After the Flying Mouse King entered Cixi's tomb, his heart suddenly became a little unbalanced. His opponent actually practiced here for three months.

It was originally a stage higher than it, and now the gap between them has opened up a bit.

"You can all practice here in the future. As long as you follow me and are willing to make progress, you will definitely benefit a lot. Maybe it is possible to advance to the demon emperor in the future."

"Demon... Demon Emperor?"

The two demon kings stared at each other with big eyes, they didn't even dare to think about that kind of realm.

However, when they thought that they had received more benefits than when they were in Kunlun since they followed Jiang Lin, the two demon kings began to get excited, maybe it was really possible.

"Okay, restrain your mind and prepare to attack."

The two demon kings began to manifest their bodies, and then the demonic energy within their bodies began to surge and diffuse out.

The two demon kings used to walk the wild way. If you compare them, they used to take the wrong way. They practiced the evil power. Now they are walking the right way.



Two hours later, the demonic energy on the two demon kings became stronger, one was blue and the other was green.Their breathing was a little heavy and gradually turned into wheezing.

The four beast eyes also began to show violent emotions.

"Don't worry, calm down. Both of you have taken blood orchid. As long as you keep your sanity, the breakthrough will not be difficult."

Jiang Lin reminded them loudly that if there was no blood orchid, even a small breakthrough would not be easy.

It is not an easy thing to go down the wrong path and try to correct the evil. It is very likely that in the process of breaking through, there will be a rebound, and the rationality will be lost.

At that time, even if their lives are in the hands of others, they may be swept away by the madness, and they will die.

At that time, even if Jiang Lin didn't want to see it, he would kill him.

Jiang Lin stroked the neck hair of the colorful tiger king with one hand, and scratched the head of the flying rat king with the other. After that, the two demon kings began to grin and their eyes gradually turned scarlet.

In the mausoleum hall, the size of the colorful giant tiger gradually increased in size, as did the gray-brown squirrel.

Jiang Lin gradually increased strength in his hands, pressed the back of the necks of the two demon kings, and at the same time recited the spell in his heart, skeleton-like runes began to appear on the bodies of the two demon kings.

Secret Poison Slave Curse.

Their lives were threatened, and the two demon kings suddenly felt a coldness in their souls and recovered a little sanity.

Seeing a mouse and a tiger just growling and groaning, Jiang Lin's heart was relieved, and the two demon kings still knew that their lives were in his hands.

"Listen to me, turn your demon energy into something like dragon energy and unicorn energy. Think clearly, stay rational and make a breakthrough. There is meat to eat, ginseng, chicken soup, and a lot of heaven and earth treasures. If you fail, If there is no reason, there is only death."

The Qilin Qi in Jiang Lin's body was transmitted from his arms into the bodies of the two demon kings. The Qilin originally represented peace. Once this breath entered the bodies of the two demon kings, his own violent aura gradually subsided a lot.

In addition to Jiang Lin's words, each mouse and tiger began to work hard to suppress their body shape, and then changed their demonic qi to a neutral and peaceful one.

You can't die, you have no meat to eat!

It must not fail, I still want to eat ginseng stewed chicken!



After another six hours, the giant tiger and the squirt screamed violently, and they both lay on the ground and gasped.

Chapter [-] Smash my signboard, it's really interesting!

If they hadn't met Jiang Lin, these two demon kings would not know when they wanted to reach this point. In the end of the law, almost all the cultivators were cut off.

Even if he was lucky enough to get to this point, he might become a killing machine because of his ferocity during the breakthrough process, and he could only be destroyed by humanity in the end.

The demon king is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, if an intercontinental missile comes down, it will still ascend to the sky.

"I didn't do many good things in Kunlun before."

Jiang Lin rewarded him with a mouse, a tiger and two slaps. He also ate blood orchid with a solid foundation. It took so much effort to break through a stage. It can be seen that these two guys really didn't do anything good before.

"Master, Tom has already recovered, and will not harm innocent people again."

"Jerry too, protect the mistress, fight for the master, eat ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, and never harm the good again."

The two demon kings responded weakly, they didn't want to move at all now.

"Just recover here, and the food will be delivered."

For a period of time after the breakthrough, the foundation will be like a dry sponge, absorbing the surrounding aura. The two demon kings are no better than Jianglin. They have corpse poison that can be refined, because the aura has become thin, and they need time to accumulate. Strengthen yourself.

Two days later, Mao Xiaofang brought Ah Hai back, but he just had a meal at home. He took some magical tools and magic talismans and went out again, this time he took Ah Xiu with him.

During the time Mao Xiaofang was out, there was no senior brother watching, Ah Chu did not practice, and he traveled around the mountains and waters every day, while Ah Xiu stayed at home and taught himself basic Taoism every day, so she didn't know about Jiang Lin's return.

Mao Xiaofang went out again?

Jiang Lin left the furniture store and went to Fuxitang. Now his family's life is basically normal, he wanted to let Axiu and Ren Tingting meet, but he was told by Ahai that Axiu was taken away by the master, so he left an hour.

Forget it, let's take a trip to the provincial capital.

Now Jiang Lin's family needs to buy some more furniture. Gantian Town has them. In addition, he needs to buy a piano, a guzheng and other cultural and entertainment equipment. There is no more in the town, and there is no presumably in the county. city.

Moreover, the materials he brought to make magical instruments and magic talismans have also been used up. Zhuge Kongping on the other side of Shu is estimated to be out of stock. No matter what, he will have to go to the provincial capital.

