"Okay, when the time comes, there will be a moving mountain seal on it, and there will be a trap around it, and I will come out again and again..."

"Envoy, I can only control the ice silkworm and the fire ladybug at most. If I want the three Gus to come out, I'm afraid I can't. The old man is old, and he has more than enough power, and only I can drive the iron worm."

Although he didn't know what problem Jiang Lin was going to solve, Badi made it clear to Jiang Lin in advance that if something bad happened because of him, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

Jiang Lin took out these two good things at once, and what he had to do must be extraordinary.

If the benefits are not accomplished, there is no place for his old face to rest.

Can't the three Gus come out at the same time?

Jiang Lin tapped the coffee table with his fingers. He never expected such a thing. Ice silkworms and fire Gu worms can only play their best role if they work together, but he felt that only these two kinds of Gu worms were too few.

"Is there no one in Miao Village who can control the iron nematode?"

"The envoy doesn't know that the Xiangxi Miao Gu's method of repelling insects is controlled by Xun sounds. Without thousands of times of practice, it will not work at all. This is also what the old man is anxious about now, and the inheritance is about to fail."

Badai is also in a hurry now. No one can inherit his skills. When he enters the coffin, he is really worried for the next generation.

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin heard Badai say this, and realized that not only Miao Gu, but also the Gu control technique of descending the head is mostly voice.

What kind of cowhide drums and skull flutes are very common in head descending.

At this time, Jing Yuanying, who was standing by the side, said, "Young Master, if that Gu control technique is only based on voice, Yuanying should be able to try it."

"Can you try it? What do you mean?"

Jing Yuanying responded: "Young master, you forgot that Yuan Ying came from Shi Kuang. He is an old man of music. Yuan Ying has no other abilities, but he considers himself to be good at music. If you want to use musical instruments Yuan Ying thinks it's okay to reproduce the music played by others."

"However, even if the girl can follow my xun, there is no second xun now. Our Xiangxi Miao people's control xuns all recognize their masters, and others will miss the sound."

It's really a problem one after another. Jiang Lin felt that this time he had to slay the dragon and encountered more problems than ever before.

Now the biggest problem is solved, and another problem comes, there is no instrument.

Even if Jing Yuanying is a clever woman, she can't cook without rice.

"It doesn't matter, just have the same material. You blow it and I'll hear the sound."

Jing Yuanying asked Badi to play a song, and she listened intently, her ears shaking slightly from time to time.

After listening, Jing Yuanying told Jiang Lin to ask Badai to send cattle bones and carving tools.

"Don't say you can control Xun?"

Jiang Lin's face was inconceivable. He could play and play, and he could make musical instruments?

"Master, Yuan Ying's teacher is Lesheng after all. When he used to be with the old man, he had a little spirituality. I think he should be able to copy the musical instrument in the old man's hand."

Jing Yuanying just listened to Badai's xun sound and felt that as long as she was given time, there should be no problem in making a bone xun.

Although Badi felt a little far-fetched, he still had people send materials and tools to Jiang Lin's face.

When the materials were delivered, Jing Yuanying started to work. Badai asked the tribe to entertain Jiang Lin, and went down to prepare the medicinal materials by himself.

After five hours of carving and non-stop tuning, Jing Yuanying actually made a bone xun.

After playing a tune, Jing Yuanying looked a little proud and looked at Jiang Lin with a smile.


"After the old man comes over in a while, I'll let him listen to see if there is any problem."

Jing Yuanying took out the bronze mirror, threw the made bone xun on the mirror surface, and disappeared into the mirror at once.

Nani? ?

Jiang Lin reached out and grabbed the bronze mirror, flipped it over and looked at it several times.

Then he turned to look at Jing Yuanying and asked, "Can this bronze mirror be stored??"

However, what Jiang Lin saw was Jing Yuanying's red face that could pinch and bleed, and he realized that just now he seemed to have touched Jing Yuanying back and forth.

"Master... Master, there is a mirror space in the bronze mirror, which can probably allow me to stand and lie down."

"You are such a baby."

Jiang Lin did not expect that there are about five cubic mirrors of virtual space in this bronze mirror, which can be used as a magic weapon for storage.

Before in the underworld, he was shameless, and he didn't rely on Judge Lu's medicine gourd that could be stored.

So great!

Now that Jing Yuanying wants to leave, he doesn't want to.

Do you call me baby?

Being called "Baby" by Jiang Lin, Jing Yuanying's low face became even more rosy.

It didn't take long for Badi to return here. He had already taken the decoction and took a nap. Suddenly, he felt that his waist and legs were no longer sore, and he could go up to the fifth floor in one breath.

"Buddy, listen to see if there is any difference."

Jiang Lin asked Jing Yuanying to play it with the newly made bone xun, which shocked Badai, almost not bad at all.

"In that case, Jing Yuanying, you can take advantage of these two days to learn the Gu technique of controlling iron nematodes with Badi, and you can control them to attack certain living creatures."

