In the end, desire overcomes fear and fear.

When the colorful tiger king attacked the poisonous dragon, Badai and Jing Yuanying were not idle. The xun sounded, and ice silkworms and ladybugs burrowed out of the soil. Finally, black worms like tapeworms appeared. A dense group rushed towards the poisonous dragon quickly.

A piece of dragon scale on the poison dragon's body was as big as a child's slap. The three kinds of Gu insects got on the poison dragon's body, and they got into the dragon scales, and madly drilled and gnawed at the scale roots.

"hold head high!"

Feeling the worms wriggling in his body, the poisonous dragon let out a long howl that resounded for several miles, his whole body began to twist up and down, and he even pushed up the [*]-pound golden seal on his body.

"Tom, hold me down!"

"As ordered!"

The King Panlan exerted his strength to suckle, and after the vertical leap, his body was pressed against the huge golden seal, and one after another, the blue demon light bombarded the dragon head without money.


Dulong now greets the eighteen generations of ancestors of the people present in his heart. It is a proud dragon family, and even in the age of monks, it has never suffered such humiliation.

At this time, Jiang Lin himself was not idle. He was completely corpse. With the strength of the thousand-year-old zombie king in his body, he jumped up and held the bone sword with both hands upside down, and slammed it into the belly of the dragon that was turning upside down.

"hold head high!"

The dragon's belly didn't have too many scales, and the poisonous dragon was pierced by a sharp blade and let out a scream.

"I am a noble dragon!"

The poisonous dragon let out an extremely angry roar regardless of the pain of being bitten by half of his body.

"Dragon? Bring it to me!"

Jiang Lin jumped up, grabbed the golden seal with both hands, and slapped the poisonous dragon on the head.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ground was hit with a big hole by the faucet. As soon as he turned the faucet, Jiang Lin teleported to the faucet, and his three-inch scalpel-like nails slammed into its eyes.


Jiang Lin's appearance was too abrupt, and the poisonous dragon didn't have time to close his eyes. A pair of dragon's eyes was blinded by Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin himself was hit by the dragon's faucet, and then a poisonous mist sprayed out.

Jiang Lin's body was forced to fly back in mid-air, and before he had time to dodge, he strengthened his frontal defense.

However, even with the enhanced defense ability, his skin was corroded and lost a layer of skin.

"Swipe it for me!"

"Dare to hurt Lao Tzu's master, smash you to death!"

Panlan Tiger King's two claws deformed slightly, clasping the golden seal that was still in the air, and with another "bang", the dragon's faucet was smashed down again.

suffocated, suffocated!

The poisonous dragon was so aggrieved that he insulted his father and mother, but half of its dragon body was frosted, and the other half seemed to be soaked in magma.

In order to help Jiang Lin, the number of Gu worms that Badai brought this time was not large at all.

The defense of the poisonous dragon is mainly in the scale armor, and the internal defense is not as good as Jiang Lin's body, and now the entire body is in a state of being out of its control.

Even the poisonous dragon can't do it.

Chapter [*] Slaying the Dragon!

In order to avoid being sprayed by the poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon, the colorful tiger king deliberately stepped on its hind legs on its neck, and swung wildly on the dragon's head again and again.

Jiang Lin took advantage of this opportunity to go up and grab the bone sword, pulling it towards the dragon's tail with all his strength.

For the dragon scales on the dragon's back, the bone sword may not be very effective, but for the dragon's belly, when he used all his strength and his body was surging, the sharp blade opened the dragon's belly bit by bit.

"Grandma! Let you mess around with Lord Tiger."

The head of the poisonous dragon kept shaking, and the colorful tiger king was smashed several times, so he smashed the golden seal on the back of the dragon behind, and then opened his bloody mouth and bit the neck of the poisonous dragon.

Seeing this, Badi immediately restored the weight of the golden seal to [*] catties.

At this time, his heart was extremely shocked. This is a dragon. He was beaten and beaten as soon as he came out of the water.

It is estimated that the most miserable dragon should be this one.

Jing Yuanying was also stunned, she never thought that the poisonous dragon who had been enslaving her for thousands of years would have such a tragic end.

One person and one tiger will make the poisonous dragon blind, and he will be cut open when he sees it.

However, it was not easy for Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King to create such a situation.

Jiang Lin was a little better. He groaned from time to time when he was beaten by the dragon's tail. The Tiger King was more miserable. On its back, the poisonous dragon's front claws scratched with bloodstains one after another.

"hold head high!"

The severe pain in the abdomen made Dulong go mad. It once again used all its strength to throw King Panlan and Jiang Lin away. Because of the struggle, Dulong himself hit the ancient well.

