There are still people who can kill dragons now!

If this is spread out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

"Badai, thank you for being able to slay the dragon this time."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to share the benefits of this poisonous dragon with Badai. He had already given away two rare treasures before, and Badai's role was also to contain and assist him. He and the Panlan Tiger King were the main force.

"Where, the old man just did some trivial things, all of which were made by gods."

"By the way, Buddy, I don't want anyone to know about this."

Jiang Lin also knows how appalling what he has done. If outsiders know about it, I am afraid that his Li Yangju will have no peace at all.

"Envoy, this old man knows what to do. If there is no other order, this old man will leave first."

Badi also knew that this dragon body was a priceless treasure, and he didn't expect to make any plans, and he continued to stay, but he was a little ignorant.

Jiang Lin did not let Badai go back by himself, and ordered Panlan Tiger King to send him back to Fenghuang Miao Village.

Chapter [-] Go to the Dragon Palace!

"Sir, are you alright?"

Jing Yuanying looked at the bloodstains and corroded skin on Jiang Lin's body, and was quite concerned.

"No problem."

Jiang Lin smiled. If he hadn't prepared enough this time, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to kill this poisonous dragon.

The dragon claws of the poisonous dragon are much sharper than his zombie claws, and their attack power is not weak.

If it hadn't been invaded by ice silkworms, ladybugs and iron nematodes in his body, and his body was suppressed by [-] catties of strength, making it difficult to exert his strength, if this behemoth attacked, he could only avoid its edge.

"Yuan Ying, you put my clothes by the well, and I'll go down to take a bath."

The venom and poison attached to Jiang Lin's body now requires him to always use his corpse to strengthen his defense to resist. Once he returns to his body, I am afraid that he will be disfigured.

"Yes, son."

Seeing Jiang Lin was no big deal, Jing Yuanying went to the room that was in ruins.

Jiang Lin tore off the clothes on his body, and then jumped down from the ancient well.

Half an hour later, the Gujing spewed a jet of water, and Jiang Lin jumped up.

As soon as he got up, he almost slipped.

"I'm taking a shower inside, why are you guarding here?"

Jiang Lin didn't expect that he jumped out of the well naked, just in time to be seen by Jing Yuanying.

"Master, you have killed the poisonous dragon, so Yuan Ying will no longer have to be afraid. Yuan Ying wants to take care of your daily life and serve the master."

Jing Yuanying blushed and whispered.

"You don't actually have to feel wronged. I'm not the kind of person who can stretch out your hand and open your mouth. You have to stay with me, we can be friends, and I don't need any maids."

Jiang Lin didn't let Jing Yuanying serve him. This girl probably saw the body of a man for the first time, and her body was shaking.


Jing Yuanying nodded. Although she said she would take care of Jiang Lin's daily life, she was still a young girl and had never done such a thing. Now she is ashamed and afraid.

After putting on his clothes, Jiang Lin took the bone sword and went to deal with the dragon corpse.

Peel the skin and cramp, cut the meat and debone.

It took Jiang Lin a whole day to remove the scales of the poisonous dragon from its body.

After that, he plucked out the places in the dragon meat that the Gu worms had drilled through, and prepared to leave it to the snake demon Xiaobai.

It turned out that the poison of the poison dragon came from this poison sac.

When Jiang Lin was dealing with the dragon corpse, he found a fist-sized gland in its body. After removing it, he put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. In an instant, he felt that the world was spinning.

The venom in this poison sac tasted exactly like aged vinegar, but it was extremely poisonous.These venoms are still concentrated, and ordinary people have to return to the West when they smell it.

Even the body of the thousand-year-old zombie king can be corroded.

good stuff!

Jiang Lin did not take out the venom from the poison sac, but put it in a medicine bottle as a whole.

In addition to the poison sac, Jiang Lin also found another gland in the lower jaw of the poison dragon. The liquid inside tasted similar to soy sauce, but what was the specific use, Jiang Lin had yet to discover.

It was also put into a medicine bottle by him.


After King Panlan came back, the dog sat beside him the whole time, drool all over the floor.

"Look at your virtue. Eat it and digest it quickly, there is still a demon king to deal with."

Jiang Lin chopped off a large piece of dragon meat and threw it away.

Although the poisonous dragon can spray poison, its flesh is not poisonous.Just like a cobra, as long as its teeth and venom glands are not touched, the meat can be very delicious.

"Thank you master, long live master!"

The Tiger King Panlan screamed excitedly, swallowing a large piece of dragon meat without even chewing it.

"What is this?"