At this time, a group of Taoist priests appeared at the entrance of Gantian Town, and they were menacing.

"Master, I told you not to be so angry, the old man, it must be that Master Jiang who is making up mysteries, how can you compare to your real talent and real learning."

A young Taoist priest like a skinny monkey patted his horse at the fat Taoist in the center.

"Yeah, Master, someone dares to call him No. [-] in Maoshan, how ignorant!"

"It's just ridiculous."

After the thin monkey opened his mouth, several little Taoist priests beside the fat Taoist also agreed.

This group of Taoists came to Gantian Town with only one purpose, to smash Jianglin's signboard.

The reason is that Master Jin is talking too much in the provincial capital.

This Master Jin went to the provincial capital to do business, and the buyer was a big family in the provincial capital. Compared with him, the property of Master Jin paled in comparison.

But this big man likes to listen to the stories of strange powers and chaos, and is quite interested in Maoshan Taoist priests. Master Jin's business opponent is called Tie Boss. His hometown is in Luofu Mountain. Knowing that this old man likes this, he specially invited him Went to the Maoshan Taoist Master Jiang over there for tea and asked some strange stories.

At the dinner table, Boss Tie recounted these stories, claiming that they were Maoshan Authentic, and chatting with the buyer very warmly.

When Master Jin saw that the buyer was attracted by others, he was not convinced, so he talked about Master Jiang from Gantian Town.

Master Jin lives in the same town as Jianglin. He either saw or heard many things with his own eyes, and he also heard about the water monkeys in Mojiazhuang a few days ago.

After telling these stories, the big man immediately felt that what Boss Tie said was definitely not true, so he made a business with Mr. Jin.

Master Jin made a business and verbally stomped on Tie Boss. What is Maoshan authentic? Master Jiang from Gantian Town is from Jurong County, and that is Maoshan authentic.

Boss Tie returned to Boluo County angrily, and went to find that master Jiang to pour out bitter water, and from time to time to add oil and vinegar, it was clear in his words that it was Master Jiang (Jiang), you can't compare with others, it's far worse.

The family is Maoshan authentic, and the family is the first in Maoshan.

After Master Jiang heard it, his temper came up, and he had to compete.

His temper is directly proportional to his body shape, and when he heard that Jiang Lin came from Jurong, he immediately went up to the line to discuss the dignity of the southern and northern factions, which must be compared.

This fat Jiang found a few colleagues who were unfriendly to the northern faction, and went straight to Gantian Town from Luofu Mountain.

When the group of Taoists entered the town, they attracted the attention of the townspeople. They had seen groups of Taoists come over before, but this time it was different. The faces of these Taoists were full of unfriendliness.

"Several masters, did you come to see Master Jiang to buy magic talismans and instruments? Master Jiang lives in Liyang Residence at the end of the town."

Uncle Niu thought that these Taoist priests came to purchase like the previous ones, so he kindly pointed the way.

"Find him a magic weapon? Who is he? We are here to smash his sign!"

The skinny monkey had his hands on his hips, his body looked like a bamboo pole, and his voice was quite loud.

Smashing Master Jiang's signboard?

The townspeople were dumbfounded. Master Jiang was doing well in Gantian Town, how could someone come to smash the signboard.

"Master Jiang, Master Jiang, a group of Taoist priests have come from the town to smash your signboard."

Zhou Yuan received news of this kind of thing at the first time, and then he came to Li Yangju's side. It happened that Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to drive out of the car. After hearing what Zhou Yuan said, he frowned.

Smash my sign, it's fun!

"Husband, I don't know which frog at the bottom of the well, who doesn't know the heights of the sky, came to smash our signboard."

A Yan covered her mouth and chuckled. If it was said that among Jiang Lin's women, who knew Jiang Lin's strength the most, it was probably the three sisters they sent.

Her man made her master call her senior, and there were still people who came to smash the signboard without knowing how to live or die.

Chapter [-] The brain is a good thing

"Master Jiang, that group of people are aggressive. We thought they were here to purchase magical tools and magic talismans. We didn't expect them to shout on the street for only one purpose, that is, to smash the signboard.

Even though he said that, Zhou Yuan still wanted to see how the Taoists smashed.

Originally, when Jiang Lin came to Gantian Town, the townspeople, including Zhou Yuan, thought that Jiang Lin and Fuxitang should have a competitive relationship. Master Jiang and Master Mao might not deal with each other, and maybe they would have a fight.

In their hearts, they really wanted to watch the fun, but after Jiang Lin arrived here, he got along and cooperated well with Master Mao, and he never even showed up to discuss.

Now a group of Taoist priests are coming to smash the signboard, which can be regarded as satisfying their curiosity.

It is normal for Taoist priests to catch ghosts and zombies, and it is a rare thing for Taoist priests to fight Taoist priests.

"It's really disappointing, my husband has to take us to the provincial capital."

Ren Zhuzhu pouted, and did not have any good feelings for the group of Taoist priests who had not yet arrived.

"Husband, those people really deserve a lesson, teach them a lesson!"

Hearing that Zhou Yuan said that people were shouting in the street to smash the signboard, Caiyi, who was usually good-natured, was angry.

Even if a cultivator has such an idea, he will come over in the name of learning from each other and say that he will smash the sign when he comes up. He really has no literacy at all.

A cultivator should at least cultivate one's body and self-cultivation. What is the difference between doing this and a martial artist going to the gym?

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