"No need to order, I will send you spiral to the sky."

Jiang Lin's voice came from behind him, and then he saw a leg swept over.

The magician was kicked away by Jiang Lin, and he was really like a spinning top, hanging on a branch, and his internal organs were all shredded meat.

At this time, many ghosts with long tongues appeared in the woods floating in the air. Of course, they were all dressed up by people. Jiang Lin ignored what these people were doing as ghosts. He jumped into the tree. He flew over from the top of the tree, and after a while, he disappeared.

"It's great that there are so many ghosts."

Zhiqiu Yiye got out of the ground and laughed when he saw the "fierce" floating in the clearing in the woods.

"Heaven and earth magic spirit, exorcism order!"

One after another spiritual talismans flew out of Qiu Yiye's cloth bag, hovered in front of him, and then flew towards the many "fierce ghosts" in the woods.

The magic is quite advanced, but man, can't you find out that these ghosts are fake?

Jiang Lin stood on the branch, ready to watch how this funny Zhiqiu Yiye hunted ghosts.

Being able to escape from the ground and photographing objects from the sky, even if you can't find out that ghosts are people pretending to be people, is truly a talent!

Zhiqiu Yiye broke into the center of the open space, and a Zhang Lingfu was blasted out by him with mana, but it was useless.

These talismans are meant to deal with ghosts and have no effect on humans.

In fact, this is the purpose of Fu Qingfeng and the others. If the magician sees a ghost, the first reaction is to use the method of exorcising the ghost. They can surprise and win with hidden weapons or surprise.

However, it is a pity that although their idea is good, it has no effect. As long as it is a Taoist priest or a magician with a bit of Taoism, one can see the true and false of a ghost at a glance.

One after another cloth was shaken off by those fake ghosts, entangling Zhiqiu Yiye.

"The golden gong is unlocked!"

Zhiqiu Yiye shouted violently and broke the cloth wrapped around him into pieces.

"I'm not even afraid of my ghost exorcism order, fellow Daoist, these ghosts are really fierce."

"It's really fierce."

Jiang Lin nodded, seeing that Zhiqiu Yiye was so excited about catching ghosts, Jiang Lin couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

"It's really outrageous to hide in trees all the time. Look at this master's mountain-moving technique! Om mani Padme hum, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, ha!"

One tree after another was moved by Zhiqiu Yiye's mountain-moving technique, and gradually indented into the ground.

Zhiqiu Yiye's aura was rather strange. It seemed that he was both a Taoist and a Buddhist practitioner. Jiang Lin couldn't tell the level of his cultivation, but after seeing these methods, Jiang Lin felt that the worst should be the alchemist level.

But even with such a cultivation base, Zhiqiu Yiye still hadn't found out that these ghosts were disguised by others.

It wasn't until these fake ghosts took out cold weapons like swords that Zhiqiu Yiye knew that he had been fooled.

"It's mad at me, it's mad at me, you are actually fake ghosts, it's really mad at me!"

Let me laugh for a while.

Seeing Zhiqiu Yiye's frantic appearance, Jiang Lin laughed unkindly.

What the hell is this mage joking?

With this kind of strength, you can deal with ordinary ghost kings, but you can't recognize what kind of ghost is real.

Real ghosts and fake ghosts are stupidly indistinguishable.

Hearing Jiang Lin's laughter, Zhiqiu Yiye suddenly felt like he wanted to burrow into the ground.

He told Jiang Lin just now that these ghosts are very powerful, but now it seems that Jiang Lin has long known that these ghosts are people pretending to be.

Fu Yuechi, who was wearing a grimace mask, looked up at the tree. With the help of the weak light, he could see the general outline of Jiang Lin.

It's a Japanese artisan!

Having decided this in her heart, Fu Yuechi shot an arrow with a rope sleeve from her sleeve, and then the machine on her arm moved, causing her to fly towards Jiang Lin, and with a single finger of the long sword in her hand, it was about to pierce Jiang Lin's throat.

What are you making me do?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, these people pretending to be ghosts just pretend to be ghosts.

"Want to go through the back door? Daoist friend, I'll save you!"

Zhiqiu Yiye grabbed a sharp sword and stabbed Fu Yuechi.

He didn't care if Jiang Lin had a way to deal with it, anyway, he must give this favor, or he would definitely be laughed at by this fellow Taoist.

Fu Yuechi let out an exclamation in mid-air, his body curled up, and the long sword thrown by Zhiqiu Yiye stabbed at Jiang Lin's eyes.

I call you second uncle!

Jiang Lin greeted Zhiqiu Yiye in his heart, and then he blocked his arm and blocked the sharp sword, but Fu Yuechi's body slammed into him because he lost control.

Jiang Lin's feet slipped, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed Fu Yuechi's mask, and then grabbed her belt again.

Chapter [-] Are you calling me senior?

