Finally, before Shoubo went down, he smiled and taught Yungao on the ground earnestly.

What a goddamn twenty-five years old.

Jiang Lin laughed out loud. This Shoubo likes to say that he is twenty-five years old all the time, but in fact he has dementia, and his ears are not very good. He can't understand it after listening to it several times. Twenty-five years old and still not deaf.

"How do you feel? Are you happy?"

Jiang Lin squatted down and glanced at Yun Gao, there was nothing serious, but his whole body was paralyzed by the electricity, and he would recover in a while.

"Keep working hard and you could be the second Tesla."

With a pat on Yungao's shoulder, Jiang Lin went downstairs, Shoubo had already called for dinner.

"Jiang Lin, this is the best ginseng soup. You've come from thousands of miles to the south. You're probably quite tired, so you need to replenish your energy."

At the dinner table, Han Mengmeng introduced Yungao and Shoubo to Jiang Lin again, and brought a cup of ginseng soup in front of him.

Ginseng soup, pastries, not bad.

For the past seven or eight days, Jiang Lin basically didn't eat anything good, and in the environment of the train, he basically had no appetite.

"That's not mine..."

When Dagui saw the ginseng soup and cakes in front of Jiang Lin, he swallowed, because these things usually belong to him.

"Then Master, drink it."

Jiang Lin pushed the ginseng soup over, he didn't have the habit of eating other people's food.

"You kid is really filial, and Uncle Shi will not treat you badly."

Dagui nodded to Jiang Lin, this nephew was well-bred, and he was going to serve the ginseng soup after that.


Han Mengmeng glared at Dagui, who immediately put his hand away.

If he dared to touch this ginseng soup, it is estimated that he would be beaten out after drinking it.

"Your aunt is right. After traveling so far, you should make up for it."

The corners of Dagui's mouth twitched slightly, and he pushed the ginseng soup back.

Only then did Han Mengmeng look at Dagui with satisfaction. Usually, it's okay to be embarrassed. If you embarrass me in front of the juniors, I will cut you to death.

Jiang Lin glanced at Dagui with a little sympathy, a man with bronchitis has been suffering for a lifetime.

"Jiang Lin, eat slowly and tell me about your brother and you, do you still have a brother?"

"I want to hear how that guy is doing, too."

Jiang Lin took a sip of the ginseng soup and said, "I was taken in by the master about seven years ago, and there are two senior brothers above me..."

Jiang Lin recounted everything that he could say in the past few years, and he did not hide the fact that Shi Jian and his son were destroyed by Ninth Uncle.

Most of the questions Han Mengmeng asked were about Ninth Uncle. Dagui looked a little unnatural when he heard that his wife was always asking about other men, and then looked at Yungao from time to time.

This detail didn't escape Jiang Lin's eyes, damn it, wouldn't it be true?

Jiang Lin was really unsure in his heart. Could Yun Gao really be the son of Ninth Uncle?

After eating, Jiang Lin went to his room. He would stay in Baofa Village these days.

As for Yun Gao, who is next door to him, after inventing a small generator, he went to pick up the yin and yang spiritual energy collection network of heaven and earth, and also stole the pot from a nunnery not far from Baofa Village.

"Senior brother, I'll show you my new invention, the Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Reiki Collection Network."

After dinner, Yun Gao took Jiang Lin to the backyard, where the entire yard was remodeled like a military base by this tech-obsessed teenager.

He is also a science geek. Jiang Lin really convinced the young people. He was so passionate about his work. He was electrocuted in the morning, and then he came here to make a fool of himself in the evening.

He was exhausted and wanted to have a good night's sleep, but seeing Yun Gao's enthusiasm, he didn't attack this young man, just nodded a few times.

Later, Yun Gao brought his father over to introduce his new invention.

"You take protective measures here. If it rains and the wires leak, it's not a joke. I'll look at your masterpiece in the room."

Jiang Lin smelled a pungent smell of burning plastic, reminded Yungao, and then went back to his room.

After opening the window, Jiang Lin arranged a corpse formation beside the bed and lay down. The outside was pounding and there was a pungent odor. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

In the middle of the night, Yun Gao's collection net actually worked. With lightning and thunder, a female ghost who was rushing back to her hometown was beaten down in the air and fell into a dry well in the yard.

"It's gone, it's gone."

The loud noise woke Yun Gao up. The boy went to the yard and saw that all his inventions had been struck by lightning, and his face was as sad as a bitter gourd.

Just as he was packing up the parts, a white ghost floated out from the dry well behind him, and then flew into Jianglin's room through the window.

Jiang Lin was isolated by the formation, so he had no sense of what was outside, and slept very soundly.

When the ghost figure approached the formation, the phantom spirit reacted, but it didn't show up as it didn't sense any malice.


When Jiang Lin opened his eyes, he found that he was being wiped by a female ghost.

The female ghost sends kisses from thousands of miles.

In fact, it's because the female ghost's soul is incomplete, and now there is only one soul left. She instinctively needs to absorb spiritual power so that she has the ability to join the soul.

It happened that Jiang Lin had abundant spiritual energy in her body, and she was not full of soul and did not know how to be afraid, so she went to absorb the spiritual energy.

