After packing up the treasure, Jing Yuanying said, "King Tiger, there is a small stream over there, go and catch some fish. You should be hungry when the young master comes back. I will cook for him."

In the past, when Jing Yuanying was a human being, she was also a lady in the hall and kitchen. Now that there are two beautiful girls around Jiang Lin, she wants to take care of Jiang Lin's meals and daily life.

Afterwards, Jing Yuanying also glanced at Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi. The two sisters noticed Jing Yuanying's gaze and felt a sense of provocation.

"Sister, let's set up a tent."

What's so great about cooking, let's make the bed.

Although it has been more than a thousand years into the well, Jing Yuanying's cooking skills have not declined at all.

There were some condiments in Jiang Lin's cloth bag, so Jing Yuanying took a few small bottles and put the condiments in.

After the fish soup was ready, Jing Yuanying tasted it and was quite satisfied, and said, "Young master will definitely like it, just lack some coriander or something."

Since it is done, it must be the best, so Jing Yuanying went to the neighborhood to find plants such as fennel and coriander.

"One bite, one son, it's really fun to call."

Fu Yuechi snorted softly, and went over to scoop out a little soup to taste it.

What, there is no taste.

People in the Tang Dynasty and people in the Republic of China already had differences in diet, and the standard of saltiness was also somewhat different. Jing Yuanying ignored this point.

Fu Yuechi reached out and touched Jiang Lin's cloth bag, and found several medicine bottles and two strangely shaped bottles.

After adding some condiments, Fu Yuechi opened the last two medicine bottles.

Of these two medicine bottles, one contains the poisonous dragon's venom, and the other does not know what it does for the time being.

One smells like vinegar, and the other smells like soy sauce.

"Hey, soy sauce."

Fu Yuechi poured the bottle of liquid that did not know what to do into the pot.

"There's even vinegar."

"No. I don't want to be jealous."

Fu Yuechi was about to pour the vinegar-flavored venom into the pot, but was stopped by Fu Qingfeng.

Jealous?It won't!

Fu Yuechi put away the vinegar-smelling venom.

"Yuechi, put some in Senior's bowl, he ordered hot and sour noodles on the road, he should like the sour taste."

"it is good."

So, the two sisters poured Poison Dragon's venom into Jiang Lin's bowl. Fortunately, Fu Yuechi ordered two drops.

"smell good."

After Jiang Lin came back from the moonlight, he happened to be hungry too. The fish soup tasted good and he ate a lot.

Not long after arriving in the tent, Jiang Lin felt a little unwell. At first, he thought it was a side effect of absorbing the moonlight, but after a few minutes, he realized that something was wrong.

What kind of food poisoning, you stupid tiger, don't you know what fish you can eat?

If the colorful tiger king was here, he would be wronged to death.

I specially picked a big fish to catch, but if there was a problem with it, I had to take the blame for it.

"Qingfeng, Yuechi, are you two uncomfortable?"

Jiang Lin went to the next door to see the situation of the two girls.

"No, everything is fine."

No?Am I the only one poisoned?

"It's alright, rest early."

Since the two girls were all right, and Jing Yuanying in the bronze mirror didn't move, Jiang Lin went back to the tent to run his spiritual power to remove poison.

As soon as he sat down, he felt the toxins in his body burst out instantly.

"Sister, it's so hot."

Fu Yuechi always felt hot all over in the tent, and his mouth was dry, and his heart beat a little faster.

Fu Qingfeng also felt that the tent was a little stuffy and said, "It's a little hot."


When Jiang Lin was refining the toxins in his body with Yang Yan, Fu Yuechi, whose face was full of pink, burst in.

As soon as he saw Fu Yuechi's incomparably beautiful powdered noodles, another drug that had not yet worked in Jiang Lin's body erupted.

If Jiang Lin went to check some classics, he would know that the gland under the jaws of the poison dragon is actually kinky) (Sac, dragons are kinky, although this statement may not be accurate, but it may not be groundless.

The fluid in this gland is the very potent chun) (medicine.

"Senior, Yuechi likes you."

Fu Yuechi's beautiful eyes began to blur, and the originally snow-white jade neck also turned pink. Then she knelt down in front of Jiang Lin and leaned into Jiang Lin's arms.

At this time, Fu Qingfeng also ran in, his face and neck were also crimson, even more gorgeous than roses.

