Such a beautiful sound.

Jiang Lin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Xiaoqian in his family likes to play the piano, but now it seems that Jing Yuanying's piano skills are still better than hers.

I go, how come a woman came out?

Because it has only been a breakthrough for two months, the Panlan Tiger King is rather lethargic. He doesn't know what happened to Jiang Lin and Jing Yuanying just now.

Glancing at Jing Yuanying, the King Panlan Tiger closed his eyes. If its owner wants to slay the poisonous dragon, it has to take the lead.

"Master, the well water should be clear, Yuan Ying took the son's clothes to wash."

After playing three pieces, Jing Yuanying put the guqin aside and wanted to wash Jiang Lin's clothes.

"This is not in a hurry, tell me about the poisonous dragon."

"Yes, son. The poisonous dragon can breathe clouds and mist, and is good at using poison. Its scales and steel are hard to hurt..."

Jing Yuanying thought about it for a while and felt that there was nothing left out, so she said, "Young Master, although the poisonous dragon is brutal, in terms of your cultivation, it won't easily cause trouble, we should just leave here."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "It doesn't trouble me, but I want to trouble it."

"But son, the poison dragon is not easy to deal with."

Jing Yuanying never thought that Jiang Lin would actually have the idea of ​​slaughtering dragons.

"Master, will it be too risky?"

After listening to Jing Yuanying's words, Banlan Tiger King felt that the poisonous dragon was extremely difficult to deal with, and he could fly, spray poison, and even go into water.

Any kind of ability is not easy to solve, this poisonous dragon is still an enhanced version of the three-in-one.

"There are risks, but I'm not ready to change my mind."

Jing Yuanying raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Sir, it may be that Yuan Ying is too afraid of the poisonous dragon, but Yuan Ying feels that there is no need to fight it endlessly."

Jiang Lin looked at Jing Yuanying and explained: "First, you said that the poisonous dragon is poisonous and cruel, and I don't know how many people will be eaten in the future. I met it and I can deal with it, so I want to destroy it; second, I saved it. You, you have already formed a relationship with the poisonous dragon. I don't like to be thought of by such a cruel guy. It is best to die. The third one, I have eaten dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, and donkey meat, and I want to taste it. The smell of dragon blood and dragon meat."

Whether it was his own needs or not wanting to be remembered by the poisonous dragon, Jiang Lin planned to fight the poisonous dragon at the bottom of the well.

Is it the kind that can't be dealt with at all? Why not give it a try, maybe a bicycle will become a motorcycle.

Since the poison dragon is a dragon, even if it is a miscellaneous dragon, there are countless treasures on his body. Jiang Lin feels that it is a pity that he missed it.

Now he has no big problem with his own cultivation, but it is not so easy to advance to the corpse, and the cultivation situation of Caiyi Ayan and Xiaoli Xiaoqian is not too optimistic, and there are also two demon kings.

These problems cannot be solved with money.

If you get the body of a poisonous dragon, I don't know how many benefits.

Who is too much of a benefit?

Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, the son actually wants to eat dragon meat...

Jing Yuanying blinked with beautiful eyes, and was struck by Jiang Lin's words.

Now that Jiang Lin had made up her mind, she didn't say any more, Jiang Lin saved her no matter what, even if she was afraid, she couldn't be ungrateful and left.

"By the way, your body is a bronze mirror. Once you are detained, you will be restrained everywhere. I will give you something to protect yourself."

Jiang Lin opened her palm, and a group of blue flames appeared in her palm, and the surrounding temperature dropped a lot in an instant.

This is the blue heart flame he got from Yaochi Immortal Castle. He intercepted a part of the flame source and kept it in his body, and he can grow to this level in the future.

"Sir, I..."

Jing Yuanying did not dare to take it. She was a bronze mirror cast by Shi Kuang. She had experienced the baptism of flames and knew that this blue flame must not be ordinary.

