"Senior's expectation is really good. Let's go to prepare bows and arrows and go to Shili Pavilion tomorrow. Senior, we will leave for the time being."

Fu Qingfeng thanked Jiang Lin and took a group of people out of the room.

Could it be that Xiaoqian had a sibling before her death, but now she is reincarnated as a human?

Because of Fu Qingfeng, Jiang Lin missed Xiaoqian very much, even though it was not long before they separated.

Fu Qingfeng went outside the window and looked at Jiang Lin who was frowning and thinking in the room. Because his eyes were always on Jiang Lin, Fu Qingfeng moved two steps and collided with her sister.

Not only was she peeking at Jiang Lin, her sister was the same.

"What are you peeking at?"

"No... nothing."

Fu Yuechi blushed, took two steps back, and just turned around, she found that Fu Qingfeng had taken her place just now, and was peeking just like her.

"Sister, what are you peeking at again?"

Fu Yuechi was not happy anymore and drove her away, but he was peeking here.

"I see what you peeked at just now. After reading it, let's go."

"Sister, do you think that Mr. Ma you are going to marry next month, is there such a handsome senior? People say that they have a fate to meet each other. I finally know what it means."

Fu Yuechi's face was filled with happiness. When she hadn't seen Jiang Lin before, she admired Jiang Lin very much. Now that she met the real person, her temperament and demeanor were much stronger than those in the photos.

Moreover, Renjia Town, where Jiang Lin used to be, is thousands of miles away, but now it's in the south, which is even more than a thousand miles away, so they can meet each other.

It must be fate!Still a special fate!

Fu Qingfeng looked at her younger sister, who was excited and a little proud, and said angrily, "Young Master Ma and I are marrying each other, what can I do if he's not handsome? What else is there? what?"

After pursing her lips and smiling, Fu Yuechi said, "I didn't say anyone, it's just that I think I'm so happy."

The elder sister had a marriage contract, and she also had a kiss with her senior. Fu Yuechi's face was full of joy, and she ran away with shame and joy.

"Happiness? I think you're drooling."

After Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi left, the previous bull-headed ghost appeared again, and even gnawed the head of a young man who was left behind.

Zhiqiu Yiye came out to take a break and found the body, so he picked it up and went to find Jiang Lin.

"Senior, you can't go wrong this time, there are real ghosts, the first one is not a person pretending to be."

"Where there are ghosts, there are ghosts. You are not tired of holding a corpse, aren't you?"

Jiang Lin's nose moved slightly, and he smelled that the ghostly gas left on the corpse was the slippery bull-headed ghost, but Zhiqiu Yiye hugged a corpse and was sweating profusely, so he couldn't understand it.

Tired like this, just to prove that you didn't admit your mistake in the first place?

"This ghost runs very fast. It seems that it will not be destroyed soon. It will be difficult to catch it later."

Jiang Lin patted the dust on his clothes, and was about to exterminate the bull-headed ghost. Never had a single ghost run away from him one after another, but this bull-headed ghost was more slippery than a loach.

"Senior, that thing is nothing more than the ability to escape. Our Kunlun faction can move the mountains and escape the land to stop the wind and the clouds. The seniors will see how the juniors kill that bull-headed ghost."

Zhiqiu Yiye patted her chest, wanting to prove her strength to Jiang Lin.

He was really embarrassed before. The ghosts that he had captured for a long time were all fake. Finally, the real ghosts came back, and they must be taken away!

Chapter [*] Monkey play, all monkey play!

Okay, since you're so confident, it's up to you.

Since he knew that Qiu Yiye wanted to express himself, Jiang Lin didn't stop him. Anyway, he also wanted to think about the Kunlun School's mountain-moving technique, escaping the ground, and immobilization spell.

Spells of this type are very rare these days.

Moreover, he and Kunlun have always had some connections, and he can give pointers to this younger generation at that time.

Jiang Lin and Zhiqiu Yiye went out of the villa together, and now he knew that this guy was really not an ordinary guy.

An ordinary horse is chased by Zhiqiu Yiye for thousands of miles, and he knows a little bit of evasion. This guy blows him a little time, and he can reach the United States from the ground.

Can I get the bullshit back?Cattle also need to be passed down from generation to generation.

Jiang Lin poked out his ears and quietly looked at Zhiqiu Yiye.

Knowing that he had overblown his head, Zhiqiu Yiye shut his mouth wisely.

The two tracked the smell of the Minotaur to a barren village.

Jiang Lin jumped to a big tree. If he knew of his existence, he would probably run away again.

"Bold and sneaky, don't come out and die! Obediently kneel down and let me drive you into the eighteenth hell."

Standing at the door of a house, Zhiqiu Yiye yelled at it.


The bull-headed ghost broke through the wall of the house. It has been so aggrieved for a while. The goddamn master let it out, and actually asked it to deal with such a horrible Taoist priest, and it was still a sinister. Fortunately, it slipped fast. Otherwise, the soul would have been dissipated already.

But within two days, it was looking for food, and unexpectedly encountered the terrifying Taoist priest again. Fortunately, it slipped away again.

