Zhiqiu Yiye called me senior, this is not a big problem, but this group of people also call me senior, what is going on?

Jiang Lin looked at Fu Qingfeng and asked, "How did you know me?"

"Senior, my father once traveled to the land of China and heard a lot of rumors, and the predecessors are profound in Taoism. My father gathered up what he heard and went to various places to seek evidence, and found that as long as it was in the place where Japanese magicians suffered, all There have been footprints of seniors. So last time, my father went to Renjiazhen to find seniors for verification."

After a pause, Fu Qingfeng continued: "Because the Japanese magician wants to find the dragon veins in China, after my father knows this, he also wants to inform the seniors and ask them to stop them. My father has some information and knows where the dragon veins may be. When I went to verify it, I guess he also meant to explain the information to the senior. As for why we know the true face of the senior, it is because my father accidentally got a photo from a Japanese magician. "

The father of these two sisters, Mr. Fu, is also a talented person. He can actually deduce that I did the trick to kill the Japanese magician.

And it's really not easy for an ordinary person to know where the Huaxia dragon veins are.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to meet the father of the two girls.

After some exchanges, Jiang Lin learned that Fu Qingfeng's father, Fu Tianqiu, was originally a minister of rites in the Qing Dynasty. He was jealous because of his talent.

Chapter six hundred and seventy-fifth the nemesis of the demon

"It's true that my ancestors have no eyes, so my father pursues knowledge. When my father was an official, because he was erudite and liked to write books, just because he wrote a few travel notes, his colleagues sued him for leaking state secrets; my father went to write history, Those people accused him of making fun of the past and the present; my father stopped writing history, and went to annotate the art of war, and was accused of inciting chaos; after that, my father simply went to write myths, but he was also accused of leading people to superstition; finally, my father these I stopped writing it, and helped someone write a biography. As a result, that person was wronged and turned into a chaotic party, and our Fu family was almost beheaded by the whole family."

Talking about his father being wronged because of his knowledge, Fu Yuechi's face turned pale with anger.

Just because of such a foreshadowing, the two sisters have never read the Four Books and Five Classics, and they have learned martial arts.

Holding a grass, this is too bad, right?

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the father of the two girls would have such an experience, but he also thought about it, the Qing Dynasty's literary prison ran through the entire dynasty.

The most bizarre things are counted in the Qing Dynasty.

Write something?Open the door in minutes to check the water meter, and the community will send warmth.

Really talented.

Jiang Lin guessed that perhaps it was because of his ability to be sophisticated that this Fu Tianqiu found some evidence during his travels, and deduced that he was the master who made the Eastern Demon Dao lose his troops.

Zhiqiu Yiye, who was on the side, laughed after hearing Fu Yuechi's words, but she closed her mouth after being stared at by the two girls.

"Senior, my father said..."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and interrupted Fu Qingfeng, saying, "You don't need to call me senior or senior, I'm so young, call me good-looking."

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi obviously didn't know his true roots, each one of his predecessors made Jiang Lin feel that he was seventy or eighty.

"Junior dare not. Although my father didn't have the opportunity to ask the senior for confirmation, he feels that his inference is [-]% correct. Even my father respects you. Why are you not a senior?"

Fu Qingfeng didn't dare to neglect Jiang Lin in addressing him, and he didn't dare to omit the word "senior".

Seeing that Fu Qingfeng insisted, Jiang Lin stopped reluctantly.

"Senior, did you do those shocking things? In the ancient tomb of Tai County, more than a thousand Japanese officers died in it, and in the Yuanling tomb in western Hunan, dozens of magicians died tragically in the rubble... Senior, did you? Those demonic nemesis?"

Jiang Lin has never denied whether he had killed Dongyang Yaodao, but he did not admit it, and Fu Yuechi couldn't help but ask Jiang Lin for a clear answer.

"Are these things your father investigated?"

To Jiang Lin's surprise, Fu Tianqiu had even researched the place to prove the Tao of the Eastern Demon Dao in the northeast.

With such a sophisticated ability, it is no wonder that he can write history.

In fact, as long as you inquire a little, you can know Jiang Lin's status in the cultivating circle. At the very least, the strength of the Celestial Master can be inquired.

On this basis, it is not surprising that there is such an inference by contacting Jiang Lin with the incidents that have suffered from the Eastern demons.

Now even the Japanese magicians have linked these matters with Jiang Lin, but there is no evidence.

Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and the others all looked over, Jiang Lin responded, "Yes, I did these things. It's not bad to say that I am the nemesis of the Oriental Demon Dao."

Jiang Lin is the nemesis of the Eastern Demon Road, and he has nothing to deny.

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi looked at each other, it was great, meeting this senior here, their father would be saved.

Since Jiang Lin hated Japanese magicians so much, as long as he was willing to take action, it would be much easier to save people from those people.

"The junior begged the senior to help deal with those Japanese magicians and save my father. The reason why we pretended to be ghosts was to confuse the Japanese magicians. When they misidentified, we would carry out a surprise attack, but now it seems that the effect is not effective. Big."

Having said that, Fu Qingfeng glanced at Zhiqiu Yiye and thought that it was still useful for them to pretend to be ghosts, but if you really want to deal with those Japanese magicians, this method still has limitations, and Taoism is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

With so many of them, they still haven't won Zhiqiu Yiye.

Zhiqiu Yiye's face was full of embarrassment, he didn't even see that these ghosts were people pretending to be people, what a shame.

"Senior, please help. We will always remember the kindness of senior."

Fu Yuechi looked at Jiang Lin with hope, if he was willing to help, all problems would be solved.

"Since those demons are doing things here, then I'll give them a ride."

