Dagui often speaks without going through his brain, and now the junior is here, can you say that?Han Mengmeng slapped Dagui with a slap.

I'll go, is this uncle the devil Fat Buu?

A dent appeared on Dagui's body, and then gradually recovered.

It is estimated that there is no fat in the skin, it is all oil.

Chapter [*] Your brain is watted

"Wife, why don't you do the math, what happened to the senior brother?"

"Jiang Lin, you don't have to worry, your master is very strong in martial arts, and his knowledge of Taoism is not shallow, so there shouldn't be any accidents. I calculated it just now, the day after tomorrow, it will be suitable for opening an altar to help you, I will calculate the senior brother. Good luck and bad luck and where he is going."

Han Mengmeng could only tell Jiang Lin not to worry now. In fact, she was in a mess in her heart, but she didn't show it.

"You should stay here first and have a good rest for a few days. If you haven't eaten yet, I'll make breakfast. Later, you must tell me how Senior Brother has been through these years. I haven't been with him for more than [*] years. See you."

Recalling the past, Han Mengmeng shook her head and smiled.

Dagui's expression on the side was very unnatural, even if Ninth Uncle wasn't here, he felt a little stuck in his heart.

"Then harass the aunt and uncle."

Jiang Lin nodded. He listened to Qiusheng's retelling of Daoist Qianhe's words, that this teacher and aunt learned the art of Fuyi, and Aunt Zhe learned the art of asking rice.

In terms of fortune-telling, Jiu Shu and his fellow apprentices are all inferior to Han Mengmeng.

Although Jiang Lin has the inheritance of Tiandao School, but because he didn't spend time, he also calculated it for Jiu Shu before, and it has always been unpredictable.

Since the aunt has the skill of shoveling, Jiang Lin is going to wait here.

"Look at what you said, come here, you are not allowed to see outsiders. Dagui, you take Jiang Lin to the upstairs guest room to rest, I will make breakfast, by the way, let Dagui get up and let him and Jiang Lin get to know each other. , and then let him come down to help."

After instructing Dagui, Han Mengmeng went to the kitchen.

"Yun Gao, Yun Gao."

Dagui went up the stairs on one side, Jiang Lin heard the creaking sound, and didn't dare to follow closely. If he added his weight and stepped on the stairs, the fun would be great.

After Dagui went up, Jiang Lin climbed the stairs.

"Yungao, this is your senior brother, the apprentice of your second uncle. You two know each other. There is business down there, so I have to go. By the way, you can just stay in the guest room next to you, there is everything in it."

Dagui directly pushed open his son's door with his stomach, said a word to Jiang Lin, and went downstairs.

I'll go, what's in this room?

Jiang Lin was shocked when he looked at the power strips and light bulb generators in Yungao's room.

He has seen this scene in the Zhuge family in Shu. Could it be that his junior brother is also a talent who is addicted to technology and cannot extricate himself?

"Senior brother, it turns out that you are the apprentice of the second uncle. My mother often talks about the second uncle. Come, come, sit down."

Yun Gao got up early and was arranging the generator. After seeing Jiang Lin, he went up to say hello enthusiastically.

Your mother often talks about Ninth Uncle? ?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. It was nothing when he didn't hear this sentence. After hearing it, he looked at Yun Gao again.

He's slender and handsome, he doesn't look like Dagui at all. Seven points look like Han Mengmeng, and the rest three points... How come Te looks a little like Jiu Shu?

After contacting my aunt again when she mentioned Jiu Shu's expression, Jiang Lin's expression became a little more exciting.

Could this Yungao be the son of Ninth Uncle? ?

"Hello, Junior Brother, I'm Jiang Lin."

Jiang Lin Chongyun nodded and smiled.

If you don't count the thousands of years that have passed through, Jiang Lin is not a few years older than Yun Gao, and he is considered to be the same age. After chatting for a while, Jiang Lin realized that Dagui and his wife are not going to let Yun Gao inherit the mantle. Now he is to study hard, and later be a scientist.

After all, if you learn Taoism, subjugating demons and eliminating demons is inevitable. They are the only seedlings, and they don't want to let him have any accidents.

After knowing that Jiang Lin had been exposed to Western culture, Yun Gao talked about some foreign knowledge. Jiang Lin took it all in, and his insight was not bad, which made Yun Gao deeply admired.

"Senior brother, look at this small generator that I invented, it has been successful in theory, and it's just an experiment. It would be great if someone asked me to experiment."

Yun Gao brought the small generator he invented and looked at Jiang Lin.

"Senior brother, why don't you try it for me? Just take the light bulb and wire and wait for the power to be turned on."