Then Jiang Lin's cloth bag also vibrated, and a streamer flew out, showing Jing Yuanying's tall and tall figure.

"Sir, I..."

Under the candlelight, Jing Yuanying's face was as bright as a peach blossom, and her beauty was unparalleled.

All three girls are in the same state.

If Jiang Lin can no longer see that the three girls are infatuated) (medicine, he will not be called Jiang Lin.

At a glance, Jiang Lin noticed that one of the vials rolled out of the cloth bag was missing.

While suppressing the toxins and restlessness in his body, Jiang Lin asked, "Which one of you moved those two bottles?"

Fu Yuechi put his arms around his neck, Tankou covered Jiang Lin's lips, and whispered softly: "The bottle, the sauce, I put it in the pot, vinegar...I put it in the bowl for you, two drop."

What you put is not seasoning, but medicine!

Do dragons have soy sauce and vinegar in their bodies?

"Murder... uh."

Jiang Lin snorted, and quickly mobilized all the Yang Yan in his body to detoxify.

In addition to the poisonous poison, he also has the poison of the poisonous dragon. The former is nothing, but the latter can definitely take most of his life.

Chapter [-] Find Ninth Uncle again!

Even though Jiang Lin's physique was comparable to that of the Zombie King now, his internal defense was still no better than his external counterpart. If he hadn't had abundant spiritual energy in his body, possessed Yang Yan, and was backed by corpse poison, this would be really dangerous.

At this time, his mind was all on poison, the skin of his whole body began to turn light red, and his mind was gradually invaded by primitive desires.

Jiang Lin was still like this, and the three girls were even more unbearable. They were all disheveled, and they surrounded Jiang Lin.

By the time Jiang Lin had completely dealt with the poison, he could no longer control himself, his eyes were red, his breathing was heavy, and he became like a beast.

There was a low growl from the tent, and then there was the sound of ripped clothes.


Fu Yuechi, who was all pink, was pressed under Jiang Lin's body, and his eyes that were completely blurred suddenly became awake for a while due to the intense pain.

Me and my senior...

After understanding what happened just now, Fu Yuechi's eyes lost their clarity again, and even his eyes turned into temptation) (Confused pink.

Jiang Lin has never been like this, completely dominated by wildness, even when he first managed Chen Yu, he was not so crazy.

After that, there were constant clap-like sounds and shrill screams from the tent, and finally the voices became hoarse.

What's wrong with the owner, even the soundproofing facilities are not arranged.

The colorful tiger king who was guarding outside was very speechless. The tiger's hearing was so good that even if it drooped its ears, it could still hear.

The indescribable voices are still coming and going, not to mention others can't stand it, even tigers can't stand it.

The King Panlan didn't dare to remind his master to pay attention to the movement at this time. He could only stay away from the source of the sound, and finally patrolled within a radius of one mile of the tent.

At noon on the second day, Jiang Lin woke up, still holding Fu Yuechi with chaotic temples in his arms.

Fu Yuechi was also awake, and his eyes just met Jiang Lin's bright eyes.

"Senior, my sister and I..."

Although she lost her normality last night, the memory is still there, and she and her sister have become Jiang Lin's people completely.

Hearing Fu Yuechi's hoarse voice, Jiang Lin felt a little distressed. Last night, he couldn't control himself, and he didn't have the slightest pity.

All one shot into the hole.

Grabbing Fu Yuechi's plain hand and kissing it, Jiang Lin said softly, "Sleep, I will give you whatever you want."

Although what happened last night was an accident, Jiang Lin had already claimed the bodies of the two sisters, and he would not deny it.

Moreover, the two sisters already had spring in their hearts, and when such a thing happened, they would not be looking for life.

Fu Yuechi smiled slightly and put his face on Jiang Lin's chest.

They are also from a scholarly family, they take chastity very seriously, they lose their lives, and they are afraid that the man who takes their body will shirk what they have done on the grounds of poisoning.

What she and her sister wanted was fame. Since Jiang Lin was not irresponsible, Fu Yuechi was relieved.

Fu Yuechi's sleeping face is extremely beautiful, not inferior to Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng at all, Jiang Lin couldn't help lowering his head and nodding on his forehead.

A green onion finger swiped across his back, Jiang Lin turned around, and Fu Qingfeng also woke up.

"Go to sleep, after a hundred days, I'll give you a wedding dress."


Fu Qingfeng moved his body and sent the cherry lips up.


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