Now there are still people looking for its bad luck, I can't bear it!

"You guy, you run very fast. If you see me, you will run as fast as you can. You can't run this time."

Zhiqiu Yiye Tian really thought that this bull-headed ghost slipped so fast in Zhengqi Villa because he was afraid of him.

The bull's head smoked from his nose. Although he didn't look human, Jiang Lin could see that he was treating Zhiqiu Yiye as an idiot.

"Let you see the stunts of our Kunlun School. Om mani padme hum!, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, ye!"

Knowing that Qiu Yiye didn't use the immobilization spell, Jiang Lin was still watching. If he used the immobilization spell, wouldn't the problem be solved at once, how could they show the mystery of their Kunlun sect spells.

So he used the mountain moving technique when he came up, and the special effects of this spell were unusual.


After Zhiqiu Yiye performed the same finger operation, the courtyard wall of a dilapidated house behind him began to loosen, and finally broke from both sides.

Two fingers pointed at the Minotaur, the courtyard wall began to move forward, and then it actually hit Zhiqiu Yiye, a large human-shaped hole appeared between the walls, continued forward, and hit the Minotaur.

Jiang Lin couldn't understand why Zhiqiu Yiye didn't use the immobilization spell to immobilize the bull-headed ghost, but instead used the mountain-moving technique.

Zhiqiu Yiye just felt that the visual effect caused by this was very impactful, so he bumped himself first and let Jiang Lin on the tree see how powerful his mountain moving skills were.

If Jiang Lin knew this was the reason, he could fall from the tree.

Although the mountain-moving technique is not small, it does not have much effect. Moving a wall and hitting someone depends on how fast the wall is moving. Knowing the level of Qiu Yiye, the speed of controlling the movement of the wall is not as good as that of a bicycle.

The Minotaur was hit by the wall, and he took two steps back. It was more powerful than the average ghost general. Even if the wall was as fast as a car, hitting it would not have much effect, far less than the damage of the spell.

Seeing that the bull-headed ghost was hit by the wall, it was all right, but Zhiqiu Yiye's face flushed red, and he moved two walls at once.

Still to no avail.

After that, he threw out a series of exorcism talismans and shot them on the Minotaur, which instantly became a firework.

The visuals are very good, giving the feeling of watching an American blockbuster, but it's still of little use.

"Is this ghost so fierce?"

Zhiqiu Yiye saw that his ghost exorcism order was useless. He did several backflips in a row, then pulled out the demon sword on his back, and rushed forward with a sword to chop the bull-headed ghost into two pieces.

Is the Kunlun School a family of monkey operas?

Jiang Lin on the tree was completely speechless. This Minotaur was very slippery. If you didn't stop or trap it, it would inevitably let it run away.

Moreover, before using the sword slash, he turned over several somersaults, which was bells and whistles.

Monkey play, what a monkey play!

Jiang Lin knew that others were made of water, so he knew that Autumn Yiye was made by drama.

There is no stage at all, and the addiction is so great.

Killing ghosts and subduing demons is like singing a big drama. Why are you making a movie?

Now the Minotaur was cut into two pieces, the upper body got into the ground, and the lower body had two legs with a waist, and fled forward.

"Want to run? Wind and thunder orders!"

Zhiqiu Yiye expelled a palm and bombarded the two legs of Minotaur. A pus sputtered out, causing Jiang Lin, who was just about to chase the other half, to escape.

This bull-headed ghost has the tuberculosis poison of a tuberculosis ghost in its body, and it is very difficult to deal with it.

After such a delay, the Minotaur's upper body had already escaped from the ground.

In less than a minute, the Minotaur slipped away again.

"Are your Kunlun factions playing monkey tricks? Where's your immobilization spell?"

After Jiang Lin came down, he looked at Zhiqiu Yiye angrily. Originally, the latter's ability could kill this bull-headed ghost.

But this guy is still willing to use the immobilization spell to deal with fake ghosts, and to deal with real ghosts, he doesn't need it, he just doesn't need it.

Just to show off.

"Uh...Senior, I don't think this thing is so difficult to deal with."

Zhiqiu Yiye scratched his head with a smirk and explained, he didn't expect the bull-headed ghost to be cut into two pieces and still be able to escape.

"Don't explain, you sing a big show, you have to do some backflips to kill ghosts."

Rolling his eyes, Jiang Lin ignored Zhiqiu Yiye and chased in the direction where the upper body of the bull-headed ghost escaped.

Chapter [*] Almost jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out

"Senior, don't worry, even if the bull-headed ghost runs away, he won't be able to escape from my palm."

He had patted his chest before to ensure that the bull-headed ghost was killed, but now he was run away, Zhi Qiu Yiye didn't feel the pain in his face, and began to blow it again.

Jiang Lin didn't mean to give pointers either. Knowing that Qiu Yiye wouldn't change this habit without suffering a big loss.

The magic of the Kunlun School is indeed remarkable, but Zhiqiu Yiye is too addicted to play.

Ability is no problem, just like to show operation, this is a fault, can't give pointers.

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