It then drilled into the collapsed wellhead.

"Want to leave? It's too late! Pull me up!"

Jiang Lin teleported to the edge of the well, digging into the wound on the dragon's belly with one hand, and his three-inch-long fingernails pierced into the flesh and blood of the poisonous dragon.

At the critical moment, the King Pandan didn't drop the chain, and pounced on the dragon's tail.


One person and one tiger exerted their strength at the same time, pulling the poisonous dragon out of the well.

"Badai, reduce the scope of the barrier spell!"

"Good good!"

Badai recited the incantation, formed a seal in his hand, and the beam of light suddenly shrunk, placing the ancient well outside the beam of light.

"Let all the Gu worms come out!"

Jiang Lin explained to Badai, who was controlling Gu, and then winked at the colorful tiger king, and the two went out of the beam of light together.

Because of the curse mark on their bodies, they can freely enter and exit the boundary.

Hundreds of ice silkworms, ladybugs and iron worms emerged from the dragon scales and rushed towards Badai.

After that, Jiang Lin activated the Yang Yanli Fire Formation and stepped on it, and he also activated the Netherworld Trapped Formation.

The entire boundary is filled with endless yang flames, and the burning poisonous dragon screams miserably.

"Master, dragon blood is really delicious."

The Tiger King Pan Lan didn't care about the pain on his body, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Don't worry, with your benefit, there will be no shortage of dragon blood and dragon meat."

The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body poured into the nether chessboard, with the double blessing of the barrier spell and the nether trap. The surrounding beam of light was swayed by the poisonous dragon, but it was never broken.

At this time, the poison dragon had ice fire gu poison inside and fierce scorching sun flame outside, and its aura began to wilt gradually.

Jiang Lin felt that the spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, so he made a seal on his hands.

"Go back! Golden Crow Yang!"

After a loud shout, Jiang Lin grabbed Jing Yuanying's plain hand and flew back, while Badai was bitten by the colorful tiger king and threw his clothes onto his back, running wildly in the direction away from the poisonous dragon.


A loud explosion shook everyone's eardrums, a [*]-meter-tall three-legged Golden Crow exploded in the trapped formation, and a small mushroom cloud rushed into the sky.

After Yan Bo calmed down, Jiang Lin saw the poisonous dragon lying on the ground. At this time, it looked like it was dying.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be amazed at the strength of the scales of the poison dragon. His lore shot actually blew off a few scales on the dragon's body.

But the dragon's belly was charred black.

"Master, this poisonous dragon is not dead, it is going to escape!"

At the same time as King Panlan issued a reminder, Jiang Lin had already turned into afterimages, stabbing his sword into the dragon's belly.

After the poisonous dragon roared, its body swayed, flew into the air, and continued upward.

"It took so much effort to let you run away, but my surname is not Jiang!"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, turned over onto the dragon's back, tore off a piece of dragon scale, and stabbed the zhengbone sword into it, sinking the entire sharp blade into it.

Then Jiang Lin put his five fingers together and dug into the root of another scale, and the Yang Yan in his body rushed into the dragon body along his arm.

"Master, son!"

When Jing Yuanying saw Jiang Lin was dragged to a height of [*] meters by the poisonous dragon, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"Mistress, don't worry, the master is very capable."

Up to now, the colorful tiger king really admired his master to the ground.

If it is to fight alone, I am afraid that the three more opponents will not be the opponents of the poison dragon. The poison dragon can fly and spray poison, which is too difficult to deal with.

But its owner has the means to wipe out most of this poisonous dragon's life.


When Jing Yuanying heard this title, her snow-white pretty face became more crimson.

The truth is the same as what the Tiger King said. Jiang Lin was entangled with the poisonous dragon at high altitude. Even if he was thrown away for a while, he could still hang in the air and touch the poisonous dragon again with the Yang flame whip.

[*] meters, [*] meters, [*] meters, until the height of [*] meters, Dulong's consciousness began to blur, and gradually fell.

"Lao Tzu is the great god of the Santan Haihui, Jiang Nezha!"

Jiang Lin rode on Dulong's neck and smashed Dulong's forehead one by one with his defense-strengthened fists.


A poisonous dragon more than [*] meters long fell from the sky, smashing the ground into a huge pothole.

"Pop! Kill the poisonous dragon and get [*] points of anger."

This poisonous dragon that lived for more than two thousand years was beheaded by Jiang Lin today.

It was horrible.

Badi looked at Jiang Lin in ragged clothes, and his eyes were not only shocked but also shocked.

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