"Wait for them to come."

Since someone came to tear down the signboard, Jiang Lin would wait. If Mao Xiaofang would be behind closed doors, he would not see him, but Jiang Lin would not.

After a while, a group of Taoist priests strode to the street at the end of the town.

The people who followed behind them were all the townspeople of Gantian Town. There were some people watching it lively, and some who didn't want to watch it.

Even Lin Zhijian came over with a camera.

Now that Shu Ning has left Gantian Town and will return after a while, Lin Zhijian is in charge of the work of the newspaper.

With his hands behind Jiang Lin's back, he calmly looked at the Taoist priests across from him.

There's really no one who can fight.

The one with the highest cultivation base is a fat man, and his cultivation base is at the alchemist level, even the former Mao Xiaofang can't compare.

However, compared to some of his comrades, his cultivation was considered passable.

If Jiang Pang knew about Jiang Lin's evaluation of him, he would be so angry that he would tremble three times.

Why did I cultivate to this level in middle age, and I was better than Tai Shizu, so why did I get a "passable" evaluation?

"Pin Dao Maoshan South School, Dao name is half moon."

Jiang Fatty took a step forward and spoke loudly.

Although he couldn't detect the fluctuations in Jiang Lin's spiritual power, Jiang Fatty attributed it to the difference in the cultivation methods of the two schools of the North and the South. In addition, Jiang Lin looked like he was only in his early twenties, so he didn't think that Jiang Lin was very capable.

Before Jiang Lin could respond, Ayan couldn't help laughing behind him. Such a fat Taoist priest, whose Taoist name is Yueban, isn't he fatter?

Caiyi also lightly covered her red lips with her hands and smiled sweetly.

Usually if this happens, Thin Monkey and his fellow apprentices will start shouting, even daring to laugh at their master.

But now none of them said a word, and their eyes were almost straight.

The fact that so many phoenixes appeared in this border in eastern Guangdong was an eye-opener.

Jiang Lin glanced at Thin Monkey and the others coldly, no matter how good his eyes were, in front of your master, he didn't dare to open his eyes when he beat you.

A few little Taoist priests shivered, and their eyes quickly averted.

Jiang Fatty originally thought that he didn't need to speak, and a few apprentices would be like before, but he didn't expect to be fascinated by the women behind them!

What woman is more beautiful than your wife?

A beauty weighing more than two hundred pounds is the ultimate beauty!

"Why did the fat priest come to smash Jiang's signboard?"

Jiang Lin took a step forward and spoke lightly.

"Pin Dao Dao No. Moon and a Half!"

"Isn't that still fat? Don't beep, and ask you, are you here to smash the sign? Representing Nanpai?"

If you come to discuss, no problem, this is a common thing in the circle, but if I come to smash the sign, do I need to be polite to you?

If these people came here at the behest of the Southern School of Luofu Mountain, after teaching these weak chickens a lesson, Jiang Lin would go to the Southern School to find them one by one.

No face left.

Wow!Master Jiang's demeanor is simply a role model for men!

Zhou Yuan found that he had learned from Jiang Lin, and as long as someone asked him in the future, if he said "don't beep too much", he would have no friends.

Jiang Fatty didn't answer for a while. He called himself the Maoshan Southern School, but he didn't really represent the Southern School.If this caused the conflict between the North and the South again, he would not be able to bear it.

"Heh, I heard that Master Jiang here calls himself the authentic Maoshan Mountain, and the first Maoshan Mountain. Our Taoist priests around Luofu Mountain want to see..."

Jiang Fatty didn't say a word, but an old Taoist priest beside him spoke up. This person's cultivation level was only below that of Fatty Taoist priest, and he was also at the level of an alchemist.

However, before he could finish speaking, Jiang Lin interrupted him.

"I heard? Which cat or dog? You can understand it? Don't talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry, is it on behalf of Nanpai?"

Jiang Lin really thought it was funny. He came to Gantian Town, and he didn't talk much, but now he actually gave him the hat of "self-proclaimed Maoshan authentic" and "Maoshan No. [*]".

The reason is still heard, someone said, someone said.

Don't listen to what people say and believe anything. When others say that your mother has a big discount, your father is cheaper. Do you believe it?

What did you eat to grow up to have such a stupid head?

Jiang Lin looked at the fat Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest like he was looking at a silly dog.

He wanted to know if someone said that he was the ancestor of this group of goods, whether these goods would come to him aggressively to verify.

The brain is really a good thing, it's a pity.


The morale of the old Taoist was so red that they could understand what the cats and dogs said, didn't they scold them as cats and dogs in disguise?

