam."

"Yes, Lingzhi is higher than the Zombie King."

While the two were discussing, Ah Hai found the sluggish zombie behind him, he held his breath and ran out.

Fortunately, he ran fast, and the sluggish zombie didn't even have time to spray the sluggish gas.

The sluggish zombie almost chased the door, then suddenly stopped and jumped back.


The sound of farting came from the broken room, and a cloud of white gas spewed out of the fat zombie's mouth, and then spread rapidly, and the whole broken room was filled with this dull gas.

"Pretty clever."

Jiang Lin originally wanted to bring it out, but now this dead fat boy is not cooperating, and his self-protection awareness is very high.

Mao Xiaofang and Ah Hai both looked at Jiang Lin, didn't they say to solve this slow zombie before it jets?Or it was extinguished when the gas could not spread, what to do now?

"Fellow Daoist, the dull aura in this broken house not only has the effect of making people sluggish, but also blocks the line of sight. As long as you go in, it is estimated that it won't last long, and you may not be able to find the dull zombies."

Although there was nothing unusual about Mao Xiaofang's tone, he still conveyed a message: I'll see how you blow it.

Jiang Lin moved his fingers and wrists, stretched out his arms, and then spread out his fingers. Under the gazes of Mao Xiaofang and A Hai, he shuffled towards the broken house.

The output of the piles is enough, although there are bunkers and obstacles, the firepower is cleaned up.

"Master, Uncle Shi... is this a machine gun hidden in his sleeve?"

Xiaohai's small eyes are open like dog's eyes, and Mao Xiaofang's eyebrows are also M-shaped.

What scene is this?Playing machine gun fire?


When Mao Xiaofang and his disciples were shocked, the beams and pillars of the broken house were pierced and shattered by Jiang Lin's yang finger, and the whole house collapsed instantly.


Even if the broken house has a blocking effect, under so many dense yang finger qi, the slow zombie can't escape, plus being smashed by the house, it jumped out of the rubble, and there was a lot of blood all over it. The hole, flowing with black-green pus and blood.

The sluggish zombie screamed at Jiang Lin. After that, its general thumped violently, and wanted to spit out sluggish air, but at this time, a sword of light wiped from its neck.

The head of the sluggish zombie moved in this way, and a large amount of dullness blew upward from the neck of the headless corpse.

Chapter [*] Blood Orchid

Jiang Lin turned into a man on fire. The dull energy around him was burned by the Yang Yan on the surface of his body, making a crackling sound.

Before the sluggish zombie was outside the attack range of the Yang Finger Sword, Jiang Lin didn't bother to drag this dead fat boy down, so he rushed directly into the sluggish aura.

"Pop! Kill the sluggish zombies and get [*] points of malice."

Let me go, this rare species is much rarer than that Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse.

Jiang Lin did not expect that this slow-moving zombie, whose actual strength was only at the level of black zombie, would be so oily.

Mao Xiaofang and A Hai, who were not far away, were stunned. They had never seen a burning man covered in flames.

Especially Mao Xiaofang, the shock in his heart is very big.

He had seen Jiang Lin's Yang Zhiqi and Yang Zhijian, but he had never seen Yang Zhiqi used as a machine gun.

There is also the raging Yang Yan on Jiang Lin's body, which he has also never seen before.

Since Jiang Lin came to Gantian Town, he has not shown his true strength. If Jiang Lin uses his super kill again, it is estimated that Mao Xiaofang's chin will fall off.

No wonder fellow Daoists were able to subdue a powerful demon king. With such strength, it is really not surprising at all.

Mao Xiaofang found that he had always underestimated Jiang Lin's conduct.

If nothing else, the dullness that gave ordinary Taoists a headache this time was like a fake to Jiang Lin.

With a dull breath, he cut off the head of the dull zombie in the past.

"Master Mao, the matter is settled, I will go back first."

"By the way, fellow Daoist, the reward..."

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