Zhiqiu Yiye escaped into the ground and followed the trail of the bull-headed ghost.

Jiang Lin thinks that this kid is really smart. The speed of escaping is not much faster, and he is wasting his spiritual power. When he catches up with the bull-headed ghost, this guy should be half dead from exhaustion. Don't talk about killing ghosts, he will be counter-killed. Both are possible.

One of them was on the ground, and the other was underground, but the Minotaur was not so slippery. After chasing it for seven or eight miles, Jiang Lin couldn't sense its existence at all.

Seeing that it was already morning, Jiang Lin temporarily stopped tracking and went to Shiliting.

Knowing that Qiu Yiye had traces underground, after he went to the ground to breathe, he happened to meet the group of oriental demons who were about to rush to Shili Pavilion.

This funny comparison, he can't tell the difference between real ghosts and fake ghosts, and he can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese, but he kindly warns the oriental demons to be careful of the ghosts in front of Shili Pavilion.

In this way, a group of oriental demons changed their route and went to the direction of Zhengqi Villa.

It is also for this reason that after Fu Qingfeng and the others received the news, they changed their plan to go to Shiliting and returned to Zhengqi Villa to arrange the organs in advance.

"Didn't you say that the group of demons will go to Shili Pavilion today?"

Jiang Lin waited at Shiliting until nearly evening, and he never saw anyone coming. How could he know that thanks to Zhiqiu Yiye, who was highly short-sighted and blind, the demons changed their route.

Walking around the Shiliting Pavilion, Jiang Lin discovered the aura of a bull-headed ghost again. At the same time, he also met the young people who were with Fu Qingfeng and the others.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to be here. For some reason, those Japanese magicians didn't come to Shiliting, but went to the Righteous Villa where we went yesterday. Miss Qingfeng and the others were already in ambush there."


Since there is no Dongyang Yaodao here, Jiang Lin returned with the young man, but he did not expect that not only the Dongyang Yaodao went to the direction of Zhengqi Villa, but the bull-headed ghost also returned.

"It's dark under the lights, this bullhead is really smart."

If he hadn't accidentally discovered the trace of the Minotaur again, Jiang Lin reckoned that he would never have returned to that dilapidated villa.

In this way, this clever ghost really escaped.

The Minotaur escaped from the Righteous Villa, who would have thought that it would escape all the way and then run back.

At dusk, Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi, and a group of big men set up the organs in the villa. They didn't even know where the second floor of the villa was, where the upper body of the bull's head was recuperating.

"Senior seems to have left here."

After returning, Fu Qingfeng found that there was no trace of Jiang Lin in the villa, and he was always a little disappointed.

"Hey~ what is this?"

Fu Qingfeng was walking when a lump of paste fell from the floor above and landed on her face and clothes.

This disgusting thing is on the bull's head.

Looking left and right, Fu Qingfeng happened to find a dilapidated wooden barrel with the rainwater accumulated last night.

She closed the door, took off her long gown, washed it, and washed the filth on her face again.

At this time, the Minotaur on the floor stuck his head out and stretched out his claws to grab Fu Qingfeng, but because the sun hadn't set yet, his claws were exposed to the sun, and smoke suddenly appeared.

Seeing that it couldn't catch people, the bull-headed ghost took the washed long gown behind Fu Qingfeng. It couldn't eat people now, so it just waited for this person to find clothes, and then started eating.

Jiang Lin returned to the entrance of Zhengqi Villa, frowning, and the bull-headed ghost was actually hiding inside.


"There are ghosts in this villa, be careful, it's best for the two of you to go together."


The two gatekeepers froze for a moment, and then said, "Miss Qingfeng is inside. Senior tell her, and we will inform others."

After Jiang Lin went in, he followed and sensed the front of a closed room. The bull-headed ghost was inside, and Fu Qingfeng was also inside.

"Miss Qingfeng?"

Senior's voice?Oops, where are my clothes?

Fu Qingfeng was about to pick up the clothes hanging behind his back, but the clothes were missing. He glanced around, and Fu Qingfeng was embarrassed. How could good clothes disappear.

Jiang Lin didn't hear anyone answering outside, so he pushed open the door and entered.

This body...

"Why don't you make a sound when you're not wearing clothes."

Jiang Lin raised his palm to cover his eyes, Fu Qingfeng's face was like red paint, and he murmured, "My clothes are missing."

"Senior, I heard them say you are back."

Just at this moment, Fu Yuechi ran over with a look of joy, and he was about to bump into the awkward scene between Jiang Lin and Fu Qingfeng.

Fu Qingqing could only hide behind the door in a hurry, with one arm covering his chest) (Department, the other arm waved towards Jiang Lin.

Don't let your sister find her.

"Senior, I heard them say there are ghosts here. Have you seen my sister, she seems to have come here just now."

"Uh... not seen."

Jiang Lin could only deny it, or let Fu Yuechi know that he and Fu Qingfeng, two orphans, were in the same room.

"No? Will he be caught by a ghost?"

