This group of Taoist priests who came to smash the signs, under the eyes of the townspeople, got up sullenly, squeezed through the crowd, and ran towards the town entrance.

"Master, are we just leaving?"

"What a shame!"

The fat master was so angry that he rewarded his apprentice with a slap and scolded: "Don't go? You still want to smash someone's sign, grandma, this Master Jiang is really the number one in Maoshan!"

The fat master recalled the momentum he felt before, and his face was full of horror. He thought that he was successful in his cultivation and that his Taoism was not shallow, but in front of Jiang Lin, he really knew what it was like to have a sky outside the sky and someone outside the human body. .

Don't say it's him, even if there are ten more, the result will be the same.

"Is it really the number one in Maoshan?"

"Then master, are you still here to smash people's signs?"

"A few foolish apprentices, won't you drag me and not let me come!"

Hearing Fat Jiang's master and apprentice complaining about each other, the old Taoist and middle-aged Taoist felt ashamed.

This time they were purely humiliating themselves.

Fortunately, this time they didn't say that they were sent here on behalf of Mao Shannan, otherwise there would definitely be a big storm and a big earthquake.

"Wow! Master Jiang really has boundless mana, so strong that it bursts."

Zhou Yuan looked at a group of Taoists leaving with their tails between their tails, and immediately clapped and applauded.

He had seen Lei Gang's skill at catching bullets with his bare hands, but Jiang Lin's supernatural power of staring at someone was definitely stronger.

You must know that these are not ordinary people, they are all Taoist priests!

"Master Jiang, can you explain what happened to the staring eyes just now? It's incredible."

Lin Zhijian came to interview Jiang Lin with a camera. Today's news can definitely be a hit, but if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be a bit fake.

"It's inconvenient to disclose, it's all gone."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He had no interest in the news. Before Shu Ning gave an exclusive interview, he did not let her reveal any information in the newspaper.

It's better to live a low-key life.

Chapter six hundred and fifty-ninth accident in Xiangxi

Jiang Lin asked the servants to install an elevated cloak for the family car, which was much more convenient than a carriage, but there were too many hostess in the house, and the car could not fit in one car, so Chen Yu and Jingjing did not go.

After arriving in the provincial capital Jianglin, I took my daughter-in-law to play for a while. After that, I went shopping frantically, including piano, guzheng, tennis, badminton, Go, and chess. In addition to entertainment, many clothing stores and cosmetics stores were also sold. Jiang Lin was swept away, and many medicinal herb shops were looted.

Jiang Lin himself has also wholesaled a lot of materials for making magical instruments and magic talismans, enough for several years.

After returning, Jiang Lin used the previous abyss, and spent half a month to re-consolidate the magic circle around Xuelan. There will be no problems for at least a decade or two. He also brought Xiaobai, After a period of rest, he had to start looking for Zuo Ci's tomb.

After that, Jiang Lin was free, making some talisman paper instruments every day, listening to the sound of the piano, and playing chess with his daughter-in-law.

"Husband, Dad has a letter."

One day more than a month later, Tian Ji brought a letter to Jiang Lin, which was sent by Zhang Han.

"It's really hard to think about being leisurely."

After reading the contents of the letter, Jiang Lin sighed.

"Husband, what's the matter, are you going out again?"

Tian Ji suddenly grimaced. They had only moved in for less than two months, and Jiang Lin was going out again.

"A powerful demon king appeared in the west of Xiangxi. The sect over there went to Renjia Town to find me. If they couldn't find it, they went to the master and the others. The master wrote a letter to let me go."

Now that he is idle, and Zhang Han said in the letter that the demon king may have an unclear relationship with the Japanese demon, Jiang Lin is going to go over and take a look.

If the Japanese demons and demon kings cooperate to kill their own Taoist priests, the consequences will be very serious.

Tian Ji looked at Jiang Lin eagerly, and after only two months of lingering, the man was about to leave again.

"I'll leave tomorrow. I'll come to Japan in the future, don't be wronged, be good."

Jiang Lin gently stroked Tian Ji's hair. For some reason, when he saw this letter, he always felt that he would be separated from his wives for a long time.

