After that, Shu Ning realized that the period of time Jiang Lin was talking about was so long, and that Jiang Lin almost couldn't come back.

Chapter [-] Ancient Mirror Ghost

Two days later, Jiang Lin rode the colorful tiger king across the province, and arrived in Hunan again. This time, he did not go to Renjia Town. Two months ago, he sent blood orchid to his master and his wife, but he was tired and crooked.

Showing affection with his wife in front of his apprentices, he is no longer a master.

After entering Xiangdi, Jiang Lin went to Guobei County, where the demon king haunts.

"Tom, clean up this shabby house, we're going to spend the night here tonight."

The weather in the past few days is not good. There is always rain, and there are dark clouds above. Jiang Lin plans to take shelter from the rain in this dilapidated house in front of him.

Although this shabby house looks very evil, Jiang Lin doesn't care, if there is any ghost, he will just send him warmth.


Not long after, the reel of the well in the backyard of the dilapidated house began to make a sound, and the sound of the bucket hitting the wall of the well was also heard.

"Master, I really don't know what it is, and dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of the master."

The cat lying beside Jiang Lin glanced at the ancient well. There was no one here, and there was no wind. There must be something strange about the movement in the well.

Jiang Lin ignored it and continued to absorb spiritual energy to refine his own corpse poison.

He didn't choose to upgrade his cultivation technique before, one of the important reasons was because he wanted to accumulate more.


After nightfall, there was another sound from the well, and Jiang Lin, who was sitting quietly, opened his eyes and didn't stop, right?

When he came to the ancient well, Jiang Lin looked down, the bright moonlight was projected in the backyard, and he could see his own reflection in the well.

When there was no movement, the reflection on the water surface at the bottom of the well began to change, and a girl wearing an apricot-white Tang Dynasty costume appeared.

The girl had a little cinnabar between her brows, her face was unparalleled, and a purple-red satin ribbon passed through her arms. At this moment, she was smiling gently at Jiang Lin, beckoning lightly.

However, after sensing Jiang Lin's breath, the girl's expression changed, becoming a cowardly look.

How could it be her? ?

Jiang Lin was stunned when he saw the figure appearing at the bottom of the well.

This girl was actually the castle lord he had seen in the Yaochi Immortal Castle in Shu, the frozen beauty who had been frozen in ice since the Wuhu Chaos period.

His blue heart flame is the thing of the castle master.

No, the smell is different.

If the beautiful castle owner is a cold and beautiful woman, the girl in the well is a dignified concubine.

"Come up."

Jiang Lin restrained his breath and spoke to the bottom of the well.

After that, the girl trembled and floated up from the bottom of the well, and after landing, she knelt down for Jiang Lin.

"Shangxian spare her life, the little girl was trapped at the bottom of the well and was oppressed and enslaved, so she had no choice but to harm others, and she also looked to Shangxian Mingjian."

Jiang Lin glanced at the girl and frowned, "Are you a human, a ghost, and an artifact at the same time?"

The girl did not expect that Jiang Lin could see through her feet at a glance, and hurriedly knelt down to Jiang Lin again and said, "The little girl is the seventh of the twelve mirrors cast by Shi Kuang, the mirror is named Jing Yuanying, Tian Bao. She was collected by Xu Susu, the daughter of Prime Minister Xu Jingzhong during the years. Later, Xu Susu threw herself into a well with a mirror and died. By chance, her soul and body entered the mirror virtual world and became one with the mirror. Because the water in the ancient well was deep and the well was harmed by poisonous dragons, the little girl Being served by a poisonous dragon, the appearance in the well attracts passers-by to throw it into the well as blood food for the poisonous dragon. I beg the immortal to rescue the little girl, and the little girl is willing to serve the immortal for the rest of her life."

"Poison dragon? There are still dragons?"

Jiang Lin frowned, but then his brows widened again. He had already determined that there were unicorns on fire at least hundreds of years ago, and the existence of poisonous dragons was naturally not a fantasy.

"Yes, Shangxian, this poisonous dragon has existed since the Han Dynasty. It eats human blood and has eaten [-] people. Now the poisonous dragon has gone to the Xiangjiang River from the well, and will return three days later. I ask the Shangxian to rescue the little girl. By pulling the bronze mirror out of the well, the little girl can be freed from the enslavement of the poisonous dragon, and she is willing to be a slave and a maid for eternity. Moreover, the Taoism of the Immortals is profound, even the poisonous dragon will not easily provoke..."

Jing Yuanying burst into tears. For more than a thousand years, she has been trapped in the mud in the well. Even if she sees the sun, she cannot stay away from the ancient well. After all, she will return to the mirror and continue to be toiled by the poisonous dragon.

Now that she finally met an expert who could rescue her, she could only beg.

"Get up."

Jiang Lin looked at the girl's face again, and was convinced that she was the reincarnation of the Yaochi Immortal Castle Lord.

He once obtained the Lan Xinyan of the Yaochi Fortress, and was puzzled by the information she kept. In any case, he would save this girl.

Even saving this girl will provoke that evil dragon.