"Yuan Ying has been trapped in the mud for more than a thousand years, and now she has regained her freedom thanks to your son's rescue, and the son has given Yuan Ying such a strange thing. Yuan Ying really has nothing in return. Ying is willing to serve the son... as a servant and a concubine in this life."

Seeing Jing Yuanying biting her lips with a worried look, Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "You are very beautiful, but I saved you and sent you this blue heart flame is not for this reason."

"I said I've seen your past life, do you believe it?"

Chapter [*]: Go to Phoenix Miao Village

"My past life?"

Jing Yuanying looked at Jiang Lin, not knowing what Jiang Lin's words meant.

"Accurately speaking, it is Xu Susu's previous life, but the two of you are no longer separated from each other. Your previous life was a female cultivator in the late Han Dynasty, and the castle owner of Shushan Yaochi Immortal Castle. After the blood demon was resurrected, in order to freeze blood Demon, she broke the ancient mirror of the fairy castle, and the whole fairy castle became an ice palace. Your previous life also died because of this, and your body was frozen in a huge block of ice. This blue heart flame was originally hers, since it was fate When it comes to you, taking things from your previous life and returning them to you in the future, this can be regarded as a cause and effect."

After that, Jiang Lin talked about his visit to Yaochi Immortal Castle.

"So, Yuan Ying's past life doesn't even count as gifts. As for the explanation, he just left a message. The son regarded it as a kindness and saved Yuan Ying."

"Although she had passed away when I met her, it is true to get a chance from her. You don't have to take my saving you as a favor, it's just a cause and effect."

How can it be unkind?

Although Jiang Lin meant that there was no need to repay, but Jing Yuanying didn't think so in her heart. The past life is over, and the favor in this life will be repaid in this life.

"It might be a little painful, don't resist."

Jiang Lin put his finger on Jing Yuanying's clean forehead, Jing Yuanying frowned slightly, but after enduring a little cold, Lan Xinyan entered her body.

Originally, there was a little cinnabar birthmark on the forehead, but after Lan Xinyan entered the body, another blue flame pattern appeared on Jing Yuanying's forehead, with a red mark in the center.

She was dignified and dignified, but now she is more charming.

"Okay, return it to the original owner. However, the clothes were stained by the copper mirror being fished into the water, so you can help me wash it."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and handed the changed clothes to Jing Yuanying.

After taking the clothes, Jing Yuanying smiled sweetly, and then went to the ancient well.

On the second day, Jiang Lin took Jing Yuanying to Xiangxi, and Dulong would not return until three days later. Jiang Lin needed to make some preparations.

That poisonous dragon is not easy to deal with.

Jiang Lin was lying on the back of the tiger, his head resting on his hands, looking at the flowing clouds in the sky, thinking about how to subdue the poisonous dragon as quickly as possible, or let it fly into the clouds or into the water, and it would be difficult to deal with it.

Jing Yuanying knelt down beside Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin told her that after she regained her freedom, she would leave her voluntarily. She didn't want to leave, so Jiang Lin didn't say much.

More than a thousand years have passed, and the world has changed. Things in the world have nothing to do with this girl anymore. The only thing to do is to be saved by him. If you want to stay by his side, he can't drive them away.

"Badai, the messenger, the messenger has come to our Miao Village again!"

In the sacrificial hall of Fenghuang Miao Village, Badai was closing his eyes and resting, and the young man outside reported to Badai excitedly.

"What? The messenger is here? Take me there!"

Badai got up quickly and went out with the young man.

What Jiang Lin had to do was to come to Fenghuang Miao Village to borrow people and things. Since dragons were afraid of insects, then Gu, which was more powerful than insects, would not be very useful to him.

The poisonous dragon is covered in scales and armor, maybe even his bone sword is not easy to deal with, but the junction of Kushi's dragon scales and dragon body is relatively weak.

In such a small place, his bone sword could not attack, but the Gu worm could dig into it along the dragon scale.

"Badai, long time no see."

After seeing Miao Village Badai, Jiang Lin greeted him with a smile.

