When he thought of the grievances he had suffered for so many days, Fu Tianqiu was also furious. The two fathers and sons even betrayed their best friends in order to gain glory and wealth again.

That's not to mention, the Ma family's father and son can even sell this land.

Jiang Lin thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Fu, the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang, should be a demon king. He is not a mage at all, but a monster!"

The world is going to be in chaos, monsters are stunned, and now even monsters can be protectors of the country.

"Monster, what monster, where is it? Let him see the magic of my Kunlun faction!"

Zhiqiu Yiye, who was carried in, woke up, went to Jiang Lin's side, glanced around, and even forgot about being knocked unconscious by Jiang Lin before.

"Dizzy you!"

Jiang Lin slashed Zhiqiu Yiye on the back of his neck with a knife, causing him to fall down again.

"Fu Tianchou, your Fu family has received the emperor's favor, and now the emperor is still there, he wants to summon you, but you don't go, you really feel ashamed of the emperor's favor!"

A high-pitched voice came from outside the villa. A eunuch in plain clothes was standing proudly outside the villa. Behind him, a group of believers dressed in strange clothes carried a chariot. The monk-robed mage stepped out from the veil.

The believers began to play and sing Sanskrit, and the Sanskrit sound spread to the villa. Jiang Lin turned around and said, "Tom, kill the demon!"

Jiang Lin wanted to see what kind of monster this Purdue Cihang, who dared to be a protector of the country in front of Puyi, was.

Demon Qi really is not ordinary heavy.

The Qing Dynasty is dead, but still protects the country. In order to continue to be the emperor, he must sell the land of China to others and protect a barren country.

Fu Tianqiu, father and daughter, and several other big men also walked out with Jiang Lin.

"Fu Tianqiu, you have committed serious crimes during your tenure in office, and the emperor's grace is so great that you can be saved from prison and death. Why does the emperor want to summon you now, but you have to resist the order? You must know that you were born in the Qing Dynasty, and you will die when you die. It's also a ghost of the Qing Dynasty!"

The eunuch put on an aloof appearance and shouted at Fu Tianqiu.

"The Qing Dynasty is dead, but you eunuch is more loyal than a dog."

Jiang Lin looked at the eunuch in front of him and laughed out loud. It's already the Republic of China, yet he still screams about the majesty of the emperor.

"Bold! Just with your words, you can wipe out your nine clans!"

The eunuch put his hands on his hips and pointed at Jiang Lin to curse.

"There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life, one is the eunuch, and the other is the sissy, who is also the eunuch."

Jiang Lin kicked a stone under his feet, faster than a bullet, directly piercing the eunuch's forehead.

"Goodness, goodness! You guys are so murderous, why don't you put down your slaughtering knife and become a Buddha on the ground? The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore."

Pudu Cihang glanced at the dead eunuch, shook his head slightly, with a look of sympathy and compassion, then he folded his hands together and began to cast the Sanskrit of Suffering.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot~~"

Chapter [*] Idols?you too?

"It turns out that this is Suomin Sanskrit. Humph! The little trick of carving insects."

Jiang Lin used his spiritual power to gather his ears, shielding the outside world.

For Jiang Lin, Purdue Cihang's Sanskrit sound of life-suffering didn't work at all, but if it was an ordinary alchemist, he might be dead.

Fu Tianqiu and the others in the back seemed to have lost their souls, so they were about to kneel before Purdue Cihang.

Jiang Lin moved, and pointed at their temples, injected spiritual power, and restored their clarity.

"Just remember that this guy is just a monster."

Then he turned to look at the fake compassionate mage, and gave a few slaps.


An explosion occurred at the location where Pudu Cihang was located, and then a huge golden Buddha statue hovered in the air.

"Nanwuji Bliss World, the Western Tathagata has arrived here, you demons and demons, in front of the Buddha, have not yet appeared quickly!"

"I've seen a lot of bold monsters, but this is the first time I've seen such a bold monster, even the Buddha dares to fake it!"

Jiang Lin knew that Purdue Cihang knew some magical powers of Buddhism, but he didn't expect that this guy would dare to call himself the Buddha of the Western Heaven.

Dressing up as a Buddha statue, then wearing a golden attire, the name is Purdue Cihang, and in terms of special effects, this monster's delicacy really beats all the monsters he has encountered before.

What is immortal and immortal, compared to this, it is weaker.

"Haha, Master, this guy can pretend to be an elephant better than Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu just calls himself a grandfather, but this guy dares to call himself an ancestor. This guy's ability to pretend to be like an elephant is something I will accept!"

The domestic cat smiled while covering his stomach. This guy has not yet reached the level of a demon emperor. His face is really deeper than his cultivation.

"People in the world are ignorant, like a boat without a rudder, going without direction. This Living Buddha thought of the suffering of all living beings, and gave you an idol to take refuge and a goal to follow, but you are still obsessed with it, and you are ashamed of God's grace. The world likes idol worship, and this Living Buddha lived. Wherever all believers are converted, why do you oppose the world and disrespect their idols?”