Fu Yuechi thought something happened to her sister and went in to find someone.

Jiang Lin took two steps and blocked Fu Qingfeng with his body, and asked her to go out first to find something to hide her shame.

"I'll find it with you."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin walked to Fu Yuechi's side, put one arm around her shoulder, preventing her from turning her head or turning around, and made a gesture to Fu Qingfeng with the other hand behind her back.

Get dressed now!

"Senior, are we developing too fast like this? Although I admire you very much, the relationship still needs time to settle."

Being hugged by Jiang Lin's shoulders, Fu Yuechi's handsome face flushed with surprise and fear.

I don't want to be so fast!Who left your sister undressed.

Seeing that Fu Qingfeng had gone out, Jiang Lin retracted his arm and explained to Fu Yuechi, "I prefer to hug other people's shoulders to show closeness. This habit is not very good and will be changed in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lin saw Fu Qingfeng running back again, and someone came from outside.

I went, does this make my yellow mud fall off my crotch?

At a loss, Fu Qingfeng could only quietly go up the stairs by the wall, preparing to go to the second floor to hide.

"It turns out that it's like this. My sister doesn't seem to be here. I'll go out and look for it."

Fu Yuechi lowered her head and was about to turn around and run away. She also said what she liked about the other party, and now she is a little afraid to face Jiang Lin.

"Hey, there are ghosts here, I will draw a talisman on your hand."

Jiang Lin grabbed Fu Yuechi's catkin and didn't let her turn around.

He pointed and drew a radiant ghost-repelling talisman on it. Jiang Lin glanced up the stairs. It was not until Fu Qingfeng went up that he let go of Fu Yuechi's smooth and tender palm.

I almost jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

Chapter six hundred and seventy-ninth copy immobilization spell

A few big men outside happened to arrive at the door. They have been pretending to be ghosts, so when they heard about ghosts, they wanted to follow Jiang Lin to see what ghosts are like, but when they got here, they saw that Fu Yuechi and Jiang Lin seemed to be talking about love. .

"Senior he... he is drawing a talisman for me."

Fu Yuechi blushed and explained to the big men.


Several big men shouted, is it really a talisman?Why is my face so red, there is a situation!

When Fu Qingfeng got upstairs, she found her lost clothes. After she put them on, she hurried down.

"Cough, what are you all doing here? Have all the organs been arranged?"

Although she tried her best to control her emotions, her face was still blushing after seeing Jiang Lin.

"Sister, so you are here, why did no one respond when I called you just now? The senior said that there are ghosts in the villa."

"I... I fell asleep on it. Senior, is there really a ghost here?"

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "There is a relatively slippery Minotaur who was in this room before, but now it has run away."

After being delayed by Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, the bull-headed ghost has long since disappeared.

"Continue to arrange the organs, I will think about how to deal with this ghost."

Because the array materials on his body were almost used when slaughtering dragons, unless he could trap the bull-headed ghost with a trapped array, it would be really easy to destroy it.

Jiang Lin wanted to ponder the immobilization spell used by Zhiqiu Yiye before the King Pandan Tiger arrived.

The bull-headed ghost was chopped into two pieces, and its vitality was severely damaged. After running such a long distance, it was already at the end of the fight. It would definitely take the opportunity to eat people for recuperation. Jiang Lin estimated that the bull-headed ghost would still appear at night.

There is no material to arrange a trapped array, and it is also good to have a fixation spell.

When Zhiqiu Yiye dealt with the bull-headed ghost before, Jiang Lin was also observing that the Kunlun School's escaping and mountain-moving techniques were not so much magic as magic.

The two were not motivated by Taoism, but Buddhism. Jiang Lin did not practice Buddhism, so even if he understood Zi Chou Yin Mao, he could not show it.

However, the body-fixing mantra is a fusion of Taoism and Buddhism, so Jiang Lin has the possibility to copy it.

Jiang Lin went outside and recalled the shape of the spell in Zhiqiu Yiye's palm. Even if it wasn't complete, as long as he could replicate a little bit of its effect, he could take the opportunity to destroy the bull-headed ghost.

Fu Yuechi pulled the rope in his hand, and when he saw Jiang Lin outside, he forgot his work for a while.

"Cough, what are you looking at, your heart is not here anymore?"

Fu Qingfeng felt a little bit in his heart when he saw the look of spring on his sister's face. Her sister and Jiang Lin had kissed, hugged and hugged, and even held their hands.

"I wasn't peeking at the senior, I didn't even know he was outside. Oops!"

The rope in Fu Yuechi's hand loosened, and the half-deployed mechanism returned to its starting point.

"Wow, be careful, don't hit anyone, tie your heart with a rope, or your heart will fly out."

After being reprimanded by her sister, Fu Yuechi went over to pick up the rope and said in a low voice, "Then it has to be tied."

After training her sister away, Fu Qingfeng looked at Jiang Lin outside through the window, Xia Fei had a shy smile on her cheeks and the corners of her mouth.


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