An ordinary person from Jiang Lin made Li Dalang not know how to answer.

When they got to the shore, Jiang Lin took out the bone sword and burned the corpse turtle with three flaming charms.

"The water monkey is this guy, and it has been completely solved now. Since you invited me, you know that my shot is more expensive, six hundred oceans."

"Yes, it should be."

A group of fishermen collected the ocean and collected [*] oceans and gave it to Jiang Lin.

"Who the hell is this Master Jiang? He can walk on water and fly to the sky."

After Jiang Lin left, a group of fishermen started talking.

"Master Jiang said before that he is an ordinary person."

Li Dalang repeated Jiang Lin's previous words.




After returning home, Jiang Lin found that his daughter-in-law had not gone to rest.

"Why didn't you sleep? It's been bumpy all the way, aren't you tired?"

"Husband, we just moved into our new home. We were so curious that we looked around. Our home is so big."

"Yeah, it's so big, this home is really nice."

Ren Tingting and Yue Mei went up and hugged Jiang Lin's arm, very satisfied with this new home.

When Jiang Lin designed this house, he made reference to the design of the courtyard house.

Because of the frequent visitors, Jiang Lin set up the living room in the courtyard, and the rooms of the two demon kings were also there.The second room after that was where he and Xiaoqian Caiyi and others practiced. The third room was the largest, accounting for half of the total area. The largest main room and other rooms together, there were almost thirty rooms, with a large one in the middle. The open space for activities, four into the garden, and finally the kitchen, guest room, utility room and the place where the servants live.

"Husband, why did Sanjin build so many rooms?"

"Just you and Xiaoli, and Xiaoru, there are fifteen or sixteen people. The rest are your piano room, gallery, yoga room, etc. The calculation is almost the same. Husband, I'm tired, go back to sleep."

In a few days, the new home will be completely normal, and Jiang Lin feels that he can finally settle down for a while.

"There are even piano rooms and galleries, husband, I really love you!"

After yawning, Jiang Lin said, "Go to rest first, and when you wake up, I'll take you to a walk around the town."

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin went out with his daughter-in-law and a junior sister, Xiao Ru. Before the servants arrived, Jiang Lin stopped cooking and went directly to Hexing Building.

For a time, a tenth-level storm blew up in Gantian Town, sweeping from the end of the town to Hexing Building.

In addition to Li Yingqi and Bai Miner, Chen Yu, Ren Tingting, and Xiao Li, who are like fourteen fairies of them, followed Jiang Lin, and the rate of return was [*]%.

Some didn't look back, just petrified directly.

Others turned their heads and walked, hit a wall, tripped over a lot, choked on water, and sprayed rice.

Neither male nor female is calm.

"Oh my God, these are Master Jiang's wife?!!"

"My mother-in-law, Master Jiang's hometown is heaven, right? There are so many fairies."

"The head of the most popular Qingfeng Opera Troupe, Huadan, can't compare to these fairies."

When they arrived at Hexing Building, Sixi and Alan saw the beautiful woman behind Jiang Lin. A teapot fell and a plate fell.

Having returned to his post, Captain Song, who was drinking tea in the teahouse, bit his tongue, and Chou Zhou, who was opposite him, sprayed Captain Song with a mouthful of Tie Guanyin.

As for the others, they have all become sculptures, including Boss He.

"Captain Song, long time no see."

Jiang Lin greeted Captain Song.

Captain Song was sprayed with tea, so he didn't go to stare at Zhou Yuan, he just wiped his face.

"Long time no see, she...she...they are?"

Captain Song found that he was no longer fluent in speaking. He had seen beautiful women before. Yu Yingying, who had been with him before, was a great beauty when he was in human form.

But now behind Jiang Lin, there are a dozen (twelve), no, there are two more than a dozen!

"Ahem, except one is a junior sister, the others are my wife."


As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, Xiaoru's cherry mouth pouted: "Who is your junior sister, I'm going to marry you!"

Well, that's all wives.

For Xiaoru, Jiang Lin had no choice. Instead of calling him senior brother, he insisted on calling him husband, but she was not yet married.

all wives...

Although Captain Song had guesses in his heart, after Jiang Lin admitted it, his brain was short-circuited.

"Chili pepper, Tingting, Zhuzhu, this is Captain Song of Gantian Town Police Department, and he is also a friend of my husband."

Jiang Lin introduced Captain Song to the daughters-in-law behind him.

"Hello Captain Song!"

"Sister-in-law... Hello, sisters-in-law."

Captain Song stood up staggeringly and responded.

"Master Jiang, is your father-in-law the Jade Emperor? Isn't your family a fairy family?"

