You clever ghost, you are so afraid of me, I think you can run away?

  Jiang Lin sneered in his heart and rushed out of the room.

  "Jie Jie."

  After Jiang Lin ran away, the Minotaur appeared, ready to attack the remaining big men in the room.

  Those oriental demons who were killed by the agency have no interest at all. They are so badly injured that they must eat living people to replenish their vitality.

  "Use the immobilization spell!"

  After Jiang Lin got outside, he immediately turned into a zombie, flickered several times, teleported back, and gave orders to the big men around him.

  Several big men had already known that there were ghosts in the villa, so even if they were shocked by the disgusting appearance of the bullhead ghost, they did not mess up.

  A few palms pointed at the Minotaur, and the Minotaur immediately froze in place.

  Jiang Lin shook out the Yang flame whip in his hand, entangled the Minotaur, teleported twice, and reached the open space outside. After that, he kicked the Minotaur into the air.

  "Turtle, pie, qi, gong!"

  After taking the corpse poison to the bone, Jiang Lin came up with a lore, and the demon king might be not far away. He didn't want his breath to be sensed, and it was best to fight quickly.

  A pillar of fire struck the Tauren in mid-air. This clever Tauren, whose waist and legs were not even, was smashed to ashes by Jiang Lin.

  However, this guy is ruthless. Before dying, his entire head was detached from his body and shot into the distance.

  The remaining half of his upper body exploded in mid-air, and green pus splashed around. Jiang Lin stepped back a few feet and was about to chase.

  But at this time, Zhiqiu Yiye, who had never appeared, came out from the ground, and when he saw the head of the bull-headed ghost, he moved faster than anyone else.

  "Om mani padme hum!, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, pee!"

  Minotaur didn't expect that he had escaped Jiang Lin's attack range, and was greeted by Zhiqiu Yiye head on.

  One of its heads was blasted into scum in an instant, and then a large cloud of pus sprayed down.

  Fu Qingfeng was caught off guard, splashed with pus on his face, and fell down on the spot.

  fuck you!

  The veins on Jiang Lin's forehead burst out. If Zhiqiu Yiye kept calling him senior, he would probably have kicked this guy into the sky this time.

  Not only did he rob him of his head, but also made Fu Qingfeng poisoned with tuberculosis and ghost poison.

  This pig teammate, I am also very convinced!

  If he doesn't come sooner or later, he will lose his [*] anger value when he comes.

  Moreover, Fu Qingfeng, who was in command of this group of people, was left alive and dead.

  "Oops, senior, Miss Qingfeng has been poisoned by ghosts."

Zhiqiu Yiye still reported the situation to Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*]: Purdue Cihang

"I see."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and touched Zhiqiu Yiye's head.

Seniors like to touch people's heads?

Zhiqiu Yiye was stunned for a moment, but she didn't move. This was the caress of the senior.

Then his body suddenly went soft and collapsed.

This pig teammate must be stunned.

"Senior, what happened to my sister?"

"She has been poisoned by ghosts. If it is dealt with in time, it will not be a big problem."

Jiang Lin injected spiritual power into several acupoints on Fu Qingfeng's body to prevent ghost poison from attacking her heart, otherwise she would turn into a disgusting monster.

"Tom, there are utensils in the villa. You can get some water nearby."

Because Fu Qingfeng's preparations were very targeted, many of the demons were broken, and some of the minions were shot to death by crossbows and bows.Although there are a lot of them, it will be a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

It doesn't make much difference whether the King Pandan Tiger is here or not.

Looking at the eastern demons who were still resisting, Jiang Lin kicked the sharp sword on the ground, and the long sword was like a boomerang, wiping the necks of the surrounding demons.

After that, Jiang Lin picked up Fu Qingfeng and entered the villa.

After washing off the ghost poison on Fu Qingfeng's face and body, Jiang Lin took a silver needle from the cloth bag and stuck it into the back of her head.

"Yuechi, is this Daoist Li Yang?"

Fu Tianqiu, who had a frosty face, was brought in by two big men, and he was quite surprised to see Jiang Lin who was helping his daughter deal with the ghost poison.

"Yeah, Dad, he is Senior Li Yang. Your guess was right. Thanks to Senior, we were able to rescue you."

"It turned out to be Daoist Li Yang, and Fu Mou is really lucky to see him today. I wonder how the little girl's situation is going?"

Although Jiang Lin looks relatively young, Fu Tianqiu still treats each other as equals. He has read history and knows that the Japanese magicians are now entering Shenzhou wantonly, which is the first step of aggression. No hero is too much.

"Mr. Fu is worried about the country and the people, and the poor people also admire it very much. Miss Qingfeng is deeply poisoned..."

"Ah! How did my sister become like this?"

Jiang Lin had just finished speaking when Fu Qingfeng's face on the ground turned into a ghost, almost like a rotting corpse.

I didn't expect that the Yinshan School's method of raising and refining ghosts was so powerful.

Jiang Lin frowned. He had just tried to remove the ghost poison from Fu Qingfeng's body, but the effect was not great.

Now that the ghost poison has actually attacked, the only plan for now is to send the strong yang qi into her body, so that the ghost poison inside will be dissipated.

Jiang Lin didn't think it was dirty either. The flames came out of his mouth and sealed it in Fu Qingfeng's mouth. Now, apart from him, there was nothing anyone else could do to save Fu Qingfeng.

Yang Qi and Yang Yan entered the body, Fu Qingfeng struggled immediately, and then the six orifices began to spew green smoke. After a few minutes, her face returned to normal.

"Senior, you...I..."

After Fu Qingfeng opened her eyes, her mind went blank. Her first kiss was actually given to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin scooped up a ladle of water, rinsed his mouth, and handed the ladle to Fu Qingfeng: "You have been infected with ghost poison, and I will give you the yang qi. Rinse your mouth, ghost poison is quite dirty."

"Mr. Fu, I don't know if you are being held by those oriental demons. Have you ever seen any demons?"

Now that Fu Qingfeng was all right, Jiang Lin asked Fu Tianqiu about the demon king.

"I didn't see the monster, but I saw a protector of the country, Pudu Cihang."

"The Protector of the Nation?"

Then Fu Tianqiu talked about the reason for his arrest. The people who wanted to arrest him were not only Japanese magicians, but also the Qing Dynasty royal family in Manchuria, that is, Puyi's people.

In order to continue to proclaim himself emperor, Puyi cooperated with the Japanese to find the Chinese dragon vein.

That Purdue Cihang is now the protector of the country in Manchuria.

"Alas! It's all my fault that I made friends carelessly. I talked to my friend about the Huaxia Dragon Vein, but he told the old master, and I would suffer this disaster. If I hadn't been saved today, Qingfeng would have married into their house. ."

"Dad, you mean Uncle Ma, the Ma family harmed you?"

The sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi were stunned when they heard the news. Their Fu family and the Ma family were friends, but they didn't expect the Ma family to betray them.

"It's not their father and son!"

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