His child does not know how long it will take to be born.

The next day, Jiang Lin asked Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu to go to the town to call their servants to help. Jiang Lin and the two demon kings handled the gold, silver and medicinal materials at home.

"Master, there are a few small Japanese who want to be detrimental to the mistresses. They were beaten up by Jerry, and Jerry is about to break through."

The mouse boy heard a lot of good things from the house cat, and also asked Jiang Lin for credit.

Jiang Lin also gave it a blood orchid.

Now the two demon kings are loyal to him, and he doesn't begrudge the treasures of heaven and earth.

"Husband, is this our new home?"

When Jiang Lin and the others returned to Li Yangju, it was a few days later in the morning. Ren Zhuzhu looked at Li Yangju and opened his mouth slightly.

The new home is huge.

"Go in, there are five entrances in the new home, and our place is in the middle. The furniture that arrives at the back can be ordered by Uncle Ping."

[Note: The "jin" of the courtyard house represents the structure, overlooking the "Sun" shape is the second-entry courtyard, the "mu" shape is the third-entry courtyard, and so on]

Even with a car, the journey was quite bumpy, and Jiang Lin was a little tired.

"Master Jiang!"

As soon as the daughters-in-law entered the door and Jiang Lin stepped on the threshold with one foot, someone shouted.

"what's up?"

Jiang Lin retreated to the door and looked at the uncle who was rushing over.

"Master Jiang, I'm Li Dalang from Mojiazhuang. Water monkeys appeared in the river there, and many fishermen were dragged down and bitten to death."

Li Dalang didn't care to take a breath and told Jiang Lin about the matter.

Water monkey?Isn't it a water ghost?How can biting happen?

"Slow down, what kind of water monkeys are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's terrifying. The teeth are just like zombies. I saw Lao Zhang being dragged down by it, and his neck was bitten all of a sudden, and the water monkey's nails are very long. It's all dug up."

Li Dalang shivered involuntarily when he said this.

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth chapter corpse turtle

Because there are few farmlands in Mojiazhuang, the villagers there rely on the mountains and water for their meals, and the breeding and fishing industries are relatively developed.

Most of the chickens, ducks, fish, cattle, sheep, and pigs sold in Gantian Town come from Mojiazhuang.

Now there are water monkeys in the river, causing some fishermen in Mojiazhuang to be troubled.

They were originally looking for Mao Xiaofang, but Mao Xiaofang and A Hai went to chase away the corpse, and it was estimated that it would take a while to return. Li Dalang was waiting for Jianglin nearby.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Lin arrived, Li Dalang rushed over. Even if it would cost a lot of money to ask Jiang Lin to take action, he recognized it.

Can't fish, they lose a lot in a day.

"Okay, I'll go get some guys, and let's go."

Jiang Lin asked Li Dalang to wait for a while, and went into the shop to get some magic tools.When Li Dalangneng came back when he first came back, he said that he had been waiting for him, and Jiang Lin would not rest for now. .

"Master Jiang, Master Jiang, you have to save us."

"Yeah, that water monkey is really scary, it broke into people on the boat."

Li Dalang took Jiang Lin to the river, and a group of fishermen surrounded Jiang Lin when they saw him.

Because the fishermen use boats as their homes, they all have food and lodging on the boats. Now that there is an accident in the river, they dare not live on the boats and have set up tents on the shore.

Even sleep is not stable, and someone needs to watch the night.

"Tell me the specific situation, when did the accident happen?"

Jiang Lin suspected that the water monkeys mentioned by the villagers were not water ghosts, but rather resembled zombies, but zombies were afraid of water and should not be in water.

After listening to the villagers' talk, Jiang Lin's brows furrowed even tighter.

It is certain that this water monkey has hands and feet, and most of them hurt people at night, but during the day when people are fishing, the boat is leaked and sank, and people never come up again, and they have the courage to take a fork. The fishermen who attacked the water monkey said it should have a shell on it.


"Which of you will drive me to the heart of the river, let me see what this water monkey is."


Jiang Lin glanced at the fishermen, and none of these fishermen said a word for a while. Although they heard that Jiang Lin's skills were very strong, if he was dragged into the water, he would be dead in the blink of an eye. too late.

No one dared to go.

"You don't want me to get rid of some water monkeys by the river, right? In that case, you can find someone else."

"Master Jiang, I'm going, I'm going!"

When Li Dalang heard that Jiang Lin was about to give up, he daringly chased after him.

Jiang Lin boarded Li Dalang's boat and gave him a talisman. After a while, the two of them arrived at the heart of the river by boat.