Jiang Lin nodded and agreed. The demons from Chenjiacun wanted to find Huo Qilin, and the magicians who captured Fu Tianqiu wanted to inquire about the dragon veins. It is impossible to say that there is no connection between the two.

Fu Tianqiu should be in the hands of the demons he was going to deal with, and saving people was just a matter of convenience.

Jiang Lin agreed to take action, and the Fu sisters and their companions cheered.

Fu Yuechi looked at Jiang Lin's face and remembered the intimate contact with Jiang Lin just now. His face was like a sunset.

"Let's go back to the dilapidated villa over there. Although I promised you to take action, I can't actually help you much. According to the information I got, there should be a powerful monster beside the group of demons. Can't take it off."

Jiang Lin wasn't afraid to attack the two sisters, and wanted him to deal with the oriental demons, but he wanted him to save people. I'm sorry, he really doesn't have three heads and six arms, so he can only indirectly help these people reduce their troubles.

When everyone entered the villa, Jiang Lin looked at Fu Qingfeng and the grimace masks they were holding, and said, "You don't need to pretend to be a ghost, as long as you are a Taoist priest with a little bit of Taoism, you can see through your tricks at a glance. ."

These people are floating around, mainly relying on the arm's sleeve arrow claw hook. If there is time to pretend to be a ghost, it is better to use a better method to attack.

When everyone heard the words, they looked at Zhiqiu Yiye again. It turns out that you are not even a little bit of morality.

"His conduct is actually not low."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhiqiu Yiye and gave him a fair evaluation. Before Zhiqiu Yiye's mouth opened, he added: "It's just that there is something wrong with the eyes, either high myopia or blindness."


Senior, if you say so, I don't want to be embarrassed?

The expression on Zhiqiu Yiye's face froze, if someone said that, he would immediately go wild, but in front of Jiang Lin, he could only smile dryly.

"Senior, what should we do then?"

It's not good to pretend to be a ghost to attack, and those Japanese magicians can exorcise ghosts, and Jiang Lin can't do anything. Fu Qingfeng didn't know what to do for a while.


"Senior, wait a minute, you quickly take notes and write down the teachings of the seniors, one sentence per person."

Fu Yuechi told his companions behind him that he must write down what such an expert said.

remember!Be sure to remember!

The big men behind Fu Yuechi quickly took out a pen and paper. They were going to deal with the Oriental Demon Dao. What this nemesis said was all based on experience!

Chapter six hundred and seventy-six destiny to meet

Need this?I just said a few words casually.

Jiang Lin was a little ashamed as he looked at the big men who were preparing to dictate. These people seemed to worship him too much.

"If my expectations are right, that group of demons should be near Shili Pavilion. First of all, you should have weapons for long-range attacks, bows, bows and crossbows are the best. Don't give those magicians a chance to cast spells, it is best to wait and see. Find some kerosene and use fire to attack; secondly, those of you who are highly skilled in martial arts are dormant in the crowd. If you really want to meet those magicians, and strive for one-hit kill, of course it is best to set up an ambush in advance; finally... The others go out first "Miss Fu, come here."

Jiang Lin beckoned to Fu Qingfeng. If he wants to deal with the magician, he doesn't need to make any preparations, just do it directly, but for these people, he still needs to use some means, such as foot wash or a woman's aunt and so on. .

It's not convenient for Jiang Lin to say these words in front of so many people, so he can just tell Fu Qingfeng directly.

If there is anything we can't listen to, we must tell my sister?

The expression on Fu Yuechi's face was a little weird. She found that Jiang Lin's eyes seemed to fall on her sister's face intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, Jiang Lin is really like this, because Fu Qingfeng and his Xiaoqian look so much alike that they always give him a strange feeling.

"Senior, if you have anything, just tell me."

"Actually, it's the things that make those magicians break their work. It's inconvenient to talk about it in public. Some filthy things are not allowed to be touched by cultivators during their practice."

At this time, Fu Yuechi came quietly outside the wall, she became curious and wanted to know what Jiang Lin said to her sister.

"Miss Yuechi, are you here to listen too? I feel that the senior seems to be a little bit towards Miss Qingfeng..."

"Senior seems to be interested in Miss Qingfeng."

"Yeah, I feel that way too."

Not only Fu Yuechi was very curious, but also everyone else, and finally even Zhiqiu Yiye came.

"What nonsense, my sister has already married someone else. Listen to what the seniors have to say and take notes!"

Hearing that Jiang Lin had a good impression of his sister, Fu Yuechi wouldn't let them discuss any further.

A group of big men heard what Jiang Lin said inside, and then everyone's expressions became strange.

Foot-washing water is nothing, but women's stools, menstrual fluids) (what the hell are blood and some indescribable liquids?

The Fu Qingfeng inside suddenly became a big red face. If she hadn't respected Jiang Lin very much, she would have defined Jiang Lin as a pervert.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll do what I said, you'll know if you try it yourself."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, if he hadn't wanted to make these people less troublesome, he wouldn't have mentioned these filthy things.

"Since the senior said so, it must be reasonable."

Fu Qingfeng just wanted to go out, but the wall behind collapsed. Too many people eavesdropping outside squeezed the wall.

"Senior, can those things really break a magician's gong?"

A bearded man is very rare, this is the first time he has heard of such a thing.

Jiang Lin also said just now that it is best to find a prostitute) (Women take these things, he feels that he is competent for this task.

"What the seniors said are all from experience. We must keep in mind that in the future, we will spread branches and leaves and pass them down from generation to generation."

Fu Qingfeng's words almost made Jiang Lin stumble. Can't you remember these things yourself, and you have to pass them down from generation to generation?

After a while, the person in charge of inquiring about the news came in and said that the group of Dongyang Yaodao would pass Shili Pavilion tomorrow.

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