Jing Yuanying had slept in the bronze mirror for a long time before, and woke up early in the morning. When she heard Jiang Lin promised Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, she couldn't help calling out.

Jiang Lin came to Jing Yuanying's side, took her into his arms, and said, "Just call me Langjun like that time."

"Lang Jun."

Jing Yuanying screamed sweetly, but her voice was hoarse. Last night, Jiang Lin was the most presumptuous on her.

Because he has remained a virgin for more than a thousand years, Jing Yuanying's body is full of Yuan Yin to the extreme. Jiang Lin's process of collecting his Yuan Yin is like reaching the top of a cloud. In the end, Jing Yuanying's Yuan Yin was almost drained by him. .

He was so cool that he didn't want it, but Jing Yuanying's voice was hoarse.

"I originally planned to keep you by my side and use the bronze mirror as a storage tool, but the bronze mirror is your body, which has always been inconvenient, and there will be no inconvenience in the future."

Jiang Lin's eyes were a little mean, and he glanced at Jing Yuanying's graceful body. After Jing Yuanying became her wife, there was no scruples in touching his wife's body.

"Hey~ Don't look at it!"

Jing Yuanying's face was shy, and her pink fist lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest.

Jiang Lin got up and put on his clothes. He set up a sun-gathering formation in the tent. The clothes of the three girls had long been torn into shreds by him, and it was easy to catch cold when they slept on the ground.

After leaving the tent, Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to bring three sets of clothes to Fu's house. After that, he took the centipede essence's inner elixir and cut it in half, and prepared some herbs to make some soup.

"Qian... Brother Lin, we are not sick. What medicine do we take? Is this medicine for pain relief?"

Having said that, Fu Yuechi's ears turned red again. She was glad that she was not alone in Jianglin's tent last night, otherwise she would have fainted, and her thighs are still shaking a little.

"What's good for you, don't ask so much, others can't touch it if they want to eat it."

Half an hour later, the colorful tiger king brought the clothes, and everyone stayed here for two more days before returning to Fu's house.

Fu Qingfeng sold the house and the land deed, and the two sisters would live with Jiang Lin in the future.

Jiang Lin wandered around in Hunan for another half a month, and he went to Renjia Town without finding any other oriental demon road.

"Tom, take the three of them back to Gantian Town, and ask your Mistress Jade to give them some blood orchids and silver lotus."

Now that the matter in Xiangxi has been resolved and the time is approaching July, Jiang Lin is going to visit Yizhuang.

In the past few years when Ninth Uncle was away, every June and July, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai printed paper money for the following.

"Junior brother, you are finally back. I wrote a letter to my sister-in-law, and then I found out that you went to Xiangxi. Uncle Qianhe has already been here, saying that the former residence of the master is in a town over Zhangjiakou, and our uncle A Baofa Village there with my aunt."

After Qiusheng saw Jiang Lin, he told him where Uncle Ninth might go.

If it wasn't for the fact that the seventh month was approaching, Yizhuang was very busy, and Qiusheng would have gone to find it by himself.

Zhangjiakou?Isn't that Hebei?

Jiang Lin had been to Inner Mongolia, Gansu, and Ningxia when he went outside the Great Wall before, but he did not search carefully for Hebei.

Finally got a specific location.

Jiang Lin is also very emotional, it will be three or four years after the ninth uncle leaves, and by the next month, it will be a full four years.

"You take care of the paper money, and leave the task of finding Shishu to me."

Jiang Lin didn't stay in Yizhuang either, and set off on the road with some entanglements.

Chapter [-] Baofa Village

If Ninth Uncle had been staying near Hebei, he might have encountered some trouble. When they and Master Hong Jinbao dealt with the thousand-year-old Red Dragon, there were already oriental demons and Japanese soldiers there.

Jiang Lin was worried that Uncle Jiu might encounter an accident.

Did not expect such a coincidence.

Jiang Lin asked the King Panlan Tiger to take Fu Qingfeng and the others on the road, and here he received news from Baofa Village.

However, because the Daotang had no furniture, it would be inconvenient for Fu Qingfeng and the others to stay here, so Jiang Lin did not chase after the Tiger King Panlan.

Because of the long distance, Jiang Lin chose to take the train. In this era, if the distance is long, the train is more convenient.

It's just that the trains of this era are a little too complimented. Jiang Lin has ridden a few times before, but then he couldn't stand it, so he rode the Tiger King for a self-driving tour.

The noise is still loud, and there are all kinds of people, and hygiene is also a big problem.

However, in order to get to his destination as soon as possible, Jiang Lin endured it.

Five days later, Jiang Lin went around several times, and finally got off the train and arrived at the border of Hebei. Two days later, he arrived at the northern part of Kangbao County, which Qiusheng said.

This county is located in the northwest of Hebei, bordering the central part of Inner Mongolia, and also outside the Great Wall.

Jiang Lin was going to visit Baofa Village first. If Uncle Ninth had been there before, it would be good to get some news.

