"Does Master Mao really think that Jiang only has money in his eyes? It's not that I don't do things that don't get paid. It's just that I've done a lot, and now I just want to relax for a while."

Mao Xiaofang was interrupted by Jiang Lin in the middle of his speech. After that, Jiang Lin left Mao Xiaofang behind and walked to the head of the sluggish zombie. Jiang Lin played it like a football.

It wasn't that Jiang Lin was playing, but that he wanted to look around to see if he could find where the sluggish zombies had turned into corpses.

Slow zombies are even rarer than the thousand-year-old zombie king. Jiang Lin wondered if he could find a second corpse mercurial, or not.

"I really don't know how fellow Daoist cultivated. I used to think that there was only some gap between me and him, but now I realize that the gap is not small."

Mao Xiaofang sighed. In terms of cultivation, he found that he had never seen Jiang Lin through, even after his strength improved.

If Axiu and fellow Daoists really like each other, it seems not bad.

Mao Xiaofang thought of his three apprentices, A Hai's aptitude was slightly inferior, but he was diligent; A Chu's aptitude was good, but he refused to be down-to-earth; A Xiu was better than both of them, but even if he cultivated all the way, can he reach his current level? Still unknown.

Jiang Lin's cultivation is so high, if Ah Xiu can...

Shaking his head, Mao Xiaofang didn't think about this issue anymore, he felt that it was enough for him to do what a master should do.

Because of the injury, Mao Xiaofang asked Ah Hai to follow him to drive the corpse to the neighboring province.

After the two walked away, Jiang Lin set up a formation flag in an open space to find the source.

This is actually the tracing immortal art of the Tiandao School. Before Mao Xiaofang searched for his own stone and hidden soul card, he used this method.

In terms of rooting and tracing the origin, the Tiandao faction is unique and leading the way, and no other sect can compare, including the lineage of Jiu Shu.

Jiang Lin followed the dandelion that cast the spell and climbed the mountains and mountains under the moonlit night. Because the mana was strong enough, the flying distance of the dandelion was greatly increased.

In the end, Jiang Lin stopped in an abyss fifty miles away.

"I can't find it wrong. If the slow zombie turned into a corpse here, how did it come up?"

Jiang Lin was puzzled. It was the first time he used the Tiandao School's tracing technique, and he was a little unsure whether it would work.

Thinking too much was useless, Jiang Lin jumped down, and now his suspending ability can become suspended, so even at a height of [-] feet, Jiang Lin is not worried that he will fall to his death.

I don't know when this abyss was formed, but it was four or five kilometers deep. After Jiang Lin reached the bottom of the abyss, he was stunned. The place was dark, but his eyes could see everything at the bottom of the abyss.

There are dozens of black-striped white pythons that are seven or eight meters long, or even more than ten meters long, and in the quagmire in the center of the abyss, there is a huge cross) (with a snake ball.

In fact, these were not enough to shock Jiang Lin. What attracted his attention was the blood-colored orchids at the bottom of the abyss.

Blood orchid!

He once saw information about this plant in Emei's Book Collection Pavilion. Blood orchid has two most important functions, one is to prolong life, and the other is to enhance one's own soul.

But this plant should have gone extinct on a global scale thousands of years ago.

There are so many here!

Jiang Lin felt his heart beating fast.

"Beast! Mine, all mine!"

Seeing a giant python swallowing two blood orchids, Jiang Lin's eyes burst into flames.

These giant pythons can grow so big, it is estimated that it has something to do with the blood orchid growing here.

In order not to crush the blood orchid at the bottom of the abyss, Jiang Lin put the Yang Finger Sword deep in his hand and directly pierced the heart of the giant python. After that, he shot more than ten Yang Finger Sword in time and pinned the giant python to the ground. It made it impossible to even struggle.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin looked around and found that there was almost no spiritual energy at the bottom of the abyss. There was still a big hole on the wall of the abyss.

Squinting his eyes, Jiang Lin saw the shallow scratches on the edge of the hole, and he was sure that the dull zombie was at the bottom of the abyss before.

Perhaps because there is almost no spiritual energy in this place, and there is blood orchid, its corpse aura mutates into dull energy.

After Jiang Lin landed, he planted an array flag in the area where the blood orchid grew, and used the materials he brought to form a small array.

These things are all mine!I want to swallow another one, but there is no door.

After that, Jiang Lin hurried up. He first went to Cixi's tomb to call King Panlan Tiger and Xiaobai, and then returned to Li Yangju, bringing a lot of formation materials.

Those giant pythons at the bottom of the abyss, Jiang Lin is not going to move them. He doesn't know what the growth environment of the blood orchid is like. If the growth environment requires that kind of black-striped white python, it is not wise to kill them all. thing.

Carrying a large burden, Jiang Lin went down to the bottom of the abyss again. He picked a lot of some good-growing blood orchids and put them in the jade boxes, and the rest did not move.

After that, he arranged a large formation around the blood orchid to prevent the giant python from destroying the blood orchid. Xiaobai was also temporarily left here by him. Usually, he should not touch these white pythons, but as long as they make trouble, you are welcome.

Although they are of the same kind, Xiaobai eats snakes without any ambiguity.