Now the ice silkworms and fire ladybugs in Fenghuang Miao Village have taken tonic drugs and need to rest for a day or two. Jiang Lin plans to stay in Miao Village for two days. On the third day, he returns to the broken house to arrange some magic circles. Poison Dragon to take it.

"Yes, son. Young master, please call me Yuanying or Susu."

Jing Yuanying also knew that Jiang Lin was going to deal with the poisonous dragon. If she could really eliminate the poisonous dragon, she would not have to worry anymore.

Because Jing Yuanying is very sensitive to music, it only took less than a day to play the xun sound exactly the same as that of Badai. After that, she learned some spells and the method of controlling Gu. Before leaving Phoenix Before Miao Village, she was able to control the iron nematode to attack specific objects.

On the third day, before dawn, Jiang Lin, Jing Yuanying and Badai rode back to the dilapidated house on a colorful giant tiger.

My God, the angels actually have to deal with the poisonous dragon.

On the way, Jiang Lin told Badi about the difficulties he was going to face, but Badi was terrified.

However, he and the entire Phoenix Miao Village had benefited from Jiang Lin, and he was not allowed to go back, so he could only bite the bullet and accept Jiang Lin's command.

Chapter [*] Dragon?Plate it for me!

There is also this colorful giant tiger riding. Badai had seen its life and soul, but after seeing the deity, he was frightened as well.

Much scarier than he imagined.

If this demon king broke into their Phoenix Miao Village, it is estimated that none of their entire village would be able to survive.

After arriving at the dilapidated house, Jiang Lin let the colorful tiger king rest and recuperate. As for Badai, he also let him adjust.

When he came to the ancient well, Jiang Lin began to set up a trapped formation, because he knew that the demon king in Xiangxi was not easy, so Jiang Lin prepared more things.

After the trapped formation, Jiang Lin set up another Yang Yan Fire Formation to separate a part of the strange fire in his body. As long as the poisonous dragon came out of the ancient well, he was sure not to want it.

In the end, Jiang Lin took out the Netherworld chessboard from the cloth bag and buried it beside the ancient well.

This time, he wants to let the poisonous dragon have no way to go to the sky and no way to go into the water.

After half a day, Badai also began to set up a Gu formation around the ancient well, and only after Jiang Lin gave the order, three kinds of Gu worms could break out of the ground.

"Bitch! You need to clean up again? Where's the blood food?"

It was just a little light, and there was a loud scolding from the ancient well, and Jing Yuanying's hand holding Guxun trembled a little.

"Don't be afraid, I invite you to eat dragon meat tonight."

Jiang Lin made a joke with Jing Yuanying to ease her nervousness and fear, and then gestured to Badi, who was hiding on the side.


The well water suddenly jumped to ten meters high, and a small black dragon flew out from the well mouth. After that, its size gradually became larger, and it was nearly twenty meters long.

"The sleepy formation starts!"

"Boundary Curse! Move the Mountain Seal!"

Jiang Lin and Badai gave a low drink respectively, and activated the magic circle and the curse circle. The body of the poisonous dragon in mid-air froze suddenly, and then a huge golden seal smashed the back of the neck down.

what's the situation? !

The poisonous dragon is still in a state of ignorance. Why is it that when it came out of the well, its body could not move, and its head was smashed?

"Dragon Gu moves the mountain formation!"

At the moment when the poisonous dragon didn't react, Badai patted the ground with a short body, and a blood-colored pattern appeared on the ground, which was the technique of moving mountains that he used to deal with Jiang Lin.

There were several mountain phantoms on the golden seal, and the weight on it increased sharply, reaching [*] jin. The poisonous dragon was crushed, and the dragon head was pressed to the ground.

"Badai, Tom, Yuan Ying!"

Seeing that the arrangement was effective, Jiang Lin immediately ordered the two and one tiger.


The colorful tiger king jumped out from the weeds, the tiger body became ten meters long, and its two claws the size of grinding discs slammed away at the dragon head.


The poisonous dragon's head was smashed into a dizzy state, and as soon as he came back to his senses, two huge tiger claws quickly enlarged in his dragon's eyes.

All of a sudden make it look like gold stars.

"Bitch, bastard!"

If the poisonous dragon didn't know what was going on now, it would have lived in vain for more than two thousand years.

It's all that bitch, find someone to deal with it!

"Fuck your grandma, who are you calling a slut!"

The Pan Lan Tiger King opened his mouth to the dragon head, and there was a mouth shot.

A blue demon light the thickness of a bucket bombarded the poisonous dragon's forehead, slamming its faucet into the ground at once.

The second uncle, that [*]% is also Lao Tzu's mistress, who dares to scold Lao Tzu's mistress, damn, shoot you to death!

I want to eat dragon meat!

Panlan Tiger King is no longer afraid. He was not a restless creature before. This is the nature in his bones. He was tempted when Jiang Lin said he wanted to eat dragon meat and drink dragon blood.

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