"Master Jiang, water... water monkey!"

Li Dalang saw something moving under the river, and his legs trembled with fright.

Jiang Lin motioned him to keep silent, and then seized the opportunity. When it was about to rush forward, a sword with a yang-fingered sword jumped out, and then Jiang Lin raised his arm and lifted the water monkey out of the water.

After seeing the appearance of the water monkey, Jiang Lin knew what this thing was.

This "water monkey" looks like a bastard as a whole, with a dark green body and a turtle shell, but its head and limbs are like zombies.

In particular, a circle of hair has appeared on the head, which looks like the Mediterranean Sea.

It was a corpse turtle.

This corpse turtle turned out to be a bastard living in the river for many years. It may have eaten the corpses of many people who drowned underwater, or the corpses with corpse gas fell and were eaten by this guy.

In the end, the corpse gas and corpse poison in the body accumulated more and more, and it became a corpse turtle.

Not only this turtle, but other animals may also have this situation, such as dogs.

There is a saying that a vampire is a person who has been bitten by a dog and has rabies.

In fact, this statement cannot be said to be wrong, but it is only half right.

In this day and age, or before, there were a lot of people without food, let alone dogs.

Therefore, many wild dogs will eat corpses. If one happens to eat a corpse that is turning into a corpse, there will be problems.

After a person is bitten by such a dog, there will be a situation of corpse poisoning, fear of light, bloodthirsty, and considered a vampire, which is understandable.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

The corpse turtle's forelimbs were pierced by the Yang Finger Sword, and then hit by the direct sunlight, where it screamed sharply, and suddenly several water jets spurted out of its mouth.

"In front of me, are you still allowed to be presumptuous?"

Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword with his other hand, and with a few slaps, the water column was blocked.

If sprayed on people, it is no trivial matter.

Suddenly, Jiang Lin felt the stretched arm lighten. It turned out that the water jet of the corpse turtle was not only used to attack, but also used the reaction force of the water jet to make it escape from the sword of light.

After falling into the water, the corpse turtle's hind feet became webbed and ran wildly on the river.

In the water, it is difficult for it to stay away from the river and forest for the first time, so even if it is exposed to sunlight, it must choose to run to escape.

"Although the turtle has a long life, there is still time. I see where you are going!"

Jiang Lin jumped off the boat, and when he was about to land on the water, he took out an ice seal and threw it down. Part of the water surface suddenly turned into ice, and Jiang Lin stepped on the ice and flew forward again.

This corpse turtle had a tortoise shell on its body, so Jiang Lin didn't use the Yang Finger Qi. Just now, the Yang Finger Sword also pierced through its belly and penetrated its forelimbs.

Use the Zhengbone Sword directly.

See if your bones are hard or my bones are sharp.

"Master Jiang is really skilled. This time I have seen the big waves."

Li Dalang looked at Jiang Lin floating on the water, and his eyes were about to pop out.

The fishermen on the shore also exclaimed, stepping on the water to climb the grass, what kind of realm is this?

The corpse turtle's intelligence is not very high, and he never thought that someone would chase after it. It jumped up and was about to dive under the water, but the Jianglin behind it had already arrived.

With a kick in the air, Jiang Lin kicked the corpse turtle into the air, and then suddenly threw the bone sword forward.

If he wasn't worried about contaminating the fish and shrimp in the river, he would have directly chopped up the corpse turtle.

After a scream, the corpse turtle was pierced by the bone sword, drew an arc in mid-air, and nailed it to the shore.

The corpse turtle, which killed many fishermen, struggled a few times on the shore and then stopped moving.

"Crack! Kill the corpse and get [*] points of hostility."

Chapter [*]: The Ordinary Family Master Jiang

After killing the corpse turtle, Jiang Lin floated on the river and waved to Li Dalang on the boat.

Can't fly, just embarrassed.

"Master Jiang, wait for me!"

Li Dalang punted the boat with all his strength, and Jiang Lin was standing on the water. This was definitely a land fairy, who could carry the fairy back, and he could blow the sky with others.

"Master Jiang, you are gods... gods."

After Jiang Lin got on the boat, Li Dalang was very excited. Before he heard that Jiang Lin could even save the dead, he still didn't believe it, but now he is convinced.

Waving his hand, Jiang Lin said, "I'm just an ordinary person."

He doesn't like to be seen as a fairy, and if he hadn't been too lazy to go into the water to deal with corpses, he wouldn't need to show such abilities.

Is this a normal person?Then aren't we even inferior to ordinary people, and we are all useless people?

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