Zhou Yuan felt that his brain was almost mushy, Master Jiang is such a fairy, otherwise how could he marry so many fairies?

No, the Jade Emperor has only seven princesses, here are fourteen!

"What immortal family, I am an ordinary person, and my family is also an ordinary family."

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile, and then said to Boss He, "Boss He, come to a large private room on the second floor. For dinner, the dishes must be spicy."

After that, Jiang Lin and Chen Yu went upstairs.

normal family……

Zhou Yuan held his head, he couldn't take the blow.

What a drag on ordinary families!

"Captain, Master Jiang said he is an ordinary family..."

Zhou Yuan was about to cry when he held Captain Song in his arms.

Captain Song didn't push Zhou Yuan away this time. As long as he was a man, he would be hit when he saw Jiang Lin.

He was also hit hard, especially when Jiang Lin said that he was an ordinary family, and the ordinary family of Nima lived in a house of nearly [*] square meters?This is not the point. Second uncle, how can an ordinary family have fourteen mistresses who look like gods?

After Jiang Lin entered the private room, the whole Hexing Building was boiling, and then the whole town was boiling.

"My God, I had to know that Master Jiang would be a blockbuster, and I shouldn't have let Dad sell him the land."

On the way back, Captain Song saw groups of men with blushing faces and thick necks arguing.

The beauties behind Master Jiang, which one is more beautiful.

"The one with long legs is the most beautiful!"

"Fuck! The tallest one is the most beautiful!"

"Put barren eggs, the one with waist-length hair is the first!"

Jiang Lin went back for a few days, and then went back to Gantian Town. One person made a town boil to the boiling point.

Chapter [*] Two pets break through together

"Chili pepper, Tingting, Yuemei, and Xiaoru, you all come here. This blood orchid has the effect of prolonging life. You each have one plant, Xiaoli and the others have already eaten it."

Jiang Lin distributed a dozen blood orchids to Chen Yu and the others. This elixir has almost no side effects, and it can prolong his lifespan by taking it.

After that, Jiang Lin put two plants in his mouth, walked to the white jade coffin on the bed, and delivered them to Li Yingqi's mouth.

With the Cicada Orb and the Blood Orchid, plus the corpse mercurial lotus before, and the magic circle that gathers the dragon energy in the mansion and the Emei Erbao, Li Yingqi's situation should be much better.

"I feel sleepy again after eating."

"Me too, I can't even open my eyes."

Jiang Lindao: "Your body is still a mortal body, and being sleepy means that the medicinal power has been transformed in your body. Go to sleep now."

The medicinal power of blood orchid is not as mild as that of corpse hydrangea. After eating it, ordinary people will need to sleep for a while.

Jiang Lin went out to look at the full moon in the sky, and then went to the training room. He wanted to try the effect of the training room on the corpse.

The thin dragon energy gathered around Li Yangju to the shops, then entered the mansion, and finally gathered into the training room and poured into Jiang Lin's body.

It was not until the moon fell that Jiang Lin opened his eyes, and the effect was not bad. This training room was originally a place of extreme yin. If it was a full moon, it is estimated that there is no place in the world more suitable for his corpse to grow.

After Ren Tingting and Xiao Ru took blood orchid, there was no sign of recovery. Jiang Lin also checked their bodies, and there was no problem.

Two days later, because there were two demon kings, two cars, and several trips down, everything that could be moved in Renjia Town's Taoist Hall was moved here.

Daotang's Heavenly Dragon Barrier Jiang Lin did not destroy it either. If Uncle Jiu goes back in the future, if he encounters any accident or danger, there is a place to help him resist.

At least it won't happen like the last time I dealt with Shi Jian, and Yizhuang was almost demolished.

"You two, the demon power on your body fluctuates quite a bit now. It is estimated that you will break through in the next two days. Go back to your room and rest first. I will go to Cixi's tomb with you tomorrow."

When the two demon kings broke through, Jiang Lin couldn't let all the factors disturb them. If there was something that didn't open his eyes, he and the unicorn corpse would mercilessly obliterate it.

"Yes, Master."

The two demon kings were a little nervous. Although they didn't break through to the level of demon emperors, it wasn't easy, but Jiang Lin had given them a lot of treasures, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Uncle Ping, you don't have to prepare food for the cats and mice during this time. Also, I will go out for a while. What questions do you use to ask Chili or Tingting."

The next day, the daughters-in-law woke up, they had absorbed all the medicinal effects of the blood orchid, Jiang Lin ordered Uncle Ping, he was going to watch the breakthrough of the Panlan Tiger King and the Flying Rat King.

"Master, this is really a good place to practice."

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