Purdue Cihang ignored the sarcasm of the tiger king, and if he kept his mouth shut, the Dharma was boundless.

"Idol? You are also worthy? It's just a thousand-year-old centipede. Even if you want to worship it, you won't worship a monster like you. You really pretend to be a Buddha to the extreme, and you even believe yourself to be a Buddha. It's ridiculous! How can you make the Buddha feel bad about the Buddha?"

Jiang Lin looked at the golden Buddha in midair coldly, and took out a stack of wish-breaking talismans in his hand.

"Senior, let's tear down his mask!"

The two big men hurried forward with knives in hand, Jiang Lin hurriedly stopped: "Don't go over!"

However, it was too late. The golden Buddha's palms suddenly closed, and the closed eyes opened, shooting out two red electric lights.

The two big men were immediately filled with shadow swords like the Yang Finger Sword, and then the bodies of the two of them exploded, and they died without a whole corpse.

"Buddha Dharma is boundless. If you don't follow the instructions of my beacon, there is only one dead end."

The Golden Light Buddha is solemn, but the words he said are somewhat proud.

"Evil, rampant in front of me, slaughter you!"

"court death!"

The Buddha's palms closed again, and another electric light shot out from between his palms. Jiang Lin wrapped his arms and placed a stack of wish-breaking amulets in a circle on the ground in front of him, and then he swung his sword to draw a Tai Chi diagram. , the foot was shocked, and the wish-breaking amulet was just blessed on the Taiji map above the head.

"The sky is bright, the sun and the moon are shining together!"

The electric light hit the Taiji map. Jiang Lin chanted a spell in his mouth, raised his palms, and bounced the electric light back. At the same time, there were also a series of radiant runes.

"Ah? The Wish-breaking Talisman?"

The electric light hit the forehead of the Golden Light Buddha like a thunderbolt, and a dozen runes also shot on the Buddha's body.


The Golden Light Buddha exploded in mid-air, and then turned into a piece of gold powder.

"Just this way to return to the Buddha, this is the worst time the Buddha was hacked."

The colorful tiger king laughed loudly, pretending to be forceful in front of its owner, which was the most deadly.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He could feel that Pudu Cihang was nearby, but his breath was erratic, making it difficult for him to determine the location for a while.

The bodies of those believers not far away began to burst, and a winged centipede crawled out of it and got into the ground.

"The old monster's fake body has been broken by me. It may attack at any time. Don't leave this magic circle!"

Jiang Lin quickly used the formation materials to set up a demon-repelling formation in the open space, and asked Fu Qingfeng and the others to take shelter in it.

After that, he shot a beam of light on Zhiqiu Yiye, who had passed out in the broken house.

"Wow! What a powerful demon, this mage showed him the magic of the Kunlun faction!"

As soon as Zhiqiu Yiye woke up, he smelled the demonic aura. As soon as this guy woke up, he wanted to show his sect's magic, and he didn't even have a second line.

He forgot about the fact that he was knocked out.

"There is a powerful demon king nearby, you take care of Qingfeng and them."

Jiang Lin couldn't get his hands free. The centipedes just got into the ground again, so Jiang Lin asked Zhiqiu Yiye to take care of the security.

He didn't dare to join forces with this pig teammate.

"Senior, what kind of monster is he?"

"A thousand-year-old centipede, not easy to deal with, Tom, prepare for battle!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground shook, and then the ground began to crack, and large pieces of soil and stones were turned over, and the cracks spread rapidly toward the location of Jianglin.

Jiang Lin stretched out the Yang Finger Sword with one palm, and inserted it from the crack, but there was only a sound of "dang".


There was a roar from under the ground, and then a large centipede with a body length of more than [*] meters broke out of the ground.

The centipede that was a thousand years old, the big centipede demon Jiang Lin had seen in the Fierce Dragon's Return to the First Game was like a primary school student compared to a postdoctoral fellow.

"Oh my God!"

"My forehead!"

When a group of big men saw a thousand-year-old centipede with a carapace as wide as four people, they were terrified.

This is simply a monster!

"The magic of the Kunlun School is actually nothing if you don't know it."

Zhiqiu Yiye stopped shouting to let the monsters see his magic, and this centipede would have no problem killing twenty or thirty of him.

He had never seen such a big monster since he started his apprenticeship.

A piece of tentacles shot out from the mouth of the centipede spirit and rolled towards Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin swung his sword and slashed wildly, then dragged one of the tentacles and jumped onto the centipede spirit's back.

"Senior, you must be careful."

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi both had anxiety on their faces. They didn't know if Jiang Lin could deal with this behemoth.

Jiang Lin waved his arms, and the two Yang Finger Swords slashed towards the carapace, but the back of this centipede was harder than steel, and the Yang Finger Sword only left a few shallow marks on it.

"Bone sword!"

After a few steps, he ran to the location of the centipede spirit's Tianling cover. Jiang Lin held the bone sword upside down and inserted it.

Chapter [*] Golden Crow Fighting Centipede

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