Yun Gao brought the experimental equipment over with excitement on his face.

Want me to give you an experiment?

Jiang Lin almost laughed. He pointed at Yun Gao and said, "This is you, this is your brain, and what is this?"

The last thing Jiang Lin pointed to was a symbol on the generator.

"A watt, a unit of power."

"You know, you, brain, Watt. I'm not interested in your experiments."

Jiang Lin felt that this Yun Gao had a scientist Watt in his head, and it was really funny to have a guest as an experimental tool.

And this thing needs human experimentation?Connect the wires and shake the generator pole, right?

Although Jiang Lin is not a major in physics, he is an undergraduate graduate, and he still has some common sense in physics.

Once the wires and light bulbs are connected, the power generation can be turned on, and you have to add one more person. Isn't that the only way to wear a belt?

That's not the point. The point is that the electric current has to pass through the human body and turn on the light, so wouldn't that kill the person directly?

The resistance of a person is very large, but once it becomes a current carrier, the resistance will drop geometrically, so once the human body is successfully electrified, it is not too simple to kill a person.

Jiang Lin originally thought that Yun Gao should have some foundation in science, but now it seems that Nima is a complete mess.

He really guessed right. The English name Yungao's science teacher gave him was "Rango", and the transliteration was almost "fuck".

Yun Gao looked bewildered. Although he didn't understand the stalk, he knew that Jiang Lin was unwilling to experiment with him. Just at this time, Da Gui below saw that he had not gone down, and asked Shoubo to come up and call someone.

"Shoubo, what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, what am I doing here?"

Because Shoubo has severe Alzheimer's disease, and his ears are still not working, he was asked by Yungao, and he forgot the purpose of coming up.

By the way, you can try it with Shoubo!

Yun Gao went up to grab Shou Bo and said, "Shou Bo, I have invented a generator that can cure your rheumatism for decades."

Then he put a light bulb and two red and black wires into Shou Bo's hand, with a conspiracy-successful smile on his face.

"It's not rheumatism, it's rheumatism. You are really ignorant."

Shoubo looked contemptuous, the rheumatism pain is not at all compelling, and those who can suffer from severe rheumatism are not ordinary people!like him.

"It's all the same. Take the light bulb and the wire. After a while, the light bulb will turn on, and your rheumatic pain will dissipate like light."

Yun Gao's expression was exaggerated and nonsense, and Shou Bo was stunned for a moment, saying he would not do it, saying that he did not want to take advantage of others, and liked others to take advantage of him.

This family of old, middle-aged and young generations is also a wonderful family carnival.

Jiang Lin felt that his experience was not too shallow, but when he came to this Baofa Village, he realized that he had never seen such a family.

Chapter [*] There is a female ghost who wants to sleep with me

"Then treat me as taking advantage of you."

Yun Gao patted Shou Bo on the shoulder, then ran to the generator and started shaking the generator pole.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. He really doubted whether this Shoubo's dementia was caused by Yungao.

If something goes wrong for a while, take action to protect it.

Yun Gao shook the generator pole and let out a very magical laugh, and then Shoubo's body began to smoke, and there were blue arcs on his body, where he danced breakdance.

There was nothing wrong with him, except that he was sweating a lot, and the light bulb was still on.

This... can the coffin board of Nima Edison and Faraday still be pressed down?


"How is it, how do you feel?"

When Yungao saw the light bulb lit up, the expression on his face was even more exaggerated than when he saw the body of the fairy in the sky.

"Comfort~fu, cool~ so cool~"


Yungao stopped the generator pole, not knowing why Shoubo looked so happy that he flew up.

"Don't you lie to me?"

"I can't describe it, try it yourself."

Shoubo looked so refreshed that he collapsed, and stuffed the light bulb and wires into Yungao.

No way?Is it really that cool?

Yun Gao didn't believe it, but he didn't realize that Shoubo behind him was just like the old Bolt.

The speed of Yun Gao just now was incomparable with Shou Bo.

The hand speed of being single for [*] years is really incomparable to ordinary young men.


"Shou... uncle... you... pit... me..."

Just now Shoubo was electrocuted to break dance, but now Yungao is having a seizure there, foaming from his mouth.

After Shoubo stopped the generator pole, Yungao's hairstyle was almost the same as that of a Saiyan.

The body spasmed involuntarily on the ground, like a prelude to cheating a corpse.

Shoubo's routine is deep, ginger is old and spicy, even if Jiang has Alzheimer's disease, it is also spicy!

"Boy, I'm only twenty-five this year, and I don't have Alzheimer's. Don't think I'm a fool."

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