Even in June, the temperature here is no better than that in the south, especially at night and in the early morning, when the temperature is sometimes only eight or nine degrees.

Moreover, this place is mostly grassland and pastures, and there are not many trees and farmland, which is quite different from the area south of the Great Wall.

Even the administrative division is very different from other areas. There are basically no towns here. It is either a city or a camp, forming various sandcastle-like areas.

Jiang Lin arrived at an inn and planned to stay for one night before going to ask the destination the next day.

"Oh, the Ghost Festival is coming, I'm really busy."

Early in the morning, when Jiang Lin left the inn, he saw a fat middle-aged man of nearly [-] pounds at the door next door, shaking his body with fat, his stomach was bigger than that of an old sow.

Hey, he seems to be a Taoist.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up and glanced at the shop. It was a candle shop. Then he smiled and said hello, and asked, "Uncle, how can I get to Beisha City?"

"Beisha City? We originally belonged to Beisha City. We moved to this side. If you go to Beisha City, it is more convenient to ride a horse. Just walk to the north."

The fat man put his hands on his hips and politely showed Jiang Lin the way.

"You used to be from Beisha City? Is there a Baofa Village there?"

"Are you looking for Baofa Village?"

The big fat man pointed to his signboard.

Jiang Lin looked up and was stunned.

Baofa Village is here.

"Uncle Master."

Jiang Lin folded his hands above his head and bowed to the big fat man.

"Dagui, the business in the store is busy in a while, and you are still chatting with people here."

A middle-aged woman walked out of the shop. Although she was old, her appearance was not bad, no worse than his two sisters.

"Presumably this is the aunt."

Jiang Lin also bowed to the beautiful woman.

Han Mengmeng was stunned for a moment and asked, "Sister-in-law? Whose disciple are you?"

"Nephew Jiang Lin, Master Lin Zhengying."

"What? Are you the apprentice of Senior Brother (Lin Jiu)?"

Han Mengmeng and Dagui heard Jiang Lin announce the name of Jiu Shu, one was surprised, the other was shocked.

"It turned out to be Lin Jiu's apprentice, what are you doing here with us?"

Dagui's previous politeness to guide the way was gone, and his face was unhappy, so he was about to shove people directly.

"Dagui! How did you talk?"

After being scorned by his wife, Dagui also realized that he had lost his temper. The matter between him and his senior brother was a contradiction of the older generation. Now that the younger generation came to visit, he should not extend the grievance to Jiang Lin.

With an embarrassed look on Dagui's face, he said, "Uncle, my mouth is quick. I don't mean anything else, I just have something to do with your master before."

"Senior nephew didn't care."

Jiang Lin didn't care either. He knew that Uncle Ninth and this fat uncle had some disagreements, and Dagui also reacted subconsciously just now.

"Jiang Lin, come in quickly, come all the way, hurry up and rest. Your uncle and others are like this. You used to have a little holiday with your master, so don't bother with him."

Han Mengmeng pulled Jiang Lin into the shop and said to a half-bald butler, "Uncle Shou, look at the business first, there are guests at home."

Brother's apprentice is here, and Han Mengmeng is no longer ready to do business. Their family is outside the Great Wall, and they haven't come over for so many years, so they must be entertained.

As for business, just make a little less money this year.


Jiang Lin looked at Shoubo, who was half bald. Seeing his demented appearance, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

Baofazhuang, Shoubo, Big Fatty, this seems to be the plot of the filmmakers' ghosts and gods.

The other Jiang Lin can't remember clearly, but he remembered that there was a red-robed fire ghost inside, and he was particularly impressed.

He was still in elementary school when he watched this movie, and at that time he felt a little shadow in his heart.

"Senior aunt, I don't know if my master has been here before. This time I came to him. He said four years ago that he would worship his ancestor outside the Great Wall, but he hasn't returned until now."

Now that Baofa Village has been found, Jiang Lin directly explained his purpose. It seems that Uncle Ninth has never been here before. If so, he will not wait any longer and continue to look for it.

"Senior brother, he hasn't been here before, how come he hasn't been back for four years?"

Hearing this news, Han Mengmeng was also surprised.

Definitely never been here.

Jiang Lin frowned and said, "I traveled all over the place last year, looking for Master, but there is no news of him, because Uncle Qianhe and the others happened to be absent, and I don't know the exact location of Master and Aunt. I just found out some time ago. , I'll be right here."

something wrong.

Han Mengmeng frowned, obviously missing.

Jiang Lin went looking for it, but couldn't find it. He said it was ancestor worship, but they had never seen the shadow of Jiu Shu here.

"Isn't there an accidental death?"

A worried look appeared on Dagui's face. Although he was at odds with Ninth Uncle, it was more than [-] years ago. Hearing Jiang Lin said that Ninth Uncle hadn't gone back, he couldn't help but worry.

No matter what, Ninth Uncle is his senior brother.

And after so many years, any festivals are almost forgotten.

"What nonsense!"

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