Falling from the branch, Jiang Lin immediately released the corpse poison in his bones, floating in mid-air, while Fu Yuechi was falling down on the other side.

If you fall down, it is estimated that you will fall hard.

However, her belt did not fall because Jiang Lin grabbed it and was scratched by a branch.

"Moon Pond!"

Fu Qingfeng saw that his sister had an accident, and was slapped by Zhiqiu Yiye, and the mask on his face flew out.

Xiaoqian? ?

Jiang Lin, who was suspended in the air, saw Fu Qingfeng's face, and was sluggish for a while.

How could his Xiaoqian be here?

At this moment, Fu Yuechi, who was hanging in the air, slammed into Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin was able to float in midair, he couldn't move freely in the air, and he was sluggish all the time, so Fu Yuechi slammed him into his arms.

Not only did it hit a full bosom, but it also happened to be a mouth-to-mouth.

Fu Yuechi was about to push Jiang Lin away, but with the help of the weak light, she completely saw Jiang Lin's appearance.

She looked shocked, as if she had forgotten what she had just kissed with Jiang Lin.

"You are……"

Before she could finish a sentence, she and Jiang Lin were embraced by Fu Qingfeng who flew over, and Fu Qingfeng shot the arrow on his arm again. With the help of external force, the three of them landed on the ground stably.

"Xiao Qian? Why are you here?"

Jiang Lin blurted out and asked. At this time, the distance from Fu Qingfeng was only half a meter. Only then did he completely see Fu Qingfeng's appearance. Although his ghost wife Xiaoqian had a similar appearance, there was still a slight difference.

But at first glance, it is almost unrecognizable, almost like twin sisters.

It's not Xiaoqian, but she looks too similar, right?

Jiang Lin was about to speak when Fu Qingfeng took his hand and pulled him aside.

? ?

You are not Xiaoqian, why are you holding my hand?

Fu Qingfeng pulled Jiang Lin to the clearing, then put the sword on his neck, and said to Zhiqiu Yiye, "What kind of magic are you using, hurry up and let them go, or I will kill him!"

Those who pretended to be ghosts in the open space were all casted by Zhiqiu Yiye with a body-fixing spell, and they all froze in place.

"Sister, put down the sword, this person seems to be Daoist Li Yang, senior Li Yang!"

Fu Yuechi quickly caught up and pushed her sister's sword aside.

"Senior Li Yang?"

Fu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, then retracted his sword and took two steps back.

"You know me? Junior?"

Jiang Lin was a little stunned now. He didn't know what the situation was. It was fine if he knew him, and he called him senior.

Hearing Jiang Lin's admission, the sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi hurriedly apologized to Jiang Lin: "Junior is disrespectful."

"Senior, junior Fu Qingfeng, she is my sister-in-law Fu Yuechi, it's really nice to see you. My father once went to Renjia Town in Tai County to look for the senior, but the fate is on the side. Now my father has been captured by the Japanese magician and wanted To Manchuria, we want to rescue him halfway."

"Yes, senior, because you were with a Japanese magician before, and we thought you were also a Japanese magician. That's why there is such a misunderstanding."

Fu Qingfeng?Fu Yuechi?

Jiang Lin recalled that when he was in Renjia Town, he did hear from his wife that when he was away from home, a Mr. Fu called on him, but he didn't see anyone.

"Senior Li Yang? Are you Master Li Yang?"

Zhiqiu Yiye's reaction was much bigger than that of the two girls, and he rushed over, his eyes glowing with reverence.

Straight up little stars.

I'm going, why do you call me senior too?

Jiang Lin's face was full of question marks.

"Don't say you are my junior too?"

"Senior, I didn't know the true identity of the senior before, so the junior made a mistake. The junior is... oops, I forgot to release the curse for them."

Zhiqiu Yiye turned around and drew Zhang Fu in his hand, pushed it forward, and shouted "Resolve", all those who pretended to be ghosts resumed their actions.

"Senior, this junior is a post-academic scholar of the Kunlun faction. The name of the senior is so eloquent. I have heard my teacher mention you long ago, but I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to meet you here. Ah! I thought of my Qianli Chase being ridden by my senior. However, I am very, very honored.”

When it first fell into the night, Zhiqiu Yiye scolded Jiang Lin as a horse thief, but now he said that it was an honor for the horse to be ridden by Jiang Lin, and it was his honor.

Do you really need to worship me so much?

Jiang Lin felt quite speechless when he knew Qiu Yiye's change in attitude.

Zhiqiu Yiye said where his sect was. After Jiang Lin heard the words "Kunlun School", he also understood why Zhiqiu Yiye called him Master Li Yang.

In the Kunlun area, he should have left some legends in the monk era.

"Meet Senior Li Yang!"

Those who had been released by Zhiqiu Yiye's body-setting spell, like sisters Fu Qingfeng, bowed their hands to Jiang Lin.

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