"Oops, divine envoy, long time no see, this visit really makes my Phoenix Miao Village flourish. Ever since the cave god was beheaded by the divine envoy, there has never been a case of falling cave flower girls in my Xiangxi Miao ethnic group. You can live happily ever after.”

Although Jiang Lin is an outsider, in the eyes of the Miao people in western Hunan, his status is no lower than this Badai.

Especially the Miao girls, after Jiang Lin left, many of them were really hurt for a few days.

"Badai, the poor man can't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so I'll get straight to the point. I need to borrow the mountain-moving seals of your Phoenix Miao Village, ice silkworms and fire ladybugs. If there are other sharp Gu insects, those who are good at drilling Physical, I also want to borrow some, the more the better. Of course, I will also borrow some people.”

Jiang Lin didn't make any greetings, and directly explained his intentions.

Badi's face showed embarrassment. Although Jiang Lin was kind to their Miao Village, he should have helped them for free, but because of the last misunderstanding, their ice silkworms and fire ladybugs have lost a lot, and now they can only appear in Miao Village. Take it out for use in times of trouble.

If they were borrowed by Jiang Lin, if something happened to Miao Village, they would not have the ability to protect themselves.

"Envoy, to be honest, if it was in the past, the ice silkworm and fire ladybug in the clan could still borrow each other, but now the number of these two kinds of Gu insects has dropped sharply, especially the ice silkworm mother and the fire ladybug king. It's almost the end of my life..."

Badi told Jiang Lin about his difficulties. It was related to the safety and security of the whole family. It was not that he did not want to borrow it.

Jiang Lin frowned, not expecting the ice silkworm and fire ladybug to have such a situation.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin put out two wooden boxes and said, "Badai means that the ice silkworm mother and ladybug king are already old, and the poor understand the difficulties of the nobles, but if there are these two things, I think it should be possible. Fix it."

Badi opened the wooden box and recognized that one of them contained the inner alchemy of the demon king, but he did not recognize the other blood-colored orchid.

"Envoy, this... this is the demon king's inner pill?" Badi looked shocked, then picked up the blood orchid and asked, "I don't know this is..."

"This is a rare blood orchid, which has the effect of prolonging life. If these two things are paired with some good ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, not only the ice silkworm mother and the ladybug king, but I think that even you yourself, you should be able to prolong your life by at least five years. ."

The inner core was obtained by the crow king who Jiang Lin had killed before, and he still has a lot of blood orchid. Although these two things are very precious, Jiang Lin is not short of them for the time being. If he can borrow all the things he wants to borrow, Jiang Lin I feel that my success rate in killing the poisonous dragon can reach [*]-[*]%.

"Five years of life extension?!"

Badi was stunned and his eyes were wide open. He has now reached the time when his blood and energy have declined. It is estimated that he will be in the coffin in another three or four years. These two things can actually help him prolong his life.

Moreover, these two treasures are also of great use to the Gu worms in their clan.

"God, this can...but is it true?"

"Badai thought that the poor road would still lie to you?"

Jiang Lin frowned, and his tone was not very good.

Badi knew that he had made a mistake and said apologetically: "I also ask the envoy not to take offense. In that case, please rest assured, the seal of the mountain and the double gu of ice and fire can be borrowed from the envoy. There is another Gu insect in our clan who is good at drilling the body. The iron nematodes, the common copper and iron, can also be drilled by them."

Chapter [*] You are really a baby!

so smart?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, the Gu worm like the iron nematode could actually drill copper and iron.

It seems that this time Phoenix Miao Village really came right.

"Badai, you can use these two materials as the main ingredients. I think Badai should be able to feel the effect intuitively. Since Pindao has sent these two great gifts, Badai will accompany Pindao to solve the problem. It's a problem."

"God, rest assured, although the old man is getting older, he can still move!"

Badi was full of energy. He was really afraid that Jiang Lin would take the two wooden boxes back.

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