What a bountiful harvest!

Jiang Lin was carrying a heavy burden and was in a very good mood.

"Xiao Bai, reward you with one flower, don't steal it."

Although he did not sign a master-servant contract with Xiaobai, Xiaobai's life was also in Jiang Lin's hands, and he was not afraid of Xiaobai's greed.

Chapter [-] Water Monkey

"Tom, you may have made a breakthrough recently. This blood orchid has the effect of enhancing your soul. After you take it, you can consolidate your demon soul, and you will have less trouble when breaking through."

Jiang Lin took a blood orchid and threw it to King Panlan, and then said, "I don't need to go to Cixi's tomb recently. I'll settle the good things I've eaten for a while."

"It's a great blessing to be with the master!"

Panlan Tiger King snorted, opened his mouth and swallowed the whole blood orchid plant, it didn't care about the mud on the rhizomes.

This rare plant actually has the effect of consolidating the demon soul, and the mud is definitely not ordinary!

When Jiang Lin returned home, it was already dawn, and he slept until the afternoon. After getting up and working for a while, Shu Ning came.

It was the same for the next few days.

Finally busy!

Seven days later, Jiang Lin completely settled the matter of the house. After that, he lay down on the wicker chair in the front yard and basked in the sun.

"Hey, why are you so free today, still basking in the sun in the courtyard."

Today is the last day of Shu Ning's exclusive interview. Usually, Jiang Lin comes out of the inner courtyard when she comes. I don't know what she is doing, but she is a busy person anyway.

So seeing Jiang Lin so idle, Shu Ning was a little surprised.

Shu Ning didn't see him at all, sat next to Jiang Lin and put the pen and paper on the stone table.

After this week's exchange, Shu Ning found that she and Jiang Lin shared a lot of language, and Jiang Lin's insights on some things sometimes inspired her.

"The house's... er, it's a decoration. It's all done. Of course I'm free. If I hadn't waited for your interview, I'd go home to pick up my wife today."

"You...you have a wife?"

The pen in Shu Ning's hand fell with a "click", and then his face turned pale, as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle.

"Yes, you can chat with them when you have the opportunity, they prefer art."

"They? You have more than one wife? A man with three wives and four concubines does not have a good man!"

Shu Ning pouted, Jiang Lin's image in her heart was flawed.

"I don't think I need to judge whether I am a good man or not. When my wives get here, you can just ask them if they are not. By the way, the Zuo Ci I asked you to find is because one of my wives is in a coma and needs to be Only when I found Zuo Ci's tomb can I hope to wake up. I have been searching for six years, and I have traveled all over the land to inquire about it. I came to Gantian Town to find Zuo Ci, and I will continue to look for it in the future. Anything happened to them. , I will."

Shu Ning had read foreign books and received a relatively advanced education, so he felt conflicted with a man's three wives and four concubines. Jiang Lin didn't find it strange, but Shu Ning's reaction seemed to be something other than surprise.

"I just have a wife, what are you doing with such a big reaction?"

Jiang Lin deliberately looked at Shu Ning with a strange look.

"Who... who reacted the most."

Shu Ning's mouth was hard, but her flushed face betrayed her heart.

When leaving Li Yangju, Shu Ning stabbed Jiang Lin and said, "I want to leave Gantian Town for a while, go home and have a look, I... I'll wait to see what kind of good man you are."

Shu Ning felt that she was in a mess right now and needed to calm down for a while, otherwise she would make a mess of her work, just like the interview just now.

"Bon Voyage."

After Shu Ning left, Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to close the shop and drive out.

Go home to pick up your daughter-in-law.

The two drove a car each and returned to Renjia Town, Tai County.

"Senior brother!"

"Senior brother, is the uncle back?"

In the early morning two days later, Jiang Lin saw Qiu Sheng practicing boxing at the door as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the Taoist Church.

"No, the master didn't come back, neither did the four-eyed uncle and the Qianhe uncle."

Qiusheng is much more mature now than before, and he misses Ninth Uncle very much.

But I didn't expect Uncle Ninth to be gone for nearly four years, and there was no news at all.

"Should be back soon."

Jiang Lin could only comfort Qiusheng first.

"Husband, you are finally back!"

When Yue Mei heard Jiang Lin's voice outside, she ran out and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms, tears came out.

"Why did you get up so early? Did someone bully you?"

Yue Mei cried and sobbed: "The sisters are very kind to Yue Mei, it's because they miss you and can't sleep well."

Jiang Lin kissed the man in his arms and hugged him tightly.

Not long after the wedding, he went to Gantian Town, which made the new daughter-in-law miss him badly.

Back in the room, Jiang Lin kissed the sleeping wives, and then Jiang Lin was overwhelmed by a group of beauties.

嘤嘤 into a film.

Being squeezed by his wife, Jiang Lin put on his clothes and put the Cicada Orb on Li Yingqi's body in the white jade coffin.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Qian, Xiao Hong, this is specially prepared for you. It can strengthen your soul and is of great benefit to your cultivation."

The husband returned home, and the three ghost wives came back from below, so Jiang Lin gave them three blood orchids.

Jiang Lin pulled Xiao Li into his arms and touched her lower abdomen, which was only slightly bulging.

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