"Husband, what do you want to eat, Tian Ji and the sisters will cook for you."

"Do what you like. I will eat what you like."

After kissing Tian Ji on the lips, Jiang Lin took the colorful tiger king up the mountain. During this time, he killed two rare zombies. He can advance the body refining technique, or upgrade first.

In addition, he needs to upgrade the level of the wish-breaking amulet. Zhang letter said that the reason why the demon king is strong is because he understands the Buddhadharma, he can perform the Sanskrit sound of life, and he actually has believers and can use the power of faith.

On the barren mountain, Jiang Lin went down to Cixi's tomb and let the cat guard outside.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Consummation)

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Consummation)

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - Tenfold)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Fire-Setting Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Sound Transmission Talisman (Level [-]), Light Avoidance Talisman (Level [-]), Frozen Talisman (Level [-]), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Level [-])+

Violence value: [-]

Jiang Lin clicked the arrow behind the wish-breaking amulet, and it rose to completion.

It is similar to the previous Secret Poison Slave Charm, except that the second level of the Wish-breaking Talisman has [-] points more than the previous level, and it consumes a total of [-] anger points.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin advanced the Body Refinement Art to the next stage. Like the Yanri Art, it consumed [-] points of Violence.

In the Body Refinement column, replaced by "Green Stiffness" with "Hair Stiffness".

"Crack! Attribute integration is complete."

At this time, the system's corpse attribute interface flickered, and Jiang Lin immediately opened it.

"Battle pattern shape!"

What the hell!This is really efficient.

Wait, battle pattern?

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the zombie male protagonist in the second part of Zhan Yue, as if he had war lines on his face when he turned into a zombie in the later stage.

With the strength of the green-eyed zombie, he is tough with the generals and ministers with the shape of the war pattern.

Rubbing his hands together, Jiang Lin saw the suffocation value required by this ability.

Nima, [-]? ?

Looking at his remaining balance of more than [-] points, Jiang Lin wanted to beat someone, so why didn't he remind him earlier that he could accumulate the [-] points of the Advanced Body Refinement Technique!

Depressed for a long time, Jiang Lin decided to save the remaining balance, go to Xiangxi to deal with the demon king, and then only need to destroy another demon king-level evil, which is almost enough.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Lin looked at the sleeping daughters-in-law whose faces were filled with contentment and happiness.

Bringing the items that he should bring, Jiang Lin called out to the colorful tiger king and walked towards the town entrance.

"Axiu, you're back."

Arriving at Zhenkou, Jiang Lin saw Axiu who was carrying a medicine basket.

Seeing Jiang Lin, Axiu looked aggrieved and said, "I came back with Master yesterday afternoon. Axiu doesn't know why, it's sour."

Ever since Ah Chu said that Jiang Lin has a wife, she has felt this way. She is very uncomfortable and always wants to cry.

Jiang Lin jumped off the tiger's back, took out a jade box, and handed a blood orchid over, saying, "This is a blood orchid, which is good for your own soul, and if you eat it, it is also good for your cultivation."

Axiu shook her head slightly and took two steps back.

Jiang Lin chewed the blood orchid in his mouth, dragged Axiu into his arms, and sent it in mouth to mouth.

After swallowing the blood orchid, Axiu frowned and said, "This grass is very strange. It's not sweet in the mouth. After I eat it, my heart becomes sweet, as if my heart is not so sour."

"Silly Xiu'er, go back to sleep. Go to Li Yangju when you have time, there are a lot of interesting things in it."

Jiang Lin pinched Axiu's face, this girl didn't even know she was jealous.

Once he got to Hubei Jianglin, he went all the way north. Five miles away, he met Shu Ning again.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

"Miss Shu, I thought you wouldn't go back to Gantian Town anymore."

Raising his face, Shu Ning said, "Hey, why didn't you come back? I'm going to redo the last interview!"

"Let's talk when I get back. I'm a very busy person. I have to leave for a while, and I won't be able to come back in a short time."

Jiang Lin smiled and rode away on the colorful tiger.

"Asshole, you will leave as soon as I come back!"

Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin's back and stomped his feet in anger.

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