What's going on here, there's a female ghost trying to sleep with me? ?

Chapter [*] This son can't be beaten

Jiang Lin raised his hand and slapped the female ghost on the shoulder, knocking the wardrobe over.

"Not only wipes my oil, but also sucks my spiritual energy."

After getting out of bed, Jiang Lin put his hands on his hips and looked at the shivering female ghost in the corner.

When Jiang Lin fell asleep, she was not afraid, but when Jiang Lin woke up, he gave her a slap, can she still not be afraid?

The current Jiang Lin is a peak Heavenly Master. Once the aura of his body overflows, even the Ghost King will shy away.

This girl is wrong.

After Jiang Lin saw the appearance of the female ghost, he also found out that the female ghost was abnormal. Two of the three souls were lost, and one of them was the main soul, so his sanity was almost gone.

After walking out of the trapped corpse array, Jiang Lin heard the voice outside.

"Oh, what a shame, even the fried rice pot was smashed."

"Alas, what the hell is this damn kid doing! He almost burned down the house last time, look at this time. Yungao!"

Jiang Lin reminded Yungao to take protective measures before, but this kid didn't listen. It's okay to make a mess in the yard. The generator in the room is still on fire. Now he is fighting the fire inside. Han Mengmeng and Dagui heard the backyard. The sound in the room rushed over, Han Mengmeng could not wait to beat Yun Gao violently when he saw this messy appearance.

"Forget it, wife, just clean up. Yun Gao also has a spirit of exploration."

Dagui is very accustomed to his son. Although in his heart, he is not his own, but his ability to create people is not good, so he has always raised Yungao as his own son.

"Is it on fire? What's the matter?"

Jiang Lin covered his nose and came to the backyard.He set up a magic circle to soundproof and odor, so he missed a big show.

Looking around, Jiang Lin frowned. Could it be that some kind of aura collection net was working?However, it seems that the aura was not collected, and Tianlei was drawn out.

"Jiang Lin, I'm so sorry for disturbing your rest. It's because Yun Gao is an ignorant child. I won't be able to spare him tomorrow morning."

"It's nothing, I didn't wake up because of this, a female ghost ran into my bed."



When a ghost encounters a Taoist priest, it is generally possible to avoid as far as possible. What kind of physique is your kid? If you sleep in the middle of the night, can a ghost run into your bed?

Dagui was very envious of Jiang Lin's physique. The female ghost ran to the bed, even if she couldn't understand it deeply, it would be nice to hold it in her arms.

"Although our Baofa Village is not an important place of Taoism, the patriarch's tablet is still there, and ordinary ghosts are afraid to come in."

"Ghost? Where, where?"

After Yungao put out the fire, he went to the yard again, and his curiosity came up after hearing from his mother that there was a ghost.His parents are both Taoist priests, but he has never seen any ghosts since he was a child, which is very strange.

Jiang Lin cast a pitiful look at Yun Gao and said, "Where did the ghost come from, it is estimated that it was beaten down by you, and this ghost should have been sent back to his hometown by a Taoist priest to prepare for reincarnation. "

Jiang Lin saw a half-burned lantern beside the dry well, and there were runes on the surface of the lantern to guide the way, and he also sensed that there was the main soul of a female ghost in the dry well, so he probably knew what was going on.

When he reached the dry well, Jiang Lin pointed at the bottom of the well and shouted "go back", and a ghost figure floated up from the bottom of the well.

After that, Jiang Lin took the paper crane, released the female ghost, and held the ghost with one palm, and the two became one.

"Wojiao, if you don't make a seal and don't recite the spell, you can combine the main soul and the sub-soul of this female ghost. The Taoism is not weak."

Dagui was very surprised by Jiang Lin's empty-handed return to the soul. They didn't know what level Jiang Lin's cultivation had reached, but it seemed that his strength was definitely not bad.

Han Mengmeng also raised her eyebrows, and she might not be able to do this without chanting a spell.

"Just a little trick."

Jiang Lin smiled and continued to put the female ghost into the paper crane.

"Senior brother, this is a ghost, don't take it so fast... alas!"

Yun Gao wanted to see more about what a ghost was, but was hit by his mother with a stick. Unprepared, this kid jumped higher than a monkey.

"Stinky boy, I'll kill you!"

Han Mengmeng didn't wait for tomorrow morning, so she picked up the half stick on the ground and greeted Yun Gao.

Jiang Lin knew that this kid was going to be beaten. Since the female ghost just now had a Taoist priest returning to her hometown to reincarnate for her, this kind of treatment showed that she had accumulated a lot of virtue during her lifetime.

Going to reincarnation now is intervened. If you miss the chance to reincarnate, this account will be counted on Yungao's head.

This son, don't fight.

"Mom, don't fight, I didn't know it would end up like this."

Han Mengmeng started with a particularly heavy blow, and she was very lucky and screamed, and ran behind Dagui.

"Wife, don't fight. It's an accident. It's all an accident. I've been beaten, and then I should persuade and educate. Now that things have happened, let's find a way to send them away and reincarnate."

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