"We can't represent the Southern faction, Pindao..."

"It doesn't mean the Southern faction, okay. I didn't deny it, it's just here to smash the sign, come and take action."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and pointed in front of the old Taoist priest. He was not interested in listening to the self-introduction of the old Taoist priest.

"How arrogant!"

The old Taoist priest jumped six meters in front of Jiang Lin with a peach wood sword in his hand, glaring at Jiang Lin.

A young man interrupted him continuously, which made him very angry.

Chapter six hundred and fifty-eight stare one down

Now the old Taoist doesn't care whether Jiang Lin has ever claimed to be Maoshan authentic, or boasted that Maoshan is No. [*]. Now he wants to teach this "arrogant and arrogant" young man a painful lesson.

"Even if you are a peer, always interrupting other people's words, it is not educated, I want you to know how to be a person."

Holding the peach wood sword upside down, the old Taoist's beard swayed with morale.

Hehe, come to smash my signboard and want me to be polite to you.

I'm your father, want to get used to you?I'm sorry, but for such a stupid and old son, I absolutely don't want to be a godfather.

Jiang Lin stretched out five fingers and said, "Five, four, three, two, one, I gave you five seconds to prepare, pour it for me."

As soon as Jiang Lin's voice fell, the old Taoist fell to the ground with his head in his arms.

Since taking the blood orchid, Jiang Lin's soul has strengthened a lot, and because of this, his thoughts and mental strength have improved a lot than before.

This old Taoist priest had already reached his twilight years, and his spirit and thoughts were not as good as before. Under the change, Jiang Lin instantly turned into a corpse, and the attack of his thoughts made him overwhelmed immediately.


Lin Zhijian's professionalism is still there, although he was shocked, although he didn't know what happened, he still pressed the shutter in time.

What happened in the end?

Master Jiang stared, and that old master fell down? ?

In addition to the sound of the shutter and the whining of the old Taoist priest, the scene was silent.

"Brother Dao!"

A middle-aged Taoist went up and lifted up the old Taoist. After that, he looked at Jiang Lin and said angrily, "You actually practice sorcery and take a crooked way!"

"You are also here to smash the sign, and I will give you five seconds to prepare, five..."

Jiang Lin counted, the face of the middle-aged Taoist changed, and then his anger sank into his dantian.

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, he also fell down holding his head.

This middle-aged Taoist only has the level of a Taoist, and is not as high as Taoist Qianhe. Jiang Lin is now pulling him to almost two realms, whether it is at the level of cultivation or corpse.

Subduing him is also a matter of staring.

Regardless of whether these people were instigated by the Southern faction, Jiang Lin didn't want to bother him in the future.

To learn from each other, to challenge, or to smash signs, this time he scared people with such thoughts.

Even if he consumes a lot of corpse energy and his spirit will be a little tired, he doesn't mind.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

Lest some ignorant guys come to disturb his mood and life.

"And you fat man. After watching it for so long, I don't think it's necessary to prepare for you."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Lin turned into an afterimage, which appeared in front of Jiang Fat in an instant. The momentum around him and the smoldering fire rushed out of his body without reservation, and then abruptly converged. The wave of thoughts came out, and there was almost no time difference between the two, and they acted on Jiang Fatty together.


Jiang Fatty was better, but several of his apprentices were ruthlessly blown away, hitting the wall one by one, turning them into heads.

As for Jiang Fatty, he took a few steps back and pressed his temples with both hands. As a result, there happened to be a stone on the road. As soon as he stepped on it, he slid all over.

Suddenly, the townspeople behind seemed to feel a sudden shock under their feet.

A big fat man weighing more than [*] pounds fell to the ground, and he would really feel a slight shock.

Stare one down, don't even need to shoot.

"Listening to the wind is the rain, and it's up to you to smash my Li Yangju's signboard? There's no one who can beat it, no, there's no one who can watch it."

Jiang Lin is telling the truth, there is really no one who can look (stare), there is a saying "I haven't tried hard, you fell down", in Jiang Lin's case it should be "I haven't blinked, you fell down."

"Is my husband really that strong?"

Yue Mei's eyes widened. Although he had seen Jiang Lin kill the Yin Demon, compared to the previous scene, the visual effect of this scene was more impactful.

"Is your husband strong or not, sister, don't you know at night?"

A Yan glanced at Yue Mei with a wicked smile and whispered.

"Sister Yan, you...you..."

Yue Mei's face instantly turned into red paper, and Caiyi and Ren Zhuzhu also blushed.

Really, what if someone hears it!

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