After searching all over the body of the poisonous dragon, Jiang Lin did not find any inner core or demon core, only a ball the size of a fist, which contained a strong spirit.

But it is obviously not an inner alchemy, and the inner alchemy does not have such a large size.

"Sir, I think this Long Yuan may be the poison dragon. When I was down there, I heard the poison dragon say to himself that the more people he eats, the more pure the dragon Yuan will be."

Jing Yuanying watched Jiang Lin frown at the ball, and then talked about her opinion.

Long Yuan?

Jiang Lin frowned. He had never heard of this term, so he had the opportunity to look up ancient books.

I don't know if this thing will have any side effects after swallowing it, so Jiang Lin temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​taking it.

If it grows scales after swallowing it, the fun will be great.

After dealing with Long Yuan, Long Xin and some other internal organs, Jiang Lin stuffed these things back into the dragon corpse.

"I've been busy for so long. Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, try it! Tom, go get some firewood."

Looking at the large piece of dragon meat on the sword, Jiang Lin also felt that he was articulate and wanted to taste how it tasted.

After a while, Jiang Lin lit up a fire and used a sturdy bone sword as a barbecue grill, adding salt and seasonings from time to time.

Because Jiang Lin is often out, he also prepares some of these things in the cloth bag. Occasionally, he wants to eat game, and he roasts a wild goose and pheasant, which is also very pleasant.

The Pan Lan Tiger King was fascinated by the aroma of the roasted dragon meat. I am afraid that any ingredient could not compare to the dragon meat.

If I had known it earlier, I would not have eaten it raw.

However, Jiang Lin saw that it really did a great job this time, so he chopped a piece of cooked meat and gave it to it.

Jing Yuanying was also attracted by the aroma of the barbecue, but she was too embarrassed to speak, she just swallowed.

Jiang Lin handed over a large piece of the past, and Tu Long and Jing Yuanying also got credit, and the bronze mirror is a storage tool, Jiang Lin will definitely keep it for his own use, so Jing Yuanying will stay with him in the future, Jiang Lin will also Don't treat her as an outsider.

"Do I have it too?"

Jing Yuanying was flattered, this is dragon meat, no one thinks too much.

"Without you, I have no chance to destroy this dragon. Eat it."

The fleshy Jiang Lin has already been treated with the real fire of the sun, so Jing Yuanying should have no problem eating it.

After enjoying a delicious meal in the world, Jiang Lin thought of one more thing, and asked: "By the way, I swam around in the water before, and since the poisonous dragon is enjoying blood food in the ancient well, does it have some kind of cave dwelling or something? of?"

"Indeed, there is, but it's not near here, at the junction of the underground river connected by the ancient well and the Xiangjiang River. What is the son asking this for?"

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and Jiang Lin responded with a smile: "I don't have any special hobbies, I just like to copy other people's homes. Let's go and copy the Dragon Palace!"

Home raiding is really addicting.

Jiang Lin makes a copy once, no one can stop him.

Chapter [-] Human Skin Inn

This poisonous dragon has lived for more than [-] years. I don't know what treasures are in the cave. Now the grass growing on the ground has eaten a lot, but he has not seen many good things in the water.

If there is anything good, let the colorful tiger king and the dragon corpse bring it back to Gantian Town, wait for it to come back, and then go to the powerful demon king.

After instructing Banlan Tiger King to guard the dragon corpse, Jiang Lin asked Jing Yuanying to lead the way to Xiangjiang by land.

After walking for a day, Jiang Lin came to the former Chenjia Village, where the unicorn corpse appeared before, but it was destroyed by the falling meteorite.

Now there are people again, and it has become a small village and an inn.

Jing Yuanying next to her yawned. Ever since she ate the dragon meat, she had been quite sleepy and had some drowsiness.

Jing Yuanying's own strength is only at the level of a ghost, and it is common for him to eat a lot of supplements and want to fall asleep.

"Master, there seems to be an inn here, why don't we take a rest."

Because she was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, Jing Yuanying could only ask Jiang Lin if she could take a break for a while.

Jiang Lin nodded. It just so happened that he was also a little sleepy, and it was not early, so he could stay here for one night.

Coming to the front of the inn, Jiang Lin looked up at the lantern at the door, frowning, the lantern was not right.

He looked around again, frowning even tighter.

The layout here... It seems that there are experts.

After entering the inn, everyone's eyes turned to Jiang Lin and Jing Yuanying.

Especially after seeing Jing Yuanying, these people are almost drooling.

It turned out that this place became a gathering place for rogues, horse thieves and third-rate warlocks.

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