In the open space, Jiang Lin drew a spell on the palm of his hand and lined up with his palm towards the magpie on the tree. The magpie froze in place for less than two seconds.


This short time is enough for him to do a lot.

For example, smashing the Tauren into the sky, or using the Yang Flame Whip to pull it into the air.

As long as this slippery loach can't touch the ground, no matter how slippery it is, it has to die honestly.

If you have time, study this meditation spell carefully.

If there is this kind of forced body control spell, Jiang Lin can be more efficient when subduing demons and subduing demons.

At the very least, there is no need to deceive or rush some difficult and slippery evils into the trap.

Definitely save a lot of effort.

"Everyone, it is estimated that the ghost will appear at night. I will draw two spells for you, one is the immobilization spell, and the other is the ghost exorcism charm. As long as it appears, put the palm of your hand towards it, and drink a 'set'. The talisman is for you to use to protect yourself."

After painting two spells for a few big men, Jiang Lin went to the sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi.

"Qingfeng, give me your hand."

"Senior, don't. If she is seen by Yuechi, she will misunderstand."

Seniors don't...

Why does it sound so awkward, like I'm going to do something indescribable to you.

"I'm drawing a talisman for you, there are ghosts."

"Senior, I'm sorry, Qingfeng misunderstood you before."

With Jiang Lin holding a pair of plain hands, Fu Qingfeng felt that his heart had never beat so fast.

She is a little jealous of her own sister now.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin instructed everyone to do everything as usual, while he himself leaned against the wall to take a nap, waiting for the bull-headed ghost to appear.

However, before the bull-headed ghost came, a colorful giant tiger came.

The big man vigil outside was frightened, a tiger with a body length of more than five meters, even if they had traps, it was no use.

When Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi arrived at the door, they looked at the big white-fronted worm with hanging eyes, and they were so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale for a while.

Jiang Lin came to the door and waved to the colorful tiger king.

"Master, I'm back, and I also brought a lot of materials for the formation."

Seeing Jiang Lin, the Tiger King, who was originally dressed as a tiger, suddenly had a pleasing expression on his face.


A few big men were so frightened that they stepped back. A giant tiger is scary enough, but now the tiger can speak.

"Don't be afraid, this is my housekeeper. Don't scare them, Tom."

"As ordered."

The Tiger King Panlan turned from a fierce tiger into a house cat, came to Jiang Lin, and handed him the package.

"A tall and big man, his legs are shaking with fright, he is very promising."

The domestic cat looked at the bearded man and the others, and pouted, a group of turtles, not even a monster.


A group of big men were suddenly speechless, so tall people can't be afraid?

Chapter [*] Pig teammates caught off guard!

  "Senior, this cat..."

  Fu Qingfeng turned from shock to surprise. He looked at the cat curiously. It was rare in the world that a tiger could deform and speak.

  "What cat, I... hello, mistress!"

  Pan Lan Tiger King wanted to lose his temper, but when he saw Fu Qingfeng, he subconsciously thought it was his Mistress Qian.

  Jiang Lin patted the cat's head and said, "Don't mistake it, this is Miss Qingfeng, and that is Miss Yuechi."

  Fu Qingfeng's face was reddened by King Panlan's words, "Hello, mistress", and she was too embarrassed to ask any more.

  "Okay, there will be a big battle tonight. There is a cunning bull-headed ghost in it. You should go to rest elsewhere first, or else it will not dare to come out after sensing the aura of the demon king on you."

  Although the materials for the formation had arrived, it was too late to arrange it. Jiang Lin still followed the original plan to deal with this cunning bull-headed ghost.

  After Panlan Tiger King left, Fu Yuechi came to Jiang Lin's side to ask questions. For her, seeing monsters was really strange.

  Jiang Lin looked at Fu Yuechi with a beautiful face, and told her about the past of the colorful tiger king.

  After all, he only confessed to himself at dusk, and Jiang Lin didn't find Fu Yuechi annoyed.

  After that, he began to close his eyes and concentrate as before, waiting for the appearance of the Minotaur.

  Three hours later, the Minotaur still did not appear, but there was movement outside.

  "Senior, those magicians are here."

  Now Jiang Lin has become the backbone of a group of people here. After Fu Qingfeng heard the report, he came to Jiang Lin's side.

  Jiang Lin exuded a sense of inspiration, and there was actually only a group of magicians outside, and there was no demon king.

  Could it be a group?

  No, they have a demonic aura on them, and although a little bit of aura remains, this demonic aura is absolutely extraordinary.

  "Understood, you hide here, let those unlucky ones come in first, and give them a big surprise."

  Jiang Lin decided not to take action first. If he alerted the demon king and let it run away, he would have to chase it.

  Now that the Minotaur didn't appear, Jiang Lin wasn't going to bother about that slippery ghost.

  He has a Breath Relief Talisman on his body, and there is also a colorful tiger king. As long as the demon king appears, the two of them will be dispatched immediately.

  Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and others immediately set up an ambush in the villa, and within two minutes, a group of oriental demons entered the villa.

  Although the two sisters were born with beautiful looks, but the women did not allow their men to command, they were not ambiguous at all.

  When a group of demons entered the ambush, the two ordered in time, and the organs arranged in the villa were immediately activated by them.

  Bows and arrows rustled in the dim light, followed by screams.

  "Brothers, go outside and save my father!"

  Fu Qingfeng took out his long sword, rushed outside, and fought with those demons who didn't have a plan.

  At this juncture, the Minotaur appeared silently.

  It wanted to grab one or two unlucky eggs to eat, but it didn't know that as soon as it showed up, it was destined to be an unlucky one.

  Although he had already appeared, he found Jiang Lin, so he did not start to act.

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