It happened that he cultivated in Gantian Town and felt the benefits of dragon energy. He wondered if this poisonous dragon was full of treasures.

Jiang Lin looked at the well, and then jumped down. In the depths of the mud at the bottom of the well, he found a bronze mirror.

In addition to the bronze mirror, there are countless skeletons and bones, an ancient well, and three thousand wronged souls in the mud.

After coming up, Jiang Lin filled a bucket of slightly turbid well water and put the bronze mirror full of silt into the water to clean it.

Because it was covered with silt, the bronze mirror was very dirty.

Jing Yuanying on the side was blushing, but she didn't dare to speak. She knew that Jiang Lin was cleaning the bronze mirror, but Jiang Lin went down too fast just now, and she didn't have time to say that the bronze mirror would be cleaned by herself after it was picked up.

She is the bronze mirror, the bronze mirror is her, and the mirror body is her body.

There are many carved patterns on the back of the bronze mirror, Jiang Lin's fingers are still rubbing on it, you can imagine how embarrassed Jing Yuanying is.


In the end, Jing Yuanying couldn't hold back. After the snoring, she immediately covered her mouth, but Jiang Lin heard it.

He turned his head to look at Jing Yuanying, whose face was painted with Zhu Zhu, and stopped his hands.

"Don't are the bronze mirror?"

"The little girl is... just the bronze mirror."

I'm going!

No wonder the bronze mirror gradually became warm, it turned out to be body temperature.

"Cough, it's been cleaned."

After coughing, Jiang Lin handed the bronze mirror to Jing Yuanying.

Jing Yuanying took it with both hands, quickly retracted, hugged the bronze mirror in her arms, and lowered her face.

"Go... Langjun, do you have a change of clothes? If so, take off your wet and dirty clothes. After the well water is clear, Yuan Ying will wash it for you."

"Just call me Mr. Jiang."

"What is Mr. Jiang?"

Jing Yuanying blinked. Her body was a bronze mirror from the Spring and Autumn Period. She had a spirit in the Tang Dynasty, and she has been underground since then. She doesn't know what "Sir" means.

"Then call me Young Master Jiang, and I'll give you the clothes later."

Chapter [-]: Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle

"Tom, how much do you know about dragons?"

Back in the room where he was meditating, Jiang Lin kicked the colorful tiger king to wake up. His understanding of dragons was only a small amount of records in the ancient books.

Even in the age of monks, there is not much information about this in the ancient books.

This kind of thing should be much rarer than giant pandas.


The King Panlan yawned, thought about it for a while, and then shook his head. Even in a place like Kunlun where there are many monsters, he has never heard any substantive information about dragons.

Even if it had a brother-in-law, Huojiao King, before Congliang, the prostitute was just a long worm, which had nothing to do with dragons, and was destroyed by the master.

"What does the master ask this for?"

"There is a poisonous dragon at the bottom of the ancient well over there. Now it's going to the Xiangjiang River. I'm going to wait for it to come back and kill it."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. There was a little embarrassment between him and Jing Yuanying just now, so he didn't ask about the poisonous dragon at the bottom of the well.

Although he doesn't know much about dragons, Jiang Lin is not ignorant. At least one thing he can be sure of. Dragons are absolutely afraid of insects, and they are the kind of insects that are good at research.

In some feng shui patterns, such as Qinglong returning to the first game, evil dragon rebirth, if you want to break such a pattern, it is a good method to prepare a large amount of white rice to bury at the important nodes of the pattern.

The basis mentioned in the array book is white rice maggots, which dragons are afraid of.

Just like snakes, they have nothing to do with the parasites on their bodies.

Just burrowing under the skin of the scales, there is nothing for the snake to do. The dog can still bite the lice on its body with its teeth, but the snake can't do it.

As for whether the dragon was afraid of the golden-winged Dapeng, Jiang Lin couldn't be sure.

I have to ask Jing Yuanying for a while.

"What? A dragon??"

Panlan Tiger King jumped up from the floor in shock, shivering all over his body.

Damn, there is actually a dragon in this broken house, and that's not counting, the master actually intends to slay the dragon.

Dear mother, are dragons so easy to slaughter?

The colorful tiger king really didn't know what to say.

"What about the future? Anyway, in human cognition, all of you tigers can be placed side by side with dragons. What kind of dragons are fighting, and you are brave, look at you."

Jiang Lin was so angry that he gave the cat a kick, and a poisonous dragon frightened it into such a state.

"Master, although I don't know much about dragons, I also know that dealing with the poisonous dragon under the ancient well is definitely not an easy task."

The Tiger King Panlan had no doubts about Jiang Lin's strength, but after all, the dragon was a legendary creature, so it must be extraordinary, and it was not something that ordinary people could handle.

"I have the bottom of my heart."

Jiang Lin nodded. Before Jing Yuanying told him that Poison Dragon would not provoke him easily, it meant that Poison Dragon should not be too strong.

If you exert all your strength, and then use the effect of external objects, you may not be able to destroy it.

Filtering useful information in his mind, Jiang Lin suddenly heard the sound of a piano outside.

Turning her head to look, Jing Yuanying found a pair of shabby guqin in an unknown room.

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